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I bought one for the ex wife in JJ market in 2008. Cost something like 4k as I recall, which I guess included the surcharge for dumb farang with wallet in hand paying for it. FYI, heres a tip for you. They are nocturnal, and make god awful noises all night long, and sleep around doing nothing all day. They are vicious little buggers as well, and fight all the time if in cages together.


I bought one for the ex wife in JJ market in 2008. Cost something like 4k as I recall, which I guess included the surcharge for dumb farang with wallet in hand paying for it. FYI, heres a tip for you. They are nocturnal, and make god awful noises all night long, and sleep around doing nothing all day. They are vicious little buggers as well, and fight all the time if in cages together.

Yes, I can confirm that they are not the easiest of pets to manage.

They are noisy, smell, require a cage much larger than you think is necessary, attack & bite - occasionally drawing blood, fussy, and they take great delight in shitting & pissing in your hair when you let them climb all over your body.

Basically they require a lot of work.

For the OP - I paid 2200B??? each for my daughter's sugar gliders.

I don't believe they are endangered animals, but would warn people who are considering to buy one to do your research first.


Get an African Pygmy Hedgehog instead, no noise,pretty easy to look after

eat cat food pellets,and are great fun,make sure you buy one that is used

to been handled ,so it does not curl up all the time.

regards Worgeordie

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I bought one for the ex wife in JJ market in 2008. Cost something like 4k as I recall, which I guess included the surcharge for dumb farang with wallet in hand paying for it. FYI, heres a tip for you. They are nocturnal, and make god awful noises all night long, and sleep around doing nothing all day. They are vicious little buggers as well, and fight all the time if in cages together.

Yes, I can confirm that they are not the easiest of pets to manage.

They are noisy, smell, require a cage much larger than you think is necessary, attack & bite - occasionally drawing blood, fussy, and they take great delight in shitting & pissing in your hair when you let them climb all over your body.

Basically they require a lot of work.

For the OP - I paid 2200B??? each for my daughter's sugar gliders.

I don't believe they are endangered animals, but would warn people who are considering to buy one to do your research first.

I'd be pissy and nasty too if people were waking me up all day when I needed sleep (cranky when I'm tired) and I'd piss on your head whenever I could to make you understand that giggle.gifbiggrin.pngwink.png ..

Oh! Forget to say I'd bite the h$!! out of ya too..

Sugar gliders are very cute and can make nice pets but need to be hand raised and not captured from wild like most of the ones you see here and a nice little pocket for them to sleep in makes them pretty happy too..


Had to look it up as wasn't familiar with the breed. Here is a site that spells out the Myths/Realities.


Well it says they are not a propaganda site, however, I can personally attest to half their myths being actual truths.

Sort of like that site that claims millions die of tobacco inhalation everyday, while no one has ever died from marijuana inhalation. :rolleyes:

Sugar gliders are very cute and can make nice pets but need to be hand raised and not captured from wild like most of the ones you see here and a nice little pocket for them to sleep in makes them pretty happy too..

The ones I bought were about 3 months old (about 5" long including tail) from a breeder.

They are now about 7 months old.


Well it says they are not a propaganda site, however, I can personally attest to half their myths being actual truths.

Sort of like that site that claims millions die of tobacco inhalation everyday, while no one has ever died from marijuana inhalation. rolleyes.gif

I have to admit it smelled a little funny with the rhetoric. But I know not about these flying rats. biggrin.png


I would think twice about the animals welfare, it's a living creature that suffers, not a toy.

But if you do decide to buy I have the telephone number of a girl that I know does breed them as opposed to caught wild and does sell them at jj. pm if you like.


I would think twice about the animals welfare, it's a living creature that suffers, not a toy.

That's true, he did say he wanted to buy it for his GF don't know about yours but my missus forgets to water the plants :( ...

Sugar gliders are very cute and can make nice pets but need to be hand raised and not captured from wild like most of the ones you see here and a nice little pocket for them to sleep in makes them pretty happy too..

The ones I bought were about 3 months old (about 5" long including tail) from a breeder.

They are now about 7 months old.

