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Sharp Practice At Diamond Car Wash


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The place is an old petrol station at the junction of the 118 (CM-CR) route and central ring road.

We have been regular car wash customers there for 5 years.

First, they had 'loyalty cards'. Get a stamp for each wash and every 12th one was free. A good deal and properly honoured.

Last year that was discontinued, but their exterior 'soapy' wash and good hand finishing was still 80b a time, so we continued.

Yesterday lunch time (the lucky 13th!) I went in again with our small car and parked facing the washing area. I went into the office and saw the rather flashy, attractive lady and said in Thai "80 baht wash please, outside only, not inside."

She smiled and parroted the "outside not inside" bit in English. The 2 lads who do the work appeared and i gave her a 100b note and sat down nearby with a newspaper. I noticed the high power soap spray wasn't in use. That was done by hand for the first time I've ever seen. I also noticed that the premises were almost empty, strewn with rubber floor mats from cars, and far less tidy than usual.

No matter, as the lads finished, smiled and said "OK" (a less good job than before and a small piece of body trim was bent) I walked slowly back to the office and politely asked in Thai for my 20b change.

"Oh no" she said in Thai, "one hundred baht."

"No" I said, smiling, in Thai, "I said 80 baht already, when I came in, that's what it says on your sign, and that's what I have always had and paid for."

"No" she said, smiling, pointing to the next price along their banner, "one hundred baht." That is for a bigger vehicle by the way, not my little 3 door hatchback.

"Really?" I said in Thai. "If that's true, goodbye!"

No point in calling the cops or invoking Hell Fire and the Trade Descriptions Act, I thought. Let's just warn everyone I know - and ask for a recommendation to another place........!

The Shell station near McCormick Hospital?


This is a Diamond you can do without.

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"reduced service and illegal overpricing"

First of all, why did you pay before receiving the wash?

Second, if you can't stand paying 100B for washing your hatchback, go to Lotus and buy a sponge and cheap wash liquid for 100B.

Use some old T-shirts to dry and you might get 10-15 washes out of that... less than 10B/wash! WOW you can do a great job and not worry about bending your own trim either!

Some Thai friends have recommended the carwash at Meechok Plaza to me. They take their rides there for 200B/wash. Why don't you give that a try?

I mean in this weather, how often do you have to wash your luxury hatchback anyway, once every 2 or 3 weeks at most?

Diamond and 80B don't belong in the same sentence.

Edited by YTP
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"reduced service and illegal overpricing"

First of all, why did you pay before receiving the wash?

Second, if you can't stand paying 100B for washing your hatchback, go to Lotus and buy a sponge and cheap wash liquid for 100B.

Use some old T-shirts to dry and you might get 10-15 washes out of that... less than 10B/wash! WOW you can do a great job and not worry about bending your own trim either!

Some Thai friends have recommended the carwash at Meechok Plaza to me. They take their rides there for 200B/wash. Why don't you give that a try?

I mean in this weather, how often do you have to wash your luxury hatchback anyway, once every 2 or 3 weeks at most?

Diamond and 80B don't belong in the same sentence.

I know the guy that posted this, it's not a luxury hatchback I can assure you, it's very old and small. His point is that they changed the price without telling him, it's principle, not 20 baht. ( I made it bold to make it more obvious)

Edited by msg362
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I always go to the one at the end of Changklan road...Right after the left turn to Holiday Inn & the Rajavej Hospital...It is on the right with the green screens

Excellent job inside & out car always looks & smells new when done.....150 THB

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I always go to the one at the end of Changklan road...Right after the left turn to Holiday Inn & the Rajavej Hospital...It is on the right with the green screens

Excellent job inside & out car always looks & smells new when done.....150 THB

In Oz right now, inside outside wash, not "detailed" 1500 thb equivalent. Cheap for Sydney.

Suggest mods move and append to Cheap Charlie thread...

20 baht, sheesh...

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In Oz right now, inside outside wash, not "detailed" 1500 thb equivalent. Cheap for Sydney.

Yes every time I use the one I mentioned I am amazed at the service for the price

We dont have it at all in the USA

We have these little auto washers you drive through for 2-300 baht equal & the car is almost as dirty when done.

Of course you can go to a detailing shop for a wash & polish but it is $100 USD easily

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About a year ago I took the car to the Caltex station on the C.M. - Mae Jo Road. I had the car washed there many times, 99 Baht I think. Anyway, the last time I went I came back to pick up the car and found - no exaggeration - at least 50 scratches in the paint all over the car. Nobody would look at me in the eye. I called the g/f who came over and after 30 minutes of discussion with the manager it turns out that one of the Burmese kids drying the car used a cloth that was once a shirt with metal buttons on it! The discussions proved fruitless. We received nothing more than an apology, many wais, and an offer for another 5 free car washes! No thanks!

I've washed my [scratched] car myself since then.

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'soapy' wash and good hand finishing

I heard those were at least 1,000 baht

But seriously...

