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Do You Play The "Madam"?

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Is it just me or does the OP really just have no clue?

Sounds like an isaan saying. When you have been knee deep in mud for 3 months and visiting a Bangkok mall for the first time it would seem like all the Bangkok girls have an iphone.

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Is it just me or does the OP really just have no clue?

Sounds like an isaan saying. When you have been knee deep in mud for 3 months and visiting a Bangkok mall for the first time it would seem like all the Bangkok girls have an iphone.

As your previous post said, I can't figure out what the big deal is either.

I fail to see how Thailand having an up and coming strong middle class could be a shock to everyone. I'm guessing the OP seems to think that everyone lives and works in the rice paddies and that a good career move is to go work in Patters.

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Is it just me or does the OP really just have no clue?

  1. Some topics are witty
  2. Some are informative
  3. Some are fun
  4. Some are about a topic I have no interest in
  5. Some make the blood boil (not mine of course)
  6. ... and some are just plain dumb

To you guys (and girls) out there ... please identify which number this subject is for you.

Edited by David48
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Is it just me or does the OP really just have no clue?

  1. Some topics are witty
  2. Some are informative
  3. Some are fun
  4. Some are about a topic I have no interest in
  5. Some make the blood boil (not mine of course)
  6. ... and some are just plain dumb

To you guys (and girls) out there ... please identify which number this subject is for you.

i vote 6

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I think the only 'ma dams' the OP has contact with are the ones hanging out in the soi

Even some of the people working at my local 7-11 have iphone, galaxy, and other smartphones these days

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Is it just me or does the OP really just have no clue?

  1. Some topics are witty
  2. Some are informative
  3. Some are fun
  4. Some are about a topic I have no interest in
  5. Some make the blood boil (not mine of course)
  6. ... and some are just plain dumb

To you guys (and girls) out there ... please identify which number this subject is for you.

Me first, No.6coffee1.gif

Oh sorry, i was second to vote. Naam voted whilst i was typing

Edited by Paangjang
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I will let the op in on a little secret there is a lot of thai people here with more money than me ,him and the average farang here,get with it op you are not king of the castle in Thailand you are just another FARANG or FALANG which ever you prefer

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Add another point to 6

It's not just this one that is a 6.

Every single dam_n thread this <snip> starts is the same - bitter, resentful, full of barely concealed malice.

What a miserable life he must lead.

Edited by metisdead
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