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"why Do Farang Only Marry The Ugly Leftovers?"

Stephen Cleary

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i know why stevesuphan have stopped answering you guys.... you just do not get it!

he does not mean to stereotype anyone. he said it: he is not giving an opinion. he is informing us about thai opinions on farangs.

stevesuphan is one of the most authoritative expats in thailand. he is very young and a handsome guy, speaks very good thai, teaches in a thai school, and married to a beautiful thai.

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Did you conduct this survey yourself  :D  Rating white men ahead of black and latino men seems a bit ..... uhm ..... biased.

Uhh lets put that myth to rest most lads are on avg the same size - perhaps there are an odd few that are less or more.

...And how do you come by this conclusion , Brit?

Have you done your own survey? :o:D


Uh no just read about it... :D




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its true ..its pretty hard to approach educated , good looking TH girls ..coz  they are  just so-called snobby sometime ..

but  less pretty girl (i try to escape "ugly" word ..even  bargirl  (ok i dont look down them)  its easilier to chit -chat ..coz  these kind of girl just think ..nothing to lose...

prettier girl just wait you guys to approach

less score looking girls..they dare to approach you guys be4  you start

Do you think we can approach pretty girls ( not at a bar ) easily ?

I have spent most of time in Pattaya because my uncle lives there, in the east side of the town (east Sukumvit) . I have talk with about all girls in his street, but it seems that Pattaya is not the best area to have a date with a girl who is not working at bar. Farang, in Pattaya, have a ( more or less ) bad reputation. People seems to think ( I insist: seems) that a girl who is with a farang is a bargirl. So some girls ( bargirls ) ask me for short time or long time, the others don't even look at me because they maybe think i want to have sex ( and that is not what i'm looking for) ... I speak only with my little experience, so tell me if i'm right or wrong.

So, do I have to look for my "soul-mate" in another town? Where Farang don't have this bad reputation?

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Extremely pretty girl: "Don't mess up my hair, don't smear my lipstick, get your cotton pickin' fingers off me, I don't need sex, you'll need a lot of money to keep me, I can get any man I want, go and buy some more mirrors so that I can admire myself."

Pretty girl: "I'm a good catch, better than average, c'mon big boy, chase me a little and you might win me over, prove to me that you deserve me."

Average looking girl: "What you see ain't necessarily what you get, you chose me over those pretty girls and I'll show you what a good choice you made. I'm prepared to get my hands dirty in the kitchen, I can be a princess or a whore in the bedroom, treat me right and I'll take good care of you for the rest of our lives."

Non pretty girl: "I may not have the looks of the other girls and I may not have had many boyfriends in the past, but I can assure you all of my body parts are as good as new, because you chose me over them I'll be faithful and true to you, I'll live only for you, I'll support you, be the best wife and mother to our kids. I know I'm not very attractive but I have a great personality and you will never be sorry that you chose me."

Dogs are man's best friend. (the four legged variety)

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After more than a decade here in 'The Land of Buffaloes & Benzs', i gotta admit that i have got rather bored with Thais asking:

"How come Farangs like all the ugliest and worse women Thailand has to offer?"

Like it or not, us Farangs are stereotyped as having the worst taste in Thai women. Just mention the likes of "I know this Farang down the street and his dark-skinned ugly wife,.....well she is just so...." and you'll soon have your Thai friends in hysterics.

Farangs and their choice of wife is a cheap joke within Thai society. Perhaps your Thai isn't good enough to read newspaper or magazine reports or watch TV to realize just how much of a joke Thais have at the expense of the Farang.

It gets even worse when Thais brought up abroad also get into this cheap joke.

Just a few days back a Thai buddie of mine here in Suphan put this to me:

"I feel it sad that Farangs only get the leftovers"

In the eyes of Thai society, he dared to say exactly what most Thai folks feel about Farangs.

ie. The only reason that....say dark-skinned Isarn girls with perhaps a couple of kids already like Farangs, is because, they can't find a new Thai partner.

In regards to a thread posted earlier, i hate to say it but no: "Thais think Farangs only get it on with 'ugly' Thai girls.

>This post does not reflect my opinion, it is the opinion of Thais in general.

