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Workers From Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam For Thailand?

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Laos Burma and Cambodia is certainly possible under the migrant labour scheme. You'll need to enquire at your local Dept of Labour office esp if you have a company structure. The benefit of this system is no 4 to 1 ratio's or paid up capital minimum requirements etc to get workers under this scheme. The also get access to the Thai hospital system under the insurance scheme which is part of the registration process.

Vietnamese will have to come under the normal work permit system.

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Yeah and they work about 1000 times better then Thai's in my opinion.

1000 times better is "slightly" exaggerated ph34r.png

999 time better then?

Isn't there supopsed to be an EEC type free movement of labour agreement coming into place sometime soon for the ASEAN nations?

You won't get any Vietnamese working for the low salaries paid in Thailand though.

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