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79 Year Old British Ex-Serviceman Arrested In South Pattaya With 13 Year Old Boy


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Lot of that stuff was going on on the British Navy sailing ships

Article 28 of the Articles of War of the Royal Navy states:

"If any person in the fleet shall commit the unnatural and detestable sin of buggery and sodomy with man or beast, he shall be punished with death by the sentence of a court martial."

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Unfortunately I do get it and have to agree with what you say. Would just make me feel better if he had his b0ll0cks cut off; being selfih in my post.

hmmm... <deleted> cut off, hang him high. i wonder why nobody talks about the 13-year boy and the 700 Baht he got every time? correct me if i am wrong, but was it mentioned anywhere that the boy was forced every time into the lewd act or did he willing comply when his iPhone rang?

Come on Naam. You can do better than that.

The kid is a minor. If you genuinely believe that then you are - ipso facto - condoning saying that paedophilia is ok, so long as the kid is being rewarded for it, and that is a logical argument I don't think anyone wants to progress too far down.

i genuinely believe that you are, for reasons unknown to me, ipso facto wearing blinkers. by the way, i strongly resent your expression "condoning"!

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Legality and morals. They differ. From each other and respectively from country to country, culture to culture.

There is no profound, ultimate right or wrong to be found.

To all those who in these threads like to push the boundaries, to say "Of course it is wrong but..."

Ask yourself this, at what age would you be happy for your child to be having sex with an adult or senior in return for money?

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Legality and morals. They differ. From each other and respectively from country to country, culture to culture.

There is no profound, ultimate right or wrong to be found.

To all those who in these threads like to push the boundaries, to say "Of course it is wrong but..."

Ask yourself this, at what age would you be happy for your child to be having sex with an adult or senior in return for money?

Your last two lines are completely contradictory to the first two lines.

As an update to my last post, this story only seems to be being reported in the Pattaya newspapers. I can find no record of this man serving as a Pilot in the RAF. Either his name is not correct or he is telling porkies about his occupation in the past.

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Unfortunately I do get it and have to agree with what you say. Would just make me feel better if he had his b0ll0cks cut off; being selfih in my post.

hmmm... <deleted> cut off, hang him high. i wonder why nobody talks about the 13-year boy and the 700 Baht he got every time? correct me if i am wrong, but was it mentioned anywhere that the boy was forced every time into the lewd act or did he willing comply when his iPhone rang?

Come on Naam. You can do better than that.

The kid is a minor. If you genuinely believe that then you are - ipso facto - condoning saying that paedophilia is ok, so long as the kid is being rewarded for it, and that is a logical argument I don't think anyone wants to progress too far down.

i genuinely believe that you are, for reasons unknown to me, ipso facto wearing blinkers. by the way, i strongly resent your expression "condoning"!

Naam. It's very very simple. The kid is 13. Irrespective of his own motives - be they sexual, financial or whatever - he remains 13 and as such significantly under the age of consent. He is the victim, being exploited by an old man with economic influence.

If the boy was a 11 year old girl also being paid (and buying an iphone with the proceeds) would you similarly 'wonder why noone is talking about her'? If not, could you advise what the cut off point is?

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Unfortunately I do get it and have to agree with what you say. Would just make me feel better if he had his b0ll0cks cut off; being selfih in my post.

hmmm... <deleted> cut off, hang him high. i wonder why nobody talks about the 13-year boy and the 700 Baht he got every time? correct me if i am wrong, but was it mentioned anywhere that the boy was forced every time into the lewd act or did he willing comply when his iPhone rang?

Someone that young cannot legally consent. Of course, in reality minors can be very sexually aggressive. But that doesn't excuse the adults.

True as far as Thailand is concerned, but many countries have lower age of consents. The age limit is set by politicians, not set in stone from God!

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So assuming you weren't abusing him yourself, you'd be totally fine with your 13 year old son or daughter to be out there turning tricks for 79 year olds?


Nobody would be totally fine with their child doing it....or should say 'should be'.....but there is a difference in doing it willingly and being forced.

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This boy had a choice. He did not need to answer the telephone to meet up with the pedo. The boy did not need to travel to meet up with the pedo. On previous occasions, he did not need to have sexual relations with the pedo.

You need help. I wonder what (if any age) you would believe such behavior is criminally and morally reprehensible. A 7-year old who agrees to have sex for an x-box game okay in your mind? Or is there some other reason here you feel a need to go out of your way to defend this guys behavior as not being that bad?

And you need a dose of reality. The "crime" here was a rather innocuous act between two perfectly willing partners, indeed if it happened in South Korea or Spain for example it wouldn't even be classified as a crime, both countries have an age of consent of 13. You can't compare a street-wise 13 year old lad selling sex in Pataya, with an innocent 7 year old.

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A bit of recycling ...

Why so cynical ? Let me tell you what happened to me the last time I visited this new bar soy 33.

It's a new hi-tech bar and the waiter is a robot with the most advanced artificial brain. You have to answer his question and then he serves you the drink that suits you the best.

