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Russians Trapped In Pattaya Following Collapse Of Tour Company


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I hope the Russian press is covering this story well. Russian tourists should know how they will be treated in Pattaya/Jomtien Thailand in such events. Where is the Tourism Authority now with such a potentially high profile bad PR case? Where is the mayors tourists in distress fund? Surely helping this small group is a drop in the bucket compared to the potential publicity blowback. Looking at it another, think of the fantastic GOOD PR press Thailand could get by properly TAKING CARE of these victims?

but thais dont see further than their noses,...and thai noses are small , ........... sod tomorrow get the money now, REW REW !!

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The contract is with the tour company. If they don't pay up, as part of their contract, they can only take their complaint to the company (or the bankruptcy lawyer for them). They cannot choose to randomly start assigning blame and cost on others. They have no support for this.

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Sounds like it's partially the hotels fault for not getting payment in the first place. Business is business. Stuff happens.. If they were smart enough, they would have the money already!
Why is this so complicated?

Does anyone know if the tourists are refusing to pay their tabs?? If the hotel owners are that concerned that the tourists won't pay their tab, have the police on standby! I'm sure they get enough tea money from the hotel already!

Did the hotel owners have a contract with the tour company? If so, the hotel owners are F'd. Give the tourists back their belongings and stick to your piece of paper!

From what i gathered from the article, i have to agree with this. The hotel's anger is to be directed to the tour company, not the guest. It was the hotel's responsibility to collect payment from the tour operator for the room and any related expenses. The guest would only be responsible for anything not covered in the tour package.

The hotel manager made some type of asumption with the tour company, perhaps to collect delayed payment. Now that the hotel's assumption did not pan out (bankrupty or whatever), he's trying to "get something" from the guest by unlawfully holding their property hostage. the hotel's only legit remedy towards the guest was to explain bankrupty and evict the guest early or not let them stay in the hotel at all from day 1. The hotel manager refuses to take responsibility for his poor business decision. I hope 0 of the hotel guest assist in victimizing the hotel, although that may difficult if they have something valuable like passport.

Now if the payment contract was between the guest and hotel, circumstances would different....although i dont know of a single hotel that would allow you to stay more than 1 day late without payment, unless you were already a long-term guest/other pre-arrangements. Hotels/guesthouses are on prepaid basis.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

I don't think I have ever stayed in a hotel here (Thailand), home (UK) or anywhere else (other than via a package deal of course) where I paid for my room up front. Usually the swipe the card and cancel the payment to check it would cover the stay, but never a payment before. Once in a very good hotel in Glasgow I made the opposite mistake of booking by phone and giving credit card details and thinking that it was paid. After a long weekend up there, the card I had bounced (got a bit carried away shopping) when they swiped it AFTER the stay (remember in my mind I had already paid). I only had the one card with me (which was unusual in itself back then). It was the first time I had ever stayed there, as it was Scotland and I was from the UK myself, I had no passport or other ID (driving license at home - we don't need to carry it in the UK). So, they let me go and I posted a cheque - and even got a phone call of recipt and a thank you card!

A good hotel, not in a particularly touristy place, will not make a fuss (and would probably rather suffer the loss than made a stink on their own door step) and let you walk - probably hoping you will be true to your word. However, in a tourist mecca like Pattaya, with foreign nationals (most of which are likely passing trade - i.e. one off customers), one can't blame the hotel for holding property IF the guests were to pay their own bills - IF (again) the Tour Agaency had collected the money and were supposed to pay, then the police/major/governor/whoever, should order the hotel to release the personal affects and seek restitution in the courts against the Tour Agency and its owners. One would think that they at least took a sizeable deposit before allowing the guests to book in (?) - they could/should have turned them away at the door (sending them to the Tour Agency offices) if they were not paid upfront and that was the agreement - otherwise, they took the gamble hoping that the money would come late as opposed to p!ssibg off the Tour's guests and losing the contract (or at least some of the guests) - a gamble that failed. Tough - deal with it.

