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Briton Arrested In 500.000 Baht Drug Bust In Pattaya


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This is why no foreigners expecially those living in Thailand should drink in bars. You never know who you're sitting next to and who is filming it with a mobile phone . Plain clothes cops photograph locals and farangs everywhere including malls. Guilt by association.

I hope your comment is a joke... if not you sound a bit too paranoid to my taste.

Not to go out drinking in bars because you might happen to drink with someone dealing drugs is slightly debilitating in this country.

I am pretty sure even the thai authorities can look past association, and recognise an innocent man.

This guy was living in the house where the drugs were found, not just a drinking buddy.

There is a huge difference.

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say, and the same about Heaton John Alexander (who the hell calls their son Heaton, bet he was popular at school).

But who cares, just send them to the Hilton and let them survive there.

He's one of the good ones, just the law of the market, mate, and he supplied kosher stuff, so waht';s the problem? Are you trying to tell us you never ever bought drugs of any kind, inhaled or enjoyed getting high? So, who are you, the freakin Pope or what?

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This guy actually had some MDMA and ketamine in Thailand, that is a rare thing to come across that is for sure. From the details given in the report, it seems as if he was a user as 5.6Gs of MDMA is not exactly much at all, not even a quater of an ounce, seems personal use to me, that and the ketamine. If only I had made a trip to pattaya and back before this guy got thrown away! Anyway, this is one of the worse countries ot try and setup a controlled substance business, beyond stupidity. Why not do it back home lad, where you would get maybe 10 years and serve 5, and come to Thailand on your holidays ;)

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say, and the same about Heaton John Alexander (who the hell calls their son Heaton, bet he was popular at school).

But who cares, just send them to the Hilton and let them survive there.

I agree, a nice long 40 year stay at the Bkk Hilton surrounded by Mars Bar Creek does wonders for their self esteem. ha ha Throw the book at the clown.

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So what about the 'mastermind' in Dubai......... the one who supplied the drugs?.

Well, just a hunch, but I suspect he's in Dubai which, last time I checked, was slightly outside the jurisdiction of Pattaya's finest.

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say, and the same about Heaton John Alexander (who the hell calls their son Heaton, bet he was popular at school).

But who cares, just send them to the Hilton and let them survive there.

He's one of the good ones, just the law of the market, mate, and he supplied kosher stuff, so waht';s the problem? Are you trying to tell us you never ever bought drugs of any kind, inhaled or enjoyed getting high? So, who are you, the freakin Pope or what?

The problem, i suspect, is that it's against the law, not just in Thailand but in pretty much every country around the world.

You're already on record here for callilng men fiddling with kids a victimless crime and a perfectly private affair that harms noone, and now you seem to suggest that drug-dealers are innocent too.

You're a wonderful addition to Thailand's expat community. I salute you.

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This guy actually had some MDMA and ketamine in Thailand, that is a rare thing to come across that is for sure. From the details given in the report, it seems as if he was a user as 5.6Gs of MDMA is not exactly much at all, not even a quater of an ounce, seems personal use to me, that and the ketamine. If only I had made a trip to pattaya and back before this guy got thrown away! Anyway, this is one of the worse countries ot try and setup a controlled substance business, beyond stupidity. Why not do it back home lad, where you would get maybe 10 years and serve 5, and come to Thailand on your holidays wink.png

5.6g's of MDMA will get him 8-12 years the ICE will be a life sentence.

I have to laugh at people that have no idea what they are talking about. Any Britain sentenced in Thailand serves 1/3 or 4 years whatever is less of their sentence then they are sent back to the UK to serve out half the sentence less time served. Time served does not include remand time.

Anyone getting life has to serve 8 years in Thailand then back to the UK for the remainder.

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say, and the same about Heaton John Alexander (who the hell calls their son Heaton, bet he was popular at school).

But who cares, just send them to the Hilton and let them survive there.

Heaton is his family name

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say,

So if you're an Indian (or African or German or South African white or whatever) whose family has lived in Britain for generations, you're still not British??

Sort of like all the British passport holders of Indian descent who lived in Uganda or elsewhere in the "empire" discovered when they decided it was time to return to mother Britain. Suddenly their British passports meant nothing unless they passed the skin hue test, right?

Isn't there a British couple living in Buckingham Palace named Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg & Gotha and Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg? Solid English names, right?

Edited by Suradit69
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A lot of the laws in Thailand are all about stopping the competition - so the average Joe can't participating in big peoples business. The drug business is a good example, so is money laundering. The impression is that the rules are there, but they are being broken all the time so its OK. Thailand is not egalitarian, what an untouchable high status Thai can do is not what a ferang can!

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This guy actually had some MDMA and ketamine in Thailand, that is a rare thing to come across that is for sure. From the details given in the report, it seems as if he was a user as 5.6Gs of MDMA is not exactly much at all, not even a quater of an ounce, seems personal use to me, that and the ketamine. If only I had made a trip to pattaya and back before this guy got thrown away! Anyway, this is one of the worse countries ot try and setup a controlled substance business, beyond stupidity. Why not do it back home lad, where you would get maybe 10 years and serve 5, and come to Thailand on your holidays wink.png

5.6g's of MDMA will get him 8-12 years the ICE will be a life sentence.

I have to laugh at people that have no idea what they are talking about. Any Britain sentenced in Thailand serves 1/3 or 4 years whatever is less of their sentence then they are sent back to the UK to serve out half the sentence less time served. Time served does not include remand time.

