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Krabi Gang Hacks Off Tourist's Thumb In Bag Snatch


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Since when is Krabi Phuket area?

Just sensationalist, should not be on the Phuket board.

Ah, just see it has been moved, excellent.

You're fully right! Phuket has already its big share of evil things and bad reputation. Time to concentrate on the rest of Thailand to keep up the balance!

The 'rest of Thailand' all rolled up together still wouldn't hold a candle to the corruption in Phuket.

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When they say do not resist in an armed robbery - and an ordinary one could quickly turn as the formerly hidden weapon suddenly comes out much more likely as the victim is resisting - they aren't kidding!

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Krabi is a few hours' drive from Phuket.

They have that wrong, for sure.

Bad rap for Phuket.

it is never a mistake to name PHUKET once it comes to thugs, gangsters - no matter where today's particular case really took place

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Sorry, just reading again and these thugs are saying that they targetted foreign tourists because they didn't know the area well, yet they are all residents of Krabi. I spent 24 hours in Krabi and would say that I know it fairly well having found 2 markets, a hospital and the docks in 24 hours. What a crock of.....

The foreign TOURISTS don't know the area well, not the gang!

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One member of Krabi Police who had been interviewed, but asked not to be named, stated, that the police had to take action against the gang this time, because it is not tolerable, that tourists are being injured during a mugging. This will not only hurt the reputation of Krabi as a tourist spot, the police will also be depicted in a bad light, and possibly face a loss of income.

And of course that's the only reason action was taken. If they just take the money more discreetly so it doesn't get publicised, everything's OK and the gang is allowed to continue to operate, assuming they pass appropriate percentages along to their BiB sponsors.

Seems like the police knew right where to go. Partners in crime?

So the police bust their own partners?? Yeah, that makes sense .... NOT!

Of course they do, have to go through the motions until the kerfuffle dies down, and then everything goes back to normal.

The guys at the bottom of the food chain get sacrificed all the time, part of doing business. Those at the top are truly untouchable of course.

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2 am is early morning?

Was that written to conjure the spectre of a "broad daylight" attack, or does the night end at Midnight? It certainly adds more scare to the event than "late at night, when most people should and would be safely in their bed".

[sarcasm] I do blame the victims for their injuries, as they did not follow the rules here and ignored the instructions of the authorities [/sarcasm]

Note: "The Rules": When threatened with with a weapon during a robbery, surrender your valuables. You have only one life (and two thumbs).

"The Authorities": A person, or group of persons, who can by force or threat of force or consensus over the use of force, direct other persons according to "The Rules" (see above).

"The Balloons": Another topic, another city altogether!

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Seems like the police knew right where to go. Partners in crime?

So the police bust their own partners?? Yeah, that makes sense .... NOT!

Well, when they go way to far and draw diplomatic attention...YES!

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Sorry, just reading again and these thugs are saying that they targetted foreign tourists because they didn't know the area well, yet they are all residents of Krabi. I spent 24 hours in Krabi and would say that I know it fairly well having found 2 markets, a hospital and the docks in 24 hours. What a crock of.....

The tourists didn't know the area well.

Thanks for that though, due to the poor writing skills of the journo, you can see how that sentence could be construed in either direction!


Grammatical error

Are you a TEFL'er? Honestly?

Back on topic...“In making the arrests, police seized two mobile phones, two digital cameras, handcuffs and some cash from Ae’s house. The items seized will be used as evidence,”

No thumb found? I guess these punks will walk for lack of evidence. I mean the one that isn't a juvenile.The rest will already be home with a letter for their parents.

No, a copywriter.

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“All of them have been charged with armed robbery and receiving stolen property,” Lt Col Chatchawan said.

No charges for cutting off this poor woman's thumb? <deleted>?

I would think there would be a charge of assult or similar.
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Sorry, just reading again and these thugs are saying that they targetted foreign tourists because they didn't know the area well, yet they are all residents of Krabi. I spent 24 hours in Krabi and would say that I know it fairly well having found 2 markets, a hospital and the docks in 24 hours. What a crock of.....

The foreign TOURISTS don't know the area well, not the gang!

Yes, already had that pointed out, but thanks for the reiteration!

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“All of them have been charged with armed robbery and receiving stolen property,”

You have gotta be kidding me...

Its armed robbery when you hold a weapon in your hand not when you hack off someone extremities and slice up their friend.

Recieving stolen property? They f'n stole it by carving up two innocent women, It didnt just get dropped of at the house.

How about

Assault with Intent to Maim- "Attack on another person with the intent to disfigure them or cut off a body part"

Mayhem- "The offense of willingly maiming or crippling a person"

and probably about 10 other charges that somebody who went to law school can dig up.

also "The gang has apparently confessed to a slew of other robberies."

Any charges for the other robberies they confessed to?

How about the many charges that can be brought for criminal gang activity.

The poor woman lost a thumb which makes that hand now next to useless I think more than a slap on the wrist is in order (No pun intended)

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I think the era of Safe thailand is over now ...dangerous roads , tourists attack , robery etc ..etc ... the list is long !! I remember 20 years ago was safe to walk anywhere anytime ..now it seems its not ..tourists must be careful.

It's low season <deleted>.... it's not any more dangerous. Non-locals have been laid off from the hospitality business and chose to augment their 'tropical' lifestyles rather than go home and plant rice. Similarly, there's less 'good news' stories for the hacks to pursue so crime, particularly crime against foreigners suddenly increases to fill copy space.

