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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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I do not dismiss such warnings out of hand but reading your post, I have to ask: how does one get or be prepared for a real event?

You imply that those of us who take such a warning with some seriousness are "prepared" -- but I don't know that I am and wonder in what way you are...

I'm prepared in many ways for all kinds of contingencies. Take a look at the CDC website contest about preparing for a Zombie invasion. Of course this is a spoof, but illustrates how we can all take precautions for any emergency, such, as... oh, I don't know.... flooding?

You've deliberately avoided the question, haven't you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and rephrase...

In what way are you prepared for a terrorist attack?

I suppose I'll be pulling you and your family out of some kind of death trap, but that's ok. I'm happy to serve...

Are you wearing a terrorist proof vest or some thing that makes you immune to a bomb going off next to you?

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Canadians in Thailand warned to be careful

The foreign affairs department is advising Canadians travelling in Thailand to use extra caution following a warning of possible terrorist attacks on tourist areas.


dam_n Canadians, why aren't they warning other nationalities as well? The must be planning a false flag operation in Thailand, otherwise they would not be saying this.

They have funny accents too. w00t.gif

And they favour beer in green bottles. Lot's of problems there.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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I suppose I'll be pulling you and your family out of some kind of death trap, but that's ok. I'm happy to serve...

Are you wearing a terrorist proof vest or some thing that makes you immune to a bomb going off next to you?

Terrorist proof vest. That was funny.

But don't be ridiculous. This is Keemapoot as he readies himself to go to Villa for yet more provisions...


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I suppose I'll be pulling you and your family out of some kind of death trap, but that's ok. I'm happy to serve...

Are you wearing a terrorist proof vest or some thing that makes you immune to a bomb going off next to you?

Terrorist proof vest. That was funny.

But don't be ridiculous. This is Keemapoot as he readies himself to go to Villa for yet more provisions...


Not to post pictures from members on the open forum biggrin.png

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For someone who just join today to let out his frustration with the USA, the post was to warn Americans, it is their duty if they have information, why Thailand much less, simple it's all about the tourist dollars. That's the conclusion and also my conclusion that you are trolling

Where did i let out my frustration against the USA?

Perhaps he is commenting on all your anti-American posts, rather than just this one? whistling.gif

Which other posts, the ones where i said that Hillary Clinton believes that some US Soldier committed a war crime?

Is that anti-American for you?

it is impossible to commit war crimes against war criminals

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Plans to attack Bangkok are now cancelled


are you informing the terrorists that their mission has been cancelled?

or are you informing the potential victims?

and are you in a command & control position to make that call?

No way this could be considered instructions to the terrorists. He didn't use the super secret handshake or use the code word "Schadenfreude".

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it is impossible to commit war crimes against war criminals

Uhmmm...no, it isn't. (Any more than it's impossible to commit any crime against any criminal).

Sounded clever though.

and you can't murder a murderer either

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it is impossible to commit war crimes against war criminals

Uhmmm...no, it isn't. (Any more than it's impossible to commit any crime against any criminal).

Sounded clever though.

and you can't murder a murderer either

You might want to familiarize yourself with the law. rolleyes.gif

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In particular this article mentions the following provinces Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla, where tourists were advised not to travel.

Read more: http://www.news.com....0-1226244290164

* I apologise if this article has been submitted before now, as I must admit I started to flick over much of this thread once the personal bickering started.

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In particular this article mentions the following provinces Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla, where tourists were advised not to travel.

Read more: http://www.news.com....0-1226244290164

* I apologise if this article has been submitted before now, as I must admit I started to flick over much of this thread once the personal bickering started.

You bring up a LONG STANDING and perpetual issue of internal Thai conflict involving Islamic Thais in the south. That has nothing really to do with the so called imminent terror threat related to external conflicts -- Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, etc. as we are discussing on this thread. BTW, Iran has included the UK along with the USA and Israel to blame for the scientist murder. Edited by Jingthing
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In particular this article mentions the following provinces Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla, where tourists were advised not to travel.

Read more: http://www.news.com....0-1226244290164

* I apologise if this article has been submitted before now, as I must admit I started to flick over much of this thread once the personal bickering started.

You bring up a LONG STANDING and perpetual issue of internal Thai conflict involving Islamic Thais in the south. That has nothing really to do with the so called imminent terror threat related to external conflicts -- Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, etc. as we are discussing on this thread. BTW, Iran has included the UK along with the USA and Israel to blame for the scientist murder.

Did you read the link? This was referring to the US Warning and was dated 14/01 and does have 'something' to do with the so called 'imminent terror threat' if you read the whole article.

