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Girlfriend For Sale


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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

I'll throw in my wife as well.

And mine. That's three for one. I'll throw in the LED TV too if you are willing to pick her up within the next 48 hours.

I have been caught out like this before ? Do you think I am a fool ?

What brand is the T.V. ? If its a Family brand then the deal is off!

Does it have a remote with batteries ? (I mean the wife )

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IMHO there are too many people who come here with their education, their money, their nice warm, comfy lifestyles back home who slag these Thai people off without ever seeing how many of them live. I am not a Thai apologist but I have seen the other side of Thai life to that in the cities and better off areas. Some epeople need to get out more.

I've been to rural Thailand many times. And to Pattaya as well, with open eyes as to what things cost and what these women in Pattaya are doing and how much they are making. You can live on almost nothing in rural Thailand. 6000 isn't much but you can live on it in rural Thailand, but it would NEVER be even remotely enough for your average bar girl. 10,000 a month is a decent salary, how many bar girls in Pattyaa would be willing to work an honest job 8 hours a day for 10,000? Hardly any, because that it peanuts compared to what they make whoring every night and scamming farang boyfriends. Most of them are already getting that per month from a boyfriend yet they continue to work. The idea that bar girls would just work a normal job if only given a chance is fiction. It's precisely because I know a huge number of Thais living on low salaries, many divorced with kids and with other financial problems, that I find the BS peddled by bar girls so ridiculous.

Forget about the occupation for a moment......................... Business is all about supply and demand.

If you came upon a successful business plan that proved to be financially successful and wasnt hurting anyone persay, would you continue on in your endeavors or just walk away from it because someone frowned upon it ?

Barring things like drug dealers and the like, these girls are just conducting business. The only difference between them and regular business people is that they will tell you they,re gonna f@@k you whereas the reputable business person will f@@k you anyway but you wont see it coming.

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

How many miles are on the clock ?

Does she use much oil ?

is there a lot of smoke from the back end ?

Will it be C.O.D. or swap ? clap2.gif

could certainty part exchange her if someone have something intersting

she hasnt got too high miles on the clock but they were probably hard miles that took their toll

however ,after a severe pounding she gets lifeless for a while but soon rejuvenates ......pretty

low maintainace and refrains from talking when her mouth is full ( thats a tip to the new owner )

any takers post up your address and il have her delievred :D

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Too true unfortunately. While not a popular view, too many people regard prostitution as a victimless activity.

It's never going to disappear and like other forms of "vice" needs to be legalised, controlled and kept safe.

Watching the full documentary the main message is a sad one of desperate women and desperate buyers. Just look at the "contestants" in the best farang husband competition.

Not sure who comes out of it looking worse.

Can't say Ii doesn't make me sympathise with the Lao view on farang sex tourism.

The whole Isaan girl/farang trash equation reeks of exploitation of vulnerable people (and by that I mean it cuts both ways, as both sides are more-or-less willingly exploited).

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The whole Isaan girl/farang trash equation reeks of exploitation of vulnerable people (and by that I mean it cuts both ways, as both sides are more-or-less willingly exploited).

Sounds like a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship. No harm, no foul, as long as everyone is getting what they want from the arrangement. Much ado about naught if you ask me.

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the best part of the video was where the 4 year old kid spoke to the guy in uk on the phone

and then he handed the phone back to his mother and told her the guy was pissed

mao mao ! biggrin.png

the kid was smarter than the mother whod been talking to him for the previous 10 min

And the sad part was that he could have been some brain-dead, violent moron to boot. No matter as long as he could apparently wave the financial magic wand, and everyone would live happily ever after.....in a "mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship" based on respect and ..................

Edited by folium
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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

You can throw my wife in with the deal.

Buy one get one free?

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

You can throw my wife in with the deal.

Buy one get one free?

for 102,000thb id give multiple gfs in to this deal ,

we can all go drinking afterwards and get new younger ,sexier ones drunk.gif

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This is a very misleading headline.

I was willing to go to 102,000 baht all in without even seeing her.

Ah well, your loss. angry.png

i have a girlfriend you can have ,il even deliver her for free wink.png

You can throw my wife in with the deal.

Buy one get one free?

for 102,000thb id give multiple gfs in to this deal ,

we can all go drinking afterwards and get new younger ,sexier ones drunk.gif

Since you all seem so desperate to get rid of your wifes/girlfriends but at the end are still stuck with them,I assume that they may have some serious errors on the mainboard or visible construction faults.
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Hello, and thanks for the video, it was interesting. Being new and still in the States, I am in the planning stages. From what I have gathered by reading many forums, books and google search. The Farang who builds a house for a Thai lady, usually ends up getting kicked to the curb, and the house belongs to the Thai lady. I don't think I would ever buy a house I can lose 100% of. What are the chance of meeting a nice girl, if I own a condo, and ask her to live with me? If that does not work, then I guess I will remain single. I have a lot to learn, and look forward to reading your post.



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Here's what members thought four years ago:


Thanks very much Old Croc.......I just read it and it seemed quite balanced. I think the programme was all the better for not being sensationalist, every scenario they put across seemed real to me except the Husband of the Year contest.......that showed the everything in a new light.

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Hello, and thanks for the video, it was interesting. Being new and still in the States, I am in the planning stages. From what I have gathered by reading many forums, books and google search. The Farang who builds a house for a Thai lady, usually ends up getting kicked to the curb, and the house belongs to the Thai lady. I don't think I would ever buy a house I can lose 100% of. What are the chance of meeting a nice girl, if I own a condo, and ask her to live with me? If that does not work, then I guess I will remain single. I have a lot to learn, and look forward to reading your post.



welcomeani.gif Welcome to Thaivisa

If you have read some of this forum before you will know it can be a bit rough and tumble............the best advice I could give you in regards to the question you asked is..........

