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Cambodia Visa Run Question...

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The Thailand 6-month two-entry tourist visa in my USA Passport is winding down, and after all extensions and six months in country, it runs out on March 27. I need to stay around a bit longer, so my plan was to leave on or before 3/27, then re-enter on a normal 30-day Visa waiver. But today when I was purchasing my last 30-day extensionat at the Laem Ngop Immigration Office, I was told that if I just make a Cambodian Visa run on or before 3/27, I will get only 15 days upon re-entry. They seemed to indicate that if I wanted the full 30-day visa waiver entry (which I thought was the default), I needed to fly out of BKK and then fly back into BKK. Can this be right?

Were they just trying to tell me that I couldn't just walk over and back the same day, and that I needed to stay in Cambodia for some period in order to get 30-days? Or must you actually fly out of BKK and then return to get a full 30-day visa waiver?

Thanks in advance!

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If you are 100% staying only for 30 days the cheapest would be to get the Casino Bus to the Cambodia boarder twice...

Thai friends go to the Casino, and say often there are non Thais going to get there 15 day stamp, cost something like 300 baht for the Bus..

Air Asia to Penang cannot be done in the same day, you need more time as must go through Immigration and then check in to fly back..

Believe cheapest flights would be to Yangon [burma] go on the 1st flight and back on 2nd flight, total on Air Asia is 3,400 baht..

If and when I go to KL, I fly on Royal Jordanian, no mater when you fly tomorrow or in 3 months the fair is the same 6,200 baht return... Air Asia can be cheaper depend when you book. fairs from 4,500 - 11,000 baht

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If you are 100% staying only for 30 days the cheapest would be to get the Casino Bus to the Cambodia boarder twice...

Thai friends go to the Casino, and say often there are non Thais going to get there 15 day stamp, cost something like 300 baht for the Bus..

Air Asia to Penang cannot be done in the same day, you need more time as must go through Immigration and then check in to fly back..

Believe cheapest flights would be to Yangon [burma] go on the 1st flight and back on 2nd flight, total on Air Asia is 3,400 baht..

If and when I go to KL, I fly on Royal Jordanian, no mater when you fly tomorrow or in 3 months the fair is the same 6,200 baht return... Air Asia can be cheaper depend when you book. fairs from 4,500 - 11,000 baht

Don't forget the Cambodian visa: USD 20.

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You may very well have problems in Penang with all your extentions. What strikes me is that it sounds you have spent the better part of the year in Thailand and the passport easily reflects this. Penang based on this alone despite you only having one visa (2) in your pp may deny. They are reall asshats down there. You might try a single in VNE.

Do not count on bring any supporting docs to Penang to sway them either - they simply do not care, even about tickets out (my PERSONAL experience here).

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