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Why Do Some People Moan About Phuket And Others Don'T?

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It was different when I first came here. The whole "200 baht minimum journey" collusion thing didn't exist.

You will be going back to the UK for your kids, so, I will probably be here longer than you. :)

I answer your questions, you see "no need" to answer mine, and you wonder why you have been labled "a dead horse." :)

If one person does not use a tuk tuk for only one journey, because one of my posts has informed them of the situation here, I am happy. :)

I don't know what part of the concept that the internet is free and public information that you don't understand. You post your way, I'll post mine. Do you really think your posts will change me, and my understanding of the way Phuket works???? :)

How bout you "man up" and move on and understand that I will continue to post in order to warn people of the dangers here.

The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

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The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

On the first page you made 10 of the 25 posts. 8 of the next 25 were you as well biggrin.png I don't think the credibility of that thread can be gleaned from the number of posts some how!

Over 10% of the posts on those two pages were grown men swapping tips on how to buy prostitutes drinks without getting ripped off. sick.gif

Two years ago somebody asked you why the airport limousines were a scam. I asked the same question last week. Two years and still no answer. Great thread. thumbsup.gif


The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

On the first page you made 10 of the 25 posts. 8 of the next 25 were you as well biggrin.png I don't think the credibility of that thread can be gleaned from the number of posts some how!

Over 10% of the posts on those two pages were grown men swapping tips on how to buy prostitutes drinks without getting ripped off. sick.gif

Two years ago somebody asked you why the airport limousines were a scam. I asked the same question last week. Two years and still no answer. Great thread. thumbsup.gif

If the "swapping of tips" stopped just one of them getting ripped off - awesome. I think that's great.

I refuse to answer anymore of your questions until you answer mine. If you don't remember any of them, I'll remind you of just one. "Would you hire a jet-ski here? If not, why not?" :) :) :) :)


If the "swapping of tips" stopped just one of them getting ripped off - awesome. I think that's great.

Doesn't make me cringe any less though. sick.gif

I refuse to answer anymore of your questions until you answer mine. If you don't remember any of them, I'll remind you of just one. "Would you hire a jet-ski here? If not, why not?" smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Yes and no. No I wouldn't because I don't like what are known in the business as 'couches' (sit down jet skis) they don't float my boat so to speak and you never see stand up jet skis available to rent.

Yes, because if I wanted to I would and could. I would rent them from a beach where I know the renters (to say hello to, not best buddies or anything) and I wouldn't have any problems I assure you.

You seem to have forgotten I have said many times before that advising people to the 'possible' not definite, problems that may arise when renting a jet ski is fine. Especially when someone has specifically asked for that particular advice or on a specially designated thread such as yours. It's when it gets brought up on a thread about raising teenagers in phuket for example or in every other thread that is not wanted or needed.

Find me one time I have said I have a problem with warning tourists. I have an issue with people who do it maniacally, obsessively, and normally with froth coming from the side of their mouths because they have so much bitterness and hatred toward a place that no one ever asked or forced them to go.

I have an issue (all be it a very small one) with people who claim to do it just because they want to help others even though it has been proven to them that it can't possibly be the case, because it has been proven logically that the amount of times they post about it doesn't change the amount of people who learn about the scam. This leaves a surplus of warning posts that are only serving one purpose and that's to help the person writing them get through the day.

'NKM' repeat after me: " I 'NKM', knew there was no cheap transport system available in Phuket before I came and I knew that it would probably never change. I still came to Phuket anyway and then started to moan about it on forums when I got there. This is highly illogical and I must try harder to understand this'

Say that every day before you have your morning coffee and I think you will be a new man in no time. biggrin.png


I do not believe anything you post, for example

!. When the world went into recession you forecast doom and gloom for the Australian

dollar and economy

2. you claim you ride down the Patong hill at 100KPH on your scooter

3.Box jellyfish cannot sting you all over your body they are to small

All previous posts of yours on this forum

Too many miss quotes to not reply..

1) no when the crash started I predicted gold would rise, inflation would be a concern, and money printing galore.. I also was posting that a crash was coin, housing would buckle etc in 06.. I have a history of economic posts, most on another forum I can link to with a track record thats beating buffet or paulson.. have also started a gold retail company thats turning over millions.. So not wanting to be miss quoted on the economic post history,, What I have said far more recently is the AUD as a commodity currency is directly linked to chinas boom.. I have said and still believe the china boom will turn out to have large elements of state sponsered waste of capital through miss spending into ghost cities and train tracks to nowhere and china will have a crash, when it does the AUD will get hit hard. that time has not yet come.

