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Why Is Soi 6 Less Friendly Towards Cameras (Or Farangs) Than 5 Years Ago?


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I visited Thailand 5 years ago when I was 25 and a friend and I walked the length of Soi 6 while I videotaped the street at night, around 9pm, about a week before Songkran. I've recently moved to Thailand and came back to Pattaya for the first time in 5 years this week (March), and again, a friend and I walked the street and I videotaped (I have a new camera so wanted to get it in HD this time). 5 years ago I couldn't walk the street without girls coming out of the bars and grabbing at me and asking where I'm from, and the girls in the bars waving and smiling for the camera. The whole vibe just seemed very friendly and welcoming and I went back and had a good time at a few of the bars. At that time I pointed the camera at the faces of the girls outside the bars if they seemed friendly and didn't mind and most would smile and say hello and wave.

This time I walked onto the street headed towards the beach and was immediately yelled at and given a middle finger by girls as I started walking down the street as one yelled (no videotaping!). I didn't get as close to the bars with the camera as I did 5 years ago and didn't focus on any faces or anything, just kept the camera pointed towards the center of the street with a quick side to side angle every now and then (but not to where I was close enough to make out the faces of any girls). Because of the initial yelling and middle fingers, I decided not to point the camera at anybody's faces at all for the entire length of the street. Even while doing this I was yelled at (in thai) by girls from at least two other bars, while most of the girls hid their faces, and finally a bouncer/door-man at one bar towards the end of the street shined a flashlight into my camera as I passed and yelled and said no video, I said "it's a public street, I'm videotaping the street" and he started approaching me so I tried to videotape him in case he did something, but then worried about antagonizing him more as he got closer and I worried he'd break my camera, I'd end up in jail, or worse, so put the camera down and he shoved me into a truck as all the girls from the bar he was at basically cursed at me. I apologized and he basically told me to get out of there and I had to swallow my pride and walk away. I used to love the friendly experience walking down this street and visiting the bars after videotaping but it's kind of ruined the whole vibe for me now. I can understand that some girls simply don't want their faces and occupation being displayed all over the internet but I've never seen them so aggressive about it, not 5 years ago and not in other people's videos. I've never seen doormen outside like that with flashlights doing that either. 5 years ago at least 6 or 7 girls from various bars came out into the street to grab my arm or say hello, and not a single one did this time. I felt like I was inside a club, not on a public street and didn't hear a single "hello" "sexy man" or "welcome" as I did last time. Have they all been instructed to avoid people with cameras or something, or are farangs just not as welcome there with or without cameras? Have they become more jaded over the past 5 years with an increase or decrease in tourism? Was there an incident with cameras on that street that I'm not aware of?

Anyways, sorry for the long post but I thought details might be important so maybe someone can explain as to why this happened. Does anybody have any idea what possibly could have changed this street so much in the past 5 years? Is April a friendlier time because it's getting into low season and they're more desperate for customers (or because it's closer to Songkran and people are in a better mood) or did I catch it on a bad night or something (Sunday night, about 10pm)? Just amazed at how different the experience was for me this time and looking for answers as to why. It was just a bit disappointing because the friend I brought with me this time had seen the videos from last time and really wanted to be in some videos with some of the more friendlier girls from that street.Thanks for any input.

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most raids on those bars if not all have used some farang grass/snitch as the bait....blame your fellow farang do gooder!

also quite rightly that street has always been known for one thing and maybe some handsome man back home might see the twin sister of his tirak grafting down there whilst she is back in issan being a good girl for her love?

just a couple of maybes?

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5 years ago the girls didn't know as much about the internet and YouTube like they do now. I don't blame them for not wanting to be filmed and you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed.

Yes this is probably as close as you'll get to the truth.

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I have been challenged when photographing or videotaping scenes in London, New York, Bangkok - and a few other places - by folks feeling it is an invasion of their privacy or because they thought I had some ulterior motive in recording them on film or tape. My only suggestion is when asked to stop, do so. Or ask first. Why it was different a few years ago on that Soi is unknown but above replies could be the answers.

Edited by petercool
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5 years ago the girls didn't know as much about the internet and YouTube like they do now. I don't blame them for not wanting to be filmed and you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed.

Yes this is probably as close as you'll get to the truth.

