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Racism Against Farangs


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Hello all,

I live a quite fugal life here.

I am a frugal person in general and don't like luxury items, I try to respect the environment as much I possible, buy my veggies from organic markets, choose not to have a car and I rescued 5 dogs from the streets. Last month alone I spent 20 000 bath in vet fees, so this is with the house with garden I rent for them my two biggest expenses.

I take buses most of the times, go to public hospitals for healthcare, and patron cheap vegetarians restaurants.

Because of my lifestyle I get confronted mostly to what we could say are "poor" Thai people, who I found have an increasingly negative attitude towards me:

-Shop assistants refusing to serve me,

-nurses at ER pretending not to see me and doing paperwork to avoid attending my urgent medical care,

- doctors refusing me medical care and telling me to go to a private clinic or making me pay expensive and painful treatments that I don't actually need,

- bus assistant telling me to "take a taxi", etc...

It would be very easy for me to drop the soi dogs and spend my money to live comfortably in a condo, travel exclusively by taxi, or get a car, and only go to farangs restaurants. This is not why I came here for: I chose to help.

Living cheaply in Thailand is also a way not to participate in the increasing cost of living which make Thai poor people's life harder everyday.

Living as much as possible in respect of Thai beautiful natural environment, is a way to show that I care.

Taking the bus instead of taxi is doing my bit for the environment.

Going to cheap organic restaurants is encouraging these businesses to resist against poor value american fast food chains.

Spending a good chuck of my earning to help street dogs which have a very hard life here is also a way of giving back.

Most foreigners I talk to don't have the same experience, because everywhere they go they pay double price as I do, and the legendary Thai smile is included.

I totally get Thai peolpe's frustration: the price of flour, eggs, meat, veggies has doubled.

But why do they take their anger on me? Don't they realize, It's the people who pay double price for everything, that makes the costs of living so high?

Making farangs pay more is not helping them, it's only making the few greedy Thais who work with farangs richer, the vast majority of the population will suffer the soaring cost of living.

Farangs bringing their western lifestyle here ( ie double or triple environmental footprint) are the ones destroying their beautiful country, not me!

Or do they resent me for something else ? As in just being here in their country where I apparently should be ? You tell me ...

Anyway it feels better now I said it :)

Thanks for reading, and if somewhat you feel the same please share.

Thank you

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I'm not sure how stretching the already over stretched public hospitals is helping or only paying money to small non-tax paying businesses is either. You maybe helping a few doing ok locals but not the really poor. The country desperately needs more tax and it to be spent on the people( not crooked politicians.)

Travelling on smoke belching buses probably doesn't help the enviroment much either.

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Meh. The examples you gave about service happen to Thais as well, so I don't really see how it's racist.

I think you're just being overly sensitive.

Also, you talk about the environment, buying organic food, living cheaply, taking public transit, saving dogs, etc. How does that help Thai people? Doesn't seem like you're in Thailand for the people in the first place, rather you're here for your own self-serving reasons.

What's important to you isn't important to every person. Many people would sooner put down a soi dog (or send them over to Vietnam...) rather than helping them.

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It is your choice to spend more on animals than on human beings. Accept the consequences rather than criticizing both the Thai and the expat population.

Also I gather you must be fluent in Thai to live like this.

Edited by orchis
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This is the system, get use to it or.....

Exactly. Back in the US a Thai once asked me how to get somewhere on the public transport. My response was "if you were rich enough to get here from thailand, then you are rich enough to take a taxi." I then pointed to the cab stand, smiled and walked away.cowboy.gif

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I live in Chonburi City and can go months without seeing another Farang unless I go to Bang Saen or Bangkok ,I use buses ocasionally , no problem.

Once during Song Kran in Bangkok no one would sit next to me on the bus which was the only spare seat, Some I think were worried about upsetting the only dry person on the bus and some girls were too shy. Unfortunately this didn't last the whole journey as a soaking wet 15 stone girl wasn't shy.

Never had a problem with shop staff except the occasional too shy to speak to a farang girl.

Never experienced public hospitals except taking a employees son as I leave the hospitals for people who really need them while I can afford better.

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It is your choice to spend more on animals than on human beings. Accept the consequences rather than criticizing both the Thai and the expat population.

I don't criticize anyone, I just ask why the hate ?

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I'm not sure how stretching the already over stretched public hospitals is helping or only paying money to small non-tax paying businesses is either. You maybe helping a few doing ok locals but not the really poor. The country desperately needs more tax and it to be spent on the people( not crooked politicians.)

Travelling on smoke belching buses probably doesn't help the enviroment much either.

Yes it does less natural resources gas spent, less Co2, less cars on the streets, less traffic jams

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It is your choice to spend more on animals than on human beings. Accept the consequences rather than criticizing both the Thai and the expat population.

I don't criticize anyone, I just ask why the hate ?

Do you shower every day?

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Meh. The examples you gave about service happen to Thais as well, so I don't really see how it's racist.

I think you're just being overly sensitive.

Also, you talk about the environment, buying organic food, living cheaply, taking public transit, saving dogs, etc. How does that help Thai people? Doesn't seem like you're in Thailand for the people in the first place, rather you're here for your own self-serving reasons.

What's important to you isn't important to every person. Many people would sooner put down a soi dog (or send them over to Vietnam...) rather than helping them.


My own serving reason would be to act like you do

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It is your choice to spend more on animals than on human beings. Accept the consequences rather than criticizing both the Thai and the expat population.

I don't criticize anyone, I just ask why the hate ?

Do you shower every day?