2) you really think you cant go downhill at 100 kph ?? Seriously ?? I better not mention double that speed on the fireblade then.

3) I was totally wrong on the box jellyfish thing, I thought they were smaller than they are.. and as soon as pointed out stated so..

As you say.. all on the forum and easy to verify.


I do not believe anything you post, for example

!. When the world went into recession you forecast doom and gloom for the Australian

dollar and economy

2. you claim you ride down the Patong hill at 100KPH on your scooter

3.Box jellyfish cannot sting you all over your body they are to small

All previous posts of yours on this forum

Too many miss quotes to not reply..

1) no when the crash started I predicted gold would rise, inflation would be a concern, and money printing galore.. I also was posting that a crash was coin, housing would buckle etc in 06.. I have a history of economic posts, most on another forum I can link to with a track record thats beating buffet or paulson.. have also started a gold retail company thats turning over millions.. So not wanting to be miss quoted on the economic post history,, What I have said far more recently is the AUD as a commodity currency is directly linked to chinas boom.. I have said and still believe the china boom will turn out to have large elements of state sponsered waste of capital through miss spending into ghost cities and train tracks to nowhere and china will have a crash, when it does the AUD will get hit hard. that time has not yet come.

2) you really think you cant go downhill at 100 kph ?? Seriously ?? I better not mention double that speed on the fireblade then.

3) I was totally wrong on the box jellyfish thing, I thought they were smaller than they are.. and as soon as pointed out stated so..

As you say.. all on the forum and easy to verify.

You are always making fortunes and talked about investing in silver not gold

With the tens of thousands of posts on this and other forums it surprises me

you have time to do any work

In my opinion you get your information from the Internet not personal experience

Gold always gains in value when the economy is depressed, most people would know that


A couple hundred posts in a year isnt that many.. Only just over half as many as you have made.. Plus some of us can think and type fast..

As to the metals.. My post history back it up if you dig.. on here and elsewhere.. I put life savings into gold at mid 300s.. Had a chunk of silver from 6.80 ish but rigged and bet the farm on silver at 12:05 if memory serves. Now we are in retail and storage and even tho we are a new company we rank very highly on some competitive google search terms and as I say have managed to do a mil gbp a month turnover a couple of months last year.. The venture capital on that looks like a safe bet now but its still a long long way from where I want it to be. Selling PM's at retail is a very low margin business so you want the volume.

Of course if its such a no brainer that gold always gains in value I expect we will continue to get more customers as the debt crisis is a long long way from being over.

Anyway, must have been doing something right to 'retire' at 28 and be living in the million dollar hilltop villas hey ?? tongue.png

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^ You talk about being retired and what businesses you are operating in the same post!!

I think you mean that you are in a financial position to retire if you so desired. smile.png

Back to the topic slightly. I must say that I find it even stranger when very wealthy people moan. I know the old adage that you can't buy happiness but when you are wealthy you are in a far better position to change things you don't like about your life.

I mention it because someone gave not being financially secure as a reason for moaning, and you are quite obviously financially secure yet one of the forums better known moaners shall we say or pointers out of things that could be better as you would call it. smile.png

I myself have been extremely skint on Phuket in the past yet still very happy. So finances although I believe will pay a huge roll over all, obviously isn't a cut and dry reason for moaning.

My search for the truth continues tongue.png



It was different when I first came here. The whole "200 baht minimum journey" collusion thing didn't exist.

You will be going back to the UK for your kids, so, I will probably be here longer than you. smile.png

I answer your questions, you see "no need" to answer mine, and you wonder why you have been labled "a dead horse." smile.png

If one person does not use a tuk tuk for only one journey, because one of my posts has informed them of the situation here, I am happy. smile.png

I don't know what part of the concept that the internet is free and public information that you don't understand. You post your way, I'll post mine. Do you really think your posts will change me, and my understanding of the way Phuket works???? smile.png

How bout you "man up" and move on and understand that I will continue to post in order to warn people of the dangers here.

