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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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Didn't want to read the whole thread but this is from Huffpost....


From the article:

Chalerm said the danger has passed.

"I want to confirm and I am confident that we have the situation under control. And I can guarantee ... no terrorist attacks will be allowed to take place. If they have disagreement, (they should) go fight somewhere else."

We can all rest now and situation normal.

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Today is Friday 13th, perhaps terrorists want to make a day we won't forget. We ought to take these warnings seriously.

Bangkok isn't the only place with high profile western tourist soft targets in Thailand. I am skeptical that they only mentioned Bangkok.

Presumably they had specific intelligence that the strike would be in Bangkok. Would they mention Omaha if there was a strike planned for Boston?

My point really was that the terrorists could possibly be putting out a lot of chatter about a Bangkok attack as a clever bluff when the real plan might be a soft target rich tourist mecca like Pattaya. I believe the intelligence is Bangkok but I don't put it past Iran-Hezbollah to play bluffing games. Edited by Jingthing
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Chooka, Timor may have had a thing or two to do with Bali and the refo boats.You don't go to Kuta to kill sepos, think about it. The US also put out a similar warning in Indo days before the first Bali bombing. DFAT did not........

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

My assumptions did not equate to your argument. Yours is a fallacious argument.

Anyway, I suppose these same people are selectively denying all the good things Americans and America does/has done, right? I guess that's possible indeed.

At any rate, I know I can't win with American bashers because they are very, very good at what they do. They have all their defenses lined up at the ready (similar to racists), so I'll just say that I agree with you.


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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok?


You're joking, right?

Soft Targets. Bali. Mumbai. Google is your friend ...

If the target was that soft (and valuable) surely we would've been hit multiple times here already -- is my thinking. Why now?

you are the sort of person who says that just because a building has stood for 200 years it must be safe!! or if they havent bombed here before then here must be safe

terrorism is moving onwards and upwards because now the wmd (or on a smaller scale explosive) is so much smaller and more accessible.

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These two Lebanese could not be acting alone. It's not feasible to bring explosives into Thailand for foreigners and obtaining them in the country would require some careful planning and cooperation within the country.

Setting up a sleeper cell requires time and planning.

The immediate threat may be over, but until the accomplices are dealt with, it's best to keep an eye on the situation.

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Didn't want to read the whole thread but this is from Huffpost....


From the article:

Chalerm said the danger has passed.

"I want to confirm and I am confident that we have the situation under control. And I can guarantee ... no terrorist attacks will be allowed to take place. If they have disagreement, (they should) go fight somewhere else."

We can all rest now and situation normal.

The xenophobic charm of Thailand strikes again ...

Our terrorists need to be 100 percent Thai!

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

My assumptions did not equate to your argument. Yours is a fallacious argument.

Anyway, I suppose these same people are selectively denying all the good things Americans and America does/has done, right? I guess that's possible indeed.

At any rate, I know I can't win with American bashers because they are very, very good at what they do. They have all their defenses lined up at the ready (similar to racists), so I'll just say that I agree with you.


Maybe that is because their defenses are written down in most worldwide media on a daily base?

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok?


You're joking, right?

Soft Targets. Bali. Mumbai. Google is your friend ...

If the target was that soft (and valuable) surely we would've been hit multiple times here already -- is my thinking. Why now?

you are the sort of person who says that just because a building has stood for 200 years it must be safe!! or if they havent bombed here before then here must be safe

terrorism is moving onwards and upwards because now the wmd (or on a smaller scale explosive) is so much smaller and more accessible.

Yes, you've got it. If you're talking about statistical likelihood, then yes, you are 'right on the money'. Good job!!

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Who would want to hits us over here in Bangkok? Doesn't add up. I wonder if the threats are indeed foreign or related to some recent foreign involvement/comments in the politics over here...

Hmmm - why would anyone not love Americans?

Because they are blowing up Iranian scientists? No, it can't be that.

Because they are pissing on dead Afghani farmers they have just murdered? No, absolutely not.

Because they are sabotaging Russian satellites? No, no, no

Because they murdered an unarmed old man in front of his family and called it justice? You must be joking!

My assumptions did not equate to your argument. Yours is a fallacious argument.

Anyway, I suppose these same people are selectively denying all the good things Americans and America does/has done, right? I guess that's possible indeed.

At any rate, I know I can't win with American bashers because they are very, very good at what they do. They have all their defenses lined up at the ready (similar to racists), so I'll just say that I agree with you.


Maybe that is because their defenses are written down in most worldwide media on a daily base?

Or perhaps because they often employ the whole gamut of illogic to support anecdotes: http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html


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This warning by the US embassy has to be very credible and must be taken seriously. It concerns Thailand. Iran - and/or its supporters - whatever nationality - may be at the root cause of this warning. This warning could concern a revenge attack.

IRAN has been under attack by the USA and Israel for a year or so now. In effect - a low level war against that regime is now taking place.

It’s not unreasonable to group recent explosions in Iran with the Stuxnet virus that haywired a uranium enrichment facility in Natanz. Also there was last year's explosion at a Shahab missile factory - as well as the killing of three or four Iranian nuclear scientists in the past three years. One of them being assassinated just two days ago. And then there was last November’s (2011) attempted assassination of Fereydoun Abbasi-Davan - a senior official in the nuclear program - and rumblings of a second supervirus deployed.

This is proof that the US/Israel war on Iran’s nuclear program is getting less covert by the days. Following an explosion on a military base that took with it the life of General Hassan Tehrani Moghadda - one of the Iranian missile program’s most distinguished OGs - came news of a second explosion in Isfahan which according to sources struck the uranium enrichment facility there despite denials by Iran.

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Interesting - is there any way of getting more info on this?