Are they still nipping? Hold them more then.. They'll stop eventually if you still have enough blood left..


Sugar gliders are very cute and can make nice pets but need to be hand raised and not captured from wild like most of the ones you see here and a nice little pocket for them to sleep in makes them pretty happy too..

The ones I bought were about 3 months old (about 5" long including tail) from a breeder.

They are now about 7 months old.

Are they still nipping? Hold them more then.. They'll stop eventually if you still have enough blood left..

To be honest, they only get really aggressive (and a bluff chirp turns into a full on charge/attack) when you point your index finger at them. If you coax them onto a flat hand they don't tend to draw blood too often. :D

The worms - I forgot to mention, the little buggers eat worms, and you will have a bag of maggot worm things in your fridge for ever. Crap and piss everywhere and always on you if they can. They are rather sweet some of the time which is why GFs like them, but in reality, waste of bloody time and sleep and other things if she starts doing what my missus did and keeping it either in her dressing gown pocket or curled between her bra and shirt under her top balls. They live 5-6 years as well I seem to recall

Serious advice, don't do it. say they are all sold out and get her a nice rat or something instead. I might have a few I can sell you for 2k a pop; pedigree black ones, big as a cat....


Hi guys thanks for the reply :) Well interesting post about sugar glider i googled but cant find too much sugar glider topic in english elsewhere. Ive been wanting this creature for a long time but whenever i wanted to get this the missus pop up a new she's pregnant. so that why i didnt manange to buy a sugar glider, now that the kids are big enough im thinking to get a pair of sugar glider to play with along with the kids.

looking to buy a newborn joeys. ive read some thai forums they are saying it cost around 2k Thb for a joeys . might drop by jatujak this weekend to do some surveys .

have not been in jatujak for several years, any recommendation where can i find a SG there ?


By the carpark on the JJ Mall, go out the back and across the road that goes into the carpark at the back and into the market itself. That is the pet area and just amble around there you will see them. If the kids keep them in their rooms you can look forward to sleep starved kids (thus grumnpy) for the next 5 years though.


Sugar gliders are very cute and can make nice pets but need to be hand raised and not captured from wild like most of the ones you see here and a nice little pocket for them to sleep in makes them pretty happy too..

The ones I bought were about 3 months old (about 5" long including tail) from a breeder.

They are now about 7 months old.

Are they still nipping? Hold them more then.. They'll stop eventually if you still have enough blood left..

To be honest, they only get really aggressive (and a bluff chirp turns into a full on charge/attack) when you point your index finger at them. If you coax them onto a flat hand they don't tend to draw blood too often. biggrin.png

Seeeeeee it's all about manners isn't it? The little beggars are just trying to teach you not to be rude.. May be good lessons for the young uns too cowboy.gif ..


Thank you :) another question ; my house is airconditioned 24/7 non stop is this ok for the sugar glider ? will there be any bad smell ? or do they need to go out of the house once in a while ?


Thank you smile.png another question ; my house is airconditioned 24/7 non stop is this ok for the sugar glider ? will there be any bad smell ? or do they need to go out of the house once in a while ?

They get cold actually; actually shiver. In relation to smell, I've not come across poo or pee that does not stink especially from the small hairy creature variety (um yes, they smell). Basically, I know they are cute, but the real message is they are not pets. They are wild animals and not pets. Get a hamster and buy it a hang glider for it.

  • 1 year later...

Well, it seems that over 1 year after the last post, the prices have gone down substantially. This is maybe due to increased interest and demand. My friend bought yesterday a pair (male/female) of sugar gliders from a girl at the location behind JJ Mall. He paid THB 700 for the male and THB 800 for the female. They are both babies of about 2 months old and seemingly already used to be picked up as they rarely crab (the warning sound) and run around freely on all four of us (my friend, his GF, myself and my GF. They're having no problem to be fed by hand with a pipet. The first night they already escaped from their cage as my friend forget to put on the lit. Don't believe everything of the advice giving my the seller. For instance she said you could bath them with baby shampoo. This is, according to experts not true. Sugar gliders do take care of cleaning themselves. Do your research.

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