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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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Folks, it was sent in error. False alarm. Shortly after it was sent, this notice was quickly recalled. A little while later, the recall was then recalled with this message: “Due to a technical error, some recipients received this message – followed by a recall message – a few minutes later. Please disregard the recall message.”


So it is not a false alarm. The revision issuing the recall was actually sent in error. So the warning stands. Sounds like business as usual with the CIA clowns.

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How does one keep a low profile in public places, especially those frequented by foreign tourists - keep low, hide behind pillars? Wouldn't it be better just to avoid them all together?

And don't forget to check under your car before you get in it.

A favourite of the UK embassy in Saudi!!!

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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

The Americans looking after themselves as usual! What's that saying again......"When the going gets tough, screw you"..

Surely you're not serious. It's a warning to Americans from the American Embassy regarding places frequented by foreign / western tourists. I don't know your nationality but thanks American Embassy.

AND, seriously, Americans are the world's bad guys? That is such nonsense.

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For all you that question the warning then knock yoursefl out, and head out to the crowded tourist areas and enjoy yourselves and ignore the warnings, when or if you wake up after an incident, you will be able to log onto thai visa where there will be plenty of SOM NOM NA's

I am sure the victims of the Balis bombing wish they had a warning to at least have the choice to make an intelligent choice to heed it or not.

The US Intelligence services will have good reason to issue this wanring I suggest you heed it wherever you are from.


Edited by DiamondKing
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Maybe something to do with those crass US soldiers pi**ing on the bodies of Taliban fighters? That has really riled an already riled Muslim community against anything NATO-related.

It could indeed be related to that and also the heating up of the soft war with Iran. We can't read minds though, can we? Perhaps they'll send a text.
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I guess the areas around Soi Cowboy and patpong will be like a ghost town tonight after this warning..

Na, just free of Americans apparently.

I always thought Nana Plaza would be a prime target for jihadists on a mission from God. Full of sinful girls, booze, infidels (oh yeah, and Arabs). Several pounds of C4 exploded in the middle would create a compression wave that would be devastating, and then there is only one way out. Scary thought.

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Folks, it was sent in error. False alarm. Shortly after it was sent, this notice was quickly recalled. A little while later, the recall was then recalled with this message: “Due to a technical error, some recipients received this message – followed by a recall message – a few minutes later. Please disregard the recall message.”


Wrong. Why don't you actually look at the Embassies warning, not some travel blog. I got the emailed message and no retraction: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/011312emergencymessage.html

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I think that the Americans have information and issued a warning as a result. What would happen if they did not act on this warning and something did happen. When the terrorists attacked London it was alleged that the security forces knew or had warnings of something going to happen but did not issue any alerts. Now there is still efforts being made to find our what was known and to hold somebody responsible for the non issue of a warning. A no win situation. Be safe!

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I guess the areas around Soi Cowboy and patpong will be like a ghost town tonight after this warning..

Na, just free of Americans apparently.

I always thought Nana Plaza would be a prime target for jihadists on a mission from God. Full of sinful girls, booze, infidels (oh yeah, and Arabs). Several pounds of C4 exploded in the middle would create a compression wave that would be devastating, and then there is only one way out. Scary thought.

I think Nana is probably safe. History shows terrorists like to party first before jihad-ing, so that would be soiling their own playground. Edited by Jingthing
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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

Good embassy service?

Not really, it's the Americans who are the world's bad guys.

That's just plain stupid, and wrong. Do you get points for ankle-biting back in your fabulous home country?

What country are you from anyways?

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So the message from the US Embassy is something will happen, if not can they be fined and someone given a jail sentence like the guy who predicted the dam breaking up?

The message says possible and if it happens ... soon. OK?

the topic says Imminent, I suggest that a mod changes that or now updates it as required. Am sure that you like many others read the topic and just skimmed the information, I certainly did.

