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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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I am reasonably sure that there was some political jockeying on this issue. The Thai gov't will not be happy with the information being released. For at least several days, flights to the US from BKK have had additional security precautions.

The Embassy's decision was likely made because of the threat level. Their job is the protection of citizens.

The question is who else is involved in this plan. If a couple of Lebanese have been arrested or are known to be involved, then how many others are involved. They likely did not smuggle the explosives into the country. Plans like this require people on the ground well in advance.

By the way, a long time ago, I worked in the Communications Unit for an Embassy program. The issuing of this warning is not to be taken too lightly. There will be little information released. To do so will endanger those who are involved in gathering the information.

The Thai gov't will be trying to cover it's tracks, however, you can rest assured they are fully aware of the situation and very involved in getting it rectified. They just want to do what's good for Thailand and not lose tourist dollars.

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Article from New York Times >

Thailand Says Lebanese Suspect Arrested Over Security


Published: January 13, 2012 at 7:41 AM ET

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai authorities have arrested a Lebanese suspect after being warned by Israel of a possible attack in Bangkok, the deputy prime minister said on Friday, adding that police had stepped up security and he was confident the situation was under control.


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If any attack(s) will happen it is probably because Thailand is somewhat easier to do this then other contries that already have been hit and probably have a more anti-terrorist system in place, and a result of the death of Bin Laden.

Therefore it has nothing to do with lovely Thailand, but just because many foreigners stay here, which makes it again an easy target.

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He probably just didn't know. The schools and Universities today, are in most cases, staffed by professors with their own political ax to grind. The fact that the United States liberated Europe doesn't exactly fix squarely with their agenda so they don't teach it. He hates America out of his own ignorance.

If you read a proper history book, rather than the Hollywood one you got that from, you will find the war was won by the combined ally services, not Ben Afleck alone.

It will also tell you that the Americans wouldn't fight for 3 years, until the Japan talked you into it and as someone else said that was 70 years ago. Perhaps we should bring up the Romans who invaded my country 2000 years ago, I guess it was the US that liberated us then, probably Charlton Heston though.

Get real, this is 2012.

Seriously. I tried to respond to him (I'm a fellow American) with this, but it would not post for some reason:

You may want to give credit for that liberation also to the thousands of Brits,Russians, Canadiens, Aussies, Yugoslavians, and countless underground insurgents from nearly every occcupied country who fought and died in greater numbers than our American grandparents and parents did. I start off attacking the Dutch guy for bashing America but then I end up embarrased by posts like this that say the "US liberated Europe" as if we did it alone. Really, it's embarrassing.

Yes, I do sympathise with you. Being an American must be embarrassing.

I have come to see that there is a lot of hate towards the Americans going way back to my native country. I have also come to learn that the common citizen from any country cannot be put into a group like you are doing. Each country has people who do bad things and good things, yet the governments who run the show are what project a lot of the countries 'look'. If you have a problem with people being in 'your' country then you can always leave. The world is a pretty big place. Three things that cause all arguments, war, acts of crime and violence - greed, hate and ignorance. Seeing quite a lot of the last 2 in this thread and in most of the threads on this forum for that matter.

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Who are these "primary defeated enemies" who have been allowed self determination. Iraq? It must be Iraq as the US haven't defeated anyone else, since WWII. Plus they weren't supposed to be your enemy, Sadam and his playing cards were. And I don't call what you have left behind in Iraq self determination, I call it a bloody mess that will last for decades.

Are you still watching Fox?

Hey, you're forgetting Grenada!

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Its Friday night and I take it that, from the increasingly garbled nature of this thread (reruns of drunken religious debates, hackneyed yank bashing, daft old <deleted> attacking each other, etc.), a large number of participants are posting from on or under various barstools around the burg. Can we get back on track - terrorist threat, handling of, information about, associated stories.

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So thanks for nothing, US Embassy. This is propaganda.

No Nikster....

At best, it's a government doing the responsible thing in trying to alert its citizens in a city where a lot of them reside to a supposedly imminent threat.

At it's not best, it's a government trying to cover its a**, so that in the event something big were to happen, no one later could come back (a la Wikileaks or who knows what) and point the finger saying, "You knew and did nothing to alert people."

Given the choice between the Thai approach and the U.S. approach, I'd take the U.S. approach every time.

If things were left up to the Thai government, the whole country would be flooded or terrorized before someone would pop up and say...."Uh... maybe... possibly, we have a small problem here. But don't worry, we don't want to do anything that would hurt our tourism."

In my view, it's a whole lot better that the U.S. Embassy issues the warning and nothing ends up happening vs. all the authorities know, they say nothing, and someplace filled with tourists gets bombed.

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So thanks for nothing, US Embassy. This is propaganda.

No Nikster....

At best, it's a government doing the responsible thing in trying to alert its citizens in a city where a lot of them reside to a supposedly imminent threat.

