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Is It Time For A Brits In Thailand Forum?


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The fact that the first reply to this post took to whinging about immigrants 'back home' pretty much proves the OP's point.

I'm just amazed that there wasn't a rant against Tony Blair in that first response.

Racists, Racialists. Who cares?

What we have are anti immigrant immigrants. I think that is a longer way of saying 'hypocrites'.

So yeah, a separate forum please. Fill it with the malcontents and angry people Surrounded by a high wall and fill with water.

Yeah but the difference is many Immigrants in Blighty are getting more on the dole than a police inspector here , and I ain't seen or heard of any Ex pat drawing dole here in Thailand have you?
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I've noticed three things about every post that talks about race:

1) The misuse of the word racialism. Racialism and racism are not the same thing.

2) Every post includes the sentence: I'm not a racialist

3) Every post references the fact that the poster has non-white friends.

It's fascinating. It really is.

I could go on, but my coffee is still hot.

I'm not a racist, but I don't have any non-white friends (unless you count Lebanese as non-white).

But I do have a non-white wife and child.

I'm not even sure that 'racialism' is a real word.

How do I fit in with your scheme of how things are?

You don't fit in anywhere ludd, old chap. I would have thought that was painfully obvious to you by now.

Racialism is a real word. But it is different to racism. Buy a dictionary.

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if every one got of there <deleted> and stopped whinging,and put 5% of there pay in to a pension,for 45 years there would only be joy and happiness,at the great sum of money achieved,by such actions.

Finally my wisdom is seeping through some very thick skulls.

I'm wasted here. I should become an ajarn.

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My Australian friend says it comes with the passport as a requirement. Said he wanted to be a Brit but couldn't whinge all day every day so failed the exam!

brits are entitled by birth rite, to whinge and moan.

once upon a time we used to be great ,and never had it so good .

look at us know , over run with immigrants ,

and borrowing money , to bail out the euro .

i say whinge on , while we can .

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The fact that the first reply to this post took to whinging about immigrants 'back home' pretty much proves the OP's point.

I'm just amazed that there wasn't a rant against Tony Blair in that first response.

Racists, Racialists. Who cares?

What we have are anti immigrant immigrants. I think that is a longer way of saying 'hypocrites'.

So yeah, a separate forum please. Fill it with the malcontents and angry people Surrounded by a high wall and fill with water.

Yeah but the difference is many Immigrants in Blighty are getting more on the dole than a police inspector here , and I ain't seen or heard of any Ex pat drawing dole here in Thailand have you?

And many more immigrants are paying tax and NI, helping to keep the social security system afloat. The population of the UK is ageing as it is in most developed countries around the globe, and many of the less developed countries too. Immigration is something that any sane government should encourage.
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Ode to a ruined nation. By elliss

brits are entitled by birth rite, to whinge and moan.

once upon a time we used to be great ,and never had it so good .

look at us know , over run with immigrants ,

and borrowing money , to bail out the euro .

i say whinge on , while we can .

I like what elliss did there. He made his post poetic, in a kind of free verse Philip Larkin style.

My new favourite poster.

Edited by bendix
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My goodness all are in a good mood today going by the threads here......Whingers, whinging about whingers....ha ha ha

You cant stop Racism until EVERYONE is made return to their respective countries, and TV as well as all communication systems are switched off between countries...Boy thats progress moving forward isn't it?

Everybody has a whinge now and then, that's life, no matter what country, colour, or creed you belong too.,

This Forum is great for reading, getting a laugh sometimes from comments, and getting info and advise when you need it...

So let them whinge, if thats what you call it....no need for a seperate forum.

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The OP makes a valid point. It's just a pity that he feels the need to mention that he lives in one of the roughest parts of Glasgow in nearly every thread - is it some form of boasting?

Is it any different from our colonial cousins on TV dropping the "US" or "Texa, floridia or any one of the other states at every opportunity ?

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I don't think the people you describe as racialist, are racialist, they think the same as the majority of the people in the UK, who are simply

p.ssed off with what they see is happening to THEIR country. I for one would like the same controlls put on immigrants and so-called

asylum seekers in the UK, as are in place in Thailand. Just be thankfull you live in glasgow with it's relatively small immigration community,

and not in one of the many english towns.