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The article states that Australia has not changed statement of warning due to the US warning... Australia still only warns citizens about the insurgency in the south.

They problem in the southern provences involves ethnic Malays, not Thais. The insurgents want indepence from Thailand.

Edited by erobando
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The article states that Australia has not changed statement of warning due to the US warning... Australia still only warns citizens about the insurgency in the south.

They problem in the southern provences involves ethnic Malays, not Thais. They want indepence from Thailand.

The article does provide information which is related to this thread. It also mentions the problems in the South. Saying this article has nothing to do with this thread is incorrect.

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The article states that Australia has not changed statement of warning due to the US warning... Australia still only warns citizens about the insurgency in the south.

They problem in the southern provences involves ethnic Malays, not Thais. The insurgents want indepence from Thailand.

exactly, and apparently they are spreading from three provinces now to five provinces Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, Songkhla and Satun provinces, which has been these groups modus operandi across the planet, will thailand allow itself to become another totalitarian theocracy?

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Regular warnings keeps the fear level going. That's all it is. If terrorists are out to get american citizens, easier to con the american citizens that their government need to fight all these 'wars'. And if the american government don't want citizen terrorists to attack american citizens, then they should stop attacking other countries. Then there'd be no reason to attack americans. Easy enough no?

Blowback anyone?

As much as it pains some Americans, there is truth to this. I just returned from the US last night. It has been quite a while since I have been back "home" and, frankly, I hardly recognize the place. Security! Security! Security! It's buzzing everywhere. Of course, the airports are nightmares. But so are the TV PSAs, with their ominouse soundtracks and constant reminder that there could be a terrorist bomb in the car trunk. Yes, the one right next to your! Where that suspicious looking guy, who probably had a headache or some other domestic crisis, looks "dangerous". It all reminds me of why I'm here and not back "there", where people seem to be living with a sense of barely submered hysteria and you can't even go into a drug store and get cold/sinus tablets without providing a DL or other picture ID, because buying over the counter meds like these just could be used to make some controlled substance. I really do think the US government is trying to bring paranoia to the rest of the world. They won't be satisfied until every country launches full scale body scans for everyone entering any public area--and then feeds that information right back into some CIA/FBI/Homeland Security supercomputer.

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Regular warnings keeps the fear level going. That's all it is. If terrorists are out to get american citizens, easier to con the american citizens that their government need to fight all these 'wars'. And if the american government don't want citizen terrorists to attack american citizens, then they should stop attacking other countries. Then there'd be no reason to attack americans. Easy enough no?

Blowback anyone?

As much as it pains some Americans, there is truth to this. I just returned from the US last night. It has been quite a while since I have been back "home" and, frankly, I hardly recognize the place. Security! Security! Security! It's buzzing everywhere. Of course, the airports are nightmares. But so are the TV PSAs, with their ominouse soundtracks and constant reminder that there could be a terrorist bomb in the car trunk. Yes, the one right next to your! Where that suspicious looking guy, who probably had a headache or some other domestic crisis, looks "dangerous". It all reminds me of why I'm here and not back "there", where people seem to be living with a sense of barely submered hysteria and you can't even go into a drug store and get cold/sinus tablets without providing a DL or other picture ID, because buying over the counter meds like these just could be used to make some controlled substance. I really do think the US government is trying to bring paranoia to the rest of the world. They won't be satisfied until every country launches full scale body scans for everyone entering any public area--and then feeds that information right back into some CIA/FBI/Homeland Security supercomputer.

blame the PERPs, not the measured response, unless you want to allow the govt to deport all the perps, and put them all on the no fly list and not allow them to travel anywhere in the world, works for me.

i take it you never lock your doors or have any security any place you are or go, bars on the windows, security guards, bouncers, etc etc etc unless you are one with the perps, you will be their victims.

btw maybe you should be living in the southern provinces to enjoy the full benefit of being emerged in their perp culture

the PM Yingluck just met with some of the over 200 children victims from the peaceful perps in the southern provinces that have been orphaned, their parents only crime was being Buddhist,

Edited by wxyz
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I don't think anybody is trying to deny that there is major problems in Southern Thailand (although probably half of the incidents you have listed could easily be just lazy police work blaming incidents on insurgents rather than actually investigating, and anyone who has been in Thailand for some time knows that scenario) but there doesn't appear to be any political will on any side to actually deal with it properly, much like the situation that developed in Northern Ireland - extremists used religion as a cover for criminal activity, and it wasn't until some brave politicians grasped the nettle and started talking rather than just using force that the situation began to improve. However the problems in Southern Thailand really are not related to this thread, except in the very broad regard that the possible terrorist attack might have been planned by some people who share the same religious cover for their criminal activities. People on here complain about anti-American comments but there is a huge amount of anti-Muslim comment which should also be stamped on - the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion, they are just criminals. And i don't think the US government and its allies knows the meaning of the words 'measured response' because as long as I have walked this earth all i have seen is a gung ho response. It sounds like you, wxyz, suffer from the same condition. Given that the US claims Christianity and God is on their side they really should turn the other cheek a little more often than they do.