Now needs some authority mouth piece to order the hotel to return the possessions - TAT (did I miss a 'W' in there somewhere?)

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That is terrible for them and even worse the Hotel refused them access to their own safe-boxes, can they do that?

I was staying in a hotel in Pattaya last May and there were mainly Chinese and Russians staying there. My wife had a friend who worked at the hotel and she told her that they hate the Russian tourists because they are unfriendly and mean, whilst the Chinese are friendly and generous. Apparently the Russians want everything for nothing and nothing about the hotel is ever good enough for them. Seems these stranded types will not be getting any special treatment if hotel staff feel this way about them.

A friend of mine just returned from Pattaya and told me they were rude beyond belief. They would just push their way into line with no regard for any body. Maybe it is a good thing they get treated like they treat every one else.

Maybe the local Russian Mafia will help them out for a price.

I'm sure someone is bound to point out that it's not just the Russians that are rude, but I have to say that in my experience, they ARE among the most uniformly rude & boorish. 'Goes for the men, women, and even the children. (And for Pattaya, that's saying some...) Therefore, I'm actually HOPING that the Russian media DOES cover this incident loudly & thoroughly and that LOTS of Russians see it before planning their vacations...

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This is a second big Russian tour company crash in last 8 months. Previous was "Capital tour" and it was an biggest Russian agency. Many small relayed on them, it was a chain reaction. And for that crash Russian Gov Tourist Dept already used all the "good will" of hotel managers in Thai and Egypt. Now they need a pure cash, and I can understand why. Because many bills from "Capital tour" are still unpaid.

2012 is a first year then "really cheap" Russian tourists came to Thailand, because of unstable and unpredictable situation in Egypt. That's why they cant "just pay the bills for hotel+plane, go home and force insurance to pay them money back". They really don't have this money or any savings at home. Before journey they get x2 salary and all this money mostly was given to "Lanta".

In Russia "Lanta" insured for 100.000.000 RUR (rouble its almoust the same as THB). In Thailand, just as local law says, for just 100.000 THB.


sorry for my "school only" english :)

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Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand for week's have been saying how good thing are with airport arrivals ... I think this says a lot that due to economy problems in Europe and so on 2012 high season going to be low but they will still come out with the same old tricks trying not to lose face like always also says a lot when the Thai government have to step in and help the tourism industry but at the end of the day the only people who suffer are the smaller business in the industry these days .... ? Big companies always get look after and the little people always get screwed when has there really been a good season here there hasn't really from when they closed Suvarnabhumi Airport back in 2008 that's like four years now imagine how many loans these small business have had to take out just to keep food on the table and pay staff also doesn't help airline these days don't give much commission to the small agents some don't even given a thing what so ever you are lucky to make i would say around 7% to 10% on a ticket so i was told by my friend who works in the industry even online booking killing a lot off agents off as the airlines can under cut everybody and don't give a dam about the small people these day if it wasn't for the agents who sell the tickets from day one a lot of the airlines and hotel resorts would be out of business years ago i would think really tough times for everybody these days my friend who use to work with a lot EU based factories here in Thailand but these factories are buying online as it's a lot cheaper there needs to be lot of changes here in Thailand with the airlines and also Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand the management level side of things they have no idea what they are doing it's time bring in a newer generation with new creative ideas as the people who are in change now haven't got a clue what they are doing and all they keep doing is going around in circles with the same old marketing ideas all these people need to stop taking fancy holidays aboard and bring new experiences to Thailand and stuff like tuk tuk /jet ski / pickpocket scams doesn't help also the police really need to start police the streets at nights and not seating back at the station when tourist are getting mugged by youths and lady boys at night ...

Edited by nicky1982
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The contract is with the tour company. If they don't pay up, as part of their contract, they can only take their complaint to the company (or the bankruptcy lawyer for them). They cannot choose to randomly start assigning blame and cost on others. They have no support for this.

