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Thai Govt In Damage Control On Terror

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I agree, there should be a warning about road accidents to every tourist coming to Thailand. closedeyes.gif

The first time I came to to Thailand with the USAF it was made very clear to us that we could not get in any vehicle (motor bike or otherwise) that wasn't being operated by a military approved driver. This was 20 years ago. So even back then the US was diligent about warning it's people about other dangers in Thailand and not just terrorism.

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I agree, there should be a warning about road accidents to every tourist coming to Thailand. closedeyes.gif

The first time I came to to Thailand with the USAF it was made very clear to us that we could not get in any vehicle (motor bike or otherwise) that wasn't being operated by a military approved driver. This was 20 years ago. So even back then the US was diligent about warning it's people about other dangers in Thailand and not just terrorism.

What does the USA Navy tell the sailors prior to getting off the ship in Pattaya? I bet it takes one hour to go over everything. I think they also have to go with two or three together or they can't get off the ship.


I don't know why I am really still reading this thread except to try to understand the mindset of terrorised people. SURE, if you were THERE at 9/11, or some other dreadful event, that is different and deserves sympathy. Most of the rest is pathetic hysteria, pumped up by the American Government and media - just like the Communist threat years ago. Smells like an American attack on Iran is pending if you ask me...

It's funny (and sad) to read these kind of comments from conspiracy theory wingnuts regarding this latest case... people who seem to think terrorism simply is hype and hysteria.

The same people posting these kinds of dubious comments probably don't even know that ME terrorists attacked the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok and seized hostages there in 1972, before ultimately being allowed to leave the country in a negotiated deal on a ThaiAir flight bound for the Middle East.

And then terrorists tried again in the mid 1990s with a truck bomb bound for the Israeli Embassy that failed when the truck got into a traffic accident en route and the driver fled... And Thai police only later after impounding the truck discovered it was packed full of explosives...

Sure, Thailand can stay neutral in the war on terrorism... The terrorists aren't out to attack Thailand... At least, until the big bomb goes off next time.

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Off topic posts have been removed. Misspellings and grammatical errors can make posts difficult to understand. However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.


Well, two terrorist bombs have gone off in close proximity to me in under 4 years,

while going about a normal and non-risk taking life.

Cool story, bro.

Not cool at all if it's you, bro.

Sounds traumatic, glad it wasnt me, reminds of a members post where he had been hit by 2 cars on different occasions and survived. Dont know whether to call you lucky or unlucky.


Additional off topic posts have been removed. Discussion of whether English or German would be the spoken language in the US would be another topic altogether.


It's funny (and sad) to read these kind of comments from conspiracy theory wingnuts regarding this latest case...

Lazy and contemptuous. And if you don't know how to use an ellipsis correctly, don't use it.

The same people posting these kinds of dubious comments probably don't even know that ME terrorists attacked the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok and seized hostages there in 1972, before ultimately being allowed to leave the country in a negotiated deal on a ThaiAir flight bound for the Middle East.

And then terrorists tried again in the mid 1990s with a truck bomb bound for the Israeli Embassy that failed when the truck got into a traffic accident en route and the driver fled... And Thai police only later after impounding the truck discovered it was packed full of explosives...

Sure, Thailand can stay neutral in the war on terrorism... The terrorists aren't out to attack Thailand... At least, until the big bomb goes off next time.

Wow. That's two attempts in 18 years that you've highlighted there. I for one am quaking. Comparing that to the death tolls in Iraq and Afghanistan each month would be illuminating.

Look, you can run around squealing like a frightened animal if you like. The truth is that the likelihood of being killed in a terrorist attack are tiny. Given the fact that terrorist are fairly easy to perpetrate, it would seem that there just aren't that many narcissistic <deleted> who are sufficiently deluded to actually kill for sky fairies in the world.

To quote a great Texan:

You ever watch CNN for longer than, say, 20 hours in one day? I gotta cut that out. Watch CNN. It's the most depressing thing you'll ever see, man. "WAR, FAMINE, DEATH, AIDS, HOMELESS, RECESSION, DEPRESSION, WAR, FAMINE, DEATH, AIDS." Over and over again. Then you look out your window - (crickets chirping) - where's all this shit going on, man? Ted Turner is making this shit up. Jane Fonda won't sleep with him, he runs to a typewriter: "By 1992 we will all die of AIDS. Read that on the air. I don't get laid, nobody gets laid."


