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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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if UK immigration is one of toughest in the world, how come 250,000 a year are allow in...legally. forget the illegal ones.

also, uk immigration is manned by immigrants... just go to Heathrow terminal 3

I was in T3 at Heathrow in July and overheard a scouser on his phone talking to his mate, he had just arrived from up North and I would guess was on his way to catch a flight. He said to his mate, "I'm in T3 now and you just wouldn't believe it, the whole place is full of foriegners, and there's not a Brit to be seen anywhere". He clearly hadn't seen me and if he's looked a little bit harder he would have seen a few more white Anglo Saxons, but the point is that T3 is where the long haul charter flights take off and land and there's a ton of them, naturally there's loads of foriegners there although the scouser didn't seem able to join up the dots! It makes sense that Immigration there is similarly staffed (as in English people with different ethnic backgrounds) as a result of likely language difficulties, lest we not forget that London/UK is a tourist destination!

Dots joined.

Edited by chiang mai
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Seems like an anti climax.

talk about 'losing face' let her explain this one

Yep serious loss of face, I guess she will never be seen in public again probably die alone of old age in a cave in the mountains somewhere. She made herself look like and absolute idiot

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Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

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Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

So true

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Perhaps the BiB felt that was the preferred resolution. In other countries, she might be arrested for causing a public disturbance or some such. In LOS, you get well paid for the same thing.

Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

So true

Edited by Reasonableman
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Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

alas you hit it on the head - but that's Thais for you and I cannot understand anyone even contemplating getting married but then I'm cynical :P

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Reminds me of a story which I think I can tell now as this topic is getting long in the tooth.

A good friend of my fathers, (We will call him Bill) a 67 yr old retired paramedic was married to a Thai woman for 35 yrs until she sadly passed away a few yrs ago from cancer. They lived together in Australia and raised a family, Thailand was no more than a holiday destination once a year.

A couple of years after her passing he formed a relationship with another Thai woman who came to Australia to spend some time with him in the early stages. The woman was around 47 yrs old still a few years younger than him. After being together for a couple of months she asked him to build a house back in Thailand for her parents. To keep the story short he replied, "No" he was not going to spend his retirement fund to build a house for them Well this did not please the woman who then threatened to leave him. Bill replies ok so what time does your plane leave or words to that effect. Well this went down like a wet fart and it was then plan "B" The woman goes to the kitchen and gets a carving knife threatening to kill herself and actually cuts her arm just a little in an effort to make a point.

Bill being a retired paramedic knows the proceedure when dealing with such people and called the police. The police turn up and she is ranting and raving how he is a bad man and still holding the knife threatening self harm. She cops a face full of O.C spray and is carted off in the back of the police van for a psych assessment. At the hospital psych ward she is still ranting about how he is a bad man and will not build a house for her parents and still want's to kill herself unless he does. She gets admitted for 10 days as an involuntary psych patient (Tax payers expence of course) Last he heard she was back in the LOS where she phoned him to say sorry and she still loved him. Good old Bill moved on without the nutcase.

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Reminds me of a story which I think I can tell now as this topic is getting long in the tooth.

A good friend of my fathers, (We will call him Bill) a 67 yr old retired paramedic was married to a Thai woman for 35 yrs until she sadly passed away a few yrs ago from cancer. They lived together in Australia and raised a family, Thailand was no more than a holiday destination once a year.

A couple of years after her passing he formed a relationship with another Thai woman who came to Australia to spend some time with him in the early stages. The woman was around 47 yrs old still a few years younger than him. After being together for a couple of months she asked him to build a house back in Thailand for her parents. To keep the story short he replied, "No" he was not going to spend his retirement fund to build a house for them Well this did not please the woman who then threatened to leave him. Bill replies ok so what time does your plane leave or words to that effect. Well this went down like a wet fart and it was then plan "B" The woman goes to the kitchen and gets a carving knife threatening to kill herself and actually cuts her arm just a little in an effort to make a point.

Bill being a retired paramedic knows the proceedure when dealing with such people and called the police. The police turn up and she is ranting and raving how he is a bad man and still holding the knife threatening self harm. She cops a face full of O.C spray and is carted off in the back of the police van for a psych assessment. At the hospital psych ward she is still ranting about how he is a bad man and will not build a house for her parents and still want's to kill herself unless he does. She gets admitted for 10 days as an involuntary psych patient (Tax payers expence of course) Last he heard she was back in the LOS where she phoned him to say sorry and she still loved him. Good old Bill moved on without the nutcase.