170 baht at the Shell Proserve near Mae Taeng. Power wash (including underneath), followed by power soap, power wash & rinse, hand finish - plus inside vacuum & polish, tyres blacked - great job. Medium (Honda CRV).

Yes I know - it's not the 20 baht it's the principle - so now you know, flashy new lady has decided a Vitara (or whatever it is) is medium not small. Deal with it...

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'soapy' wash and good hand finishing

I heard those were at least 1,000 baht

But seriously...

170 baht at the Shell Proserve near Mae Taeng. Power wash (including underneath), followed by power soap, power wash & rinse, hand finish - plus inside vacuum & polish, tyres blacked - great job. Medium (Honda CRV).

Yes I know - it's not the 20 baht it's the principle - so now you know, flashy new lady has decided a Vitara (or whatever it is) is medium not small. Deal with it...

Necrons' Theorem No1. Whenever someone days "It's not the 20 baht" it is _always_ the 20 baht...

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About a year ago I took the car to the Caltex station on the C.M. - Mae Jo Road. I had the car washed there many times, 99 Baht I think. Anyway, the last time I went I came back to pick up the car and found - no exaggeration - at least 50 scratches in the paint all over the car. Nobody would look at me in the eye. I called the g/f who came over and after 30 minutes of discussion with the manager it turns out that one of the Burmese kids drying the car used a cloth that was once a shirt with metal buttons on it! The discussions proved fruitless. We received nothing more than an apology, many wais, and an offer for another 5 free car washes! No thanks!

I've washed my [scratched] car myself since then.

With 50 odd scratches, it hardly seems worth washing it yourself now though, does it. Kind of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Seriously though, terrible story. You must have been livid! Like waiing is going to make you feel better?!

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It's a shame that the standards have dropped so much, if the new owner had just decided that the minimum car was was 100 baht and put up a proper sign to that effect it would not hve been so bad.

It's hard to find a decent car wash that doesn't take too long and where there is something to do whilst you wait. I have been using the one at Mee Chock Plaza, at the back of Rimping Superstore. It's not cheap though, at least I can just leave it with them whilst I do my shopping.

What we need is a great car wash for 100 baht inside and out that guarantees a 45 min turnaround and has a on site-coffee shop and cafe at decent prices with good food. If it did a proper English breakfast as well then that would be pefect... I'll keep dreaming.

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What we need is a great car wash for 100 baht inside and out that guarantees a 45 min turnaround and has a on site-coffee shop and cafe at decent prices with good food. If it did a proper English breakfast as well then that would be pefect... I'll keep dreaming.

I clicked "quote" to make a comment about high expectations but before I got a chance to start typing I realised if you did 100 cars a day (off the top of my head you'd need about 10 "bays" doing an average of 10 cars each to stick to your 45 minute rule) is about $10,000 a month. Needs a lot deeper analysis but actually sounds like a viable business...

There's about 6 car wash places between where my tg and I live (close to her work) and her house in Mae Rim, but we rarely wash the car because it's hard to find one that doesn't have a queue... She's commented in passing "not a bad business to think about" but I never really considered the math until now...

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Hi ‘Flatout’ I’ve no issue with anything you said, I also understand it’s the principle, (and a spot of feeling you’re being treated like a mug) but what I don’t get, it just seems strange that when you handed over 100 Baht, why didn’t you get your change, (20 Baht) at that point.

I would have asked for it then…..Not sat down then asked for it before leaving at the end. I don’t mean to nit-pick, but if this is how you did the deal, then you may have set yourself up for this rip-off…….Why did you not get your 20 Baht change at the point of paying?

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Firstly, there is no way that the police would be interested and second, a Trade Descriptions Act in Thailand? That’s a joke. You would have more chance of getting a result from ghost busters.

Similar has happened to me countless times in Thailand over the years. Whereas for some reasons a service has deteriorated or they have tried to rip me off.

My policy has always been, they may get away with it once, but once bitten twice shy and then I just take my custom somewhere else in the future.

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I always go to the one at the end of Changklan road...Right after the left turn to Holiday Inn & the Rajavej Hospital...It is on the right with the green screens

Excellent job inside & out car always looks & smells new when done.....150 THB

I always us the carwash just past Rimping near Airport Plaza. (Drive past the front of Rimping, then turn left, it's right there).

Every time I've been there, very quick and polite attention to be sure what service you , all written down, one lady and one of the boys speak excellent English, always listen well, and they write down your mobile no.

Their premises always spic and span.

I always walk (2 minutes) to Rimping, do my shopping, then whilst enjoying my coffee and danish I get the call, 'your car is ready' sir.. Last time the young man said (in good English) 'are you at Rimping, do you need some help with shopping bags'?

Car always looks like new, nothing missed, 150Baht. Recommended.

Edited by scorecard
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I get Flatout's point. I resent double pricing or increases when there's no clear reason for it. I do wonder if maybe their price hasn't gone up though, without yet updating the menu ? It does seem that everything everywhere is up quite substantially in the last 2 yrs, be it a product or a service. Nothing around town really seems cheap anymore. But then I imagine outside the CM bubble it's going to shock me even more next time I travel abroad.

