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Work In Thailand

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Just a general question.

The reason I ask is I want to know what is the legal position a foriegner will be in if he is found by immigration to be doing work on his own home. For example painting a wall or laying some tiles, mowing the lawn or cleaning the pool. Work that yes could otherwise be done by local labour but isn't.

I did see an antique farang whipper snippering his front yard in Uttaradit whilst an immigration road block was set up outside his house searching vehicles for Loas nationals coming in through the back door. Very funny actually.


Edited by damo
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so it seems they dont actively go hunting but act on tip offs, sort of like reactive versus pro active......

Exactly, so if you do head off for a soapy, as suggested by slaps above, dont make any effort to provide/assist your own happy ending; or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a complaint from the massage girl for doing (or attempting to do) work that should only be done by a local.

Edited by wordchild
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If you work in the perimiter of your home its not working ,

Can you refer me to the section in Thai law which states this ?.....the law as written is dependent to a great degree on interpretation by the particular official concerned, therefore if said offical decides you are working even within the perimeter of your own home, then its working

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Hmm, I tend to think (im no expert here guys) If it is hypotheticaly my home which would be within the perimeter of my wifes block of land that I am quite involved in constructing then I would feel quite anxious doing so. Unless I had the bottom line which would be something in black and white giving myself the go ahead.

I guess it would be dilligent on my part to assume it is illegal unless someone who knows more than I knows the finer points to these laws and where I can find them in black and white.



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Hmm, I tend to think (im no expert here guys) If it is hypotheticaly my home which would be within the perimeter of my wifes block of land that I am quite involved in constructing then I would feel quite anxious doing so. Unless I had the bottom line which would be something in black and white giving myself the go ahead.

I guess it would be dilligent on my part to assume it is illegal unless someone who knows more than I knows the finer points to these laws and where I can find them in black and white.



your not going to find anything in black and white

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5 years ago helped throught the 6 month build of my house, mixing cement, painting etc etc...it isnt working so dont worry

I can vouch for this I was with him

You remember Phom that's the day we had to pay 200 baht for being drunk in charge of wheel barrows


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