The people occupying the rooms are ultimately responsible to pay. The hotel has every right to refuse service to anyone who is unwilling to pay. It takes a big stretch of the imagination to try and come up with some reasoning why they hotel is legally responsible to house people for free. It doesn't matter who is or was responsible to pay the bill when it comes to the hotel not being responsible for providing services to non-paying customers.

With your logic, the hotel has absolutely no contract at all with the guests and therfore should only direct their complaints to the tour agency.

Again just not logical unless you are bent on making this a Thai problem. What if a Thai brought their car into a farang owned mechanic to repair an accident that was another drivers fault and the other driver or their insurance company didn't pay the bill as agreed? Would you blame the Thai for complaining because the farang shop refused to release the car until the Thai or somebody paid the bill?

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does this mean that there will now be less Russian tourists? well not all bad news then , some of the rudest people i have ever come across.

+1. clap2.gif

I dislike most any type of stereotyping but I tell you, it seems the majority of Russian males in Pattaya are a bread to themselves. I really like Koh Larn but won't even go there anymore because I am so sick of being disturbed by drops of beet on me or screaming over my wife's and I beach chairs and opening our eyes to see, in too close proximity, a g-string type swimming suits disappear into unusually large and bright pink sunburned buttocks or seeing their front package looking like it was tied in a knot then stuck into the smallest swim suit they could find that barely covers their while leaving ample room for their large guts to rest on said junk.

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The hotel made the contract with the tour company, not the guests. As individuals these tourists have nothing to do with any contractual obligation to the hotel. they gave their belongings to the staff to put in boxes for safe keping, not as a security deposit. Holding onto these belongings against their will is nothing more than common thievery, and most likely completely illegal.

whether or not these Russions are rude etc is off topic,, but it is sure entertaining observing their attire,,,

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Once the tour company has announced bankruptcy, the contract is void, and the hotel is under no further obligation to provide any service without an arrangement for payment being agreed. Any payments made over and above that paid to the tour company would be claimable on travel insurance, and if you decide to carry that risk yourself, dont whine. Until some arrangement to pay ALL of the a/c, I would be allowing nothing - including access to the room os safe-box.

So you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

The owner of the hotel has great business sense

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I would be will to bet that some where in that contract that the guest is responsible for all unpaid bills of services rendered. My ex girlfriend is a medical provider in the US she has contracts with insurance companies, but her patients are responsible for all unpaid services.

Since no one here knows what the contract says its all a matter of personal opinion.

The point I made way back

we are all talking on the assumption that this was not part of the contract when signed in Russia

If this was printed as I said on the origional receipt that the hotel is with in it legal rights

If not then the hotels has no legal right to do what they say

We must assume they did not as their is no statement from the hotel that this was the case

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These tourist already paid, its the agency that didn't pay the hotels. Strange with the tickets though, seems like they would have known if it was just a one way ticket though, unless it was a group check in by the tour leader, as it probably was.

I can not see Thai immigration allowing Russian people into Thailand with out a return departure ticket

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The contract is with the tour company. If they don't pay up, as part of their contract, they can only take their complaint to the company (or the bankruptcy lawyer for them). They cannot choose to randomly start assigning blame and cost on others. They have no support for this.

The people occupying the rooms are ultimately responsible to pay. The hotel has every right to refuse service to anyone who is unwilling to pay. It takes a big stretch of the imagination to try and come up with some reasoning why they hotel is legally responsible to house people for free. It doesn't matter who is or was responsible to pay the bill when it comes to the hotel not being responsible for providing services to non-paying customers.

With your logic, the hotel has absolutely no contract at all with the guests and therfore should only direct their complaints to the tour agency.

Again just not logical unless you are bent on making this a Thai problem. What if a Thai brought their car into a farang owned mechanic to repair an accident that was another drivers fault and the other driver or their insurance company didn't pay the bill as agreed? Would you blame the Thai for complaining because the farang shop refused to release the car until the Thai or somebody paid the bill?