One man's gold is another man's garbage (and vice versa). :D

Nobody could ever convince me that I married an "ugly duckling." I watched the Miss Thailand pageant a few years back and as each new contestant entered upon the stage I'd look her over and then glance at my wife. In the end my wife won!!! :D

Call me blissfully and ignorantly biased but I'm happy all the same! :o

The funny thing is that ever since I've been affectionately calling my wife, Miss Thailand and Miss Lao (she's Isaan). She's never considered herself remotely beautiful but after all these years I believe my opinion has begun to take hold. Just recently she had made a comment to a friend of hers, unaware that I was within earshot, that she must be beautiful because her husband says so!! :D

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TROLL material but for arguement sake...

Everyone has different tastes, what is ugly to some is beautiful to others. So many farang can say Thai(s) have our left overs, and we laff at them. Seriously you need new mates... the ones you have now don't have a clue.

And some probably got burned by the hotties and decide to marry the ones that actually treat them right !

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In fairness to the OP hedid go out of his way to state that "This post does not reflect my opinion, it is the opinion of Thais in general" and I have heard that sentiment expressed on many occasions. It's probably due to the fact that "generally" falangs either like darker skined women or are just totaly indifferent to the skin colour, tend to be less sensitive to previous relationships/children ect and less interested in having a "beautiful" wife as a sign of status.

It's not rocket science really :o


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If that really is stevesuphan then you can be pretty sure he knows alot more about Thailand than most of you! :o

> Steve I hope you stick around the forum - don't mind the protective stance of a few chang filled members! Gotta love the chang.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Consider this comparison. I had a trophy girlfriend, very light skinned with a perfect nose. She was always perfectly made up. She turned the heads of Thai as well as farang men. She carried around 5,000 baht worth of makeup in her little hand bag and bought all her clothes at Emporium. She hated to go to the beach because the sun may touch her face. She wouldn't even consider going swimming because her makeup would get damaged and her hair would get wet. Cooking was TOTALLY out of the question as was cleaning the apartment or washing clothes. She looked down her nose at MOST other Thai women and had her perfect nose always high in the air. Eventually I decided that I didn't really even like her. Many men were envious but I certainly wasn't happy.

I knew another rather plain lady. She normally wore blue jeans and I never saw her wearing makeup of any kind. She was not above cleaning toilets or doing any other kind of dirty work to make a living. She weighed an even 100 pounds then and three years later still is at 100 pounds. She is always cheerful and is a very nice friendly person to all. She buys her clothes at the Thai markets and does not own a fancy dress nor even a tube of lipstick. She is happy to work in the garden and she is a great cook and housekeeper. If it is raining she doesn't panic to keep her hair from getting wet. She is quite happy to go to the beach and go swimming. I am a happy man! Her skin color is a little too light to match my taste but she far exceeds my expectations for being a beautiful person. She was smart enough to NOT have children by her previous Thai husband and for that I am grateful. Her family is not well off for sure but they are not hungry nor poor. She seldom gives them any money and when she does it is not much. I paid no dowry. She says it is no one's business but ours. We live comfortably in HER house and I spend approximately 25% of my disposable income. What more could a man ask for?

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I thought the frarang had a better looking wife than the ave. thai male, unless they were excessivly rich. Granted 75.5 frarang wifes are bar girls (estimate, no facts to back it up), but what the hay.  The poor villages send there best lookers to the sex industry.  Not necessarily the best, but lookers for sure.  Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.  One of my best freinds has a  very ugly wife, but is honest and has a heart of gold, and they honestly love each other.  Not a gold digger. Ugly people need love too you know. :o

Pardon me, I'm just curious.

But why do you estimate that 75.5 (% I guess) of farangs' wives are bargirls? Is it because farangs spend most of their time looking there than the rest?

Best lookers to the Industry? You must have only been to a limited amount of agogo bars. I, in my opinion, would think they sent whoever is available and willing to work, good or bad lookers.

All in all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and one man's meat is another man's poison just as you thought your friend's wife is ugly, others may not.

Thai men may laugh to themselves thinking that their rejects goes to the farangs while on the other side, farangs may sign with relief that the Thai men have this thought and happily go after what they feel is beautiful.

