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Nuclear reactor temperature at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant rises to 82°C


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Looks like all comments on here fell on deaf ears, as the Japanese have discovered they cant live without full power and are going to fire up the reactors that were shut down after the disaster. Don't see why not as they are all ok in the other countries around the world.

….. You are joking of course? giggle.gif

Just because you don't see or hear things on the mainstream media, you shouldn't assume there isn’t anything to worry aboutsad.png

‘Irreparable’ safety issues: All US nuclear reactors should be replaced, ‘Band-Aids’ won’t help

All 104 nuclear reactors currently operational in the US have irreparable safety issues and should be taken out of commission and replaced, former chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory B. Jaczko said.ohmy.png


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Even in America they can't afford to be complacent about this

Radioactive traces from Japan found in NW albacore tuna

LONGVIEW, Wash. -- Oregon State University researchers say they have found traces of radioactive cesium from last year's Japanese nuclear reactor disaster in West Coast albacore tuna.


West coast Canadians are starting to talk about radioactivity in the Salmon stocks. I'll eat fish for one or two more seasons, and I think that will put an end to the salt water fishing here.

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Even in America they can't afford to be complacent about this

Radioactive traces from Japan found in NW albacore tuna

LONGVIEW, Wash. -- Oregon State University researchers say they have found traces of radioactive cesium from last year's Japanese nuclear reactor disaster in West Coast albacore tuna.


West coast Canadians are starting to talk about radioactivity in the Salmon stocks. I'll eat fish for one or two more seasons, and I think that will put an end to the salt water fishing here.

Now people are really starting to react (as they should) in USA

NBC in Washington D.C. goes live with ‘Breaking News’ from Fukushima: “Troubling news out of Japan”; Fish showing high levels of radiation — and some of that radioactive contamination could actually be hitting the US in weeks

High radioactive materials detected in fish

Fishermen in Fukushima say high levels of radioactive materials have been detected in fish caught off the prefecture.

The prefectural fisheries association said on Thursday that 110 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive materials was detected in scorpion fish caught in test-fishing off Iwaki City.

The government safety limit is 100 becquerels. This is the first time radiation levels have exceeded the limit in the test-fishing program.


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Looks like all comments on here fell on deaf ears, as the Japanese have discovered they cant live without full power and are going to fire up the reactors that were shut down after the disaster. Don't see why not as they are all ok in the other countries around the world.

….. You are joking of course? giggle.gif

Just because you don't see or hear things on the mainstream media, you shouldn't assume there isn’t anything to worry aboutsad.png

‘Irreparable’ safety issues: All US nuclear reactors should be replaced, ‘Band-Aids’ won’t help

All 104 nuclear reactors currently operational in the US have irreparable safety issues and should be taken out of commission and replaced, former chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory B. Jaczko said.ohmy.png


I wouldn't put much stock in what RT has to say. Probably the most biased reporting I've ever heard was from them. They really do make Fox News seem fair and balanced.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Looks like all comments on here fell on deaf ears, as the Japanese have discovered they cant live without full power and are going to fire up the reactors that were shut down after the disaster. Don't see why not as they are all ok in the other countries around the world.

….. You are joking of course? giggle.gif

Just because you don't see or hear things on the mainstream media, you shouldn't assume there isn’t anything to worry aboutsad.png

‘Irreparable’ safety issues: All US nuclear reactors should be replaced, ‘Band-Aids’ won’t help

All 104 nuclear reactors currently operational in the US have irreparable safety issues and should be taken out of commission and replaced, former chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory B. Jaczko said.ohmy.png


I wouldn't put much stock in what RT has to say. Probably the most biased reporting I've ever heard was from them. They really do make Fox News seem fair and balanced.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

God help us if we start shooting the messenger on this issue just because we don't happen to believe or trust a particular news outlet?ermm.gif

The most important question to ask is did Gregory Jaczko say at a Washington conference ( or didn't he say ) that " all 104 nuclear power reactors in the U.S. are fundamentally flawed and should be phased out " ?

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace even shows on their website that he did say this and are you going to suggest they shouldn't be believed also?rolleyes.gif


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It's nothing to do with shooting the messenger but recognizing a legitimate and respected news media organization and IMO, RT falls short.

I don't know much about the CEIP but if they're (unlike RT) a respected organization without an agenda then they should be taken seriously.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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It's nothing to do with shooting the messenger but recognizing a legitimate and respected news media organization and IMO, RT falls short.

