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Thailand Philharmonic - January 20 & 21 - "Slovanic Dances"


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Hi All,

I play in the TPO, and if you like live orchestra music, we are the best in town, by far. I wanted to start promoting our concerts, because the music is really quite good, and needs to be experienced. Its also the best value for the money - only 500 baht for a ticket.

This weeks concert features a "Brilliant!" violin soloist - Ms. Alina Pogostkina. (Yes she is beautiful too!) She is performing Stravinsky's Violin Concerto in D Major in a 300 year old Stradavarius, who's sound is like aural butter! Second half of the concert features Antonin Dvorak's Slovanic Dances - a popular favorite.

For more information go here - http://www.thailandphil.com/slavonic-dances/

We have a shuttle bus that runs from BTS Wong Wian Yai station to Salaya - Mahidol Campus, as well. - times are listed here - www.music.mahidol.ac.th/salayalink

Hope you can attend! Next concerts will be February 3 & 4 - Mahler's Ninth!



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If you can stop reading the "Sex Workers Favorite Foreign Nationalities" topic long enough, I would implore you classical music lovers to come see violinist Alina Pogostkina. I just sat behind her in the orchestra as she played tonight, and, if superlatives mean anything in this world that uses them far to frequently - she was brilliant.

Should not be missed.

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