The issue isn't how large or small are one's odds of falling victim to a terrorist attack in Thailand... Almost certainly, the odds are far greater for any individual of getting killed in some kind of traffic accident.

However, the issue is, is Thailand going to allow itself to become even more of a haven for terrorists (along with all the other criminals already here) who will spread their bombs and attacks around the world...

Or will Thailand act as a responsible state by doing its best to keep terrorists out and/or taking action against those who arrive here and break the law, such as Hussein...

By doing that, Thailand would not only protect it only citizens but also contribute to the international efforts to stop terrorists...

And if you don't think that's the prudent course to take, go take a long long look at the site of the World Trade Center in New York...

The guy caught here had 4 tons of bomb making materials... That's almost twice the amount used to bring down the Murrah Federal Building in Okalahoma City...

What would be the next couple of major populated buildings/centers that RogueLeader would like the terrorists to go after next? Which place isn't worth trying to protect from a terrorist attack, no matter what country or citizens are involved?


What would be the next couple of major populated buildings/centers that RogueLeader would like the terrorists to go after next? Which place isn't worth trying to protect from a terrorist attack, no matter what country or citizens are involved?

You almost had a point until this. Almost.


What would be the next couple of major populated buildings/centers that RogueLeader would like the terrorists to go after next? Which place isn't worth trying to protect from a terrorist attack, no matter what country or citizens are involved?

You almost had a point until this. Almost.

I thought it was a rather good point...

And one...I notice...that you chose not to answer after your prior comments here dismissing the risks of terrorism, and by association, the importance of combatting it.

If there haven't been as many terrorist attacks against Western targets, I'd suggest it's because a lot of governments and law enforcement types are working very hard to root out and prevent terrorism -- not because there aren't enough terrorists out there really interested in blowing up themselves and a lot of innocents in the process.


The warnings issued are interesting. If I look at the 5 eyes, - the members of Echelon, one gets a mixed bag of caution.

Australia has a well worded statement and I believe an intelligent approach. It is far more proactive than the USA. The Australians are the only ones that make a clear and forthright statement, and I believe the only ones giving a warning that visitors can understand.

In January 2012, Thai authorities made arrests and seizures in Bangkok in relation to an alleged terrorist plot. A number of governments have warned their citizens about possible terrorist attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok. The Thai investigation is ongoing.

Australians should be aware that there is a threat of terrorist attack in Thailand, including in Bangkok. We continue to receive reports that terrorists may be planning attacks against a range of targets, including locations frequented by tourists and foreigners.

Thai authorities have on a number of occasions warned of the possibility of bombings in Thailand to coincide with symbolic dates or holidays, including in Bangkok and the southern provinces.

In planning your activities, consider the kinds of places known to be terrorist targets and the level of security provided. These include places frequented by foreigners such as embassies, shopping malls, markets, banks, clubs, hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, schools, places of worship, outdoor recreation events, beach resorts and tourist areas. Public buildings, public transport, airports and sea ports are also potential targets for attack.

The USA doesn't even have a Travel Advisory up. One has to go to the specific Thailand page and read a fairly polite cautious statement; http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/011312emergencymessage.html

New Zealand and Canada have what I would call, a lazy approach;

New Zealand offers only a few lines;

On 13 January the US Embassy in Bangkok warned its citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future and urged them to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok

Canada is wishy washy and relies on a specific reference to the USA and Australia. It offers soothing words that the Thais are on top of things (right.... ) On January 13, 2012, the Embassy of the United States in Bangkok warned U.S. citizens that terrorist attacks against tourist areas in the capital could occur in the near future. The Australian government has also informed its citizens of the U.S. embassy’s advice. Thai authorities have announced that they are aware of this threat and that security measures have been increased as a precaution. http://www.voyage.gc.ca/countries_pays/report_rapport-eng.asp?id=290000

The UK offers the most useless of warnings. They really should read the Australian's version and take a hint. The warning doesn't offer guidance like the Australian and USA warnings.

