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Thai PM Yingluck Targets Tourism Revenue To Reach 2 Trillion Baht In 5 Years


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how many more times do we have to put up with all this shizen on threads, Why don't the press and powers that be attack the government more instead of pushing stupid things that the P.M.and her so called coalition does, asking our opinions is o.k. BUT attack the Thai people more for condoning such ridiculous comments.

Cannot a stronger voice be pushed from tourists-ex pats etc ????  rather than restrict to English printed news, and forum. Some Thai academics may read the threads but they are a drop in the ocean. If the Thai people are afraid to make changes, or be heard cannot we foreigners have a bigger voice in matters--as we are I guess a tenth most important income.   PLEASE do not give me google stats, as the tourist industry is a bigger earner than it's figures suggest.===hence the concern of lack of tourists-TAT-Swampy, this alarm is NOT about the 6% given, or they would not be the panic there is.

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If the Burmese can hire a savvy marketing company to put a package together offering something completely different from Thailand, it will leave this country in its dust.

But the Burmese don't smile - so not gonna work. rolleyes.gif


Unsmiling Burmese.rolleyes.gif

Clearly fake. We hope that the tourists will see those smiles for what they are and altogether skip Burma from their SE Asian itinerary. rolleyes.gif

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I don't want to be the lone voice of reason BUT!!!!...........the Chinese will be pouring into Thailand in numbers that you cannot believe, and they will be spending per capita in figures that you cannot believe too.

There is far more to Thai tourism than farangs, and you will quickly find farangs becoming a poor second to the Chinese. If you want a taste of what is to come......look at Pattaya, it's now a suburb of Moscow, a mass invasion of a brand new market has completely changed the town, and the Chinese will be pouring in in even bigger numbers.........the days of Americans and Scandinavians being important to the Thai market are nearly over.

The Brits will still be important only due to the fact of the sheer numbers that pour in, and even we will start to be intimidated by the sheer numbers of Chinese.............these guys are all flash and cash, they will spend spend spend at a rate that will shame the Japanese.

It's a comin' down the road.

ps........before you start flaming, all those that saw the Russian invasion of Pattaya coming 10 years ago sign here


Spot on.

In the not too distant future TV and its members will be like Fort Apache the Bronx, a rather isolated, sad community surrounded by change and wracked with fear about stepping outside!

Yingluck's boast is actually quite doable, though the timings are a little optimistic.

Thailand is set to become China's Florida (though Vietnam will give it a run for this prize, but is starting a long way back), and mass tourism on the beach, golf, shopping et al model will be the attraction for millions of the aspirational and newly-minted Chinese middle class.

The Russians are the last hurrah for the farangs in Thailand, but with a shrinking population hardly represents a challenge to the realignment of Thai tourism to its northern cousin. Given the dominance of the Thai-Chinese it will be a case of bringing the extended family back together!

Edited by folium
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To generate the kind of numbers that Yingluck is spouting, they better do something about the airport as it is at capacity now.

Perhaps if she were to click her heels together three times and make a wish, her dreams will come true.

Where did she get her degree from.

I believe it's called 'Cloud Cuckoo Land'.

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so the government is looking the tourists as just MONEY and REVENUE ? well dear PM , before that you need a good clean up in the infrastructures , get rid of all jet ski scams, brothel, gogo bar , massage parlor , corruption at every level , dangerous roads, long queues at immigration etc .. then maybe you can start to think as Thailand as a major tourism destination. Yes Thailand has everything , great beaches , nice food but what about the rest ? Dont think Thailand is like the french riviera or costa del sol in Spain .. It has many good points but also too many bad ...good luck anyway .... as for sure a miracle is needed ....

If it was it would cost you a whole lot more my Friend. You get what you pay for in this World

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Meanwhile, the sleeping tiger next door, commonly known as Burma or Myanmar, is slowly waking up.

Over the next few years, given the freedom that has recently been seen, it will be a 'must see' destination for adventurous travellers who have already enjoyed the other neighboring countries.

There are hundreds of unspoiled islands in the Mergui archipelago, good diving and plenty of forest/jungle cover.

There are thousands of unexplored areas for the tourist, a society emerging from 50 years of total military domination to a semblance of freedom.

It would be something like revisiting Thailand 40 or 50 years ago.

Thailand needs to do more than brag about its well worn attractions such as temples,elephant camps and beaches. It needs a dedicated campaign of clean-up, including the beaches and all the well known scams and double pricing.

If the Burmese can hire a savvy marketing company to put a package together offering something completely different from Thailand, it will leave this country in its dust.