So I went there, he asked me "what is your IQ ?". I answered 165. He then served me his best liquor and we started talking about the Higgs boson.

I have to say I was really impressed so I came back the next day but this time I answered 80. He served me a cool imported draught beer and we talked about sport.

I decided to go for a last test and this time I answered 30. He took a warm Chang beer from under the bar and then asked me "So, who is your ThaiVisa favorite poster ?"

Edited by JurgenG
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I would like to throw out a "makes you think" kind of question:

"If it were not for the German television crew, who was already making a documentary with this boy, do you think the police would have cared"?

Probably not and we should proceed with caution that it was not a set-up however disgusting we may view the act. For me it's far more worrying that, culturally, Thais don't really care that much.

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I would like to throw out a "makes you think" kind of question:

"If it were not for the German television crew, who was already making a documentary with this boy, do you think the police would have cared"?

Probably not and we should proceed with caution that it was not a set-up however disgusting we may view the act. For me it's far more worrying that, culturally, Thais don't really care that much.

May I refer the right honorable gentleman to the next thread, about a mother being sentenced to 42 years for forcing her daughter into prostitution.

Or would you prefer to keep believing the myth?

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I would like to throw out a "makes you think" kind of question:

"If it were not for the German television crew, who was already making a documentary with this boy, do you think the police would have cared"?

Probably not and we should proceed with caution that it was not a set-up however disgusting we may view the act. For me it's far more worrying that, culturally, Thais don't really care that much.

May I refer the right honorable gentleman to the next thread, about a mother being sentenced to 42 years for forcing her daughter into prostitution.

Or would you prefer to keep believing the myth?

myth? what myth? I wholeheartedly agree with slamming away this horrible Mother but these things happen constantly and she won't be serving 42 years - good headline though

edit: Naam got this one right - so did the Thai poster - sorry but your living with your 'Thai rose tinted specs on'

Edited by udonguy
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Who is it to blame? Certainly, it is not just the old man. There are many young kids out there marketing themselves for money. This is a known issue, and it happens over and over again.

You're comparing a seasoned old geezer (evidently well-practiced, judging by his back window "black out" cover) to children who have less ability to judge and discern right from wrong. That's why the law treats them differently, and you should too.

This is apples vs. oranges here. No, apples vs. turnips. Not even in the same ballpark.

Shame on you for trying to shift any blame to the victims who are considered "under age" for a very good reason.

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At the risk of being disembowled by TV's hang-em-high brigade, I have to say I feel some sympathy for this old chap. A former RAF pilot, I daresay that he gave greater service to his Country than I have, or, I venture, many of those who are now howling for his death for what was in reality a very minor criminal act undertaken in full consent of his "victim". Now, at the age of 79 he faces ruin and humiliation. We would all do well to remeber the old saying "There, but for the grace of God go I....."

To me, what is far more sickening is the cynical action of the German TV crew paying a 13 year old boy to go out and entrap some old codger just so they could make some salacious movie to titilate the morons back home.


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At the risk of being disembowled by TV's hang-em-high brigade, I have to say I feel some sympathy for this old chap. A former RAF pilot, I daresay that he gave greater service to his Country than I have, or, I venture, many of those who are now howling for his death for what was in reality a very minor criminal act undertaken in full consent of his "victim". Now, at the age of 79 he faces ruin and humiliation. We would all do well to remeber the old saying "There, but for the grace of God go I....."

To me, what is far more sickening is the cynical action of the German TV crew paying a 13 year old boy to go out and entrap some old codger just so they could make some salacious movie to titilate the morons back home.



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Unfortunately I do get it and have to agree with what you say. Would just make me feel better if he had his b0ll0cks cut off; being selfih in my post.

hmmm... <deleted> cut off, hang him high. i wonder why nobody talks about the 13-year boy and the 700 Baht he got every time? correct me if i am wrong, but was it mentioned anywhere that the boy was forced every time into the lewd act or did he willing comply when his iPhone rang?

Someone that young cannot legally consent. Of course, in reality minors can be very sexually aggressive. But that doesn't excuse the adults.

True as far as Thailand is concerned, but many countries have lower age of consents. The age limit is set by politicians, not set in stone from God!

Of course that is true, but in the vast majority of countries, there is no ambiguity about those as young as 13.
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Jingthing >> I hate to nitpick but see http://en.wikipedia....nt_-_Global.svg so a primer ages throughout the world. (Yes, this is for heterosexual relationships, so not fully applicable in this case.)

Very misleading! Think about it. Age 79. Age 13.

I'm not sure what you want proclaim is misleading. What he did is wrong, don't get me wrong, and highly illegal here - but if that would have been a 79 year old woman it would have been legal in many other nations.

Just an FYI before everyone starts burning everyone that dares to say that they had relations with anyone under 18 etc.

(And then to avoid more gutter-trashing from any unknowns, youngest I have been with was 17 and I was 19. So there.)

Carry on...

