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One group of Harley riders, noone wearing a helmet. The other group of "racing bikers", all wearing the most expensive helmets. Same cause, different effect.

I don't think so. But I'll leave it to others to explain.

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One group of Harley riders, noone wearing a helmet. The other group of "racing bikers", all wearing the most expensive helmets. Same cause, different effect.

I don't think so. But I'll leave it to others to explain.

eh !! ha !! ow !! ouch !! jesu guys !! this hospital bed is hard as rock, stay behind the keyboard guys or wear a helmet and full body armor and know some Kung fooy before you try to talk sense to these guys.post-4641-1156694005.gif


I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding :)

  • Like 1

One group of Harley riders, noone wearing a helmet. The other group of "racing bikers", all wearing the most expensive helmets. Same cause, different effect.

I don't think so. But I'll leave it to others to explain.

eh !! ha !! ow !! ouch !! jesu guys !! this hospital bed is hard as rock, stay behind the keyboard guys or wear a helmet and full body armor and know some Kung fooy before you try to talk sense to these guys.post-4641-1156694005.gif

in all honesty, when you ride a bike that mostly has the performane of a honda 125 and little else to offer EXCEPT NOISE -what is that all about, is it cool ? shall we put it to a poll on this forum, there's a guy lives same place as me, every time he starts that <deleted> noise generator he revs it like he has a diseased wrist waking everyone, then i bump into him the odd time he says - cool bike - fancey going for a ride out some time (don't speak German) and after a bit of jibber jabber we end up talking about the weather, some day I'll say yes but what a boring ride that would be - I just cannot ride at 80ikmph and I cannot ride behind the noise machine it really really is a ride spoiler for me.......... anyway rant over and everyone to their own

I am not anti harley but it's like taking a really poor performing big engine and putting a seat on it then - add some chrome polish that shit up and some dipstick will pay a zillion Sestertius for the pleasure but quite honestly I can not understand why anyone would buy one... it is beyond my understanding, give me one for free and I'd sell it for some charity

oh and helemets where not being worn tonight by 90% of the people I saw riding , I even saw a drunk Thai guy run into the back of a parked up bike at a 7/11...............the worst of this story is he had a very young little girl standing on the bike in ront of him - no helmet nothing - and she was very very lucky to have no injuries....grrrrrrr i felt like saying something but walked on as nobody was injured and only broken plastic damage done to the parked bike that he hit


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif

"it's your choice" is such a worn out and unsupportable argument - I fail to see how anyone can think it is a valid stement unless they have been living under a stone for the past 20 years.


I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

I am surprised - (or am I?) that anyone could put this forward as an argument.Firstly it's a guess, secondly it's implying a connection with crash helmets if it WAS true but that would be yet another huge jump of logic.

If you have the slightest idea of how to compare road injuries and the complications involved you'd never make such a daft proposition.


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif

"it's your choice" is such a worn out and unsupportable argument - I fail to see how anyone can think it is a valid stement unless they have been living under a stone for the past 20 years.

I prefer to live in a world where it IS your choice. Your choice to smoke, drink too much, eat fatty foods, break the speed limit, have an abortion, sign a living will, etc. and up to you to deal with the consequences. It's called personal responsibility; something that in many western countries is being replaced by big brother creating rules and regulations to control every aspect of your life.

IMO personal responsibility is far better than the alternative where the GOVERNMENT decides what's good for you and passes laws to make every excess illegal.

I can't speak for the rest of you, but for me, one of the most appealing aspects of living in Thailand is the "up to you" "mai pen rai" attitude of our hosts.

Ride On!

Tony jap.gif

ps. A helmet saved my life in a bad wreck some years ago and I fully believe they are worthwhile. But from time to time I still ride without one. Big deal. We're all adults here and can decide for ourselves what amount of risk we are willing to accept. T

  • Like 1

I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

Speeding is the main cause of the greater accident rate among supersport bike drivers. At some point, no helmet will help you.



I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

I am surprised - (or am I?) that anyone could put this forward as an argument.Firstly it's a guess, secondly it's implying a connection with crash helmets if it WAS true but that would be yet another huge jump of logic.

If you have the slightest idea of how to compare road injuries and the complications involved you'd never make such a daft proposition.

Most members here aren't experts in most things. We share our opinions. This thread is now 14 pages long. Have you all read them? Many posts from more or less interested and more or less clever people. The interesting thing why i participate at such threads is that i learn something. And sometimes i even change my opinion or adjust it a bit according to new impressions i got.