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Anyway, after reading thru the replies to the threadstarter (or here you call it OP?) and the various posts, it does amuse me that more than 70% of these replies, in a certain way, agrees with him but subconciously even felt upset about it. Thus the replies give all kinds of reasons (or excuses?) to defend themselves.

Ugly girl needs love, don't give a hay what others think of my wife, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, pretty thai girls snobbish, and what have you not.

I didn't really see a lot of replies firmly stating that the threadstarter was wrong and that generally, farangs gets the prettier girls, etc, etc.

Correct me if I'm wrong, this is just my observation as I'm not taking any stand.

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Glad to see that this topic starter has certainly made the rounds.

Firstly, on looking back at a few of the comments one matter clearly comes to mind and that is the stereotype of the Thai man in the eyes of many of the regulars here.

The Thai man in this thread has mainly been stereotyped as a 'boozer', 'irresponsible' etc... This is fairly harsh generalization.

According to realistic figures Thais are amongst the heaviest groups of drinkers the world has to offer but,.... this sociological phenomenon encircles 'Rural Thailand'. Statistics show that amongst Thais with an education level of higher than grade 9 the level of alcohol consumption on average with that say in London, is in fact less.

This brings in the fact that, before you can make any generalization about 'heavy drinking' amongst Thai males you will have to decipher, for yourself, the sociological circles within which you mix.

According to various reliable studies conducted over the years by the likes of Chulalongkorn Uni or ABAC etc it has been concluded, that rural woman working in the sex industry do in fact send 'less' money back to their families than the average say...factory worker.

This is in contrary to a few posts here which conclude that rural girls, divorced with a kid or two, are forced to become sex workers to help financially support their families.

In regards to skin colour. Much has and will always be written about Asians and their love of the 'fairer skin'. Let us be fair and mention the fact that many caucasians too have an infatuation for 'different skin colour'. Just go to any beach at any time of the year all over the world and you will witness caucasians lying in the sun for days on end hoping for a 'lovely tan' - completely indifferent to dangers of skin cancer.

In Thailand, fair-skin is synoynmous with wealth, prosperity and beauty. This doesn't differ that much from Farangland though. Going back to a frosty country in the middle of winter in Farangland covered head to toe with a tan is a sign that the bearer is financially 'well-off' etc...

Edited by stevesuphan
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Pretty Chompoo is pretty canine-looking for me.

I think many of those hi-so women would secretly prefer to have a farang husband over an asian one, as long as he's hi-so as well. A luk krueng wouldn't hurt things either.

Edited by papaya9
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This is quite a myth about the women being damaged goods after a couple of kids though. In hubbys town alone he has 5 freinds who are all hoooked up with women with kids from previous relationships & one of them has kids from an ex farang husband who ran off & left her holding the baby. Hubby even had a relationship with a thai women 12 years older than him when he was in his 20's & she not only had a child but a disabled one too. Imagine that, thai guys with divorced women with kids!

it is more of a myth in the south than the north. i have met divorced thais in the south as well and they are generally accepted. in isaan they are ostracized or ignored.

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Consider this comparison. I had a trophy girlfriend, very light skinned with a perfect nose. She was always perfectly made up. She turned the heads of Thai as well as farang men. She carried around 5,000 baht worth of makeup in her little hand bag and bought all her clothes at Emporium. She hated to go to the beach because the sun may touch her face. She wouldn't even consider going swimming because her makeup would get damaged and her hair would get wet. Cooking was TOTALLY out of the question as was cleaning the apartment or washing clothes. She looked down her nose at MOST other Thai women and had her perfect nose always high in the air. Eventually I decided that I didn't really even like her. Many men were envious but I certainly wasn't happy.

I knew another rather plain lady. She normally wore blue jeans and I never saw her wearing makeup of any kind. She was not above cleaning toilets or doing any other kind of dirty work to make a living. She weighed an even 100 pounds then and three years later still is at 100 pounds. She is always cheerful and is a very nice friendly person to all. She buys her clothes at the Thai markets and does not own a fancy dress nor even a tube of lipstick. She is happy to work in the garden and she is a great cook and housekeeper. If it is raining she doesn't panic to keep her hair from getting wet. She is quite happy to go to the beach and go swimming. I am a happy man! Her skin color is a little too light to match my taste but she far exceeds my expectations for being a beautiful person. She was smart enough to NOT have children by her previous Thai husband and for that I am grateful. Her family is not well off for sure but they are not hungry nor poor. She seldom gives them any money and when she does it is not much. I paid no dowry. She says it is no one's business but ours. We live comfortably in HER house and I spend approximately 25% of my disposable income. What more could a man ask for?

