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Ikea, What'S Up


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has anyone visited the new Ikea yet? what do you think? is anything in stock?

i was looking for kitchen cabinets on the web site and everything was comming up as out of stock. i'm in Phuket so its not a trivial thing to go ask in person and no one answers the phones.

is it worth a trip? i'd really like to get a kitchen from them but i have a feeling when i get there, it will be impossible to order

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they were completely unprepared to meet the demand on opening. you are not the first to remark that kitchens were almost completely out of stock.

I had very limited success on my one foray to the store.

At this point in time they cannot manage to stock buns for their 15 baht hot dogs let alone kitchens and many furniture items.

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They just opened and it's been a mad house so personally I'd wait a month or 2 more for the newness to die down a little then the stocks will catch up and more will be in stock longer IMO. Don't forget that just having floods go through the area there are a lot of people buying new wares for their houses and that's had a big effect on store stocks and will for some months.

Edit: ^ Yep pretty much the same observation.

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I love IKEA...

Not sure about the kitchens but we had to outfit the entire kid's rooms, THE WORKS!

So it was full sized cabinets, beds, blah blah blah...

It was self service stuff so I thought "This will be a mess..."

But...getting the stuff was a breeze...

Then I thought... check out will be a pain...

It was IMPRESSIVE for the amount of stuff we got... checked out, paid THB100K+ ...

Moved to the delivery counter... guy took stock, wrote us up... DONE!

Delivery day arrived... stuff came... then they told us... the assemblers are not the same team...

"Huh? What?" (Worried)

Assemblers came... and 4 hours later... a new kids room...

Worth every single cent!

Overall... WONDERFUL! Thanks IKEA!

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Given the circumstances they are most likely out of stock. BUT, never rely on what the website says either way. An IKEA employee in the UK told me that the stock system does not do "real time" updates, and he was certainly right in my case annoyed.gif as it was showing 8 tables in stock on my PDA as I was standing in front of an empty rack....

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