The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

Keep up the good work,NAMKANGMAN, and don't be gagged by anyone! i'm sure TV is not primarily for any particular way of controlled thinking.


Keep up the good work,NAMKANGMAN, and don't be gagged by anyone! i'm sure TV is not primarily for any particular way of controlled thinking.

How could anybody 'control' anybody else's way of thinking on a forum??

'NKM' won't be gagged by anyone I'm pretty sure of that!! tongue.png


A couple hundred posts in a year isnt that many.. Only just over half as many as you have made.. Plus some of us can think and type fast..

As to the metals.. My post history back it up if you dig.. on here and elsewhere.. I put life savings into gold at mid 300s.. Had a chunk of silver from 6.80 ish but rigged and bet the farm on silver at 12:05 if memory serves. Now we are in retail and storage and even tho we are a new company we rank very highly on some competitive google search terms and as I say have managed to do a mil gbp a month turnover a couple of months last year.. The venture capital on that looks like a safe bet now but its still a long long way from where I want it to be. Selling PM's at retail is a very low margin business so you want the volume.

Of course if its such a no brainer that gold always gains in value I expect we will continue to get more customers as the debt crisis is a long long way from being over.

Anyway, must have been doing something right to 'retire' at 28 and be living in the million dollar hilltop villas hey ?? tongue.png

I always find it very strange when people come on here and elsewhere boasting about how much they have got, a previous poster did this and now he has nothing!!! is it one up manship? what you have should be private, I am not interested and I think others are not interested also.

People moan because they can,that is how they are made, I have moans now and again it's no different from my home country, no where is perfect!!


^ You talk about being retired and what businesses you are operating in the same post!!

I think you mean that you are in a financial position to retire if you so desired. smile.png

Back to the topic slightly. I must say that I find it even stranger when very wealthy people moan. I know the old adage that you can't buy happiness but when you are wealthy you are in a far better position to change things you don't like about your life.

I mention it because someone gave not being financially secure as a reason for moaning, and you are quite obviously financially secure yet one of the forums better known moaners shall we say or pointers out of things that could be better as you would call it. smile.png

I myself have been extremely skint on Phuket in the past yet still very happy. So finances although I believe will pay a huge roll over all, obviously isn't a cut and dry reason for moaning.

My search for the truth continues tongue.png

I don't think it is strange that wealthy people moan, they moan about different things, oh dam my salmon is not cooked!! or my Porsche has a flat tire!! bloody hell the interest this month is only 200,000bht!! I moan occasionally about the traffic, about the weather, about my interest only being 2,000 bht for the year lol it's human nature to complain or to have a moan!!!


<snip> it's human nature to complain or to have a moan!!!

At last... the actual true reason to the OP's question.

While I agree it is human nature, and a lot of the moaning seems to be very much at the surface, this really does not answer the OP's question: why do some people moan here and others don't. Especially since with some of the moaners the moaning about Phuket seems to be really rooted in their veins.


^ You talk about being retired and what businesses you are operating in the same post!!

I am just a shareholder, having provided the VC and startup funds.. I dont work at the business.. Good lord no..

Can you see me in a customer service role ?? Dealing with the public ??

I own a majority stake.. Same as you can have a stock portfolio.. Doesnt interfere with my dirtbike time :)


I always find it very strange when people come on here and elsewhere boasting about how much they have got, a previous poster did this and now he has nothing!!! is it one up manship? what you have should be private, I am not interested and I think others are not interested also.

No someone is challenging and miss representing financial calls I make, which I do a lot in public which has risks.

Almost all my calls and bets, which are market beating to many multiples have been very public, mostly on another forum, and over the last decader, so if someone wants to have a dig, its easy for me to prove. I put my calls out there, they dont all work but the key ones have in spades.


<snip> it's human nature to complain or to have a moan!!!

At last... the actual true reason to the OP's question.

While I agree it is human nature, and a lot of the moaning seems to be very much at the surface, this really does not answer the OP's question: why do some people moan here and others don't. Especially since with some of the moaners the moaning about Phuket seems to be really rooted in their veins.

Everyone moans or complains without exception, everyone has moaned at some point in there lives, to say you haven't is just not true. my opinion!!

My answer to the op's question is: when you come from a different country to live here there will be vast differences to where you come from, so obviously there will be complaints and moans from time to time, I believe every ex-pat has complained or moaned at some point, some more than others and some seem to enjoy it!!