The answer is simple

The shop would have him sign a waiver stating that if the money is not recoverable from the 2nd party, the 1st party would be responsible for payment before the vehicle is released

At this stage the owner of the vehicle can decide if he wants to accept this

No one from the hotels has given any evidence that this is the situation in this case

If my Thai wife is wrong, she goes into silent mode

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Once the tour company has announced bankruptcy, the contract is void, and the hotel is under no further obligation to provide any service without an arrangement for payment being agreed. Any payments made over and above that paid to the tour company would be claimable on travel insurance, and if you decide to carry that risk yourself, dont whine. Until some arrangement to pay ALL of the a/c, I would be allowing nothing - including access to the room or safe-box.

So you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

My money is in my deposit box

you can not get into your safe deposit box till you pay your money

The owner of the hotel has great business sense

customer - the money/credit card/TCs are in my safe deposit. Give me access and I will pay my a/c.

hotel staff - certainly sir.

This is called an arrangement to settle your a/c as posted. So what was the repetitive idiocy about?

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Why all the outrage ?

If you try and get a rock bottom price on anything, expect the worse and don't cry when you get it

This happens all the time with anyone dealing with Russian companies and you think these "poor" tourists didn't know it

Make your bed and then sleep in it (or not)

Does anyone know of any other group that can fly to Thailand on cheap charters, land at Utapao, and then stay in cheap hotels for a package price ?

Sorry, no crocodile tears from this member

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That is terrible for them and even worse the Hotel refused them access to their own safe-boxes, can they do that?

I was staying in a hotel in Pattaya last May and there were mainly Chinese and Russians staying there. My wife had a friend who worked at the hotel and she told her that they hate the Russian tourists because they are unfriendly and mean, whilst the Chinese are friendly and generous. Apparently the Russians want everything for nothing and nothing about the hotel is ever good enough for them. Seems these stranded types will not be getting any special treatment if hotel staff feel this way about them.

A friend of mine just returned from Pattaya and told me they were rude beyond belief. They would just push their way into line with no regard for any body. Maybe it is a good thing they get treated like they treat every one else.

Maybe the local Russian Mafia will help them out for a price.

I'm sure someone is bound to point out that it's not just the Russians that are rude, but I have to say that in my experience, they ARE among the most uniformly rude & boorish. 'Goes for the men, women, and even the children. (And for Pattaya, that's saying some...) Therefore, I'm actually HOPING that the Russian media DOES cover this incident loudly & thoroughly and that LOTS of Russians see it before planning their vacations...

I completely agree with your statement. This has also been my experience!

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If you need to get more money wired to you from abroad to settle your bill,

and your passport is locked into the hotel safe until you get more money

to pay the bill you THOUGHT was already paid,

but you need the passport to identify yourself to GET the wire transfer,

then it is Catch-22.

Sure the hotel owner should be worried,

but all he gets is a bigger debt owned and less chance it can get settled,

and his staff gets crazed Russian victims screaming in the lobby.

Not exactly win win.

Edited by animatic
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The contract is with the tour company. If they don't pay up, as part of their contract, they can only take their complaint to the company (or the bankruptcy lawyer for them). They cannot choose to randomly start assigning blame and cost on others. They have no support for this.

The people occupying the rooms are ultimately responsible to pay. The hotel has every right to refuse service to anyone who is unwilling to pay. It takes a big stretch of the imagination to try and come up with some reasoning why they hotel is legally responsible to house people for free. It doesn't matter who is or was responsible to pay the bill when it comes to the hotel not being responsible for providing services to non-paying customers.

With your logic, the hotel has absolutely no contract at all with the guests and therfore should only direct their complaints to the tour agency.

Again just not logical unless you are bent on making this a Thai problem. What if a Thai brought their car into a farang owned mechanic to repair an accident that was another drivers fault and the other driver or their insurance company didn't pay the bill as agreed? Would you blame the Thai for complaining because the farang shop refused to release the car until the Thai or somebody paid the bill?