There is a high threat of terrorism. Bomb and grenade attacks have been indiscriminate, including in places visited by expatriates and foreign travellers. Sporadic attacks continue in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. On 13 January as a precaution the Thai authorities increased security measures in Bangkok, following warnings of a possible terrorist threat. On 16 January the Thai authorities found a large supply of bomb-making materials in Samut Sakhon, 38km south west of Bangkok. You should exercise caution, especially in the cities of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen, Ubon Ratchathani and Udon Thani. See: Safety and Security - Terrorism.

With all due respect to 4 other Echelon Group members, maybe they should let Australia write the travel advisories. Perhaps the Australians are more attuned to the need of providing clear guidance since they have dealt with terror attacks in the region before. I have a hunch, and its just my gut feeling, that the Australian spooks are out in full force keeping an eye on things.


During the floods the Thai government misrepresented or concealed a lot of information until third party websites broke away and started giving valuable up to date information pertaining to the disaster. Similarly in this situation you have the Thai government denying and concealing information or white washing everything that far more reputable nations with highly developed counter-intel resources have publicly stated. You'd have to be a fool to believe anything the Thai government says. I do think that most Thai people are pretty gullible about these things and will still blindly follow authority figures who point them in the "right" direction. It's not hard to wield nationalist indignation to conceal the truth when materialistic concerns are more important than human lives.

The current government is a veritable rogues gallery anyways with people on U.S. blacklists, fugitives, and other shady characters.


The UK offers the most useless of warnings. They really should read the Australian's version and take a hint. The warning doesn't offer guidance like the Australian and USA warnings.

There is a high threat of terrorism. Bomb and grenade attacks have been indiscriminate, including in places visited by expatriates and foreign travellers. Sporadic attacks continue in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. On 13 January as a precaution the Thai authorities increased security measures in Bangkok, following warnings of a possible terrorist threat. On 16 January the Thai authorities found a large supply of bomb-making materials in Samut Sakhon, 38km south west of Bangkok. You should exercise caution, especially in the cities of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen, Ubon Ratchathani and Udon Thani. See: Safety and Security - Terrorism.

Thanks for the interesting mix of the different advisories... The UK one is particularly wacky though.

It seems they had a pre-existing one relating to the red-shirt and related domestic terrorism...if you want to call it that... Which has had manifestations around the country, including in the various upcountry cities...

And then the UK seems to have conflated that info together with the latest international ME terrorist info/warning, without really distinguishing the one threat (Thai domestic stuff) vs. the other (international ME stuff).

I really doubt the Red Shirt bombers are likely to be targeting the Israeli Embassy or KSR restaurants popular with Jewish tourists. Likewise, I really doubt the ME/Hezbollah guys are likely to be targeting Khon Kaen, Ubon and Udon.. They're really two different kinds of threats with two different kinds of potential targets.


time to get your eyes or brains or both checked GK

it right on the main link


Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Possible Terrorist Threat

This message alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok.

and surely a giant brain like yours knows how to click on it to go directly to more detail


This message alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok.

U.S. citizens are encouraged to maintain a heightened awareness when out in public; be alert for unattended packages/bags in public/crowded places and report any suspicious behavior to the nearest law enforcement personnel. We also encourage you to keep a low profile in public areas, particularly areas frequented by foreign tourists.

and yes, you can get even more information by going to the country specific travel state links

Thailand Country Specific Information




ABSOLUTELY agree with every word here - only one thing PLEASE... do not call the USA America.

Thailand is the only place I've ever heard of the United States of America being referred to as America and that's by Thais, no one else.

The fact remains that when a citizen of the USA is asked for their nationality the correct response given is American and very few will write out "citizen of the United States of America"

I believe "American" is the correct response to the "Nationality" question of a citizen of the United States of America. If the question is what country are you from or the box on the paper says "Country", a citizen of the United States of America responds either United States of America or USA.

The USA founding fathers decided on putting the name of the continent in the name of the country. Perhaps the objecting citizens of other American countries should consider changing the names of their countries to include the word America and stop calling themselves Brazilian or Canadian. I forgot the others mentioned who are offended or I would have mentioned them by their current nationality as well.



ABSOLUTELY agree with every word here - only one thing PLEASE... do not call the USA America.

Thailand is the only place I've ever heard of the United States of America being referred to as America and that's by Thais, no one else.

The fact remains that when a citizen of the USA is asked for their nationality the correct response given is American and very few will write out "citizen of the United States of America"

I believe "American" is the correct response to the "Nationality" question of a citizen of the United States of America. If the question is what country are you from or the box on the paper says "Country", a citizen of the United States of America responds either United States of America or USA.