Perhaps then in a few years the T.A.T. can advertise a "New and Rejuvenated Thailand" instead of "The Same Old Amazing Thailand".

IMHO of course.

Suggest you read the news a little more my Friend. Burmese Government still has a vast majority of Generals in their National Parliament and the current elections are only local elections. Burma, bless it has a long, long way to go and sadly is even more rife with corruption than Thailand. It is yet to go through all the machinations of an emerging democracy. Agreed there are many unspoilt areas that have not been trampled by tourists, but there are also many areas that will NOT be trampled by tourists as the present regime has "tourist no go areas", have you ever wondered why? One of my long term residents has just returned from a Visa Run to Burma and said he felt quite intimidated by the experience. For sure there will be many places to explore and will be less expensive, new opportunities, but there is also less internet, electricity, infra structure and what are their Visa and Work Permit regulations going to be like? Sorry to give you and the "bash Thaland Brigade? a wake up call, but thought you might appreciate having your rose tinted glasses removed for a reality check - I don't think the grass is that much greener on the other side. Sorry for all the cliches.

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Having been a Senior official in a national Tourism Authority in a previous life, this initiative is very much along the lines of marketing strategies followed by such organizations. If one scrutinized Marketing plans and strategies of other PATA members, one would see the similarity in operational mode. It really has very little to do with Politics, and everything to do with the normal Economic Development that all nations-states engage in.

Probably paid "an arm and a leg" to some marketing consulting firm to come up with the themes and advertising mode for this tourism promotional campaign. Hopefully it was done in a competitive environment.

If she is seriously coming out with statements like this I can see why they didn't bother replacing her at her old job. Even Calgaryll is struggling here!

Edited by bigbamboo
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Meanwhile, the sleeping tiger next door, commonly known as Burma or Myanmar, is slowly waking up.

Over the next few years, given the freedom that has recently been seen, it will be a 'must see' destination for adventurous travellers who have already enjoyed the other neighboring countries.

There are hundreds of unspoiled islands in the Mergui archipelago, good diving and plenty of forest/jungle cover.

There are thousands of unexplored areas for the tourist, a society emerging from 50 years of total military domination to a semblance of freedom.

It would be something like revisiting Thailand 40 or 50 years ago.

Thailand needs to do more than brag about its well worn attractions such as temples,elephant camps and beaches. It needs a dedicated campaign of clean-up, including the beaches and all the well known scams and double pricing.

If the Burmese can hire a savvy marketing company to put a package together offering something completely different from Thailand, it will leave this country in its dust.

Perhaps then in a few years the T.A.T. can advertise a "New and Rejuvenated Thailand" instead of "The Same Old Amazing Thailand".

IMHO of course.

You've got it right there! With all the undeveloped coastline they'll wipe Thailand's beaches away as a must see destination. Who'd want to visit a ruined beach with scams galore, when they could go to a beach that is what LOS's beaches were like 20 years ago, when they were worth visiting.

Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to the cries of anguish coming from Thailand's board rooms, when no one wants to visit their horrid concrete beach hotels any more.

I just hope that Burma doesn't make the mistake of inviting Thailand's developers and jet ski merchants in!

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Since they seem unable to handle much more tourists I can only assume that the increase in revenue-amount will come from increased prices.

I suppose a bit of hyper-inflation...or more dual-pricing...could take care of that.

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My daughter went to Samui yesterday, the taxi's at the airport wanted 600 Bht to go to the hotel, 'maybe' 600 baht 5 times around the island would be reasonable, they walked out of the airport trying to get cheaper but some jerk followed them telling all the other drivers to charge 600 baht. They eventually went in to seven 11 and waited a bit, then got a taxi for 360 baht, still an outrageous price. Anyway my point is I don't suppose she will ever go to Samui again,(She and her freinds come to Thailand every year). She is a great user of Facebook so I imagine that she will post her experience on there, and elsewhere,don't this robbers in places like Samui and Phuket realise that they are slowly killing the goose that lays the goledn egg, if Prime Mininster Yingluk wants to keep Thailand as a top tourist country she really should be looking at these criminals who are giving Thailand a bad name.

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After reading many of the posts on this topic one can clearly see and identify concerning issues that need attention as quickly as possible.

With the strength of 'word of mouth' , should these problems not be address...

Thailand will become less favourable as a tourist destination as years go by.

But one important point here !

Does Yingluck ever read Thaivisa ?

Is she aware of these serious issues ?

If the PM is not aware then how can these be addressed ?

Its fine to point out problem after problem .... but really , Is the PM aware of any of this and the outcome if nothing is done.... ?

Just my opinion.jap.gif

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