If it's Muslim extremists, would it be safe to think they'll go after the red light areas? Nana in particular is almost the perfect target for an attack. Full of infidels, no fire escapes, one way in one way out.

Or is it perhaps going to be aimed at Childrens day? Targeting kids foreign & Thai.

More info would be nice.

No, they wouldn't. Silom on a weekend. Siam Paragon, MRT, BTS. A hospital, near the river, many places.

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Didn't want to read the whole thread but this is from Huffpost....


From the article:

Chalerm said the danger has passed.

"I want to confirm and I am confident that we have the situation under control. And I can guarantee ... no terrorist attacks will be allowed to take place. If they have disagreement, (they should) go fight somewhere else."

We can all rest now and situation normal.

The xenophobic charm of Thailand strikes again ...

Our terrorists need to be 100 percent Thai!

Not really. Do you know how easy it is to make a terrorist?

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This warning by the US embassy has to be very credible and must be taken seriously. It concerns Thailand. Iran - and/or its supporters - whatever nationality - may be at the root cause of this warning. This warning could concern a revenge attack.

IRAN has been under attack by the USA and Israel for a year or so now. In effect - a low level war against that regime is now taking place.

It’s not unreasonable to group recent explosions in Iran with the Stuxnet virus that haywired a uranium enrichment facility in Natanz. Also there was last year's explosion at a Shahab missile factory - as well as the killing of three or four Iranian nuclear scientists in the past three years. One of them being assassinated just two days ago. And then there was last November’s (2011) attempted assassination of Fereydoun Abbasi-Davan - a senior official in the nuclear program - and rumblings of a second supervirus deployed.

This is proof that the US/Israel war on Iran’s nuclear program is getting less covert by the days. Following an explosion on a military base that took with it the life of General Hassan Tehrani Moghadda - one of the Iranian missile program’s most distinguished OGs - came news of a second explosion in Isfahan which according to sources struck the uranium enrichment facility there despite denials by Iran.

Sounds like they need a lot better security at their nuclear facilities.

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Does that mean I have to put on long pants?

No, but you might want to put on a clean beer Chang vest and your best sunday-go-to-meeting thongs in case you're hit by a songthaew or caught up in a nasty bombing. Just saying. tongue.png

So where did they catch em? Soi 3 or 5?

My thoughts also. They were probably coming to Bangers for a bit of R&R. Even terrorists need a vacation now and then.

Am I reading too deeply into this or does it sound as if the Thai govt was willing to sit on this if the US embassy did not go public? Thoughts?

Do the Thai authorities usually take proactive action in any matter unless motivated to do so? A recent example is the frothing at the mouth and wringing of the hands over the customs official that boxed the ears of a subordinate, which was caught on CTV and broadcast on utube. The media exposure brought swift retribution and charges, however, that would have never happened if the video was not posted on the net. Had the alert not been made public, the Thais would have done nada.

Any atheists here?

Is that a trick question?

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BTW, Hezbollah and Iran -- joined at the hip.

A few things are odd...

  1. Chalerm says they were first told the terrorists were Palestinian and then they turned out to be Hezbollah. Really? Israel knew of a terrorist attack but didn't know from whom it was coming?
  2. The threat was reported by the US to be areas where Western tourists frequent. I could buy the Israeli Embassy as a target, but Hezbollah doesn't target random civilians. Their targets are specifically military or political.
  3. Why would Iran approve of such an attack? They have good relations with and have economic interests in Thailand.

My favorite Chalerm quote of the day:

"And I can guarantee ... no terrorist attacks will be allowed to take place. If they have disagreement, [they should] go fight somewhere else."

Case closed, I think the Mods should lock the thread now.

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Thailand just arrested a terrorist.


Well done to the Thai Authorities for getting on top of this

True, but without the Israelis tipping them off, they wouldn't have had a clue.

But what really happened? They brought in one guy with "links" to Hezbollah, which is a legitimite political entiity... Not everyone in the organization is either a terrorist or part of its military wing.

The guy hasn't done anything to warrant an arrest.

And I guess there were three other people that they were warned about at the end of December but they already left the country.

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People should take this type of warning seriously, especially if the warning came from from USA source. I just wonder if the Thai security authority would come up with some comments and warning over this US Embassy security alert.

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Defense Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapa told reporters that initial intelligence suggested that an attack could occur between Friday and Sunday. He said Thai authorities kept the alleged plot under wraps in order to avoid damaging the country's multimillion-dollar tourist industry, but said intelligence reports suggested the plans to attack might have been related to the worsening relations between the U.S. and Iran.

Neither Mr. Chalerm nor Mr. Yuthasak provided any further information on how far the alleged plot had progressed or possible targets.

Mr. Chalerm said Thai police had followed two Lebanese men. One of them was detained for questioning, while the other appeared to have left the country after the U.S. issued its warning, but Mr. Chalerm told the AP that that situation is under control.


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Maybe something to do with those crass US soldiers pi**ing on the bodies of Taliban fighters? That has really riled an already riled Muslim community against anything NATO-related.

It could indeed be related to that and also the heating up of the soft war with Iran. We can't read minds though, can we? Perhaps they'll send a text.

That is such a terrible thing to do. It appears the leader of the 'free world' can act quite freely in the most shameful manner and boast about it. Disgusting
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The problem is, once you start telling lies (Iraq's WMDs) no one will believe anything you say in the future. These are not little lies put out by a rogue agent, who had a grudge or an agenda, they came directly from the White House (and number 10), onto our TV screens and cost the lives of 2,000,000 people, most of which were Muslim. .....And the clock is still running.

So any version told in this thread, however unlikely, is just as likely to be true, guess away lads.

Sherlock Holmes was only make-believe, so we will never know..

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