If you talk about a country like Thailand enforcing helmet laws than you also have to talk about the bad side effects. And there are some. If you give a helmet to a young man that is used to drive without helmet, than he most likely feels more safe and he most likely will drive more risky than before. It needs some time till he accept the helmet as a normal thing.

This effect is called Risk compensation. Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety.

Harley riders and racing bikers are two extremes. Riding without helmet isn't clever, but riding too fast also isn't clever. Thats all i wanted to say :)

  • Like 1

Another interesting wikipedia article: Peltzman effect

Its about the risk that enforcing safety laws can have bad side effects for other road users. The following is copied from wikipedia:

When the offsetting risky behavior encouraged by the safety regulation has negative externalities, the Peltzman effect can result in redistributing risk to innocent bystanders who would behave in a risk-averse manner even without the regulation. For example, if some risk-tolerant drivers who would not otherwise wear a seat belt respond to a seat belt law by driving less safely, there would be more total collisions. Overall injuries and fatalities may still decrease due to greater seat belt use, but drivers who would wear seat belts regardless would see their overall risk increase. Similarly, safety regulations for automobiles may put pedestrians or bicyclists in more danger by encouraging risky behavior in drivers without offering additional protection for pedestrians and cyclists.


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif

not being funny when I ask this mate but what is it you like about harleys, I can give you several very good reasons why I like motorbikes in general but a harley doesn't fit any of them so what is the attraction ?


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif

not being funny when I ask this mate but what is it you like about harleys, I can give you several very good reasons why I like motorbikes in general but a harley doesn't fit any of them so what is the attraction ?

What don't you like about them. ?


I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

I am surprised - (or am I?) that anyone could put this forward as an argument.Firstly it's a guess, secondly it's implying a connection with crash helmets if it WAS true but that would be yet another huge jump of logic.

If you have the slightest idea of how to compare road injuries and the complications involved you'd never make such a daft proposition.

Most members here aren't experts in most things. We share our opinions. This thread is now 14 pages long. Have you all read them? Many posts from more or less interested and more or less clever people. The interesting thing why i participate at such threads is that i learn something. And sometimes i even change my opinion or adjust it a bit according to new impressions i got.

If you talk about a country like Thailand enforcing helmet laws than you also have to talk about the bad side effects. And there are some. If you give a helmet to a young man that is used to drive without helmet, than he most likely feels more safe and he most likely will drive more risky than before. It needs some time till he accept the helmet as a normal thing.

This effect is called Risk compensation. Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety.

Harley riders and racing bikers are two extremes. Riding without helmet isn't clever, but riding too fast also isn't clever. Thats all i wanted to say smile.png

How on earth can you say this, I ride most days and watch young men hurtle through closing gaps between cars and they are not wearing helmets. Other dangerous moves too. They are the highest casualties. And NO road users do not take more care of idiots not wearing helmets, it's simply not true. Most Thai drivers are not spatiallly aware of what is going on around them, hence moving from the nearside lane to turn right without indicating, staying in the outside lane, etc etc ad nauseam


A: I like harley Davidsons,but don't own one. Would rather have a Victory if I had the readies. whistling.gif

B: I did buy a large V-twin yesterday but from a manufacturer that solved the oil leak problem on the first prototype. wink.png

C: Whilst buying said V-twin I saw some colourful and not to heavy full face helmets that would look luverly on a sports bike riders head....if they chose to wear one. As far as I am concerned, it's your choice. thumbsup.gif

"it's your choice" is such a worn out and unsupportable argument - I fail to see how anyone can think it is a valid stement unless they have been living under a stone for the past 20 years.

I prefer to live in a world where it IS your choice. Your choice to smoke, drink too much, eat fatty foods, break the speed limit, have an abortion, sign a living will, etc. and up to you to deal with the consequences. It's called personal responsibility; something that in many western countries is being replaced by big brother creating rules and regulations to control every aspect of your life.

IMO personal responsibility is far better than the alternative where the GOVERNMENT decides what's good for you and passes laws to make every excess illegal.

I can't speak for the rest of you, but for me, one of the most appealing aspects of living in Thailand is the "up to you" "mai pen rai" attitude of our hosts.

Ride On!