Yep, YouTube and similar very likely. Probably some bad experiences showing a bit too much on the net and word of mouth explaining the 'problem'

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I think the change in 'harshness' is not video camera related.

In the last couple of years I have only ridden down soi6 (and 6/1) a few times. The girls look less attractive, less happy and less-girl-like as so many now seem to be khatoeys.

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I think the change in 'harshness' is not video camera related.

In the last couple of years I have only ridden down soi6 (and 6/1) a few times. The girls look less attractive, less happy and less-girl-like as so many now seem to be khatoeys.

I agree....a lot of what is happening is the result of a long-term negative trend fueled by economic problems and xenophobia, an influx of Russians who do not spend much (if any) money in the bars and the fact that somebody opened the doors to insane asylums and prisons in the West and told the hard core inmates to "go to Pattaya-Jomtien." I have never seen it this bad, and I can go back 26 years when the situation was much better. I am thankful that I am not invested in the area/country.

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Twiter, Facebook, Youtube, and all the xxx sites.

Try doing the walk again without the camera and see what you think. Let us know.

A few more weeks and everyone in Pattaya will be running outside yelling and spraying water and the mood will be opposite I think however your camera might need a plastic bag over it but I'm sure your friend will enjoy it if he is crazy and this is his first time to Pattaya.

Edited by Rimmer
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I recently heard a conversation between some girls who work in a massage place, some westerner has been posting reviews of the girls on a thai based forum, now the girls all have to give false names as their nicknames from home were being used. Most girls are quite in tune with facebook and youtube etc. and are well aware a jealous ex friend could easily cuase problems back home, just cos ma & pa don't use the net doesn't mean they won't find out about what they do or where they are. Think what you like about girls who work in the likes of soi6, they don't need their privacy invaded like that and I am sure neither do some of the customers. Ever seen thos crap walking street advertisments on pattaya people tv? How many people have been video'd there without their knowledge. 5 years ago was so 5 years ago, now mobile phone cams are everywhere, privacy has gone. Why would anyone think taking video in a notorious short time soi is a good idea?

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My last trip to Pattaya I witnessed a Thai gogo bar loser-door-punk knock a video camera out of the hand of an Indian tourist on Walking Street. Walking Street of all places. He yelled NO VIDEO to the guy and didn't even give him a chance to lower the cam, just ran up and literally knocked it out of his hand. Camera broke to bits. The Indian, passive as they usually are, picked it up and walked on.

Add to that, my friend had his photo camera knocked out of his hand and broke his expensive lens while photographing the sunset on the beach. He said it was one of the jet ski scammers. Police wouldn't even file a report about it. And there is nothing you can do because they will gang jump you and beat you with bottles, sticks, clubs, and whatever else they have because they are animals.

I've never seen Pattaya as rough as it is now and have no desire to return. It's a freaking tourist city. Tourists come with cameras. Tourists like to photo and video their trips. That's how it works.

Maybe it's best if Pattaya puts up NO PHOTOGRAPHING ANYTHING PATTAYA signs all over the place. Otherwise tourists are going to continue to have their cameras broken and possibly attacked. And to think, they are trying to sell that sewer as a "family" and "green" destination. But you can't take photos without running the risk of being attacked. Nice place Pattaya has turned into. I'm sure the next 4 - 5 years are going to be just grand.

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I recently heard a conversation between some girls who work in a massage place, some westerner has been posting reviews of the girls on a thai based forum, now the girls all have to give false names as their nicknames from home were being used. Most girls are quite in tune with facebook and youtube etc. and are well aware a jealous ex friend could easily cuase problems back home, just cos ma & pa don't use the net doesn't mean they won't find out about what they do or where they are. Think what you like about girls who work in the likes of soi6, they don't need their privacy invaded like that and I am sure neither do some of the customers. Ever seen thos crap walking street advertisments on pattaya people tv? How many people have been video'd there without their knowledge. 5 years ago was so 5 years ago, now mobile phone cams are everywhere, privacy has gone. Why would anyone think taking video in a notorious short time soi is a good idea?

FYI... the number of tourists who are posting girls online pales in comparison to the amount of Thai boys who are posting full on sex videos of the girls online. Not sure if you surf Thai sites or not but the amount of hidden camera and phone camera videos these Thai boys are putting online is staggering. Yet, you never hear the girls complain about that. As with everything else, it's only a problem with foreigners do it. The contempt so many of these people have for foreigners is beyond words. And to be fair, it goes both ways.

