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C7 Civil Servant Charged With Slapping An Airport Security Official


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so sombat gets garden leave... what does the young guy get.. I hope he gets compensated for this and a big R+ for trying to do his job.

C'mon Thailand wake up.. 2 months

At least if he has a medical condition he should go back to a job which doesn't ever involve management of people.. believe they might need a broom cupboard monitor t the airport.. whack the a'hole there

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Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) [Wiki]

The DSM-IV criteria for IED include: the occurrence of discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses that result in violent assault or destruction of property, the degree of aggressiveness expressed during an episode is grossly disproportionate to provocation or precipitating psychosocial stressor.

GEE I've had that all my life and I thought it was just difficulty controlling my temper under stressful conditions...

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You must learn to distinguish from what you crudely describe as "Thai bashing" and informed criticism.I don't think anyone suggests Thailand is alone in the wealthy and influential tending to escape punishment for various offences including criminal ones.However it is a great deal worse than most developed countries in that respect and that can be partly explained by some fairly well entrenched cultural attitudes.

I believe he was responding to the obviously untrue "Only in Thailand".

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what a joke .... when you have this kind of "sickness" you are not a high rank civil servant ... when you have this kind of behavior you cannot be a high rank civil servant .... I dont know why but nothning surprise me anymore in this country ... Soon you will have donald duck as ministry of interior and mickey mouse as PM ....
I think they are already in power, only it is Minnie...and don't forget Goofy as DPM Chalerm
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Let us pray; We pray that the security official gets his day in court and that the pompous prat of an arsehol_e customs official gets handed a sentence appropriate to his quite awful behaiviour. Two years in the pen would do it along with loss of job and pension rights.

Real world; eff all will happen, sadly.

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Soon you will have donald duck as ministry of interior and mickey mouse as PM ....

Actually, after reading this news report above, I'm thinking this guy will be a likely Cabinet member candidate once he finishes his two month vacation.

Note the article didn't say whether it was two months WITH or WITHOUT pay.

BTW, I think you meant Minnie Mouse...not Mickey... to get the gender correct.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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what a joke .... when you have this kind of "sickness" you are not a high rank civil servant ... when you have this kind of behavior you cannot be a high rank civil servant .... I dont know why but nothning surprise me anymore in this country ... Soon you will have donald duck as ministry of interior and mickey mouse as PM ....

Some may say we already have!555
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Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) [Wiki]

The DSM-IV criteria for IED include: the occurrence of discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses that result in violent assault or destruction of property, the degree of aggressiveness expressed during an episode is grossly disproportionate to provocation or precipitating psychosocial stressor.

It's similar to this one:

Improvised_explosive_device (wiki) (IED)

An improvised explosive device (IED), also known as a roadside bomb, is a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action...

IEDs may be used in terrorist actions or in unconventional warfare by guerrillas <or C7s> or commando forces in a theater of operations <or in airports>.

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Well done! Glad to see someone got it. ;-)

Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) [Wiki]

The DSM-IV criteria for IED include: the occurrence of discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses that result in violent assault or destruction of property, the degree of aggressiveness expressed during an episode is grossly disproportionate to provocation or precipitating psychosocial stressor.

It's similar to this one:

Improvised_explosive_device (wiki) (IED)

An improvised explosive device (IED), also known as a roadside bomb, is a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action...

IEDs may be used in terrorist actions or in unconventional warfare by guerrillas <or C7s> or commando forces in a theater of operations <or in airports>.

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He has been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition that impairs emotional control. Sounds like a perfectly normal Thai official to me.

And he would be the first one to upbraid an underling for 'showing inappropriate emotions' in the work place. There are only two acceptable excuses for excessive negative emotional displays; you were drunk, or you have a medical condition.

So seems he went with medical condition as the face saver... Not a good one, because showing the excessive emotion, as he did to lose it on the security guard like this, is very, very, unThai when sober...

Yeah his promotion path is dead and buried. And the face loss will be worse than firing him, because every day he goes to work all that see him will know he's a frozen fish in a moving pond, till retirement. All those weis just a little lower than before and never coming back up, the bow a little less.

Oh poor baby.

Edited by animatic
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You must have led a very sheltered life if you think high ranking officials and wealthy & influential people escape justice only in Thailand.

Suggesting that this is somehow unique to Thailand implies a childish naiveté on the part of the usual cadre of Thai bashers who haunt this board.

You must learn to distinguish from what you crudely describe as "Thai bashing" and informed criticism.I don't think anyone suggests Thailand is alone in the wealthy and influential tending to escape punishment for various offences including criminal ones.However it is a great deal worse than most developed countries in that respect and that can be partly explained by some fairly well entrenched cultural attitudes.Thus it is particularly Thai that a judge when sentencing a privileged person will often hand down a lighter sentence reflecting the guilty party's position in society , whereas in other countries a judge tends to take the opposite view (he abused his good education and privileged position etc).You should perhaps pause for thought before accusing others of childish naivete when clearly you are unfamiliar with some of the basic elements in Thai society.

Just saying things for the sake of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"He has been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition that impairs emotional control."

Yes, the so-called "condition" is what we used to call immaturity. Should have grown out of that after his toddler years.

How did he reach "high-ranking" government official status??? ermm.gif We all know: His "lord-it-over-the-peons" behavior has been rewarded all his adult life. And now it's been rewarded again. Hopeless situation. My sympathies to the injured young employee and thousands like him who will forever grovel before high-ranking officials in the feudal Kingdom of Siam.

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He has been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition that impairs emotional control. Sounds like a perfectly normal Thai official to me.

Actually In Thailand I fear it may be genetic, it usually requires some effort to bring it to the surface though. The BTS security guard was a recent example. I wonder if he will get a 2 month holiday as well.

Edited by canuckamuck
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He has been diagnosed with a psychiatric condition that impairs emotional control. Sounds like a perfectly normal Thai official to me.

Actually In Thailand I fear it may be genetic, it usually requires some effort to bring it to the surface though. The BTS security guard was a recent example. I wonder if he will get a 2 month holiday as well.

"some effort to bring it to the surface", the higher the rank, the less effort it takes.

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