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peaceful perps

from wiki "South Thailand insurgency"


On 11 February, three people were shot and burned. A car bomb exploded on the 13th which injured 18 people, civilians and soldiers, leaving seven hospitalised. Meanwhile, an insurgent was shot dead by soldiers.

On 22 March, a man and two women were shot in a remote village of Narathiwat Province on evening by about a dozen armed men. Police suspect the gunmen were Muslim insurgents who believed their victims were informants.

On 23 March, a roadside bomb went off one morning in a remote village of Narathiwat province when a truck carrying police arrived. None were wounded. The killings the night before could also have been staged to lure security personnel to the scene to be attacked.

On 18 April, a car bomb exploded in the business district of Yala, killing a Thai paramilitary ranger and injuring 23 people including four other rangers.

On 3 May, two grenades were fired at Pattani Task Force 21 base, but did not hurt anyone.

On 11 May, a fatal bomb blast during a football match in Kapho District in Pattani Province, killing four officers and wounding 13 others. Eight suspects have been detained. In Yala Province, two officers and two civilians were injured after a roadside bomb detonated in Meung District.

On 14 May, 4 insurgents came and demanded money from a gas station. The wife of the owner refused, resulting them shooting her and her sister. After that, the owner of the gas station came and shot one of the insurgents 3 times, killing him, resulting the other 3 to retreat. The dead insurgent turned out to be a minor leader operating in the area who is wanted for the 2009 Narathiwat bombings.

On 17 May, a roadside bomb detonated in Yaha district in Yala Province, killing two monks and seriously wounding two of their security escorts. More than 100 local Muslims gathered at the local mosque and condemned to violence

On 18 May, a Thahan Phran from the 47th Regiment was seriously wounded when attackers sprayed rounds of automatic weapons into his body in Yala, Meung District

On 20 May, a 30 man Thahan Phran unit from the 47th Regiment fought against 4 separatists insurgents in Ban Charupae in Tharn To district in Yala, resulting the death of all 4 insurgents. They seized 2 AK-47 assault rifles, a 38 caliber pistol and 9 mobile phones. One of the dead insurgents was identified as Ma-ae Aphibalbae, a key leader operating in the area who is responsible for over 28 alleged crimes with a bounty worth of 2,000,000 baht. Meanwhile in Narathiwat Province, two carbombs exploded, injuring a policeman and 8 other civilians.

On 22 May, in Nong Chick, Pattani Province, suspected insurgents shot a couple, Mr Pong and Mrs Somchit Khunee-art, killing both of them.

On 24 May, in Tak Bai, Narathiwat Province, a bomb detonated, killing a policeman and a policewoman while they were distributing food to the local community. Pol Sgt Ubonwan Chindapetch was the first policewoman to die in an explosion in the south. Meanwhile, in Sai Buri District, Pattani Province, an unknown number of gunmen came and shot Muhammat Stapo, the younger brother of Ismael Rayahlong, a major RKK leader operationg in the area who was responsible of the killing of 2 monks on 17 May this year. Finally, in Krong Penang district, Yala Province, insurgents shot dead Barudin Sama, assistant village head of Ban Tohbala as he was riding to the tea shop.

On 25 May, 12 soldiers from the 13 Regiment in Yala were ambushed by 3 insurgents, resulting the death of one soldier, Private Chuchat Kaeowonghio. A few hours later, a bomb detonated under a humvee carrying 20 soldiers, seriously wounding 6 of them.

