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Can'T Access Many Websites On True ...Anyone With The Same Problems?

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Since about a week, I can't access a lot of sites through TRUE internet. They just seem to time out.

Among them are:



And about 2-3 out of every 10 websites I randomly pull up on Google searches.

Is anyone on TRUE having the same problems lately? I called them and they told me to use a proxy, which isn't exactly the best solution since I just want my internet working fine.

Also, if you're on another provider than TRUE and are able to pull up the above websites, please let me know what provider you have, as I'm thinking about switching.


I'm on the True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan here in western Bangkok...no problems....all sites pulling up fine to include the two in your post.


I use TOT and I can access the above websites. I live in Bangkok, Dusit. I used True before and it was very bad for the area I live, speeds were too slow for a prolonged period, nothing happened after calling them for months! Then I decided to switch. TOT satisfies me right now.

Anyway be aware, research first which provider is the best for your area as TOT according to some users also has problems in certain areas.


I am having the same problem. I am in Nichada Thani and I can't access those websites nor several others like delta airlines or nikonrumors

I cant get my video stream from dishonline or NFL Gamepass. I have had a True tech at my house 3 times. You need to call them and let them know your having the problem if you haven't already. They claim it's an issue with the gateway server that connects directly to the US servers. I don't understand any of that but that's how they explained it to me. They were trying to find an engineer to get involved. I hope they figure it out soon the Superbowl is next weekend!


You will have to setup your LAN to use the true proxy server proxy.trueinternet.co.th on port 8080.

It will solve many of these problems.

Probably you'll have to switch back and forward between using the proxy as some sites can only accessed using the proxy while other sites actually will not be accessible.


Same problem for two weeks. Can only access cached pages. Non-cached pages will not load. Cannot ftp files - only partial file uploaded. Cannot complete their speed test.

First internet was stopped. After it was "fixed" service is worthless.

Suk. 22 area. Maybe its the terrorists?


You will have to setup your LAN to use the true proxy server proxy.trueinternet.co.th on port 8080.

It will solve many of these problems.

Probably you'll have to switch back and forward between using the proxy as some sites can only accessed using the proxy while other sites actually will not be accessible.

Agreed, see also thread from 21 Jan

Obviously not all of True as Pib reports ok. Pib are you using proxy or straight access ?

Changing DNS servers does not help. I, personally find True ok for access speed wise BUT routing and unable to access problems come and go on a weekly basis. Located in Rayong.

Seem to be able to access all sites currently using trueinternet proxy.


Thanks a bunch janverbeem, that worked for all the sites I was trying to access except Dish Networks/dishonline - TV Everywhere. I can access the website and even login and tell my DVR to record a program but when I try to watch it I get disconnected. It has worked great since we moved here in August 2011 but it just started giving me problems last week. I wish I knew what changed so suddenly. Do you have any more ideas or suggestions?


Obviously not all of True as Pib reports ok. Pib are you using proxy or straight access ?

I use straight access (i.e., no proxy) the great, great majority of the time. I did try accessing the mentioned web sites with proxy turned off and on...made no difference...can access all sites just fine. Even tried VPN and all continued to work fine.

Up until about 4 months ago I would use the True proxy quite a bit (basically my default setting) because it provided snappier browsing and it allowed me to access couple of U.S. govt web sites I could not get via straight access...would either have to use VPN or the True proxy....but the problem reaching those 2 or 3 govt web sites just went away late last year and using the proxy now doesn't seem to make much of any difference in browsing/download speed. Periodically when I'm in one of those moods to do some speedtesting type stuff I will try turning the proxy on to see if it speeds things up and it has not recently...but before it sure made a noticeable speed difference and eliminated a couple of site access issues. I will also turn the proxy on breifly in those cases/on those days where browsing seems to be slower than normal...in the past the proxy sometimes speeded things up again...but over the last few months don't seem to make much of a difference. Your results may vary.


You will have to setup your LAN to use the true proxy server proxy.trueinternet.co.th on port 8080.

It will solve many of these problems.

Probably you'll have to switch back and forward between using the proxy as some sites can only accessed using the proxy while other sites actually will not be accessible.

The other True proxy is "proxy.asianet.co.th" on port 8080. I've tried both proxies but didn't notice any difference in speed between the two.


I am having the same problem. I am in Nichada Thani and I can't access those websites nor several others like delta airlines or nikonrumors

I cant get my video stream from dishonline or NFL Gamepass. I have had a True tech at my house 3 times. You need to call them and let them know your having the problem if you haven't already. They claim it's an issue with the gateway server that connects directly to the US servers. I don't understand any of that but that's how they explained it to me. They were trying to find an engineer to get involved. I hope they figure it out soon the Superbowl is next weekend!