Has she got a sister?

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The OP makes an intelligent observation.

Many on this board will be reading this whilst holidaying in Pattaya with a dark Isarn girl, and will take offense, even if it is true. Many new farang don't want to know what the Thais think and don't care.

I've been here 7 years and can't see the attraction with those short flat-nosed girls. There bodies are way out of proportion - their upper bodies to their legs is hardly the . "Divine Proportion" - 0.616:1 . How many times have you been on a Thai Airlines flight and seen the look of horror when the podgy, old, ugly farang comes on with the OBVIOUS Isarn ex-bargirl. These two are equally embarrassed as they know which one is above in Thai class system. The farang wonders why his ugly farmer girl doasn't want to bother the Air -stewardess for anything. These farmer prostitutes are walking all around bangkok and i feel sorry for them as their boyfriends haven't a clue what embarassment they are sufferring.

Why do they do it?

1 - some are ugly and this is fair enough

2 - some get into a relationship too quickly thinking that a farmers prossie is a good catch.

3 - plain ignorance.

BTW, there are many beautiful Thai ladies with good educations.

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The Thai man in this thread has mainly been stereotyped as a 'boozer', 'irresponsible' etc... This is fairly harsh generalization.

According to realistic figures Thais are amongst the heaviest groups of drinkers the world has to offer but,.... this sociological phenomenon encircles 'Rural Thailand'. Statistics show that amongst Thais with an education level of higher than grade 9 the level of alcohol consumption on average with that say in London, is in fact less.

This brings in the fact that, before you can make any generalization about 'heavy drinking' amongst Thai males you will have to decipher, for yourself, the sociological circles within which you mix.

So you say that generalising Thai men as heavy drinkers is wrong , it should be that uneducated Thai men living in rural areas are heavy drinkers. Any chance of some links to your statistics.

I'd love to know where these men actually get the money to sit around drinking all day.

It was'nt that long ago in UK that it was considered "common" to have dark skin as you would obviously have a manual job working outside, the avalibility of forigen travel changed that and as you say it's now fasionable to have a "winter tan".


Edited by RamdomChances
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OK, I admit it!

My wife is butt-ugly, and I am an over-the-hill, overweight, ugly farang! Our kid isn't much better either :o

But we love each other :D:)

BTW, from the photo, you might think my wife is a midget! I think she is actually sinking into the paddy field . . .


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Pretty Chompoo is pretty canine-looking for me.

I think many of those hi-so women would secretly prefer to have a farang husband over an asian one, as long as he's hi-so as well.  A luk krueng wouldn't hurt things either.

You "think"?

And what does the the Thai men "think"? Or the Asian men "think"?

Maybe if the hi-so Thai ladies themselves tell us so, and of ocurse not a couple of them as I really don't mind to have this fact as in all my association with them, I have never heard them mentioned such things, but then, this topic was never brought out too.

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OK, I admit it!

My wife is butt-ugly, and I am an over-the-hill, overweight, ugly farang! Our kid isn't much better either 

But we love each other

BTW, from the photo, you might think my wife is a midget! I think she is actually sinking into the paddy field . . .

Attached thumbnail(s)

You ain't overweight mate. :o

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OK, I admit it!

My wife is butt-ugly, and I am an over-the-hill, overweight, ugly farang! Our kid isn't much better either 

But we love each other

BTW, from the photo, you might think my wife is a midget! I think she is actually sinking into the paddy field . . .

Attached thumbnail(s)

You ain't overweight mate. :D

And your missus ain't butt-ugly either... :D

Nice photo (and post) Simon. :o

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Had to laugh at the picture Bambina uploaded..