On 27 May, police apprehended 2 RKK leaders in Narathiwat Province

On 30 May, a bomb went off in Meung District, Yala Province, wounding 5 soldiers

On 31 May, 2 insurgents accidentally detonated a bomb, killing themselves and injuring one other insurgent in Narathiwat Province. One of the dead insurgensts was identified as Abas Abu, wanted on multiple charges of attacking state officials and multiple bombings. His brother was the insurgent shot dead on February this year

On 2 June, 8 Navy SEALS from Narathiwat Task Force 32 clashed with 5 RKK insurgents in the [budo Mountain Range], resulting the death of 3 insurgents while the other 2 got away. They seized 2 M16 Assault rifles, 1 .38 pistol, 1 land mine, 1 grenade and over a 100 ammunition. Two of the dead insurgents have been identified as senior recruitment members of the RKK while the last person has been identified as the bomb maker of the group

On 4 June, soldiers managed to find 2 bombs in the middle of Tak Bai Market, which if exploded without warning, could kill many.

On 1 October, a truck driver, Pisuth Boonnap, was shot and killed in Pattani Province. In Narathiwat Province, Chanae distric, a village chief, Waepayunan Sideh, was shot three times and died instantly. A motorcade of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre secretary-general Panu Uthairat was ambushed by armed men in Pattani yesterday afternoon as well, injuring none.

On 3 October, three people were shot, two houses were burnt, and a bomb went off with the missing a tank with 6 soldiers in Pattani Province. While police found a massive hole between the Pattani-Yala rail way, authorities said it was an attempt to hide a bomb and detonate when the train passes by.

On 20 October, a wood trader, Daruslan Baka, was shot dead in Narathiwat Province

On 25 October, 10 bombs went off in Meung District, Yala Province, killing 3 people and injuring 44 others. Two of the dead were insurgents that their bombs accidentally went off when they hit a speed hump, while the third dead person is identified as Settawut Thongjeen,. Soldiers were able to defuse another 21 bombs. Over 60 insurgents were involved in this attack. While in Pattani Province, Sai Buri district, Sgt Maj Kriangkrai Ruamthong was wounded when insurgents ambushed a patrol, while Sgt Somporn Kaewthongprakam was seriously wounded in an attack in Pattani Province.

On 30 October, 2 men were shot and injured by suspected insurgents in Rueso District, Narathiwat Province.

On 31 October, 10 bombs went off in five districts across Narathiwat Province, injuring none. However, suspected insurgents gunned down 2 people at a petrol station. The victims were identified as Srithong Masi and Theeerapong Sae Lim, while another, Mali Masi, was also shot and killed at a nearby grocery shop. In Yala Province, a police officer, Pol Cpl Ruangrit Rongthip was wounded in an explosion.

On 2 November, in Yala Province, a 20 kg bomb went off, injuring 2 police border patrol officers of the Yala 44 regiment, and seriously injuring one other, Sansern Nama.

On 3 November, in Narathiwat Province, a 50-man police-military joint force arrested and apprehened an insurgent who was respnsible for plainting a bomb in Narathiwat on 30 October. He confessed that he planted the bomb. While in Ra-ngae District, six hunters were killed and one seriously injured when insurgents blew their truck up, and later that day, 6 other military personnel were injured at the same place.

On 4 November, an unknown number of insurgents fired M-79 grenade launchers into a military checkpoint, seriously injuring a passerby, Tiem Bangkeaw in Pattani Province. In Narathiwat Province], a joint military-defense volunteer task force apprehended two suspected insurgents carrying a shotgun and a 9mm pistol.

On 14 November, in Narathiwat Province, Rusdee Hayeelau, a rubber taper, an unknown number of insurgents shot three times in the body and died at the scene on his way to work.

On 20 November, in Narathiwat Province, a 50-men thahan phran squad from the 46th regiment got into a 30-minute gunfight with 4-5 groups of RKK insurgents, resulting the death of a key leader of the RKK, with a bounty of over 1 million baht, and was responsible for numerous attacks including one on the same regiment a year ago. Moreover, they apprehended 2 other insurgents as well.

On 1 December, in Yarang District, Yala Province, a joint police-military-local government task-force apprehended a leader from the RKK group who is a teacher for insurgents. Meanwhile, a soldier, Priavte Kriangkrai Pornhormfai, was killed after stepping on a mine, and another, Siam Sealao, was seriously wounded.

On 5 December, in Narathiwat Province,a 40-man thahan phran unit of the 45th regiment apprehended 3 suspected insurgents with a shotgun and some drugs.

Maybe so but as Chalerm states, There is no terrorist threat in Thailand. I guess he hasn't been informed of the above yet.

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How does Thailand deport without charge a man who admits to planning a terrorist attack. I assume that attack was to be done in the Kingdom but even if it was an attack planned against Cambodia or another country surely the Thais have a duty to prosecute the guy. How can they just let him go?

Something here does not make sense.