I'm on True in Sukhumvit, BKK near Asoke. While this isn't a site access problem, I've been having exactly the same streaming problems for about three weeks.

I have a KBS world streaming TV service (posts asking why, declaring this stupid etc, while of course well intentioned, will be ignored) which worked fine for two months but now stutters, buffers then freezes permanently 90% of the time .

Speedtests give OK speeds internationally 1-2mbps , easily above what the streaming service needs to work. But it doesn't.

When I did a line quality test to West and East coast US servers using pingtest.net, however, I got huge packet loss (4-9%) and huge jitter (100-300ms). This was graded "F" - the lowest grade possible "very poor--real time internet applications will suffer greatly "

Fortuitously I was able to compare these results directly at the same time on the same computer with a TOT line (unsecured WiFi appeared in my area-shh!)

At the same time that the streaming service was frozen at less than 160kbps on True, TOT was giving perfect streaming, alternating between 700kbps and 1000kbps - almost high def. This was while a speedtest of the TOT line was only giving 0.6 - 0.9 kbps from US servers , ie 2 to 4 times slower than the True connection!

A line quality test of the TOT line on pingnet showed the reason for the difference I think. These showed much better quality on the TOT line: 0% packet loss, 4-6ms jitter and grade "D".

These results have been consistently reproducible over several days (there are representative screen grabs below).

There are problems with the True line for sure.

The fact that TOT works well in same area may argue that this isn't a US gateway problem ( unless TOT has a different gateway, but how many are there?).

I have contacted True and sent them all this information, starting two weeks ago and phoning every two days. As yet no contact at all back from them.

Screengrabs from True and TOT line quality below:




I am having the same problem. I am in Nichada Thani and I can't access those websites nor several others like delta airlines or nikonrumors

I cant get my video stream from dishonline or NFL Gamepass. I have had a True tech at my house 3 times. You need to call them and let them know your having the problem if you haven't already. They claim it's an issue with the gateway server that connects directly to the US servers. I don't understand any of that but that's how they explained it to me. They were trying to find an engineer to get involved. I hope they figure it out soon the Superbowl is next weekend!

I'm on True in Sukhumvit, BKK near Asoke. While this isn't a site access problem, I've been having exactly the same streaming problems for about three weeks.

I have a KBS world streaming TV service (posts asking why, declaring this stupid etc, while of course well intentioned, will be ignored) which worked fine for two months but now stutters, buffers then freezes permanently 90% of the time .

Speedtests give OK speeds internationally 1-2mbps , easily above what the streaming service needs to work. But it doesn't.

When I did a line quality test to West and East coast US servers using pingtest.net, however, I got huge packet loss (4-9%) and huge jitter (100-300ms). This was graded "F" - the lowest grade possible "very poor--real time internet applications will suffer greatly "

Fortuitously I was able to compare these results directly at the same time on the same computer with a TOT line (unsecured WiFi appeared in my area-shh!)

At the same time that the streaming service was frozen at less than 160kbps on True, TOT was giving perfect streaming, alternating between 700kbps and 1000kbps - almost high def. This was while a speedtest of the TOT line was only giving 0.6 - 0.9 kbps from US servers , ie 2 to 4 times slower than the True connection!

A line quality test of the TOT line on pingnet showed the reason for the difference I think. These showed much better quality on the TOT line: 0% packet loss, 4-6ms jitter and grade "D".

These results have been consistently reproducible over several days (there are representative screen grabs below).

There are problems with the True line for sure.

The fact that TOT works well in same area may argue that this isn't a US gateway problem ( unless TOT has a different gateway, but how many are there?).

I have contacted True and sent them all this information, starting two weeks ago and phoning every two days. As yet no contact at all back from them.

Screengrabs from True and TOT line quality below:

I ping tested my connection on a Denver USA server and have been getting grades of C or D with True. 266 ms and 0-2 packets lost. I'm not sure what's going on with this internet stuff


The fact that TOT works well in same area may argue that this isn't a US gateway problem ( unless TOT has a different gateway, but how many are there?).

Thai ISPs that have international gateways: CAT, TOT, True, TT&T, ADC, CS LoxInfo, and Super Broadband Network according to a wikipedia article. And this link to Nectec shows 9 international gateways. Whether 6 or 9 is right or some other number such as 5, 10, etc., there are multiple international gateways that the different Thai ISPs use (not to imply TOT uses True's international gateway or vice versa, each Thai ISP uses its own gateway or has a contract with a international gateway provider).

International gateways are just like their name implies, they are the gateway to international access. An international gateway with inadequate bandwidth/some kind of problem can turn into an international chokepoint.

Regarding bad line quality test results like scoring a F, D, C-, etc., that is fairly common for all Thai ISPs when testing to the U.S./Europe simply because of the distance/ping time envolved...the ping time is a major factor in determining the overall score. You would get the same score if testing "from" the US/Europe "to" Thailand. Until we can get our internet electrons going faster-than-the-speed of light ain't much anyone can do about that.