And yeah, Flatout..... just put that pedal to the metal and take yer business elsewhere. Not satisfied, it's just gonna be your last time there.

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I do wonder if maybe their price hasn't gone up though, without yet updating the menu ?

The price didn't go up, the menu was still the same. The issue was they decided his car was a "medium" rather than the "small" he'd paid every time before.

At least that's how I read it...

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It's a shame that the standards have dropped so much, if the new owner had just decided that the minimum car was was 100 baht and put up a proper sign to that effect it would not hve been so bad.

It's hard to find a decent car wash that doesn't take too long and where there is something to do whilst you wait. I have been using the one at Mee Chock Plaza, at the back of Rimping Superstore. It's not cheap though, at least I can just leave it with them whilst I do my shopping.

What we need is a great car wash for 100 baht inside and out that guarantees a 45 min turnaround and has a on site-coffee shop and cafe at decent prices with good food. If it did a proper English breakfast as well then that would be pefect... I'll keep dreaming.

The Petronas station on Kotchadarn Rd on the moat. Only wash outside for that amount, but you can have breakfast or a beer across from there at Mad Dog.

The other option is any mall or hypermarket; they all have car wash shops that are very professional and charge a bit more, but another advantage is that parking while you shop/eat is taken care of too..

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It's a shame that the standards have dropped so much, if the new owner had just decided that the minimum car was was 100 baht and put up a proper sign to that effect it would not hve been so bad.

It's hard to find a decent car wash that doesn't take too long and where there is something to do whilst you wait. I have been using the one at Mee Chock Plaza, at the back of Rimping Superstore. It's not cheap though, at least I can just leave it with them whilst I do my shopping.

What we need is a great car wash for 100 baht inside and out that guarantees a 45 min turnaround and has a on site-coffee shop and cafe at decent prices with good food. If it did a proper English breakfast as well then that would be pefect... I'll keep dreaming.

The Petronas station on Kotchadarn Rd on the moat. Only wash outside for that amount, but you can have breakfast or a beer across from there at Mad Dog.

The other option is any mall or hypermarket; they all have car wash shops that are very professional and charge a bit more, but another advantage is that parking while you shop/eat is taken care of too..

Have a beer whilst waiting for your car? Are we back in the 70s?

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Hi ‘Flatout’ I’ve no issue with anything you said, I also understand it’s the principle, (and a spot of feeling you’re being treated like a mug) but what I don’t get, it just seems strange that when you handed over 100 Baht, why didn’t you get your change, (20 Baht) at that point.

I would have asked for it then…..Not sat down then asked for it before leaving at the end. I don’t mean to nit-pick, but if this is how you did the deal, then you may have set yourself up for this rip-off…….Why did you not get your 20 Baht change at the point of paying?

Hi Tonto.

You can call me Flato.

I generally like your posts and yours here (along with Realthaideal, Bobl, msg and a very few others) are what tv should be all about. Helping and clarifying, not carping.

On every previous occasion I've been to Diamond, I've been charged in advance at the office, given a stamped receipt, then handed that to the guy at the other end of the line when the car is ready. And never a problem.

OK I should have paid more attention to the new flashy lady (!) and MORE to the fact that this time no receipt or change was given. When the car was ready I made the fair assumption (based on my checking of the price verbally in Thai in advance AND 5 years previous positive experience with this business) that she had forgotten the change. Which is when the rip-off arose.

And of course it IS the principle, not the 20b, and of course there IS no Trade Descriptions Act in Thailand (no humour either in some cases).

To those who say 20b is SO cheap - it may be by your standards, you lucky people, but it's not here and (apart from using a car wash now and then) I live in the Thai economy.

Let's continue as usual for 2012, me just trying to be helpful and the usual suspects making the usual assinine remarks.

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What we need is a great car wash for 100 baht inside and out that guarantees a 45 min turnaround and has a on site-coffee shop and cafe at decent prices with good food. If it did a proper English breakfast as well then that would be pefect... I'll keep dreaming.

I clicked "quote" to make a comment about high expectations but before I got a chance to start typing I realised if you did 100 cars a day (off the top of my head you'd need about 10 "bays" doing an average of 10 cars each to stick to your 45 minute rule) is about $10,000 a month. Needs a lot deeper analysis but actually sounds like a viable business...

There's about 6 car wash places between where my tg and I live (close to her work) and her house in Mae Rim, but we rarely wash the car because it's hard to find one that doesn't have a queue... She's commented in passing "not a bad business to think about" but I never really considered the math until now...

So,let's make the calculation.If you had 10 bays you would need at least 3 workers per bay,don't you think so?That's 30 workers at 300 baht a day.

Hey.that's also almost 10.000$ a month without any rent,elctricity,detergents and other materials taken into account yet.

You still sure it is a viable business?

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