Is she this rejects sister?

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Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

But yours is different though.
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Perhaps the BiB felt that was the preferred resolution. In other countries, she might be arrested for causing a public disturbance or some such. In LOS, you get well paid for the same thing.

Well this nonsense doesn't surprise me at all. Thai women love this dramatic bullsh*t. All those soaps they watch where this behaviour is a daily occurance.

My little tirak is living with me in sunny England. She has met a few Thai ladies living over here. Brides to be and those that have already secured their walking ATMs. All they ever seem to talk to her about is how much money they have. How much gold they buy on trips back home and what they plan to do when the old s*d passes away. Never much talk of love. In fact they openly admit to her that love isn't there. Then there are all their friends back home asking their now married friends to find them husbands too. It's purely about money. If they wanted love they could find it in Thailand.

One nasty little b*tch who needed a husband to stay in the country (work visa soon to expire) turned very abusive towards her friend once the mark became doubtful of getting married. I believe the only reason she talked to my girlfiends friend in the first place was for her to find a sucker. She succeeded in the end but they now dont talk. God help that guy.

It cant be surprising that this is the nature of many of these relationships when 20 and 30 year olds come over to marry men old enough to be their fathers or grand fathers. It's not that that is wrong but when they come over for 6 months and then marry asap it sets off alarms.

p.s. Shouldn't she be arrested for threatening suicide or is it just so commonplace that it goes unnoticed? Surely doing it this publicly would warrant arrest or is it TIT again?

So true

These are the powers and actions we would have taken in Victoria, Australia

Mental Health Act 1986 - SECT 10

Apprehension of mentally ill persons in certain circumstances

10. Apprehension of mentally ill persons in certain circumstances

(1) A member of the police force, or a protective services officer on duty at

a designated place, may apprehend a person who appears to be mentally ill if

the member or officer has reasonable grounds for believing that-

(a) the person has recently attempted suicide or attempted to cause

serious bodily harm to herself or himself or to some other person; or

(B) the person is likely by act or neglect to attempt suicide or to cause

serious bodily harm to herself or himself or to some other person.

(1A) A member of the police force or a protective services officer is not

required for the purposes of subsection (1) to exercise any clinical judgment

as to whether a person is mentally ill but may exercise the powers conferred

by this section if, having regard to the behaviour and appearance of the

person, the person appears to the member or officer to be mentally ill.

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Some overly negative posts have been removed. Please remember these rules:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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Reminds me of a story which I think I can tell now as this topic is getting long in the tooth.

A good friend of my fathers, (We will call him Bill) a 67 yr old retired paramedic was married to a Thai woman for 35 yrs until she sadly passed away a few yrs ago from cancer. They lived together in Australia and raised a family, Thailand was no more than a holiday destination once a year.

A couple of years after her passing he formed a relationship with another Thai woman who came to Australia to spend some time with him in the early stages. The woman was around 47 yrs old still a few years younger than him. After being together for a couple of months she asked him to build a house back in Thailand for her parents. To keep the story short he replied, "No" he was not going to spend his retirement fund to build a house for them Well this did not please the woman who then threatened to leave him. Bill replies ok so what time does your plane leave or words to that effect. Well this went down like a wet fart and it was then plan "B" The woman goes to the kitchen and gets a carving knife threatening to kill herself and actually cuts her arm just a little in an effort to make a point.

Bill being a retired paramedic knows the proceedure when dealing with such people and called the police. The police turn up and she is ranting and raving how he is a bad man and still holding the knife threatening self harm. She cops a face full of O.C spray and is carted off in the back of the police van for a psych assessment. At the hospital psych ward she is still ranting about how he is a bad man and will not build a house for her parents and still want's to kill herself unless he does. She gets admitted for 10 days as an involuntary psych patient (Tax payers expence of course) Last he heard she was back in the LOS where she phoned him to say sorry and she still loved him. Good old Bill moved on without the nutcase.

Which just goes to show that what is considered as "insane" in Australia is perfectly "normal" here in the LOS. ;) lol

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Think about what you're doing here: a crowd of people gathered around a tall building shouting 'Jump! Jump!'. Whatever her faults, wishing suicide on someone is vile and ignoble. I wonder whether you'd repeat these sentiments among your family back at home.

Boiling frogs, armchair mercenaries all.