Anyone getting life has to serve 8 years in Thailand then back to the UK for the remainder.

Actually I watched a documentary which was the first of it's kind that went into the BKK hilton and interviewed farang there, Two of which were British. One of them was an oldman who tried smuggling heroin into the country and he was furious at the British government because they do not seem to do as other governments do such as the US and EU governments, serving at least 8 years and then some tme back home. These 2 Brits were destined to spend their life there. The other tried smuggling a load of E's in.

I am not ignorant to sentencing and the law here, I know that even for a small amount of MDMA will get a person a hefty sentence. I was just surprised that it was around, more surprised that ketamine was around. My point was those 2 substances were in personal use, the rest was obviously to sell.

Edited by TomTom55
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Some Thai drug dealers were caught with a much bigger amount of drugs, they just walked away with "a fine", they had their connections ! Why is this guy on a picture with 10 police officers ? They don't have anything better to do ? Or is it because they caught a foreigner ?

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I am not ignorant to sentencing and the law here, I know that even for a small amount of MDMA will get a person a hefty sentence. I was just surprised that it was around, more surprised that ketamine was around.

Ketamine has always been around - I remember going to a Hi-So party in the late 90's and seeing a whole plate pilled full of it. For a split second I thought it was cocaine, and then though Err couldn't be as it would have been worth a fortune.

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I am not ignorant to sentencing and the law here, I know that even for a small amount of MDMA will get a person a hefty sentence. I was just surprised that it was around, more surprised that ketamine was around.

Ketamine has always been around - I remember going to a Hi-So party in the late 90's and seeing a whole plate pilled full of it. For a split second I thought it was cocaine, and then though Err couldn't be as it would have been worth a fortune.

Really, I have never visited the islands apart from Phuket which I won't be returning to, I prfer less touristy Thailand if you will. I would mind one night with a bit od vitamin K and some mandy.

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Kurt Davit sounds truly British more American or German with Indian I would say, and the same about Heaton John Alexander (who the hell calls their son Heaton, bet he was popular at school).

But who cares, just send them to the Hilton and let them survive there.

i like the one about ( im from the british mafia ) wil it mean he get breakfast in bed when he in prison

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I am pro-legalization, but I am happy every time a big dealer is caught. Not the least for the reason that the people in the business is rarely nice business men, but ruthless criminals involved in a lot of bad things.

The amounts sound small-time. And the top guys always get away!

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I'm really quite surprised that they are reporting that the drugs were smuggled into Thailand from Dubai, that's definitely up there along with coals to Newcastle and snow to an Eskimo. But apart from that, I live in the Middle East and have lived in Dubai in the past and although Dubai is notorious as a smugglers haven, you definitely would not want to get caught smuggling drugs into or out of any country in the Middle East, so for these boys to be doing so seems to me to be heaping stupidity upon stupidity!!

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I am glad the guy was caught (of course assuming he is guilty) for the simple reason that the rule of law prevails. However I also think the drug laws are counter effective and simply criminalist the whole thing.

Corruption is far more pervasive and damaging to the economy than ate drugs and it affects everyone. Some families lives are ruined by it and everyone is the poorer for it except the criminals. And what's more the people have to take the effects of it, which are far more extensive thanost people even begin to understand, yet few people stand up and say 'good hope he rots in the Bangkok Hilton and enjoys his husband' to the few people who ate even brought to task for that crime.

The whole drug issue is out of kilter with reality as are the punishments relative to other crimes like rape, fraud, and corruption which to my mind are far more damaging and come without the person wanting it in the first place. It's a mad world devoid of sufficient critical thinking especially but non-exclusively in Thailand

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This guy actually had some MDMA and ketamine in Thailand, that is a rare thing to come across that is for sure. From the details given in the report, it seems as if he was a user as 5.6Gs of MDMA is not exactly much at all, not even a quater of an ounce, seems personal use to me, that and the ketamine. If only I had made a trip to pattaya and back before this guy got thrown away! Anyway, this is one of the worse countries ot try and setup a controlled substance business, beyond stupidity. Why not do it back home lad, where you would get maybe 10 years and serve 5, and come to Thailand on your holidays wink.png

The average dose of pure MDMA is 100mg. 10 hits per gram. This was 56 hits worth. A little much for personal use I'd say. But maybe you are a heavy user and have different ideas of how much is used for 1 person.

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I am not ignorant to sentencing and the law here, I know that even for a small amount of MDMA will get a person a hefty sentence. I was just surprised that it was around, more surprised that ketamine was around.

Ketamine has always been around - I remember going to a Hi-So party in the late 90's and seeing a whole plate pilled full of it. For a split second I thought it was cocaine, and then though Err couldn't be as it would have been worth a fortune.

Ketamine is made by Park-Davis under the brand name "Ketalar". It is nothing new and has been used for many many years as a safe tranquilizer fro small animals (cats and dogs) as well as old ppl and young children. It has been only in the last decade or so that the use for recreational use has become popular in Thailand. But in the US it has been used recreationally for prob like 10+ years now.


Edited by Jayman
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Some Thai drug dealers were caught with a much bigger amount of drugs, they just walked away with "a fine", they had their connections ! Why is this guy on a picture with 10 police officers ? They don't have anything better to do ? Or is it because they caught a foreigner ?

Indeed, nothing better to do.... and pretend they have been doing some work...... Thanks to the grass.....

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