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Shedding Hair


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I don't know if it is seasonal or some vitamin deficiency but it seems our Golden Retriever is shedding a lot of hair. Lots of it being swept out of the house daily and just running your hand along his coat seems a lot of fine hair comes out. Not clumps or balding but just wondering if it is normal? He's 2.5 years old, pedigree.

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1: weather changes

2. food changes

3. hormone problems (thyroid) i think goldens are prone, cant remember : google for alopecia in golden retrievers

4. regular shedding (blowing coat) since goldens have a double coat: an outer water proof coat and an iner soft plume coat

mics> try googling there are some good vet sites for this question...

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maybe it's seasonal, almost all of my dogs were shedding their hair over the last weeks, now its almost finished. just wondered as it's so cold right now - not really the right time to get rid of the warming fur??

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