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Noise From The Spice!


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Hey guys, I just came back to Chiang Mai after a few months and stayed at my auntie's guest house on Chang moi road.

She runs and operates Korea House - Guest house and restaurant. Shes been operating for about 10 years.

I came back after months living there to find that the bloody,seedy, and loud Spicey had moved in right next DOOR!

There is loud bass music , People screaming and shouting till about 4-5 AM. She is so streesed as guests are complaining and she is loosing business.

Scooters are also being parked right outside her shop and fights with drunk farangs are not helping.

She is giving out ear plugs to all guest but isn't really helping. I know The Spice are paying extra for extra hours but is there anyway we can file complaint to anyone!?!?

Thanks Guys...

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I sympathise greatly, i just wonder if this is the reason one or two other adjacent businesses are up for sale there also.

a change is as good as a rest. i dont think the situtation will improve, it will get the same bad reputation as the other dive of a place and the longer you carry the burden the worse for your business, and your aunt health..

maybe an idea to consider moving on before the values of every business down there drop like stones; i am sure there will be one person out there seeing another late night burger/kebab opportunity.

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Yes, as Uptheos said - be careful. There is a petition I believe, there are posters up down the road (and signs) moaning about it - though I don't think they specifically say Spice, but its pretty obvious it is. I guess if there is enough of you together (residents and businesses), you could hire a lawyer as a frontman and seek help from the courts/governor/mayor and media.

If the ownership was different, then there would be all sorts of violations that could be investigated - not least of which is going past the midnlight close time for a residential area - but who can you complain about that to in this case? Not easy.

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You can complain to the owners, but they might arrest you.

Yes, this seems to be the general opinion of the ownership of this establishment among TV members. How come so many of you have this inside information?

Its common knowledge I think. I must have been told this about 100 times by local Thais and expats, over the years. It's why they are "allowd" to stray open all night where all else is forced to shut at midnight (or 2am if a club away from residences) - they are routinely open until 5am.

Only ever been there once (the original place, maybe 3 years ago) - first and last time, was taken there by an expat friend. I likened it to walking through a forest with velvet trousers on - all those burr-balls that would attatch to them - same with the female clientel there. A real cattle farm - hated the place.

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Oh, I feel so bad for the OP's auntie. We've eaten at her restaurant several times and it reminds us of our favorite Korean restaurant in the U.S. Unfortunately, there are only three real options and they've been presented here:

1. relocate (that's what we did -- we used to live in the neighborhood)

2. change your business model to serve the customers attracted by The Spice

3. join forces with other residents and businesses in the area to fight them -- this assumes your auntie has lots of money, connections and patience

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Turn guest-house into a 'short-time hotel' or whatever.

Sell condoms and cheap booze from the shop all night.

Charge 20bht to park outside the place.

Make money from adversity.

Many a true word said in jest.

Our ludditeman is right, if you cant beat em, join em.

So...., if you can't defeat sleaze and corruption you should become sleazy and corrupt?

Your mother must be very proud of you!

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Turn guest-house into a 'short-time hotel' or whatever.

Sell condoms and cheap booze from the shop all night.

Charge 20bht to park outside the place.

Make money from adversity.

Many a true word said in jest.

Our ludditeman is right, if you cant beat em, join em.

So...., if you can't defeat sleaze and corruption you should become sleazy and corrupt?

Your mother must be very proud of you!

I`m not for sleaze and corruption, but in the case of Spicy, I can`t see anyway of defeating this and personally, I woudn`t what to get on the wrong side of the gang that run that place.

Or as other posters have suggested, move somewhere else. I do not see any other alternatives.

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I feel very sorry indeed for the OP's aunty.

Thailand a place where one's business can literally be destroyed overnight just because of the actions of another person and no recourse is available because of who that other person is.

Never invest once baht in Thailand past your next meal or what you are happy to throw down to toilet.

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I was told that the old "Spicy" was in fact closed down and business license revoked because of complaints. That is why they reopened at different location and couldn't use the same name.

well if that's true - it worked out really well!!! changed the name and moved around the corner to upset even more people - Amazing Thailand

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If it were me and the noise was an issue then its simple


I am sure Spicy is not going anywhere so best start addressing the issues best way you can and Double Glazing would take care of the noise issue.


If they are literally next door to a nightclub, adjoining walls, I doubt double glazing will keep the thumping bass out.

You're not an ex double glazing salesperson are you? Cold calling around dinner time on the off chance the recipient of call was desperate to to discuss their glazing requirements with a complete stranger while trying to feed their family mad.gif

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If it were me and the noise was an issue then its simple


I am sure Spicy is not going anywhere so best start addressing the issues best way you can and Double Glazing would take care of the noise issue.


If they are literally next door to a nightclub, adjoining walls, I doubt double glazing will keep the thumping bass out.

You're not an ex double glazing salesperson are you? Cold calling around dinner time on the off chance the recipient of call was desperate to to discuss their glazing requirements with a complete stranger while trying to feed their family mad.gif

They are not next door they are several doors down plenty far away for DB to be effective.

As to your other question nope biggrin.png

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Ideally all TV members would agree to boycott the place, which might improve the situation. So what do you all say? I'll happily avoid Spice, as I have for the last five years.

Great idea! Organise a boycott by people who don't go there anyway. That will hit 'em where they live.

The number of apparently well informed posts about Spicy and Spice indicates that a substantial number of TV members have visited these places. If you check you'll even see postings from people who appear to be repeat customers.

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Seems the TV members who have been there are not regulars. Its a backpacker place and is full every dam_n night for the itinerants who come here for 1 or 2 days. That's why its full every night.

I do feel sorry for the OP and anyone else living close by. No where in Thai is immune from idiots, I have a family next door who have 15 dogs and cut timber in a bandsaw or something most every day now for 2 months now. I feel like blasting them with an RPG. hit-the-fan.gif

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Ideally all TV members would agree to boycott the place, which might improve the situation. So what do you all say? I'll happily avoid Spice, as I have for the last five years.

Great idea! Organise a boycott by people who don't go there anyway. That will hit 'em where they live.

The number of apparently well informed posts about Spicy and Spice indicates that a substantial number of TV members have visited these places. If you check you'll even see postings from people who appear to be repeat customers.

Yep, and if all Thaivisa members quit "The Spice", mgmt will pack it in. Sure.

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Ideally all TV members would agree to boycott the place, which might improve the situation. So what do you all say? I'll happily avoid Spice, as I have for the last five years.

Great idea! Organise a boycott by people who don't go there anyway. That will hit 'em where they live.

The number of apparently well informed posts about Spicy and Spice indicates that a substantial number of TV members have visited these places. If you check you'll even see postings from people who appear to be repeat customers.

Yep, and if all Thaivisa members quit "The Spice", mgmt will pack it in. Sure.

I didn't say it would make all the problems go away, I said it "might improve the situation." Any reduction in business at Spice would be a good thing for the neighbors. Perfection is unattainable, but the cumulative effect of a lot of small improvements can be impressive.

Just out of curiosity, how many TV members who are following this topic have visited Spice in the last few months, or plan to visit sometime in the future? Don't be shy, we won't think less of you (snicker) for your entertainment choices.

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Just out of curiosity, how many TV members who are following this topic have visited Spice in the last few months, or plan to visit sometime in the future?

Almost every time I meet someone with a black eye and busted lip they have visited Spicy the night before. IMO, it is a place to avoid.

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