Edited by TAWP
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According to another report on this story it happened after midnight. One wonders why the parents allowed their child to be out so late. Were they complicit?

Parents? Parents?? Parents???

Ah yes; to parent (as in the verb)

You are joking, aren't you?

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The German film makers contacted the Region 2 Child and Woman Protection Unit based at Banglamung Police Station who met the film crew at Royal Garden Plaza where Mr. Wallis met with the boy and the pair drove off to a secluded area inside Soi 4 off the Pratamnuk Road in South Pattaya. Minutes later officers moved in and allegedly witnessed Mr. Wallis performing oral sex on the boy."

So the crew waited for the man to drive off with the boy in order to catch him in the act. So what is the news crew going to be charged with for allowing this to happen? No doubt they paid this boy for his cooperation, used him to make a buck. These guys exploited a minor for money, and pimps are worse than Johns.

It's pretty simple economics. Take away the product and you have no buyers.

Product - Price - Placement - Promotion

The law is too busy using humans like "meat" so they can make money.

The sex workers think they are smarter than the law, in that they figure they can thread the needle and make a few bahts on the side, and if they get caught, they'll be back out on the street soon and be that much smarter.

The foreign Johns are collateral damage to this industry. The real money is the Asian men. No arrests. No signs and banners with dark brown hands gripping jail cell bars. It's called human trafficking and Thailand is ranked in the top 5.

Why let yourself be "rescued" and learn to sew rugs in a sweat shop when you are born with the goods already to go?

I am not describing rape or forced submission. I am describing the rats that use their bodies to make a baht and literally think nothing of it, and in turn take advantage of the "rescuers" and get three hots and a cot for a week or two before they run away and go back out for the next round.

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They caught a real pedo on this one, but it's still kind of odd that they let the sex act go ahead in the way that they did. The Thai officers are likely smiling because frankly they probably don't take this kind of thing (young boys selling themselves) as seriously as westerners. That is what it is.
You really think that? Thais don't take anything so serious as westerners. But that's only what the show on the outside. Deep down everyone knows what's wrong or right. Don't you think so? I oblige your Leary affection.

yes Thai prisons are different because they are Thai. And yes the reason the cops are smiling is they think its a joke. Thai sense of humor is different e g if someone is hurt by accident they laugh its Thai. You trip over and fall on your face and break something its funny if you are Thai! It has nothing to do with what is right or wrong which is your western version of values

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They caught a real pedo on this one, but it's still kind of odd that they let the sex act go ahead in the way that they did. The Thai officers are likely smiling because frankly they probably don't take this kind of thing (young boys selling themselves) as seriously as westerners. That is what it is.
You really think that? Thais don't take anything so serious as westerners. But that's only what the show on the outside. Deep down everyone knows what's wrong or right. Don't you think so? I oblige your Leary affection.

yes Thai prisons are different because they are Thai. And yes the reason the cops are smiling is they think its a joke. Thai sense of humor is different e g if someone is hurt by accident they laugh its Thai. You trip over and fall on your face and break something its funny if you are Thai! It has nothing to do with what is right or wrong which is your western version of values

I read a view once that Thais laugh like that to show that they are trying to make the person feel better by "making light" of a serious situation with this (nervous?) laughter. I do not know if this is true to any degree. I also do not know that the person at the bad end of the stick would understand that this "making light" laughter and laugh along with them. Usually it makes Westerners react angrily, because they think they are being laughed at, not laughed with. It's just like how you use your hands and hand signals in different countries, I guess.

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The German film makers contacted the Region 2 Child and Woman Protection Unit based at Banglamung Police Station who met the film crew at Royal Garden Plaza where Mr. Wallis met with the boy and the pair drove off to a secluded area inside Soi 4 off the Pratamnuk Road in South Pattaya. Minutes later officers moved in and allegedly witnessed Mr. Wallis performing oral sex on the boy."

So the crew waited for the man to drive off with the boy in order to catch him in the act. So what is the news crew going to be charged with for allowing this to happen? No doubt they paid this boy for his cooperation, used him to make a buck. These guys exploited a minor for money, and pimps are worse than Johns.

It's pretty simple economics. Take away the product and you have no buyers.

Product - Price - Placement - Promotion

The law is too busy using humans like "meat" so they can make money.

The sex workers think they are smarter than the law, in that they figure they can thread the needle and make a few bahts on the side, and if they get caught, they'll be back out on the street soon and be that much smarter.

The foreign Johns are collateral damage to this industry. The real money is the Asian men. No arrests. No signs and banners with dark brown hands gripping jail cell bars. It's called human trafficking and Thailand is ranked in the top 5.

Why let yourself be "rescued" and learn to sew rugs in a sweat shop when you are born with the goods already to go?

I am not describing rape or forced submission. I am describing the rats that use their bodies to make a baht and literally think nothing of it, and in turn take advantage of the "rescuers" and get three hots and a cot for a week or two before they run away and go back out for the next round.

Did that defence work for you?

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