Spoken like a true Daily Mail reader

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Britain should return all immigrants to whence they came forthwith.

I'm sure the population will be so happy they won't even notice when they come in about 35th place in the medal count in the olympics!

I was going to make a sarky comment there about what an improvement 35th place would be but, on checking google it turns out we were 4th last time with only China, Russia and USA above us.

Looks like Britain could have become Great again without me noticing?????

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I don't think the people you describe as racialist, are racialist, they think the same as the majority of the people in the UK, who are simply

p.ssed off with what they see is happening to THEIR country. I for one would like the same controlls put on immigrants and so-called

asylum seekers in the UK, as are in place in Thailand. Just be thankfull you live in glasgow with it's relatively small immigration community,

and not in one of the many english towns.

Spoken like a true Daily Mail reader

Spoken like a true Daily Mail Star reader

Corrected that for you.

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Build a wall around Glasgow and make Scotland happy.

Re-build Hadrian's wall (higher) and make the English happy.


+1 here....

I have already said if they want to re-build that wall I would gladly do 1 day a week free of charge and I know of many other English that would join me...sweaty socks digging out the English about moaning, I am surprised they can put the meths down and drag themseleves out of the gutter to type!!!

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blether [ˈblɛðə]

vb & n

Scot a variant spelling of blather

[from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]

1. blether

(ble-thir) dialect, chiefly scot.

~n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on.

~v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk

1- ("That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin'")

2- ("Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither")

Say no more tongue.png

Sorry OP but..... LOL.

Edited by pattayadingo
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At the risk of ‘doing a well-used debating technique to death’…. To all those British pensioners who are incessantly whinging about their pensions being frozen, I wonder…

What part of…

…The collective decisions of the UK High Court, The House of Lords and the European Court of Human Rights on this matter, together with the fact that there would be a cost to the exchequer in excess of 400 million pounds a year to unfreeze the pensions …

…do these whingers not understand?

Yes, it is terribly unfair, but since when was life fair? Ask the 40 kids who froze to death in Kabul over the last few days. You chose to live abroad in an non index-linked country, and if you don’t like it – go to the Philippines, or the USA or , horror upon horror, go back to where you came from, where you can enjoy the fruits of your unfrozen pensions till your dying day.

Get this into your fat winging heads:

IT AIN’T NEVER, EVER, GONNA CHANGE! So get a life, move on… and whinge about something else – maybe something that doesn’t do theblether’s head in..

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I used to live in Glasgow, worst place in the world ever. Cold and wet all the time.

All there was to do was drink yourself unconscious and have sex with cheap skanky hos.

Errrr ...... just realised, sounds just like Thailand (apart form the weather)........... goddammit, I must be missing Glasgow!

I like the wee underground train. And they keep going in circles.

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I've noticed three things about every post that talks about race:

1) The misuse of the word racialism. Racialism and racism are not the same thing.

2) Every post includes the sentence: I'm not a racialist

3) Every post references the fact that the poster has non-white friends.

It's fascinating. It really is.

I could go on, but my coffee is still hot.

I think you are a racialist and yes I have one white friend from England Thank God most are from Africa

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I would like to see a british expat issues forum.

No, leave it alone. IMO this forum already has an overabundance of sub-forums.

What's difficult about reading the title of a thread and ignoring the ones of no interest. In 6 years of reading this forum I've never read a thread about British immigration policies. It's of no interest - I don't click. How simple is that?

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Brits whinge in the UK about the weather, the England team etc, get used to it we all know best, here the weather is ok so we have to find something else, nothing is every perfect, nowhere is ver perfect but we still strive for perfection it is our way that is why we ruled over 1/3rd of the world and they took on a lot of we taught them, whingeing brings change, hopefully, to the benefit of all, but not sadly for expat pensioners living in Thailand.( no annual increasaes )

Now accept that, salute our armed forces, who are the best in the world and lets have a rousing rendition of "Jerusalem" and have beer a off to bed!

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