No I wash only once a year to save water lol

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It is your choice to spend more on animals than on human beings. Accept the consequences rather than criticizing both the Thai and the expat population.

I don't criticize anyone, I just ask why the hate ?

Do you shower every day?

No I wash only once a year to save water lol

Well, there's your answer . . .

Seriously, it's hard to give you insights because it's not an experience I've come up against.

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If you go with the cheapest services, than you have to expect to get bad and unfriendly service.

Also Thais get bad service in public hospital. And when you sit there, you only use their resources and the next Thai is waiting even longer.

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most poor thais have a deep belief that all farangs have unlimited money

if you continue trying to live like this ,you will find yourself in these situations all the time

thais often ask me how much rent i pay ,how much i paid for my motorcycles , what job i

do and how big is the salary ? smile.png

i use govt hospitals but i pay about 500 thb to see a doctor there ,i know if you some farang have a house book

can get a place on the 30 thb medicial care scheme but i think that should be reserved for the

ones who really need it ,you will never be accepted in amongst the poorest thais because youre a farang and youre there

by choice since you could "easily afford to change lifestyle and eat in the better restaurants etc "

they are not priviledged and in general ,thais will try and climb UP the social ladder if possible (not downwards ) like you are

doing smile.png

you wil just have to get used to some misunderstandings living a life outside the box

And what you get for the 30 Baht medical care is only worth 30 Baht.....If you are sick you better pay 200-300 Baht and get what you need.

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No I wash only once a year to save water lol

Well, there's your answer . . .

Seriously, it's hard to give you insights because it's not an experience I've come up against.

OK let's take another example, one of my student is english-thai, he's 16 and has to do military service for 3 years every weekend during hols.

He gets and I quote here "treated like shit because I'm farang". They call him all sort of names, his superiors make him sit in the sun for 2 hours, and all sort of craps like this, he gets it twice harder as a regular Thai.

There is an institutional racism in Thailand : from early school were your are taught Thai are a superior race and the other race therefore "inferior" to all governmental institutions: army, hospitals, public transports resent foreigners like any other country does.

If you are protected enough either by only going private (taxi/private hospitals ...) or if you have a gf dealing with institutional for you, you don't have to deal with it

If not, tough shit basically

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This is the system, get use to it or.....

Exactly. Back in the US a Thai once asked me how to get somewhere on the public transport. My response was "if you were rich enough to get here from thailand, then you are rich enough to take a taxi." I then pointed to the cab stand, smiled and walked away.cowboy.gif

Kilgore Trout

You've shown yourself to be a sensitive man of the world now aren’t you.

I wonder how many of your fellow compatriots would agree with your lesson in diplomacy?

Anyone from the "USA" care to comment?


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most poor thais have a deep belief that all farangs have unlimited money

if you continue trying to live like this ,you will find yourself in these situations all the time

thais often ask me how much rent i pay ,how much i paid for my motorcycles , what job i

do and how big is the salary ? smile.png

i use govt hospitals but i pay about 500 thb to see a doctor there ,i know if you some farang have a house book

can get a place on the 30 thb medicial care scheme but i think that should be reserved for the

ones who really need it ,you will never be accepted in amongst the poorest thais because youre a farang and youre there

by choice since you could "easily afford to change lifestyle and eat in the better restaurants etc "

they are not priviledged and in general ,thais will try and climb UP the social ladder if possible (not downwards ) like you are

doing smile.png

you wil just have to get used to some misunderstandings living a life outside the box

And what you get for the 30 Baht medical care is only worth 30 Baht.....If you are sick you better pay 200-300 Baht and get what you need.

i think its the same doctor that treats the 30 thb medical card patients and the ones paying 400-500

i just think people on farang retirement packages or company owners should be taking resources out of the system

by squeezing the 30 thb medical scheme for the poorest of the poor

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This is the system, get use to it or.....

Exactly. Back in the US a Thai once asked me how to get somewhere on the public transport. My response was "if you were rich enough to get here from thailand, then you are rich enough to take a taxi." I then pointed to the cab stand, smiled and walked away.cowboy.gif

Kilgore Trout

You've shown yourself to be a sensitive man of the world now aren’t you.

I wonder how many of your fellow compatriots would agree with your lesson in diplomacy?

Anyone from the "USA" care to comment?


And what about natural resources shortage ? CO2 emissions? Do your country and the planet a favor, take the bus!

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If you are protected enough either by only going private (taxi/private hospitals ...) or if you have a gf dealing with institutional for you, you don't have to deal with it

If not, tough shit basically

That's not my experience of living here for 17 years. At all. I use public transport and hospitals and markets and I do it by myself. Caveat : for these dealings you need good Thai language skills. My experience has overall been quite enjoyable. You may find nasty and uneducated characters anywhere but this is not exclusive to Thailand.

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There is an institutional racism in Thailand : from early school were your are taught Thai are a superior race and the other race therefore "inferior" to all governmental institutions: army, hospitals, public transports resent foreigners like any other country does.

Spot on. A good example of this in post #11

Edited by Semper
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A lot of people who appear to be ignoring you are probably afraid to communicate with you because they don't speak English.

I have used public transport for nearly 30 years here and not once have I been told to take a taxi.

I have never had a problem with gov't hospitals either. And the poster who says you are stretching the over stretched gov't hospitals is talking rubbish. As a foreigner you are not on universal healh care, you are paying cash which is greatly appreciated.

Perhaps you should look inwards rather than out to see if there is something about yourself that is off putting to the locals.

You maybe paying but is it enough to cover extra beds, staff, facilities for the extra people ?

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