Tony jap.gif

ps. A helmet saved my life in a bad wreck some years ago and I fully believe they are worthwhile. But from time to time I still ride without one. Big deal. We're all adults here and can decide for ourselves what amount of risk we are willing to accept. T

I agree with you Tony as long as your choices don't have an effect on others, in the UK for example some of your choices do

1. Not wearing a Helemet - burden to the tax payer for your medical bills (not applicable everywhere)

2. Speeding - generally a risk to others (not always)

3. Drinking - well that's a biggy - burden to the tax payer for medical bills, public order (not everyone) drinking and driving (if you're my age or older you'll have done it) danger to others

4.smoking - all of the above

but "up to you" as long as it is only affecting you


I like harleys too, but i will not start telling why. Its not the "why i (not) like harleys thread" :)

But why do many harley rider groups refuse to wearing a helmet? Are they such tough guys? Is it the search of "freedom"? Are harleys less dangerous? Hasn't group pressure something to do with it? Why isn't there a fullface helmet thats looking cool on a harley? Or are we just used to the fact that a harleys rider never wears a fullface? Why are people laughing at a harley rider wearing fulll protection gear? Why are they not laughing if the same rider is doing dangerous stunts? Human behaviour i guess, not really much logical thinking in it.

  • Like 1

I don't think that the death rate from harley riders is higher than the death rate of racing bikers. So, do you want to call one of these groups more clever than the other (regarding safety)? Both have fun. But i would suggest to wear helmets AND to avoid speeding smile.png

I am surprised - (or am I?) that anyone could put this forward as an argument.Firstly it's a guess, secondly it's implying a connection with crash helmets if it WAS true but that would be yet another huge jump of logic.

If you have the slightest idea of how to compare road injuries and the complications involved you'd never make such a daft proposition.

Most members here aren't experts in most things. We share our opinions. This thread is now 14 pages long. Have you all read them? Many posts from more or less interested and more or less clever people. The interesting thing why i participate at such threads is that i learn something. And sometimes i even change my opinion or adjust it a bit according to new impressions i got.

If you talk about a country like Thailand enforcing helmet laws than you also have to talk about the bad side effects. And there are some. If you give a helmet to a young man that is used to drive without helmet, than he most likely feels more safe and he most likely will drive more risky than before. It needs some time till he accept the helmet as a normal thing.

This effect is called Risk compensation. Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety.

Harley riders and racing bikers are two extremes. Riding without helmet isn't clever, but riding too fast also isn't clever. Thats all i wanted to say smile.png

How on earth can you say this, I ride most days and watch young men hurtle through closing gaps between cars and they are not wearing helmets. Other dangerous moves too. They are the highest casualties. And NO road users do not take more care of idiots not wearing helmets, it's simply not true. Most Thai drivers are not spatiallly aware of what is going on around them, hence moving from the nearside lane to turn right without indicating, staying in the outside lane, etc etc ad nauseam

If a young thai man is driving fast and dangerous without helmet, he sure can drive faster and more dangerous with helmet. It seem you already have a clue about thai behaviour. But your interpretation is wrong smile.png

Yes, its good to wear a helmet. Nearly all people agree in it.

  • Like 1

this is an oxymoron...

"Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety."


One group of Harley riders, noone wearing a helmet. The other group of "racing bikers", all wearing the most expensive helmets. Same cause, different effect.

I don't think so. But I'll leave it to others to explain.

eh !! ha !! ow !! ouch !! jesu guys !! this hospital bed is hard as rock, stay behind the keyboard guys or wear a helmet and full body armor and know some Kung fooy before you try to talk sense to these guys.post-4641-1156694005.gif

in all honesty, when you ride a bike that mostly has the performane of a honda 125 and little else to offer EXCEPT NOISE -what is that all about, is it cool ? shall we put it to a poll on this forum, there's a guy lives same place as me, every time he starts that <deleted> noise generator he revs it like he has a diseased wrist waking everyone, then i bump into him the odd time he says - cool bike - fancey going for a ride out some time (don't speak German) and after a bit of jibber jabber we end up talking about the weather, some day I'll say yes but what a boring ride that would be - I just cannot ride at 80ikmph and I cannot ride behind the noise machine it really really is a ride spoiler for me.......... anyway rant over and everyone to their own

I am not anti harley but it's like taking a really poor performing big engine and putting a seat on it then - add some chrome polish that shit up and some dipstick will pay a zillion Sestertius for the pleasure but quite honestly I can not understand why anyone would buy one... it is beyond my understanding, give me one for free and I'd sell it for some charity

oh and helemets where not being worn tonight by 90% of the people I saw riding , I even saw a drunk Thai guy run into the back of a parked up bike at a 7/11...............the worst of this story is he had a very young little girl standing on the bike in ront of him - no helmet nothing - and she was very very lucky to have no injuries....grrrrrrr i felt like saying something but walked on as nobody was injured and only broken plastic damage done to the parked bike that he hit

Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

  • Like 2

this is an oxymoron...

"Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety."

Why is this an oxymoron?

This is called "risk compensation" and "risk homeostasis".


As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

You're probably right, but there is much more people riding japanese big bikes than Harleys, and they usually drive more distance than from one bar to the other one. ;)


Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

so you are comparing a machine with a human female ?????

I buy a car or motorbike based on how it performs as a machine and how fit it is for purpose, I cannot think of one good design feature about a Harley except it's ability to make noise and annoy people, honestly I really don't understand the mentality, if you like the look of it fair enough your choice but looks are not what cars/mortorbikes are about as it happens, it's a whole package built for purpose, I'm not going to say Harleys are ugly as that would be just my opinion but they are definately noisy and I can't think of much else to say about them excepy maybe very expensive, why they don't wear helmets is beyond me, and most of the people riding superbikes that are killed here are not wearing helmets to speak of and most likely have no experience of riding a large powerful bike, but in saying all that each to their own and I have friends that own Harleys and I ride with them sometimes.


Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

so you are comparing a machine with a human female ?????

I buy a car or motorbike based on how it performs as a machine and how fit it is for purpose, I cannot think of one good design feature about a Harley except it's ability to make noise and annoy people, honestly I really don't understand the mentality, if you like the look of it fair enough your choice but looks are not what cars/mortorbikes are about as it happens, it's a whole package built for purpose, I'm not going to say Harleys are ugly as that would be just my opinion but they are definately noisy and I can't think of much else to say about them excepy maybe very expensive, why they don't wear helmets is beyond me, and most of the people riding superbikes that are killed here are not wearing helmets to speak of and most likely have no experience of riding a large powerful bike, but in saying all that each to their own and I have friends that own Harleys and I ride with them sometimes.

Ridiculous, tell me, why does Joe Leno, you know, the USA multimillionaire TV host, ride a vintage Brough Superior SS100, not sure of year but it's around 80 years old, and a V-twin 1000cc J.A.P. powered ? Engine solid mounted to frame, virtually no suspension. coffee1.gif

this is an oxymoron...

"Most people are effected by this. People without helmet drive less dangerous on average. And road users are taking more care of people without helmets than of people with helmets. This is a generalisation of course, but it is verified by studies about road safety."

Why is this an oxymoron?

This is called "risk compensation" and "risk homeostasis".

Duh - because you say it is a generalisation and then say it is supported by stats - but what should I expect?????


Some of the customized Harleys have very small gas tanks. That meant frequent stops for fuel. I was able to ride a number of different Harleys. They wanted to ride my BMW just until the next fuel stop and they got the feelings back in their fingers. Did they buy a very smooth shaft drive BMW when the wanted a new bike, NO, they bought another Harley.

Of course my old BMW was VERY ugly and slow but is was a great comfortable ride. It was an R60 with a huge gas tank.


you are also implying that because people drive "differently they don't need to wear a helmet - and this is of course a non sequitur.

I never said such thing. Up to you if you think i am implying it.

I always wear a helmet and i encourage everyone to do so :)


Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

so you are comparing a machine with a human female ?????

I buy a car or motorbike based on how it performs as a machine and how fit it is for purpose, I cannot think of one good design feature about a Harley except it's ability to make noise and annoy people, honestly I really don't understand the mentality, if you like the look of it fair enough your choice but looks are not what cars/mortorbikes are about as it happens, it's a whole package built for purpose, I'm not going to say Harleys are ugly as that would be just my opinion but they are definately noisy and I can't think of much else to say about them excepy maybe very expensive, why they don't wear helmets is beyond me, and most of the people riding superbikes that are killed here are not wearing helmets to speak of and most likely have no experience of riding a large powerful bike, but in saying all that each to their own and I have friends that own Harleys and I ride with them sometimes.