I don't think I have ever stayed in a hotel here (Thailand), home (UK) or anywhere else (other than via a package deal of course) where I paid for my room up front. Usually the swipe the card and cancel the payment to check it would cover the stay, but never a payment before. Once in a very good hotel in Glasgow I made the opposite mistake of booking by phone and giving credit card details and thinking that it was paid. After a long weekend up there, the card I had bounced (got a bit carried away shopping) when they swiped it AFTER the stay (remember in my mind I had already paid). I only had the one card with me (which was unusual in itself back then). It was the first time I had ever stayed there, as it was Scotland and I was from the UK myself, I had no passport or other ID (driving license at home - we don't need to carry it in the UK). So, they let me go and I posted a cheque - and even got a phone call of recipt and a thank you card! A good hotel, not in a particularly touristy place, will not make a fuss (and would probably rather suffer the loss than made a stink on their own door step) and let you walk - probably hoping you will be true to your word. However, in a tourist mecca like Pattaya, with foreign nationals (most of which are likely passing trade - i.e. one off customers), one can't blame the hotel for holding property IF the guests were to pay their own bills - IF (again) the Tour Agaency had collected the money and were supposed to pay, then the police/major/governor/whoever, should order the hotel to release the personal affects and seek restitution in the courts against the Tour Agency and its owners. One would think that they at least took a sizeable deposit before allowing the guests to book in (?) - they could/should have turned them away at the door (sending them to the Tour Agency offices) if they were not paid upfront and that was the agreement - otherwise, they took the gamble hoping that the money would come late as opposed to p!ssibg off the Tour's guests and losing the contract (or at least some of the guests) - a gamble that failed. Tough - deal with it. Now needs some authority mouth piece to order the hotel to return the possessions - TAT (did I miss a 'W' in there somewhere?)

I'm not sure how long the stay was, but no guesthouse in their right mind would allow a guest to stay without prepayment. And they wouldn't stay in business too long with that policy. The same would be true with a mechanic. The type of job and amount for the parts are clearly agreed upon first before any work is done. When the guests checked in, some type of agreement had to have been made. I'm guessing that payment for room was already agreed to be covered by tour company. So after the fact, the hotel realizes that they were not going to be paid for their rooms. Ok, so hotel informs the guest immediately that tour company dishonored agreement, if they want to CONTINUE to stay, they would have to start paying for the room out of pocket, or find new place to stay. Another poster indicated this "hold" was already released from hotel and the guest belongings were returned.

That UK hotel that charged the card initially and then refunded it.....Not sure exactly what happened there. Normally a hotel will pre-authorize the credit card for the entire stay, including you signing something to that effect. Depending on how it is setup, they will not send in the full authorization until the last day (checkout). The pre-authorization IS their way of guaranteeing that they If it is an extended stay, they may charge every so often, like once a week or something depending on the arrangement. Do you really think that any reasonable hotel/guesthouse manager would allow a stranger (no prior relationship with customer) to stay in one of their rooms that may have several hundred or thousand dollars worth of stuff laying around with no deposit or payment on file? Only a promise to pay?

Edited by 4evermaat
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If you need to get more money wired to you from abroad to settle your bill,

and your passport is locked into the hotel safe until you get more money

to pay the bill you THOUGHT was already paid,

but you need the passport to identify yourself to GET the wire transfer,

then it is Catch-22.

Do you really think these people came here with no money, no ATM card or credit card????? How much do you think the hotel bill was?

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The tourists and the Hotels are both victims of the tour company, but the Hotels have decided it will be easier to extort the tourist than launch a civil law suit against the tour operator.

Because their local partner is a Thai company "dummy" which does not have anything on the balance sheet. What is the meaning to sue, even if they can prove relationship with the parent company - they will get nothing because all insurance money, at that time, will disappear in payments to tourists.

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If you need to get more money wired to you from abroad to settle your bill,

and your passport is locked into the hotel safe until you get more money

to pay the bill you THOUGHT was already paid,

but you need the passport to identify yourself to GET the wire transfer,

then it is Catch-22.