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The reason is that some people are starting to get a dislike of the foreigner that a group be formed to deal with them

Some squander their money as a thorn for low earners

Women opt for the money and always to the detriment of the Thai

Many think the smile is sincere, but once someone has trouble deThai has no mercy

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It is hardly surprising the yanks are targets (if it isn't just another BS alarm), pi^sing on dead Muslims ain't going to endear you to folks. It is about time the rest of the world put some distance between them and us, as they have a stockpile of bombs now ready to drop on someone. Who will be next? SE Asia hasn't been blessed for while.

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why only American warning , any other embassies sent their warning ? soundds strange !

Good embassy service?

Not really, it's the Americans who are the world's bad guys.

Not too clear here Joey. Is your comment in response to the question "good embassy service?" or to the question "why only American warning?" or just a brainless reflexive response that pops into your head whenever the word "American" appears? Certainly it's not responsive to either of the first two questions, which leaves the impression that it's the third choice. No matter what, it certainly added nothing to the discussion. I think it's time for you to get a life, my friend. Get outdoors more. Broaden your horizons. And hopefully spend less time at the keyboard.

Happy trails.

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It is hardly surprising the yanks are targets (if it isn't just another BS alarm), pi^sing on dead Muslims ain't going to endear you to folks. It is about time the rest of the world put some distance between them and us, as they have a stockpile of bombs now ready to drop on someone. Who will be next? SE Asia hasn't been blessed for while.

I have bad news for you. Americans aren't the only targets of such operations. ALL Westerners are.
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Embassies don't put out these warnings without good reason. I think we should take note and act accordingly.

They obviously have picked something up, but what does "act accordingly" mean? When you act accordingly, what will you do different?

Perhaps "avoid areas popular with tourists". I think Embassies are unlikely to issue warnings willy-nilly, as people are likely to ignore them unless there is a genuine threat.

Actually, now that I think about it, tomorrow is childrens day. Now that is something to be cautious about.

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A couple of odd things here...

1. Nothing heard on this subject as yet from the Thai authorities...even though it's their <deleted> city and country???

2. Although the warning came from the U.S. Embassy, it didn't say the potential attack was targeted at Americans specifically...it said tourist areas... And Americans are hardly the majority of westerners in BKK tourist areas...

So if "foreign" terrorists were out to specifically target Americans, they'd not likely be targeting BKK tourist areas as their prime target for inflicting damage to Americans... So I'd presume the potential motivation here is a broader/wider one.

3. I'd be hard pressed to believe the U.S. Embassy would come out with such a public warning without first consulting/coordinating with the Thai government.... But we've heard nothing from them, apparently... So it makes me wonder, did the Thai govt. sit on their hands on this one, and force the U.S. Embassy to act when they wouldn't?

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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The big state terrorists are obsessed with terrorism. It's their war, why do they have to impinge on other countries so much? They go to other countries, bomb the shit out of them, and then tell their citizens terrorists are out to get them. What a joke.

Regular warnings keeps the fear level going. That's all it is. If terrorists are out to get american citizens, easier to con the american citizens that their government need to fight all these 'wars'. And if the american government don't want citizen terrorists to attack american citizens, then they should stop attacking other countries. Then there'd be no reason to attack americans. Easy enough no?

Blowback anyone?

Of course you have inside information that this could not possibly have anything to do with the southern provinces. Please share.

Edited by bangkokhoosier
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Before a terrorist strikes he does not ask you if you are American or whatever, he just carries out his attack. If the US Embassy is so sure, then other Embassies should be doing the same, however, the Americans seem to get information from reliable and very unreliable sources at times.

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How does one keep a low profile in public places, especially those frequented by foreign tourists - keep low, hide behind pillars? Wouldn't it be better just to avoid them all together?

The American State Department finds it useful, to keep us on edge, and issue these warnings. The last thing in the world they would want would be for us to forget about the terrorist threat. How would they justify the $660,000,000,000US Defense budget. Nor the 820,000 Americans employed in security and intelligence, most of whom are spying on Americans. Why avoid places like Central World, Siam Paragon, Soi Cowboy, and the other delightful spots in Bangkok, where many tourists go. Just how do we maintain a low profile? By staying home? That does not sound like much fun.

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