Ridiculous, tell me, why does Joe Leno, you know, the USA multimillionaire TV host, ride a vintage Brough Superior SS100, not sure of year but it's around 80 years old, and a V-twin 1000cc J.A.P. powered ? Engine solid mounted to frame, virtually no suspension. coffee1.gif

he classes himself as a collector - up to him he has the money, some people collect stamps

oh and I'd be very surprised if his vintage bike is is daily commute lol, I believe he collects cars also

Transam - you are one of the forum lerchers that comes here everyday and argues with everyone, you are like a little brat that has nothing else to do, go and do something instead of coming here blabbing with everyone - buy a harley lol just go do something

I don't like harleys up to me - that is my opinion and choice, I cannot think of one reason why I would buy one and I don't buy motorbikes for looks alone even if I liked the look and the noise a harley for me is not it, there is nothing wrong with what I said - it is my opinion and my choice as is Jay Leno's

A modern Harley for me looks like something from the 40's and rides just the same, it's like modeling a new ferrari based on a model T ford, it's just not for me


A modern Harley for me looks like something from the 40's and rides just the same

Exactly, this is why people like harleys. Some things are good as they are.

But why do Harley riders refuse to wear decent helmets? And why do sport bike guys want to ride faster and faster? Why do some people drink beer, others like wine? Crazy world :)

  • Like 1

Did it ever occur to you that some people don't buy a bike just because of how fast it goes?

Perhaps they just like the look and prestige it brings, or perhaps they like the sound. Just because you don't like it doesn't make them wrong. We all have different tastes in this world, you have yours and others have theirs. Some guys like slim girls and others like fat girls. I could go on.

As far as helmets for Harley riders goes, I'd be willing to bet that less helmetless Harley/cruiser riders die from accidents than superbike riders die while wearing their super expensive helmets.

so you are comparing a machine with a human female ?????

I buy a car or motorbike based on how it performs as a machine and how fit it is for purpose, I cannot think of one good design feature about a Harley except it's ability to make noise and annoy people, honestly I really don't understand the mentality, if you like the look of it fair enough your choice but looks are not what cars/mortorbikes are about as it happens, it's a whole package built for purpose, I'm not going to say Harleys are ugly as that would be just my opinion but they are definately noisy and I can't think of much else to say about them excepy maybe very expensive, why they don't wear helmets is beyond me, and most of the people riding superbikes that are killed here are not wearing helmets to speak of and most likely have no experience of riding a large powerful bike, but in saying all that each to their own and I have friends that own Harleys and I ride with them sometimes.

Ridiculous, tell me, why does Joe Leno, you know, the USA multimillionaire TV host, ride a vintage Brough Superior SS100, not sure of year but it's around 80 years old, and a V-twin 1000cc J.A.P. powered ? Engine solid mounted to frame, virtually no suspension. coffee1.gif

he classes himself as a collector - up to him he has the money, some people collect stamps

oh and I'd be very surprised if his vintage bike is is daily commute lol, I believe he collects cars also

Transam - you are one of the forum lerchers that comes here everyday and argues with everyone, you are like a little brat that has nothing else to do, go and do something instead of coming here blabbing with everyone - buy a harley lol just go do something

I don't like harleys up to me - that is my opinion and choice, I cannot think of one reason why I would buy one and I don't buy motorbikes for looks alone even if I liked the look and the noise a harley for me is not it, there is nothing wrong with what I said - it is my opinion and my choice as is Jay Leno's

A modern Harley for me looks like something from the 40's and rides just the same, it's like modeling a new ferrari based on a model T ford, it's just not for me

Do you ever ride without a helmet, Yes or No. ? coffee1.gif

Quote " you are like a little brat that has nothing else to do " unquote. Jesu what are you like. jerk.gif

Please stop babbling on about Harleys, bikes are personal, people get what they want and what they like, that's all, maybe that's too difficult for you to understand.

From your posts you obviously know diddly swat about Harley's or much else for that matter. saai.gif .

sorry OP offtopic.gif


Must agree kwaks, so just to clear the air as smedley has insinuated before in this thread l know nothing about bikes.

As a kid l was a lathe operator at Amalgamated Motor Cycles turning out parts for Norton, AJS and Matchless bikes. Later to become Norton Villiers.

In my latter years l used my ''skills'' to assisting in the restoration of vintage bikes destroyed in the fire at The British Motor Cycle Museum.

Also helped with input into restoration work on privately owned Brough Supieriors and also a 1920's J.A.P. powered land speed record holder bike that alas was sold on before completion for big bucks,

SO BACK OFF smedley as you don't know who you are talking too. Sorry all smile.png

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