At it's not best, it's a government trying to cover its a**, so that in the event something big were to happen, no one later could come back (a la Wikileaks or who knows what) and point the finger saying, "You knew and did nothing to alert people."

Given the choice between the Thai approach and the U.S. approach, I'd take the U.S. approach every time.

If things were left up to the Thai government, the whole country would be flooded or terrorized before someone would pop up and say...."Uh... maybe... possibly, we have a small problem here. But don't worry, we don't want to do anything that would hurt our tourism."

In my view, it's a whole lot better that the U.S. Embassy issues the warning and nothing ends up happening vs. all the authorities know, they say nothing, and someplace filled with tourists gets bombed.


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Missus just mentioned that on Thai Channel 3 news just now that Thailand was warned by Lebanon of this on Dec 22, but declined to mention it as "it might scare tourists". This came from a defence minister. Worrying if true, but can't see how Thailand would know before the US, although I don't know how diplomatic information is spread. Chalerm also said this but could not elaborate as it was "classified'. Geez - who are we to believe?

The various media reports posted earlier in this thread said the U.S. heard of this from Israel... There wasn't any mention I saw whether Israel told Thailand first or at all... or whether Thailand heard from the U.S.

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"...foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future..."

So no actual information, just making sure everyone stays usefully frightened. The only thing that amazes me more than the fact that the US play this game exactly the same way every time is that people fall for it and start begging their governments to take away all their civil liberties.

Don't believe the hype.

hey I don;t trust the government either but does that mean you automatically dismiss everything? Even when they have arrested Hezbolllah suspects now?

Yes. The language used in the report was vague and weaselly. They used to pull the same trick in London before the advent of peace in Ulster pissed on their bogeyman exhibition.

"Police have arrested three suspected Irish nationalists in Kentish Town..."

Then later they'd be let go without much fanfare. It was this sort of thing that led to the extension of detention without charge and other repressive additions to police powers.

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Missus just mentioned that on Thai Channel 3 news just now that Thailand was warned by Lebanon of this on Dec 22, but declined to mention it as "it might scare tourists". This came from a defence minister. Worrying if true, but can't see how Thailand would know before the US, although I don't know how diplomatic information is spread. Chalerm also said this but could not elaborate as it was "classified'. Geez - who are we to believe?

The minister thinks a warning will hurt tourism?? Wait 'til he sees what a bombing does.

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So thanks for nothing, US Embassy. This is propaganda.

No Nikster....

At best, it's a government doing the responsible thing in trying to alert its citizens in a city where a lot of them reside to a supposedly imminent threat.

At it's not best, it's a government trying to cover its a**, so that in the event something big were to happen, no one later could come back (a la Wikileaks or who knows what) and point the finger saying, "You knew and did nothing to alert people."

Given the choice between the Thai approach and the U.S. approach, I'd take the U.S. approach every time.

If things were left up to the Thai government, the whole country would be flooded or terrorized before someone would pop up and say...."Uh... maybe... possibly, we have a small problem here. But don't worry, we don't want to do anything that would hurt our tourism."

In my view, it's a whole lot better that the U.S. Embassy issues the warning and nothing ends up happening vs. all the authorities know, they say nothing, and someplace filled with tourists gets bombed.


Swoon and faint all you want. It takes a lot more than a vaguely worded warning from the US Embassy to have me prancing around in a fit of the vapours...

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Australia just issued this warning.

This is an automated e-mail notification from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Smartraveller advisory service.

The following Travel Advice has changed or been added since our last update (11 Jan 2012 11:40:35 EST):

* Thailand


Current Advice Level: "High degree of caution"

Change Summary:

This advice has been reviewed and reissued. It contains new information in the Summary and under Safety and Security: Terrorism (US warning of possible terrorist attacks in tourist areas in Bangkok). The overall level of the advice has not changed.

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He probably just didn't know. The schools and Universities today, are in most cases, staffed by professors with their own political ax to grind. The fact that the United States liberated Europe doesn't exactly fix squarely with their agenda so they don't teach it. He hates America out of his own ignorance.

If you read a proper history book, rather than the Hollywood one you got that from, you will find the war was won by the combined ally services, not Ben Afleck alone.

It will also tell you that the Americans wouldn't fight for 3 years, until the Japan talked you into it and as someone else said that was 70 years ago. Perhaps we should bring up the Romans who invaded my country 2000 years ago, I guess it was the US that liberated us then, probably Charlton Heston though.

Get real, this is 2012.

Seriously. I tried to respond to him (I'm a fellow American) with this, but it would not post for some reason:

You may want to give credit for that liberation also to the thousands of Brits,Russians, Canadiens, Aussies, Yugoslavians, and countless underground insurgents from nearly every occcupied country who fought and died in greater numbers than our American grandparents and parents did. I start off attacking the Dutch guy for bashing America but then I end up embarrased by posts like this that say the "US liberated Europe" as if we did it alone. Really, it's embarrassing.