Edited by timewilltell
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How does Thailand deport without charge a man who admits to planning a terrorist attack. I assume that attack was to be done in the Kingdom but even if it was an attack planned against Cambodia or another country surely the Thais have a duty to prosecute the guy. How can they just let him go?

Something here does not make sense.

Maybe he was just a terrorism consultant and he had a valid work permit.

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I don't think anybody is trying to deny that there is major problems in Southern Thailand (although probably half of the incidents you have listed could easily be just lazy police work blaming incidents on insurgents rather than actually investigating, and anyone who has been in Thailand for some time knows that scenario) but there doesn't appear to be any political will on any side to actually deal with it properly, much like the situation that developed in Northern Ireland - extremists used religion as a cover for criminal activity, and it wasn't until some brave politicians grasped the nettle and started talking rather than just using force that the situation began to improve. However the problems in Southern Thailand really are not related to this thread, except in the very broad regard that the possible terrorist attack might have been planned by some people who share the same religious cover for their criminal activities. People on here complain about anti-American comments but there is a huge amount of anti-Muslim comment which should also be stamped on - the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion, they are just criminals. And i don't think the US government and its allies knows the meaning of the words 'measured response' because as long as I have walked this earth all i have seen is a gung ho response. It sounds like you, wxyz, suffer from the same condition. Given that the US claims Christianity and God is on their side they really should turn the other cheek a little more often than they do.

"the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion"

you must be saying the founder of this organization back in over 1400 years ago must not be "representative of that religion" then, considering he did all the same things as these terrorists groups, but you knew that already

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

So apparently Thailand doesn't have any "conspiracy" laws. It can be worth 25 years in the UK, if proven. Don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel safer now, knowing this chap is going to be let go.

Thankfully though, we seem to have gotten through Childrens Day without any major incident, that was my biggest fear, when the warning was issued.

If America did not put out a warning perhaps this guy would have went ahead with his plans. Thank you America !!!

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

So apparently Thailand doesn't have any "conspiracy" laws. It can be worth 25 years in the UK, if proven. Don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel safer now, knowing this chap is going to be let go.

Thankfully though, we seem to have gotten through Childrens Day without any major incident, that was my biggest fear, when the warning was issued.

If America did not put out a warning perhaps this guy would have went ahead with his plans. Thank you America !!!

Maybe not, Thailand says there was no threat and they are releasing this guy without charge. Sounds like the whole thing was all bull poop and lies by the USA. If there was any real threat by this guy as America claimed (total lies) then surely the thais would not release him. I think all this has done is that Thailand have made the USA look just a silly and they have egg all over thier faces.

Edited by softgeorge
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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

So apparently Thailand doesn't have any "conspiracy" laws. It can be worth 25 years in the UK, if proven. Don't know about anyone else, but I don't feel safer now, knowing this chap is going to be let go.

Thankfully though, we seem to have gotten through Childrens Day without any major incident, that was my biggest fear, when the warning was issued.

If America did not put out a warning perhaps this guy would have went ahead with his plans. Thank you America !!!

Maybe not, Thailand says there was no threat and they are releasing this guy without charge. Sounds like the whole thing was all bull poop and lies by the USA. If there was any real threat by this guy as America claimed (total lies) then surely the thais would not release him. I think all this has done is that Thailand have made the USA look just a silly and they have egg all over thier faces.

Mmmmkay. And the PTP led Thai government is being all honest about this business for the sake of tourism.

When was the last time the Americans issued a terrorist warning for Bangkok? They don't issue those on a whim. So we should all be like you and take their warning lightly so people like you can make fun of the Americans!

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"the people associated with any of these so-called Muslim terror groups that bomb and maim people are not representatives of that religion"

you must be saying the founder of this organization back in over 1400 years ago must not be "representative of that religion" then, considering he did all the same things as these terrorists groups, but you knew that already

If I really have to spell it out I will - anyone who uses violence to defend, promote or expand a religion that has peace and goodwill to others as a central tenet (which both Christianity and Islam do) is not and never can be a representative of that faith, regardless of what they might claim - they are just hypocrites, and criminal ones at that. And don't start quoting all that baloney about 'holy wars' and 'jihads' because they are deliberate misinterpretations of what the Q'ran (and other religious texts) actually preaches. I am an atheist but that doesn't stop me seeing and hating how religions are used and abused by evil people for their own ends. I include in this the US Government, European Governments, actually pretty much every government come to think of it, the Catholic Church and pretty much all organisations controlling their religion, along with all the 'terrorist' organisations - their manipulation of facts and religions to garner funds and support knows no bounds, and it is high time more people rejected them. They all use fear to try and control people.

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