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Internet available even in the most remote part of Thailand, Youtube, girls who don't want to be seen working in a bar when the family think she is working in a luxury shop or afraid that one of the "sponsors" could spot her on Youtube.

Privacy belong to the dictionary of the past decade.

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I recently heard a conversation between some girls who work in a massage place, some westerner has been posting reviews of the girls on a thai based forum, now the girls all have to give false names as their nicknames from home were being used. Most girls are quite in tune with facebook and youtube etc. and are well aware a jealous ex friend could easily cuase problems back home, just cos ma & pa don't use the net doesn't mean they won't find out about what they do or where they are. Think what you like about girls who work in the likes of soi6, they don't need their privacy invaded like that and I am sure neither do some of the customers. Ever seen thos crap walking street advertisments on pattaya people tv? How many people have been video'd there without their knowledge. 5 years ago was so 5 years ago, now mobile phone cams are everywhere, privacy has gone. Why would anyone think taking video in a notorious short time soi is a good idea?

FYI... the number of tourists who are posting girls online pales in comparison to the amount of Thai boys who are posting full on sex videos of the girls online. Not sure if you surf Thai sites or not but the amount of hidden camera and phone camera videos these Thai boys are putting online is staggering. Yet, you never hear the girls complain about that. As with everything else, it's only a problem with foreigners do it. The contempt so many of these people have for foreigners is beyond words. And to be fair, it goes both ways.

How could they complain about hidden camera videos if they are hidden?
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Theres so many girls scamming guys from other countries.Probably some have 4 or 5 husbands.

They are getting money sent to them every month.They don't want to ruin A good thing.

many of them will retire before their 40.Unless their partying on ya ba or giving the money to

their thai telocks etc.

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''i not work bar tilac, i wait home for you''

Just a minute i seen you on some guys Facebook/Twitpic/Youtube, <deleted>?

not me , why you say dat.why you not tuss me .

btt, soi6 , is for a quick turnover ,

photo shoot, no money .

lol giggle.gif

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I recently heard a conversation between some girls who work in a massage place, some westerner has been posting reviews of the girls on a thai based forum, now the girls all have to give false names as their nicknames from home were being used. Most girls are quite in tune with facebook and youtube etc. and are well aware a jealous ex friend could easily cuase problems back home, just cos ma & pa don't use the net doesn't mean they won't find out about what they do or where they are. Think what you like about girls who work in the likes of soi6, they don't need their privacy invaded like that and I am sure neither do some of the customers. Ever seen thos crap walking street advertisments on pattaya people tv? How many people have been video'd there without their knowledge. 5 years ago was so 5 years ago, now mobile phone cams are everywhere, privacy has gone. Why would anyone think taking video in a notorious short time soi is a good idea?

Yeah of course,since there is only 1 Lek,Noi or Puy in Thailand.By the way most ma's and pa's know exactly what the daughter is doing for a living in Pattaya.

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Theres so many girls scamming guys from other countries.Probably some have 4 or 5 husbands.

They are getting money sent to them every month.They don't want to ruin A good thing.

many of them will retire before their 40.Unless their partying on ya ba or giving the money to

their thai telocks etc.

Soi 6 girls have sponsors now? Holy ****. There are some really dumb people out there. blink.png

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Theres so many girls scamming guys from other countries.Probably some have 4 or 5 husbands.

They are getting money sent to them every month.They don't want to ruin A good thing.

many of them will retire before their 40.Unless their partying on ya ba or giving the money to

their thai telocks etc.

Soi 6 girls have sponsors now? Holy ****. There are some really dumb people out there. blink.png

They have probably seen Falangs building houses for their Isaan wives.......................whistling.gif

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5 years ago the girls didn't know as much about the internet and YouTube like they do now. I don't blame them for not wanting to be filmed and you are lucky you didn't get your camera smashed.

I reckon they should have smashed the OP's camera. Fancy taking a videos down a red-light street - it's very rude. The public street excuse doesn't mean much when you've got your camera on peoples' faces on private property.

YouTube was in its early days 5 years ago. The girls are clued in now and know where the videos will end up.