That 30,000 they released from jail have got to get a feed someway!Thailand,HUB of criminals pardoned to strike again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In Thailand police will not even enforce a court issued criminal warrant for an arrest unless they are paid to by the person who will benefit to make the arrest and also to pay the travelling costs and 'Expenses' of the police to accompany the victim to the court / prison. I know from first hand experience. Fat chance of them paying the expenses of the witnesses from abroad - ROFL

Then many times when the case is at the Prosecutor's Office the Chief Prosecutor will need to be bribed not to throw the case out. Quite often the Prosecutor will not even turn up to prosecute unless the person prosecuting has paid him - that is why the Prosecutors are mostly quite rich with assets way beyond their legitimate means.

It is a weird system and 'Justice System' is just a misnomer along with "Royal" Thai Police - there is nothing remotely Royal about them as they serve themselves not the country!

Well put.

When my off-road motorcycle was stolen I made it real clear I would be paying ALL the way to get "justice".

It was returned through an intermediary a day later!

If they know you know the system and are not likely to back down it can make a difference.

Edited by Chopperboy
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having been a victim in pratunaam a few years ago when a bike snatched a bag from my thai GF, I would make a posting in lonely planet to tourists, dont carry a bag! at least the gf didnt have cash or cellphone in the bag they were in her pocket, however they did get her bank card which she cancelled within an hour.She was stressed out after and I was a bit as well as these guys past us and turned around and came back past us at speed and snatched the bag that quick they were gone in a sec, there were wittneses but the cheekies had covered the no plate with their hand as they road off.

If girls need a bag carry a small one not a great giant show piece with the kitchen sink in it, keep your money and phone in your pockets like my thai gf did as she was wise to the snatcher's.

Having said that im in NZ at present coming back to thailand soon, and my thai gfs friend got her bag snathced here, but again being thai and street wise no money in the bag just make up, bag snatching is becoming rife in good old clean and green NZ as government plunges the country into debt slashing jobs and wages as corporates close down manufacturing plants and import goods and sell Nz land to overseas investors,The worlds gone CEO mad paying themselves huge bonuses even while loosing money, I cant wait to come back to the land of smiles where crooks can still cop a lead cocktail if they are to out of hand, but here the crooks wear suits and are rampant corporate maniacs and out of control and crime is going ballistic .

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SoftyGeorge Said: "In a lot of societies like Australia for instance, the prosecution will want a conviction in a serious crime such as this and that requires the victim and key witnesses to be available. The prosection would accomadate the victim in the country and bare the costs and take care of visa requirements. The court could even make an order at the request of the prosection that immigration extend a visa. But hey Australia is a different society. "

That hit the nail on the head, these crimes will have no witnesses if caught. Also, little chance of a Uncle having some shoulder stripes in the Army like that.

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I think the era of Safe thailand is over now ...dangerous roads , tourists attack , robery etc ..etc ... the list is long !! I remember 20 years ago was safe to walk anywhere anytime ..now it seems its not ..tourists must be careful.

It's low season <deleted>.... it's not any more dangerous. Non-locals have been laid off from the hospitality business and chose to augment their 'tropical' lifestyles rather than go home and plant rice. Similarly, there's less 'good news' stories for the hacks to pursue so crime, particularly crime against foreigners suddenly increases to fill copy space.

Well I don't know about the rest of Thailand, but here in Krabi it is definitely not low season yet.

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“All of them have been charged with armed robbery and receiving stolen property,” Lt Col Chatchawan said.

No charges for cutting off this poor woman's thumb? <deleted>?

You can cut off a foreigners thumb with no recourse. However, if you accidentally brush against a Thais 10 year old motobike and rub off some dirt, it will cost you 2000b at least.

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“All of them have been charged with armed robbery and receiving stolen property,” Lt Col Chatchawan said.

No charges for cutting off this poor woman's thumb? <deleted>?

You can cut off a foreigners thumb with no recourse. However, if you accidentally brush against a Thais 10 year old motobike and rub off some dirt, it will cost you 2000b at least.

Yeah this is insane. No charges for cutting off someones thumb? Time to get the foreigners together and start enforcing some real street justice. Thai's will just keep protecting the criminals.

I still can't believe the idiots at the police station won't press any charges for the obvious violence and assault. How much more obvious does it have to be for these dimwits to take notice?

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Safe Thailand has definitely ended. No one seems to have any answers as to why Thai people have become so violent, especially to tourists and farangs. Thai friends say 'thai on thai' crime hasn't changed, we just didn't know about it. They say what has changed is that Thais are no longer scared to attack a farang/tourist. Unfortunately this will dent tourism figues.

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A thumb for a thumb...they are lucky they are not in some upside down muslim country, those boys would be missing a hand, but cutting off their thumbs would be a just sentence and say 10 years in jail.coffee1.gif Sounds like the Minister of Tourism here needs to set of a new meeting and the heck with a Disneyland type park here.

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Walking around at 2am with a decent camaras and phones and a good few Bhat no doubt, ADD, out of work teenagers with no money or prospects + the thai " i want " = muggings, bag snatch, call it what you want its still Robbery with Violence, The SAFE & FRIENDLY THAILAND is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng Gone , so sad

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