It really is a great example. Granted it's bit on the extreme side, but still. Basically what we have here is a girl who's face looks like the back of a bus, but LOADS of Western guys, especially those just off the plane will go: "Hey, great slim figure!!" And skin 'color' doesnt even get into it.. If skin gets into it at all then the priority points are: 'smooth', 'hairless', 'soft', 'firm', etc. Color could be blue or green for all we care!

A girl I dated before was actually a bit insecure about her (relatively) white skin, being convinced that all farangs must surely like dark.. So she suspected I only loved her for her money and the kinky sex. :o

Then, someone wrote:

> Do you think we can approach pretty girls ( not at a bar ) easily ?

> I have spent most of time in Pattaya because my uncle lives there, in

> the east side of the town (east Sukumvit) . I have talk with about all

> girls in his street, but it seems that Pattaya is not the best area to

> have a date with a girl who is not working at bar.

Well, DUH!!!! Like you correcly suspect, the stigma there is HUGE.. Just look at the place! If you were a regular local girl, would you honestly want to be seen with a foreigner? To a lesser degree it also applies somewhat in Bangkok, but nowhere as much as Pattaya or Phuket. Up-country would be best, but there you get that everybody knows everybody and gossip runs rampant. So the best places are sizable provincial towns. Places like Khorat, Khon Kaen, Chanthaburi, Surat, Had Yai, etc, etc. Or Bangkok, really, as it's such a big place and loads of people are from somewhere else, disconnected from a potentially frowning & gossiping home front.



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So you say that generalising Thai men as heavy drinkers is wrong , it should be that uneducated Thai men living in rural areas are heavy drinkers. Any chance of some links to your statistics.

I'd love to know where these men actually get the money to sit around drinking all day.

The same statistics which confirm that they are drinking all day, also confirm the other prejudices and assumptions this thread is littered with... :o

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I can't believe how quick some people were to completely misinterpret on the OP's post - got to be honest, that was extremely disappointing.

Siamkitty - really appreciate your input. simon43, great family shot.

It's a fact so try and get over it - a lot of Thais do think we farang are attracted to ugly Thai girls. That's not my viewpoint, it's not the OP's viewpoint, it's the viewpoint of many Thai people. Whether it be skin colour, size or figure, the general consensus of the average Thai guy is that we get the lower pick of the bunch. If you don't believe that, then go ask a Thai guy.

And, obviously, I don't share their opinion. My g/f is small with dark skin, and I thinks he's one of the most attractive women I've ever met. However, if I asked a Thai guy if he felt the same way, I'm pretty sure I'd be greeted with a smile at best.

Generalisations ahoy, Thai guys are into the usual tall, pale skin, angelic features. Trouble most of us farang find with these girls (well, me at least) is that they're far too materialistic. No doubt the queues of people waiting to dart into Siam Paragon when it first opened were scattered with them...

Stevesuphan, cheers for an interesting thread.

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I never said anything about bar work or prostitution.....there are many other jobs in Pattaya....Pattaya was just an example....could have been BKK, CM or anywhere where tourists go, as you maybe aware that where the tourists are is where the money is....not just in bar and prostitution work but in many other service industries.

Oh, come off it.

You didn't SAY prostitution, but you clearly IMPLIED it.

So what is the girl to do???......she goes to Pattaya to make money to support her kids and family...Once she has done that the Thai men dont want her unless she is pulling in heaps of dosh.

If she's working a regular tourist job, why would you say, "Once she has done that the Thai men dont want her". There's no social stigma to working in a hotel in any city in Thailand, even Pattaya (plenty of Thai families go there for holidays, so working there isn't necessarily a scarlet letter).

Own up to what you said, don't try to wiggle out of it. I don't think any reasonable person reading your post would have assumed you meant that Thai guys wouldn't want her if she got a job as a hotel receptionist. It's pretty clear what you meant. So just admit it, and then admit that you were wrong to make such a dismissive generalization.

Case in point. I have a very good Thai friend who lost her husband a few years ago. He died in a motorcycle accident and left her with two young children to raise. What did she do? The same thing MOST people would do in that situation. She got a second job to make ends meet, leaned on her mother to help with the babysitting, and cut unnecessary expenses out of her budget to help pay for schooling.

The CLEAR implication in your post is that the only option for Thai women in dire straits is to run off to Pattaya and then Thai men won't consider them after they do that.

You're wrong.

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