Do you really think these people came here with no money, no ATM card or credit card????? How much do you think the hotel bill was?

I seriously think some of them came unprepared to pay the hotel bill because they had already paid the hotel. Many naive first time package tourists just bring some CASH and that's it. Obviously each individual tourist has a different story and it's impossible to generalize about ALL of them in any way.
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Do you really think these people came here with no money, no ATM card or credit card????? How much do you think the hotel bill was?

In Russia 95% of Visa/Master cards are debit only.

As I see in local news those tourists, who speak with a journalists at Moscow, have a $ 800 - 1500 bill for "from reception hotel + plane" spendings / per person.

Edited by TVGuide
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Holding personal belongings in a safe deposit box is despicable. A classic no class Thai move.

And your point is?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I could easily imagine many hotels taking this route in the case of non-payment.

the hotel has'nt been paid by the tour company not the guests who booked package hols with and paid the tour company, so they should not be able to keep anyones belongings in the safety boxes.
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While shopping for a Jomtien hotel room for a couple of nights in October I ran across a line like this in the web pages of some of the better hotels.

"- Rates are not applicable to Russian, CIS and Indian Market."

Another included Arab Markets. Does anyone know what that is all about?

The chances of having their rooms thrashed by these nationalities are higher than with other nationalities. Also theft of hotel items such as pillows, blankets, bed sheets etc. Thus a lot of hotels charge higher rates for guests from these countries.

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Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand for week's have been saying how good thing are with airport arrivals ... I think this says a lot that due to economy problems in Europe and so on 2012 high season going to be low but they will still come out with the same old tricks trying not to lose face like always also says a lot when the Thai government have to step in and help the tourism industry but at the end of the day the only people who suffer are the smaller business in the industry these days .... ? Big companies always get look after and the little people always get screwed when has there really been a good season here there hasn't really from when they closed Suvarnabhumi Airport back in 2008 that's like four years now imagine how many loans these small business have had to take out just to keep food on the table and pay staff also doesn't help airline these days don't give much commission to the small agents some don't even given a thing what so ever you are lucky to make i would say around 7% to 10% on a ticket so i was told by my friend who works in the industry even online booking killing a lot off agents off as the airlines can under cut everybody and don't give a dam about the small people these day if it wasn't for the agents who sell the tickets from day one a lot of the airlines and hotel resorts would be out of business years ago i would think really tough times for everybody these days my friend who use to work with a lot EU based factories here in Thailand but these factories are buying online as it's a lot cheaper there needs to be lot of changes here in Thailand with the airlines and also Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand the management level side of things they have no idea what they are doing it's time bring in a newer generation with new creative ideas as the people who are in change now haven't got a clue what they are doing and all they keep doing is going around in circles with the same old marketing ideas all these people need to stop taking fancy holidays aboard and bring new experiences to Thailand and stuff like tuk tuk /jet ski / pickpocket scams doesn't help also the police really need to start police the streets at nights and not seating back at the station when tourist are getting mugged by youths and lady boys at night ...

This is edited?


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That is terrible for them and even worse the Hotel refused them access to their own safe-boxes, can they do that?

If you were the hotel owner and someone didn't pay his bill, what would you do?

The agreement is between Lanta-Tour Company and the Hotel and not between the russian tourist and the Hotel. The 2 hotels have already filed a Police Report against Lanta-Tour Thai Co Ltd which they see as the counterpart.

Sure but if you are a freelance web designer and you are hired by a company A to make a design for company B and Company B has paid company A but company A did not pay you. I am sure you would not go on working.

B is a victim. You are a victim. A is the one responsible. But still you wont go on designing if you know your not going to get paid.

So I do understand both sides but i understand the hotel too.

Not sure about Thailand

But if this happened in Australia the web designer would find himself in court I am told by my legal friend

And his defence would not be accepted as his contract was with the defaulter

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