Take your time, get the lie of the land, don't buy what you can't own, and don't fall for the first fairytale.

Other people will add their pennies worth over the course of time, some politely, and some with a blast of flame, but fundamentally, don't do anything in Thailand you wouldn't do in your own country, that will be a good starting point.

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mine are all handpicked and crafted from the finest materials ........the only reason i am throwing them into the deal is kinda like watching the same dvd over and over

yes ,its still a great and enjoyable movie ......but sometimes you need to watch some new movies also

variety is the spice of life and all that ...........;)

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I look forward to a documentary filmed at the other end of this business - back in Farangland, examining the personal lives of the foreign men who come to Thailand seeking Thai wives, their troubles, tribulations and mindset.

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I look forward to a documentary filmed at the other end of this business - back in Farangland, examining the personal lives of the foreign men who come to Thailand seeking Thai wives, their troubles, tribulations and mindset.

This topic is well covered I think. Google "farang murdered in Roiet" for a start.

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I've helped girls translate bf's emails and helped them write back. I figure the guys know what "Caveat emptor" means and even if they don't. It's fun to help the girls talk shit. They take the few lines I give them and spin them out to sometimes 3 or four guys while I am still in the internet shop (20mins tops) and they have 2-3 convo's going at the same time. You can read them sometimes and see the response from the guy which suggests he is in this mode...


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Hello, and thanks for the video, it was interesting. Being new and still in the States, I am in the planning stages. From what I have gathered by reading many forums, books and google search. The Farang who builds a house for a Thai lady, usually ends up getting kicked to the curb, and the house belongs to the Thai lady. I don't think I would ever buy a house I can lose 100% of. What are the chance of meeting a nice girl, if I own a condo, and ask her to live with me? If that does not work, then I guess I will remain single. I have a lot to learn, and look forward to reading your post.



The statistics are probably no different from the numbers who get kicked to the curb in the US, with the house belonging to the Western wife. How many do you know in the US who have lost their house? Add me to that count.

There are many, many good girls here...even ones who work in the trade.

I watched the video and thought it was right on. For sure a sad thing.

P.S. an inappropriate post has been removed from view. Please keep it civil and abide by forum rules. Especially:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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Another good post, Loz. Thanks for that. And, theblether gave good advice to the new guy... DgmTexas.

I wonder what the result would be if Thailand moved out of the dark ages and started making Thai men responsible for the women they impregnate, and authorities went after the deadbeat Dads for child support... like most western countries do. Of course, that would mean the local police would actually have to do something. Thailand is still a patriarch society where men can do anything they want and are not held responsible for their actions.

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Oh good for them! I always tell these girls to get as much out of these stupid old men as they can, while they can.

After all, it's not as though any of these sad sacks are going to part with thousands of baht for any other 'charity' is it? Nothing in it for them ...

Agreed, I used to live in Jamaica and told my male friends the same thing about all the Europen women who come for a bit of black skin; get all you can from these rich fat fools, they are but chickens...ripe for the plucking. Fat Scandanavians and British birds seem to be the most available and gullible.

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I've helped girls translate bf's emails and helped them write back. I figure the guys know what "Caveat emptor" means and even if they don't. It's fun to help the girls talk shit. They take the few lines I give them and spin them out to sometimes 3 or four guys while I am still in the internet shop (20mins tops) and they have 2-3 convo's going at the same time. You can read them sometimes and see the response from the guy which suggests he is in this mode...


Cheers for the clip Loz, really is one of the best from Delboy

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

I think a documentary is on TV this weekend about the Lady Juliana. You should try and see it. Sunday I believe Australian TV shown in Thailand.

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesnâ€t work out, they donâ€t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

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Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

when you are old.....say 60+ ,fat ,bald ,wrinkled with a beer belly and hair growing out of your nose and ears ,you have literaly zero chance of bagging a young sexy wife in her twenties in ANY part of the western world

do these people really believe a stunning ,sexy thai girl of 22 years of age has fallen in love with them and their retirement funds or pensions has nothing to do with it ??

the whole situation is laughable ,one of my friends is 65,spends his days playing pool ,eating pizza and drinking beers , and his wife is 28

but at least hes honest about it and he can have a laugh when the topic comes up ,he knows she with him because he "take care " and if he ever stopped being her income she would dust off her mini skirt and find a replacement .........

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Oh good for them! I always tell these girls to get as much out of these stupid old men as they can, while they can.

After all, it's not as though any of these sad sacks are going to part with thousands of baht for any other 'charity' is it? Nothing in it for them ...

Agreed, I used to live in Jamaica and told my male friends the same thing about all the Europen women who come for a bit of black skin; get all you can from these rich fat fools, they are but chickens...ripe for the plucking. Fat Scandanavians and British birds seem to be the most available and gullible.

Oh good for them! I always tell these girls to get as much out of these stupid old men as they can, while they can.

After all, it's not as though any of these sad sacks are going to part with thousands of baht for any other 'charity' is it? Nothing in it for them ...

Agreed, I used to live in Jamaica and told my male friends the same thing about all the Europen women who come for a bit of black skin; get all you can from these rich fat fools, they are but chickens...ripe for the plucking. Fat Scandanavians and British birds seem to be the most available and gullible.

Ah! We seem to have caught an old trout.
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