Same as Welo, sites quoted on this thread and a previous one ref True access all ok today for me (true DOCSIS Rayong ) without using true proxy.


The fact that TOT works well in same area may argue that this isn't a US gateway problem ( unless TOT has a different gateway, but how many are there?).


Regarding bad line quality test results like scoring a F, D, C-, etc., that is fairly common for all Thai ISPs when testing to the U.S./Europe simply because of the distance/ping time envolved...the ping time is a major factor in determining the overall score. You would get the same score if testing "from" the US/Europe "to" Thailand. Until we can get our internet electrons going faster-than-the-speed of light ain't much anyone can do about that.

Of course this must be generally true , but in my specific case, where one line works for streaming and one doesn't, and the tests were done almost simultaneously flipping from one line to the other, the ping times weren't very different.

The non-functioning True line was only 25-35 ms slower than the working TOT line, ie 10%.

What was very different was the packet loss: 4-7% for True, compared to TOT 0%, and especially the jitter times 5-6 ms TOT, compared to gigantic 85-210 ms for True, ie True is 900% greater. In this case this extreme instability of ping time must be more important , I would think.

Here the D graded TOT line (reflecting a more constant stable stream?) allowed video viewing whereas the F graded True line didn't.


If you had a software bandwidth monitor program like the freeware NetWorx (small program I leave running on my computers) I expect you would have seen a lot of spiking, stop-and-go on the True connection and less on the TOT connection. You could even use Speedtest.net to do some speedtests to international sites since Speedtest.net shows a little bandwidth graph in the middle of the screen while running the speed test. If the graph stays relatively flat that is smooth, consistent data flow....if you see a lot of spiking, stop-and-go that is not smooth/consistent data flow.

And person could actually get the same or higher speedtest result on the spiking, stop-and-go connection since most speedtest type programs just average out the data flow. Say a speedtest graph showed 5 seconds of 7Mb speed and then it drops to 1Mb speed for 5 seconds...well, the average speed is 4Mb... but.this kind of connection/data flow would probbably suck for streaming video. But do another test and say your got a smooth, consistent 4Mb for all 10 seconds....this kind of data flow would probably work great for streaming video. On both tests you got a 4Mb average speed, but only one is really any good for streaming video.


If you had a software bandwidth monitor program like the freeware NetWorx (small program I leave running on my computers) I expect you would have seen a lot of spiking, stop-and-go on the True connection and less on the TOT connection. You could even use Speedtest.net to do some speedtests to international sites since Speedtest.net shows a little bandwidth graph in the middle of the screen while running the speed test. If the graph stays relatively flat that is smooth, consistent data flow....if you see a lot of spiking, stop-and-go that is not smooth/consistent data flow.

And person could actually get the same or higher speedtest result on the spiking, stop-and-go connection since most speedtest type programs just average out the data flow. Say a speedtest graph showed 5 seconds of 7Mb speed and then it drops to 1Mb speed for 5 seconds...well, the average speed is 4Mb... but.this kind of connection/data flow would probbably suck for streaming video. But do another test and say your got a smooth, consistent 4Mb for all 10 seconds....this kind of data flow would probably work great for streaming video. On both tests you got a 4Mb average speed, but only one is really any good for streaming video.

Yes. this sounds sensible to me, though I must confess I understand very little about these things technically.

I'm wondering why this has started happening recently -- why should the data flow have become unstable with True, after months of trouble free streaming?

Could it be something that True could fix do you think?


All Thai ISPs go through periods (i.e., hours, days, weeks, etc) of their in-Thailand and international bandwidth/speed seeming to get bogged down...then it starts working better again. This is not an uncommon event with internet in Thailand; in fact, it's probably could be considered common. I've been with TOT, JINET, and now True--all had their good days and their bad days "speed-wise."


I am now able to connect to all the websites I couldn't a few days ago and without the proxy trick. However I still can't stream video from my Dish Network account. The True tech is coming over again Thursday so hopefully he can get it resolved. I will pass along any answers I can get and understand.


I have the same issues as OP mentions using true adsl here in Pattaya. Sometimes the sites are accessible just fine and other times they just time out. I found that using the true proxy does get me to the sites when they would normally not be accessible directly. I have a button in Chrome that I can press to quickly enable/disable the true proxy. It's lame that it's like this and hopefully it won't be like this long but trying to talk to the support staff is just a waste of time. Even if you go to the true site and look at the proxy info they have it spelled wrong.


Proxy Server

In order to utilize Proxy server, Set Proxy server as follows:

Proxy Server = proxy.trueintenret.co.th Port = 8080

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