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Everyone using this as proof that all Thai girls are geeedy and ruthless are being narrow minded. What this is proof of is that many expat men make very poor decisions when it comes to finding a partner in Thailand.

Women like this do not represent an average Thai girl. Its no surprise at all that he met her on a Thai dating site. Expats commonly come here and date prostitutes they met in a bar and then are stunned when it all goes wrong. Seriously, what do you expect? If all your social circles in your home country comprised of only prostitutes and drug addicts you would expect problems but here you think it would be different for some reason??

Ive only lived here for 3 years but Ive yet to meet an elderly Thai man with a 20 year old girlfriend. I never see obvious currently still emploed bar girls in Savaurnabum airport walking around with a Thai boyfrends but I always see two or three expats with some sluttily dressed tattooed hooker. Also I have never met a Thai man who is in a serious relationship with a go-go dancer but Ive met several expats who are and let her go to work every night.

Love lorn lonely expats come here, pick up ruined women who no Thai man would touch and then they stereotype the whole nation because of their desperate search for love didnt extend past the first hooker who feigned interest in him and they ended up with a girl who was only looking out for her own best interests.

If all of your friends here are hookers and thats what you perceive as a typical real Thai girl then perhaps you should travel a bit more around Thailand to meet some real people.

Sadly the Pattaya/Nana brigade see little benefit in exploring what else Thailand has to offer, the rest of the moronic comments seem to come from wannabes who don't even live here, go figure!

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Everyone using this as proof that all Thai girls are geeedy and ruthless are being narrow minded. What this is proof of is that many expat men make very poor decisions when it comes to finding a partner in Thailand.

Women like this do not represent an average Thai girl. Its no surprise at all that he met her on a Thai dating site. Expats commonly come here and date protestutes they met in a bar and then are stunned when it all goes wrong. Seriously, what do you expect? If all your social circles in your home country comprised of only prostetutes and drug addicts you would expect problems but here you think it would be different for some reason??

Ive only lived here for 3 years but Ive yet to meet an elderly Thai man with a 20 year old girlfriend. I never see obvious currently still emploed bar girls in Savaurnabum airport walking around with a Thai boyfrends but I always see two or three expats with some sluttily dressed tattooed hooker. Also I have never met a Thai man who is in a serious relationship with a go-go dancer but Ive met several expats who are and let her go to work every night.

Love lorn lonely expats come here, pick up ruined women who no Thai man would touch and then they stereotype the whole nation because of their desperate search for love didnt extend past the first hooker who feigned interest in him and they ended up with a girl who was only looking out for her own best interests.

If all of your friends here are hookers and thats what you perceive as a typical real Thai girl then perhaps you should travel a bit more around Thailand to meet some real people.

Many people consider marriage a more expensive form of prostitution. BTW Thai wives cheat on their Thai husbands as well.

[According to reliable surveys of sexual behavior, every day at least 450,000 Thai men visit prostitutes. Thus, much of the impetus sustaining the incredible rate of prostitution in Thailand is cultural; "Thai men think it is their right to have cheap sex, ... and there are enough poor Thai women to make it possible."

Prostitution in many cases has become integrated with initiation rights: "[f]or many Thai men, a trip to the neighborhood brothel is a rite of passage, a tradition passed from father to son."

Certainly, prostitutes play a large part in forming the sexual identity of young Thai males; "a demonstration of heterosexual orientation by having sex with a female prostitute is an important rite of passage for some groups of Thai men." This is borne out by the available statistics: "studies show that the majority of Thai men have their first sexual experience with a prostitute - the act is often a part of high school and university hazing rituals - and that 95% of all men over 21 have slept with a prostitute."

In addition to rites of passage, the activity of visiting a whorehouse has become a social activity in many cases, "'Sex with prostitutes seems to be a way for men to enjoy each other's company,' notes Barbara Franklin of Care International, ... 'It is often part of a night out with friends who share food, drink and sometimes even sexual partners.'’]


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Think about what you're doing here: a crowd of people gathered around a tall building shouting 'Jump! Jump!'. Whatever her faults, wishing suicide on someone is vile and ignoble. I wonder whether you'd repeat these sentiments among your family back at home.

Boiling frogs, armchair mercenaries all.

She wished it on herself! And then decided not to carry it out.

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TLDR past the first sentance, and from what I gather you missed my whole point. I never said that Thai men dont use prostitutes. Re-read and get back to me with something valid if you want.

Also just copying and pasting from a website makes it even less interesting and not worth reading.

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