I don't know much about the CEIP but if they're (unlike RT) a respected organization without an agenda then they should be taken seriously.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

" The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is the oldest international affairs think tank in the United States. Founded in 1910, it is known for excellence in scholarship, responsiveness to changing global circumstances, and a commitment to concrete improvements in public policy."

" Carnegie does not take institutional positions, does not engage in lobbying, and is not involved in ideological advocacy. Instead, it relies on its independence and the quality of its scholarship to make notable contributions to national policymaking. It welcomes scholars with diverse political views and is acknowledged to be a centrist institution within the American political spectrum."

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And for those who equate "likes" and "Nielsons" with truth in the reportage of the events which "alter and illuminate the days of our lives" here is a link to my least favourite "news" organization . . . . http://enenews.com/fox-host-most-of-fukushimas-radioactive-releases-in-ocean-to-hit-our-west-coast-and-there-it-is-moving-toward-us-frankly-scientists-are-being-very-careful-about-what-they-say-abou

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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God help us if we start shooting the messenger on this issue just because we don't happen to believe or trust a particular news outlet?ermm.gif

The most important question to ask is did Gregory Jaczko say at a Washington conference ( or didn't he say ) that " all 104 nuclear power reactors in the U.S. are fundamentally flawed and should be phased out " ?

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace even shows on their website that he did say this and are you going to suggest they shouldn't be believed also?rolleyes.gif


I can't comment on the scientific truth of this matter because I don't have the knowledge. I do know that handling spend fuel rods is very expensive, and that they are buried deep in the ground in concrete bunkers. I also know that concrete badly deteriorates after about 100 years.

I do know that the US doesn't need nuclear power. I suspect that perhaps someone made a lot of money building and operating them. Most power companies in the US are privately owned and Warren Buffet owns 7 of them that produce most of the power in the West.

In the West most of the power comes from hydro-electric dams. There are several on the Columbia River alone.

The US has massive amounts of coal, and has learned how to burn it cleanly.

The US has at least 100 years worth of natural gas already drilled and ready for use. It's really cheap and there's more where that came from.

I would certainly be in favor of decommissioning the nukes and switching to safer, cheaper and readily available alternatives "just in case."

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GODZILLA strikes again.

Early in its history we heard a lot about how nuclear energy was going to be "too cheap to meter"

That was how the nuclear sector of the West's criminal class peddled the new technology.

Many of these things were set up close to water sources and near large cities.

Not a word, NOT ONE WORD was ever uttered about the start up costs, and the decommissioning costs of these slow-blow nuclear time bombs.

NOR was there very much discussion of what one was to do with fuel rods whose efficiency had dropped over time but which were still emanating deadly extravagantly toxic radiation.

So we built nuclear reactors everywhere we could for this reason and for three or four OTHER reasons as specious as this.

Only over the years and after a significant number of these things had malfunctioned did we ever get the real story.

There IS NO OFF-SWITCH on a nuclear reactor.

At this point we have been running the damned things for years. In fact MOST of these damned things have reached the end of their safe-use lives. And now, ONE nuclear power station after another is quietly being de-commissioned.

By hook and by crook, General Electric cut these nuke deals world wide.

Against the minority opinion of many of their own, General Electric consulted for and built the Fukishima Diichi reactors.

Fukishima is only ONE site. Its melt-downs are common knowledge but seldom reported.

What would be the use of reporting that Tokyo a city of 28000000 was in a nuclear shadow.

These sites are falling into decrepitude and malfunction WORLDWIDE.

The GO TO GUY for most of this information is Arne Gundersen, at Fairwinds Consultants.

You can research the whole deal from there.

GOOGLE is your friend.

At this point, as with the inevitability Tokyo, there is little to be gained by talking much about this.

Bad policy to spook the herd.

Just comb through this thread though for the set of Nuke Defenders.

Logical fallacies, lies, challenges abound.

Battle-hardened warriors chained outside the entrance to the Dark Castle.

In the case of nuclear, they are talking-point addled, friendo-defendoes shrieking their shibboleth and their foolish cant onto the boards to smother news of the rise of yet another GODZILLA

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Time to insert solid moderation,sadly unlike here the dogs of war want the enriched plutonium to threaten other people the planet and future generations.

This Leviathan needs a long co-operative campaign

Phase 1

Non Proliferation

2 Control and decommisoning

3 Inspection and oversight

4 Sanctions for rogue testers like France Israel Iran and N Korea.

5 Develop alternative preferably renewable but at all cost non ionising fuels,Thorium,Biomass harnassed to conservation energy efficiency and safe long term storage perhaps in those countries that refuse inspection like Pakistan,Syria,Israel,Japan or China.