The USA founding fathers decided on putting the name of the continent in the name of the country. Perhaps the objecting citizens of other American countries should consider changing the names of their countries to include the word America and stop calling themselves Brazilian or Canadian. I forgot the others mentioned who are offended or I would have mentioned them by their current nationality as well.

Actually I beleve the continent is called The Americas, and consists of North and South America. So maybe it should have been called the United States of North America, USONA. cowboy.gif

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The warnings issued are interesting. If I look at the 5 eyes, - the members of Echelon, one gets a mixed bag of caution.

Australia has a well worded statement and I believe an intelligent approach. It is far more proactive than the USA. The Australians are the only ones that make a clear and forthright statement, and I believe the only ones giving a warning that visitors can understand.

In January 2012, Thai authorities made arrests and seizures in Bangkok in relation to an alleged terrorist plot. A number of governments have warned their citizens about possible terrorist attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok. The Thai investigation is ongoing.

Australians should be aware that there is a threat of terrorist attack in Thailand, including in Bangkok. We continue to receive reports that terrorists may be planning attacks against a range of targets, including locations frequented by tourists and foreigners.

Thai authorities have on a number of occasions warned of the possibility of bombings in Thailand to coincide with symbolic dates or holidays, including in Bangkok and the southern provinces.

In planning your activities, consider the kinds of places known to be terrorist targets and the level of security provided. These include places frequented by foreigners such as embassies, shopping malls, markets, banks, clubs, hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, schools, places of worship, outdoor recreation events, beach resorts and tourist areas. Public buildings, public transport, airports and sea ports are also potential targets for attack.

The USA doesn't even have a Travel Advisory up. One has to go to the specific Thailand page and read a fairly polite cautious statement; http://bangkok.usemb...ncymessage.html

New Zealand and Canada have what I would call, a lazy approach;

New Zealand offers only a few lines;

On 13 January the US Embassy in Bangkok warned its citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future and urged them to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok

Canada is wishy washy and relies on a specific reference to the USA and Australia. It offers soothing words that the Thais are on top of things (right.... ) On January 13, 2012, the Embassy of the United States in Bangkok warned U.S. citizens that terrorist attacks against tourist areas in the capital could occur in the near future. The Australian government has also informed its citizens of the U.S. embassy’s advice. Thai authorities have announced that they are aware of this threat and that security measures have been increased as a precaution. http://www.voyage.gc...g.asp?id=290000

The UK offers the most useless of warnings. They really should read the Australian's version and take a hint. The warning doesn't offer guidance like the Australian and USA warnings.

There is a high threat of terrorism. Bomb and grenade attacks have been indiscriminate, including in places visited by expatriates and foreign travellers. Sporadic attacks continue in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. On 13 January as a precaution the Thai authorities increased security measures in Bangkok, following warnings of a possible terrorist threat. On 16 January the Thai authorities found a large supply of bomb-making materials in Samut Sakhon, 38km south west of Bangkok. You should exercise caution, especially in the cities of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Khon Kaen, Ubon Ratchathani and Udon Thani. See: Safety and Security - Terrorism.

With all due respect to 4 other Echelon Group members, maybe they should let Australia write the travel advisories. Perhaps the Australians are more attuned to the need of providing clear guidance since they have dealt with terror attacks in the region before. I have a hunch, and its just my gut feeling, that the Australian spooks are out in full force keeping an eye on things.

The oz warning is a fine "cover your arse" version. Anyone heeding the list of places to avoid would stay at home, and probably not get out of bed.

  • Like 1

'saving face' and gaining tourist dollars - outweighs such things as public safety, here in LOS.

Plus, if US officials had given prior notice to Thai authorities (about the US issuing a travel alert), two things would have happened:

>>>> Thai authorities would have begged the US to not issue, because it might hurt tourist revenue, and....

>>>> it's probable that terrorist suspects would have been tipped off and allowed to slip out of the country.

Judging from their actions of last week, Thai officialdom doesn't really want to deal with possible terrorist threats. It already let one suspect slip out of the country without repercussions or interrogation. It's likely the Thais would let others skip out, if not under pressure by US and Israeli officials to take a tougher stance.