Yes, I do sympathise with you. Being an American must be embarrassing.

I have come to see that there is a lot of hate towards the Americans going way back to my native country. I have also come to learn that the common citizen from any country cannot be put into a group like you are doing. Each country has people who do bad things and good things, yet the governments who run the show are what project a lot of the countries 'look'. If you have a problem with people being in 'your' country then you can always leave. The world is a pretty big place. Three things that cause all arguments, war, acts of crime and violence - greed, hate and ignorance. Seeing quite a lot of the last 2 in this thread and in most of the threads on this forum for that matter.

So Sir, when are you leaving Thailand?
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Curiouser and curiouser. This article says the targets in BKK were Israelis. Where could they possibly hit Israleis besides the embassy--which is darned near inpenetrable? Airlines? Any thoughts?


Khao San Road. Has always been the bigget target in my opinion, much more so than any place in Suhkumvit like Nana

But I am askking about a target of mainly Israelis. Khao San does not fit that.

There are Israeli guesthouses there

I seriously doubt Israelis are the main/only target. More likely westerners in general with special extra virgins for Americans, Jews, and Israelis. However, there was that historical attack on the Israeli embassy in Bangkok but that would certainly not be a soft target that the US embassy would warn about. The goal of these kinds of things in recent years is widespread terror, so if Israelis were the only group to feel worried, that would not be fully realized. A good example is Mumbai where Jews were specifically targeted IN ADDITION to generic western tourists. Edited by Jingthing
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The Thai gov't will be trying to cover it's tracks, however, you can rest assured they are fully aware of the situation and very involved in getting it rectified. They just want to do what's good for Thailand and not lose tourist dollars.

Scott, those two things aren't necessarily the same... even though you've put them together...

Doing what's "good" for Thailand might arguably be warning the public that a real threat was in the works and enabling people to be both more aware and take precautions...and who knows... maybe even help prevent something from happening.

And which is worse for Thailand tourism? Having a warning in advance of a potential threat that ends up not occurring....vs.... keeping quiet and then having some part of town explode with dozens of people killed. How's tourism going to be faring then?

I'm sure the Thai government was AWARE... But as far as getting involved, if they actually caught up with the Lebanese guy or guys, the police were probably trying to figure out where they'd stashed their cash, or other folks were probably trying to sell the two guys memberships in the "Thailand Elite" program!!! tongue.png

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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So thanks for nothing, US Embassy. This is propaganda.

No Nikster....

At best, it's a government doing the responsible thing in trying to alert its citizens in a city where a lot of them reside to a supposedly imminent threat.

At it's not best, it's a government trying to cover its a**, so that in the event something big were to happen, no one later could come back (a la Wikileaks or who knows what) and point the finger saying, "You knew and did nothing to alert people."

Given the choice between the Thai approach and the U.S. approach, I'd take the U.S. approach every time.

If things were left up to the Thai government, the whole country would be flooded or terrorized before someone would pop up and say...."Uh... maybe... possibly, we have a small problem here. But don't worry, we don't want to do anything that would hurt our tourism."

In my view, it's a whole lot better that the U.S. Embassy issues the warning and nothing ends up happening vs. all the authorities know, they say nothing, and someplace filled with tourists gets bombed.


Swoon and faint all you want. It takes a lot more than a vaguely worded warning from the US Embassy to have me prancing around in a fit of the vapours...

Agree! but if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time then you aint gonna be prancing!

Dodging your own fate aint easy mate!!!! Although I have managed it a few times already!! But thats another story!

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

you forget there are elections to be won in the USA and fear is an election tool...used by both sides...and occasionally by actual terrorists

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

you forget there are elections to be won in the USA and fear is an election tool...used by both sides...and occasionally by actual terrorists

Remember the Iranian hostage crisis. With that the Iranians basically gave the election to the right winger, Ronald Reagan. It's weird that they did that, but they did.
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US Ambassador Kenney just tweeted that regardless of the arrests that were made, "our advice to US citizens still holds".


So the alert is still on? That IS news.

I am seriously doubting if anyone has actually been caught at all. More jumping the gun?

"Now Deputy PM Chalerm is quoted as saying 1 Lebanese has been invited for questioning with regards to terrorist threat" No longer arrested, but invited.


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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

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And one more stroke against Thailand being the fun place we love to go.

may be you should tell your soldiers not to behave on victims like they did resently.....sorry but no sorry here for the US Worldpolice citizens.... why are you not learn something and take care of your own country FIRST....ohhh sry I forgot...you need this Oil....

I cant read this constandly TERRORIST <deleted> anymore - thanks to the USA and ITS politics after the made up 9/11 every white people seems like a thread to every Muslim....I am living in a Muslim area and I had NEVER any problems with this people....the US politics make us all targets sooner or

later and WHO cant understand the Muslims here a little bit too?

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