To the OP: Use your head. Some of these girls have a chance of scoring a sponsor (husband/boyfriend), so your video could ruin their future lives if circulated on the internet. Many girls have families in the province with computers/internet who could possibly catch them on YouTube (or another site).

I can't believe you had to post such a long story to discover the obvious.

Edited by tropo
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Theres so many girls scamming guys from other countries.Probably some have 4 or 5 husbands.

They are getting money sent to them every month.They don't want to ruin A good thing.

many of them will retire before their 40.Unless their partying on ya ba or giving the money to

their thai telocks etc.

Soi 6 girls have sponsors now? Holy ****. There are some really dumb people out there. blink.png

They have probably seen Falangs building houses for their Isaan wives.......................whistling.gif

Bleh. My wife was never a bargirl she sold clothes. Too shy for that line of work. Pattaya women aren't all whores you know..

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Sadly, my FIRST ever post here is going to call you an idiot !

I Have read this forum since I arrived in 2007, but never made an account but

I see your post and just had to reply !

I see MANY YouTube videos where the girls cover thier faces and not wish

to be on film..... maybe they have a stupid farang that sends them money,

maybe they not want thier families to know what they do...

But here is the bottom line.....

For better or worse, THIS is thier job and work.....

I saw a youtube video of a fool going up to a lady on Soi 6 and place the

camera 2 feet away from her face..... and this fool says.... "Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ?

Think about it you twit, Imagine you were at YOUR Work back in the West

or wherever..... and your sitting in your Cube, or at your desk..... and every 20

minutes strange people come into your face with a video camera and says....."Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ? AS your trying to work?

Just sayin.....

PS, After reading this, I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but I can see why they

would flip you off. and also, after the first 8, you should have got the hint, but

it sounds like you kept it rolling ?

Live and learn...


Edited by FastCarvt1
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Sadly, my FIRST ever post here is going to call you an idiot !

I Have read this forum since I arrived in 2007, but never made an account but

I see your post and just had to reply !

I see MANY YouTube videos where the girls cover thier faces and not wish

to be on film..... maybe they have a stupid farang that sends them money,

maybe they not want thier families to know what they do...

But here is the bottom line.....

For better or worse, THIS is thier job and work.....

I saw a youtube video of a fool going up to a lady on Soi 6 and place the

camera 2 feet away from her face..... and this fool says.... "Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ?

Think about it you twit, Imagine you were at YOUR Work back in the West

or wherever..... and your sitting in your Cube, or at your desk..... and every 20

minutes strange people come into your face with a video camera and says....."Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ? AS your trying to work?

Just sayin.....

PS, After reading this, I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but I can see why they

would flip you off. and also, after the first 8, you should have got the hint, but

it sounds like you kept it rolling ?

Live and learn...


Well said! Go get 'em tiger! That pretty much sums it up. Let's hope this isn't your last post.wai.gif

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Sadly, my FIRST ever post here is going to call you an idiot !

I Have read this forum since I arrived in 2007, but never made an account but

I see your post and just had to reply !

I see MANY YouTube videos where the girls cover thier faces and not wish

to be on film..... maybe they have a stupid farang that sends them money,

maybe they not want thier families to know what they do...

But here is the bottom line.....

For better or worse, THIS is thier job and work.....

I saw a youtube video of a fool going up to a lady on Soi 6 and place the

camera 2 feet away from her face..... and this fool says.... "Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ?

Think about it you twit, Imagine you were at YOUR Work back in the West

or wherever..... and your sitting in your Cube, or at your desk..... and every 20

minutes strange people come into your face with a video camera and says....."Say Hello "

Hello, Hello, Can you say Hello" ? AS your trying to work?

Just sayin.....

PS, After reading this, I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but I can see why they

would flip you off. and also, after the first 8, you should have got the hint, but

it sounds like you kept it rolling ?

Live and learn...


Best first post in a long time. thumbsup.gif

I hate this video thing if I'm just sitting in a bar minding my own business it will piss me off. If you want to video me then ask my f*cking permission is my attitude every time.

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I was sat in a small bar/pizza place in Jomtien once, no girls there, just the male owner, a foreign couple and me. Just as I was about to leave a guy with a professional video setup arrived, might have been doing a promo for the restaurant but the first thing the owner did was ask the couple and I if we minded him doing some video. Giving people the option is good manners.

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