Earlier, Thai officials allowed a Middle Easterner to return to his country, with no repercussions, even though the man had been caught (in Thailand) trafficking endangered animals.


'saving face' and gaining tourist dollars - outweighs such things as public safety, here in LOS.

Plus, if US officials had given prior notice to Thai authorities (about the US issuing a travel alert), two things would have happened:

>>>> Thai authorities would have begged the US to not issue, because it might hurt tourist revenue, and....

>>>> it's probable that terrorist suspects would have been tipped off and allowed to slip out of the country.

Judging from their actions of last week, Thai officialdom doesn't really want to deal with possible terrorist threats. It already let one suspect slip out of the country without repercussions or interrogation. It's likely the Thais would let others skip out, if not under pressure by US and Israeli officials to take a tougher stance.

Earlier, Thai officials allowed a Middle Easterner to return to his country, with no repercussions, even though the man had been caught (in Thailand) trafficking endangered animals.

But there are claims that the US did warn the Thai authorities that they were going to issue the warning 24 hours before and there are also number of reports now that the guy in custody was picked up on the Thursday - the day before the warning went out - a guy that appears to have been able to lead the Thai police to a warehouse with a number of items that could be used to make explosive devices.


Well, two terrorist bombs have gone off in close proximity to me in under 4 years,

while going about a normal and non-risk taking life.

Cool story, bro.

Not cool at all if it's you, bro.

Sounds traumatic, glad it wasnt me, reminds of a members post where he had been hit by 2 cars on different occasions and survived. Dont know whether to call you lucky or unlucky.

Well it hasn't happened again in 15 years, thank the powers,

but I don't assume it can't. Luck.... hhhmmmm, rather not press it.


1.Pathology .

a. a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident.

b. the condition produced by this; traumatism.

2. Psychiatry .

a. an experience that produces psychological injury or pain.

b. the psychological injury so caused.

Well I wasn't 'close friends' with my news-seller who died in the blast,

my french wasn't good enough at that point. But I had exchanged

basic pleasantries and practiced my numbers with him, 6 days a week

for 2 months. So he was someone I spoke with almost daily,

and who had complimented me in my linguistic progress.

So yeah it hurt to get off the bus and go to the paper stand,

and see it shattered, and realize that this had happened

15 minutes after I had bought my paper from this man who

had died never knowing WHY.

And If I had taken the later bus,

and skipped my cafe/journal time before class,

I would have been there right at that time....

And the bombings continued for most of that summer.

I had earlier been put off by armed soldiers in the train stations,

with automatic assault rifles, set on Rock n Roll full auto.

Soon I became happy to see their vigilance.

Once the terrorist network was taken down, the soldier numbers decreased

and life returned to relative normal, but I never once worried about their presence

they always got a smile from me, because they were protecting us.

They never made me feel my human rights were being stepped on,

the ones doing that were the terrorists.


Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a traumatic event. When that trauma leads to posttraumatic stress disorder, damage may involve physical changes inside the brain and to brain chemistry, which changes the person's response to future stress.

A traumatic event involves a single experience, or an enduring or repeating event or events, that completely overwhelm the individual's ability to cope or integrate the ideas and emotions involved with that experience.



Off topic posts have been removed. Discussion of "Thai Govt In Damage Control On Terrorafter Chalerm's chaotic response" would be on topic to this thread while discussion of what constitutes an American would be another topic altogether.


How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

ABSOLUTELY agree with every word here - only one thing PLEASE... do not call the USA America. My friends in Brasil and Colombia hate it...so do the other Americans - South America is America too...so is Canada, even if it is a Part of the USA

Hope the USAmerican authorities are not to pi...d too much about the ThaiGovernment officials and proving them wrong with all the power they have, would not be the first time.

Here in Thailand the Thais call the USA -- America. To communicate with Thais, say America. In Ecuador, say Estados Unidos or the United States. My preference is just U.S.

Tell your friends in Latin America to leave the mushrooms alone, and grow a thicker skin.

  • 3 weeks later...

"ABSOLUTELY agree with every word here - only one thing PLEASE... do not call the USA America. My friends in Brasil and Colombia hate it...so do the other Americans - South America is America too...so is Canada, even if it is a Part of the USA"


Canada is part of the USA? when did this happen??cowboy.gif Most of these USA bashers and tools spouting off that the US was "crying wolf" must have all crawled back under their rocks.

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