6 Eventual control in parallel of all stocks to UN control led by Neutral non nuclear states eg Cuba,Indonesia,Sweden,Ireland Finland ,Austria, which decisioned Zwettendorf befre ever polluting etc

RSA set the bar by quitting this folly will it take another Chernobyl.Fukushima next to litigous Americans to finally bankrupt this folly?

Further info from non proliferation organisations.


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I was in northern California when the Rancho Seco N. power plant was shut down permanently. It's near Sacramento, CA's capital. It was new and operational when shut down. There was a local 'proposition' vote on it, and residents wanted it shut down permanently, and the 'yes votes' won. Purportedly, the reason was that some of the workers there were smoking pot. The real reason was; Sacramento and outlying regions just didn't want that thing operating there.

There have been 28 N. Power plants decommissioned in the US, for various reasons. Initial costs can top 1 billion $$'s. I say 'initial' because there are costs further on, like 'decontamination' and 'entombment.' Anyone who claims nuclear is cheaper than alternatives like solar or wind or tide, needs to hone up on the many added costs associated with N.

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I was in northern California when the Rancho Seco N. power plant was shut down permanently. It's near Sacramento, CA's capital. It was new and operational when shut down. There was a local 'proposition' vote on it, and residents wanted it shut down permanently, and the 'yes votes' won. Purportedly, the reason was that some of the workers there were smoking pot. The real reason was; Sacramento and outlying regions just didn't want that thing operating there.

There have been 28 N. Power plants decommissioned in the US, for various reasons. Initial costs can top 1 billion $$'s. I say 'initial' because there are costs further on, like 'decontamination' and 'entombment.' Anyone who claims nuclear is cheaper than alternatives like solar or wind or tide, needs to hone up on the many added costs associated with N.

No proponent of ANY alternative power generating source ever mentions the startup of the decommissioning costs. All we get from these people are the running costs. EXCLUSIVE OF MAINTENANCE.

Solar panels that can last longer than 20 years are horrendously expensive.

Wind turbines come fraught with tremendous startup costs, maintenance issues and then there's the issue of aesthetics and wild life kill off. Nuclear is the big scam though.

Got to scare the hell out of everybody to get them in the mood to accept alternative energy.

And THAT's what the Warmists are all about.

It's the old "we're all gonna burn in the everlasting fires" routine.

It's based on belief.

AGW, like SO many belief systems corrupting our current collective psyche is a fear-based religion.

And it's NOT the only one.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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I've used solar since its inception and am still using it. It's down to about $1/watt. I also use passive solar to pre-heat water. Sometimes I have to add cold - because the water's too hot to shower with. Imagine if just half households in Thailand heated water with solar - for showers and cooking. How much electric and LPG would that save?

Solar panels that can last longer than 20 years are horrendously expensive.

How expensive? Just because a PV panel manufacturer might mention "20 years" doesn't mean it's necessarily going to stop working at 20 years. It may last 50 or more. Still, at $1/watt that's a pretty good investment if it lasts 20 years.

Warren Buffet has been investing heavily in large array solar collectors - in Texas, AZ and California. The US military is also changing to solar as much as reasonably possible. Personally, I like the concept of 'concentrated solar' better than PV - for municipal-scale solar power.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fukushima's radiation victims

"Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black," the 56-year-old told DW. Similar symptoms were also detected in animals in Chernobyl following the nuclear catastrophe there in 1986. Fujiwara's family had to leave the dog behind when they were ordered to leave the town of Namie, located nine kilometres (5.6 miles) north of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The pet probably died of high radiation.


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Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific “probably for the rest of time… forever more” — “There’s simply nothing anyone can do about it” — “Nuclear industry is covering it up because they know if truth comes out it will be end of nuclear power”

Dr. Helen Caldicott: There seems to be no end in sight for this dreadful catastrophe. About 300 to 400 tons of radioactive water per day are pouring into the Pacific, have been for the last 3 years, and will continue probably for the rest of time because no one can find out where the molten cores of a hundred of seethingly hot uranium are. No one can get near them because they’re so radioactive, and the water will continue to flow over them, I guess, forever more. I can’t see any other way out of it. [...] I had the same reaction as you when two days after the tsunami and earthquake occurred [...] I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach [...] there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. And people are asking me all the time what can I take, what nutrients can I take? There’s nothing you can take to remove the radioactive elements from your body once you’ve eaten them.


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