<snip> it's human nature to complain or to have a moan!!!

At last... the actual true reason to the OP's question.

While I agree it is human nature, and a lot of the moaning seems to be very much at the surface, this really does not answer the OP's question: why do some people moan here and others don't. Especially since with some of the moaners the moaning about Phuket seems to be really rooted in their veins.

Everyone moans or complains without exception, everyone has moaned at some point in there lives, to say you haven't is just not true. my opinion!!

My answer to the op's question is: when you come from a different country to live here there will be vast differences to where you come from, so obviously there will be complaints and moans from time to time, I believe every ex-pat has complained or moaned at some point, some more than others and some seem to enjoy it!!

As I tried to indicate in my earlier post, there is a big difference between the occasional complain, or venting some frustrations, and the constant moaning done here by some forum members.



It was different when I first came here. The whole "200 baht minimum journey" collusion thing didn't exist.

You will be going back to the UK for your kids, so, I will probably be here longer than you. smile.png

I answer your questions, you see "no need" to answer mine, and you wonder why you have been labled "a dead horse." smile.png

If one person does not use a tuk tuk for only one journey, because one of my posts has informed them of the situation here, I am happy. smile.png

I don't know what part of the concept that the internet is free and public information that you don't understand. You post your way, I'll post mine. Do you really think your posts will change me, and my understanding of the way Phuket works???? smile.png

How bout you "man up" and move on and understand that I will continue to post in order to warn people of the dangers here.

The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

Keep up the good work,NAMKANGMAN, and don't be gagged by anyone! i'm sure TV is not primarily for any particular way of controlled thinking.

Have no fear my friend, for the NKM will not be silenced. :)

Maybe I should start a new thread: "Why do some people moan about members who they perceive as moaners, on this forum?" :) :) :) :)

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The constant moaners enjoy it, whatever makes you happy!! constant moaning can become very boring!!

Well, at least this and other threads give them another opportunity to moan, so that should make them happy. Another good deed done, gave the moaners a chance to get happy :)


......and some people only seem happy when they're moaning about moaners, so, everyone wins.

it would appear so!! happy moaning to all the moaners!! great F1 race just finished...


......and some people only seem happy when they're moaning about moaners, so, everyone wins.

:) :) :) :)

Could be a good name for a beer bar on Phuket: "The Moaners Bar." :) (no pun to bar girls intended) :) :)

Everyone could sit around drinking and cursing all the rip offs and scams here, hold on, they do that now in all the bars anyway. :) :) :)


While I agree it is human nature, and a lot of the moaning seems to be very much at the surface, this really does not answer the OP's question: why do some people moan here and others don't. Especially since with some of the moaners the moaning about Phuket seems to be really rooted in their veins.

Agree. Of course it's perfectly normal to have a moan now and again, but that's not what we're talking about here. What happens on forums and specifically the Phuket sub forum, goes way beyond a healthy little moan. Comes across as more like bitterness, resentment, and frustration a lot of the time to me.

Everyone moans or complains without exception, everyone has moaned at some point in there lives, to say you haven't is just not true. my opinion!!

My answer to the op's question is: when you come from a different country to live here there will be vast differences to where you come from, so obviously there will be complaints and moans from time to time, I believe every ex-pat has complained or moaned at some point, some more than others and some seem to enjoy it!!

Another good point. I have said many times before that Phuket seems to take a lot of people out of their comfort zone as it is so vastly different to their home countries. This failure to adapt is a cause of a lot of the frustration.

I mentioned it on the other thread about this forum, the amount of people that seem to literally despise the natives of the country they have chosen to live in (no one begged them to move to Thailand) is mind boggling. It must be horrible to live among people you have so much disdain for. Even I would moan if I had to live like that.

I think people making the wrong decision as to where is a good place for them to live is the main reason. Thailand/Phuket isn't for everyone, the trick is to adapt, make yourself happy or move on and start afresh.


......and some people only seem happy when they're moaning about moaners, so, everyone wins.

But surely moaning about only one thing, just shows it's a particular thing you have a gripe about, which as long as you aren't obsessed (I'm not) just takes us back to good old human nature. Moaning about everything under the sun would imply there's an ulterior reason. Not the same IMO.

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