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No More Explicit Love Scenes On Thai Channel 3 Soaps

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Prawit should have a look at the amount of domestic violence on his TV channel. Kissing is forbidden, but slapping people / family members around is OK for kids- suitable "family entertainment"?

Bingo!! clap2.gifclap2.gif


My Thai girlfriend hates the Thai soaps. She thinks they are brainless (well they are arnt they unless you don't have a brain?). She prefers to watch Korean or Japanese soaps where people are not scheming and womanising in almost every scene; the Korean ones have quite good love stories while the Japanese ones are much more intellectual. You see, there are Thais who don't like these soaps...


Once again the elites running the show in Thailand. Can the soaps on all channels in Thailand and replace them with family fun that does not have to rely on sex,violence,drugs,smoking,alchol etc etc to keep "actor and actress's" employed.

I read a book about the role of women in Thailand and how in the early 1900s the government tried to create a Thai version of Women's Weekly. It was a very close copy of magazines that women had in of so sophisticated Europe. Then, someone realised that if Thai women read it too much they might become too westernised. So then, someone had the bright idea of writing fantasy stories to mould women in Thailand into a modern version of Thainess, whilst giving the impression of European sophistication. In it they would have fantasy stories for the women to read trying to socially condition them into new "modern" roles as Thai wives with a single husband as Thailand tried to move away from (and still hasn't really achieved it) open multiple wives.

This idea of utopia where kissing apparently doesn't occur, and god forbid who knows what else might get on is a complete parody of the ideals that were being paraded in the 1900s. The good dutiful woman, working hard to keep her chastity always wins out over the lacivious bad girl who throws herself at the man. These soaps are trumpeting an idea that is more than 100 years old as some kind of moral ideal.

These stories that they carry today on TV are exactly the same stories, same role models, same characters as were in these stories in the 1900s. They are actually very subtle social engineering played over and over again ad nauseum


Domestic violence, gun play and attempted rape are OK....

Just no kissing on the lips....

it's like you see on some american shows, they mute the word fuc_k but show people fuc_king.


Really have no idea at all what the heck they like about this crazy thai soaps...

There is nothing to learn about it, all I see is having 4-5 different stories coming out all the time with childish music behind. Really what you can see in these soaps is about love story, accidents, cheating, hiso rich acts, screaming, shooting, etc.

Everytime my gf see one of these i need to run out from the house, makes me feel sick how they unprofessional actors and how stupid stories they cover...


I do think they need to air more programmes which are more representative of real life and with more believable, three dimensional characters and storylines - Trumpton or The Muppet Show, for example.


These stories that they carry today on TV are exactly the same stories, same role models, same characters as were in these stories in the 1900s. They are actually very subtle social engineering played over and over again ad nauseum

Is that like the one my wife had on lately where the smokin' hot bad girl loses her BF to the almost so hot good girl...so the jealously enraged bad girl hottie pulls out a handgun and shoots her ex-BF in the leg??? (I think she was aiming elsewhere, but wasn't the world's greatest shot).

The guy goes to the hospital, and is up and walking around normally again before you blink.... No sign of the police being called or anything in the way of consequences happening to the gun-toting hottie.

In the end, though, the good girl and the guy get married. And as best as my wife explained it to me, the bad girl hottie ended up finding some new BF, and she in the end gave her blessing to the couple.

It was very heart-warming, I must say... So I guess the moral of the story is...shoot first and repent later.


No kissing on the lips. Shock horror.

No chance of them showing Spartacus Blood and sand, then?

All that nudity, shagging, kissing, lesbian sex, the blood, guts and general mayhem (for those not watching it).

God forbid they showed Thailands actual, historically correct, general mayhem and clothing styles.

If they told the real truth rather than attempt clueless social engineering,

then it ALL would have to be on pay per view cable.

They are not training the Thai children to be loving, caring and productive citizens,

but to be violent, jealously avaricious, backstabbing, social climbers.

Who reproduce solely by osmosis from adjoining bedrooms.

I wholeheartedly agree.

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