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Bt50 Million To Be Used To Buy iPads And iPhones For Senators And MPs

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Come on, there must be at least one person who thinks this a really great idea and is willing to defend it! ohmy.png

GK will be along shortly.

Who or what is a GK?

GK is a poster who is a government apologist. He must be on holidays.


You guys just don't get it do You ?

This is how you help the 'poor' people - better equipped Pollies ...

by using iMessages (thus, free SMS's) they will save millions when texting certain 'runaways' living in foreign countries - great for working out who gets concessions, taking 'tea-money' bids etc etc ...

Simple stuff - you guys just don't think like thai's do you !


All aboard the gravy train. :cheesy:

Why can't they afford to buy for themselves??

I am sure that a bulk purchase would secure a good discount.

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This may be the only time I would agree with the opposition. Why do they need to be given more? Use the money on education in primary schools in rural Thailand.

WHY would u wanna do that ?

proper education for the masses makes it hard to get re-elected etc... keep 'em stupid & simple works a lot better

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This may be the only time I would agree with the opposition. Why do they need to be given more? Use the money on education in primary schools in rural Thailand.

WHY would u wanna do that ?

proper education for the masses makes it hard to get re-elected etc... keep 'em stupid & simple works a lot better

Only time you've agreed with the opposition ?

your right on it aren't u ...


A bit expensive

700 x Iphones at approx 26,000 is under 20,000,000 baht, and Ipads are not that expensive

so where is the rest of the money going?

A two year 'connection' sevice. These things have to be hooked up to the phone system wifi don't they?


A bit expensive

700 x Iphones at approx 26,000 is under 20,000,000 baht, and Ipads are not that expensive

so where is the rest of the money going?

A two year 'connection' sevice. These things have to be hooked up to the phone system wifi don't they?

Do you mean the free wi-fi that they are planning?

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All of this Tech drivel just wastes more parliamentary time, when the same elected MP's (M*rons Primary) could actually be trying to understand and solve the plethora of economic/political/constitutional problems for their beloved country

- the basket case that is Thailand.

IMO, naturally.

Yawn extremis.


How very, very sad that such a proposal should even be considered when so many in Thailand are still suffering from the aftermath of the floods.

For me, it's akin to "let them eat cake" ... so I guess we have a revolution to look forward to(?)


I hardly think it even needs to be asked about where the money is going...The math is obivious...The additional money is going where all the tremendous over charges, including the submarine purchase, the equipment at the new airport etc,etc,etc have gone. No suprises here!

. coffee1.gif


I suspect the various service providers will be tripping over each other offering up free calling, text, 3G services.

Yay!!! Thailand will finally get 3G (and then be only 6 years behind the rest of the world that's installing 4G).

using the top prices by 700 still gives under 40 million, so where is the other 10 million going?

Maybe a nice hotel for a week with training on how to use them, then you will need transport [planes ? Police Escorted Buses?] and food, will they need Scurrility ?


Come-on fellas -- jump on the gravy-train at the taxpayer's expense. Why stop at iPads and iPhones -- Why not cars, home stereo systems, TVs, laptop computers -- you know, everything you need to be an effective MP.

By the way, this isn't unique to Thailand. Politicians world-wide are parasites who feed off of society. vampire.gif Nowadays they don't even try to cover it up -- they simply do it in the open. What a slap to the face of the general population. There is absolutely no shame to these creeps. jerk.gif

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I'll provide them with all the same stuff for 49.8 million, and throw in 700 barf bags free of charge.

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I say KEEP buying!

I wish every government would do this, especially the Chinese.....I see my AAPL shares literally rising every day.


It's so sad that MPs obviously don't make enough money that we tax payers have to pay them. jap.gif

Actually, they're all rich, but not from salaries. Like top brass cops and military and heads of hospitals and universities, they get the lion's share of their money by other (less respectable) means. A couple months ago, a 'permanent secretary' got caught with millions of baht stuffed in boxes in his house. He's just the unlucky sucker we know about. I bet if any of his buddies were keeping their millions in cardboard boxes sitting around their houses - that they've now found better places to hide their lucre.


Maybe this is thier way of persuading the electronic companies that make the components for the ipads to keep thier plants in Thailand and not pack up. Hey CEO's we need 700 ipads so you will have to stick around.


I have a large amount of I-PADS for immediate sale.....very cheap - can't tell you where I got them - but they come with a 1 month warranty.

First 100 customers buy 1 get 1 free.....offers...?


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Iphone 4S costs from 20,900 to 28,900

Ipad 2 costs from 15,900 to 25, 900

using the top prices by 700 still gives under 40 million, so where is the other 10 million going?

Monthly 3G service for each unit.


Good on em, keeping up the image so the normal folk can follow their example, after all it is a status symbol!!

Although ipads can be status symbols or used for mostly games, they do have some excellent functionality especially for audio / music processing since theres virtually no time lapse = real time audio processing like bigger macs.


your words to describe the gov-people are too nice. This is sick, as are the Thais who condone it. But a vast amount of Thais dare not to speak about it, or they believe they will be punnished, this is true, you ask a Thai what he/she thinks about a bad government err. They get lockjaw. this shows up the 48% of Thais who voted them in. The elected government are corrupt to the extreme, for them that are not, and not be against the move automatically makes them corrupt.

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