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Car Bomb Suspected In Hat Yai Hotel

Lite Beer

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More true statistics. However, the Irish 'troubles' are ended (hopefully permanently) and I believe the posters quoted in your rebuttal were speaking to real/present time. The atrocities being commited in Mexico don't make some of the terrorist incident lists; not sure why this is so, maybe the situation in Mexico is not considered to be international terrorism.

Statistics aside, there is only one form of terrorism being commited today which I feel is of significant danger to myself and most Thaivisa members, and that is terrorism perpetrated by Islamic extremists.

That is it exactly, there is only one global terrorist issue, everything else is regional. And only one that seems to be purposefully indiscriminate.

I don't worry about Mexicans or the Basque party, but any where in the world I am reminded that followers one particular worldview may threaten my life at any time. And the attack, if it came, would not have any purpose other than to keep the terror alive. Kind of the opposite of peace.

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I have no desire to belittle terrorism or murders committed by any group, but just seek to put things in context and perspective, otherwise demonization of any group only serves to further the terrorists intentions and help create their desired clash of civilizations.

Different kettle of fish and it would be unwise to appease them either - if they had the means and know-how, they'd sooner have any who don't think like them destroyed (meaning all of us) with little objection/sympathy from the others.

Appeasement is a very loaded word, but whatever term you wish to use, if Thailand wants to see peace in its southern provinces it will have to sit down and talk with these terrorists and even undertake some of the sensible and likely highly effective recommendations of Anand's 2005 NRC (see post #67).

The British government had to sit down with 2 terrorist murderers (Adams & McGuinness) to bring about a settlement in Northern Ireland. Concessions had to be made and unpalatable gestures offered but at least it got the job done and 30 years of bloodshed was brought to an end (with a few holdouts sadly).

The Good Friday agreement was possible only because Gerry Adams agreed, and got the rest of the IRA to agree, to drop the previously nonnegotiable, unilateral demand of a united Ireland that had always disregarded the wishes of the majority of Northern Ireland.

It took Gerry Adams almost 10 years of slow internal IRA maneuvering and increasing his influence and power to get the IRA to the negotiating table without that united Ireland demand being included. Once that was gone and the rights of the Northern Ireland majority for self determination recognized by the IRA, the treaty was all but done.

Though indeed there are many parallels between the Irish troubles and the current Southern Thailand Muslim insurgency, I don’t see a Muslim leader of the same stature as Gerry Adams who is able to bring the diverse radical Muslim groups that are conducting these sorts of bombings and killings to the table with anything close to reasonable demands.

Laying the blame at the feet of the Thai government for this continuing violence because they won’t negotiate is disingenuous.

Who are they suppose to negotiate with?

What are the demands?


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Quite correct Thaihome , there are some different Islamic factions that cannot even find common ground with each other, so what chance with "the Infidel" , especially with a Thaksin led Government(in all but name) whom they appear to have a pathological hatred for .

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Hat Yai confirms Songkran celebration despite bomb

SONGKHLA, 2 April 2012 (NNT) - The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Sports has instructed relevant agencies to provide urgent assistance to tourists following the explosion at the Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel, while the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) stands firm that it will hold the Midnight Songkran celebration as previously planned.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Sports Chumpol Silpa-archa has assigned the TAT and the Tourist Police to coordinate with the Hat Yai Hotel Association and the Hat Yai Tourism Association in assisting tourists who have been affected by the explosion which took place in front of Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel in Hat Yai on Saturday.

Special attention should be given to Singaporeans and Malaysians given they frequently make weekend trips to Thailand.

Additionally, travel agencies are rushing to relocate tourists to other hotels as well as help those who wish to return to their hometown.

Meanwhile, the TAT has insisted that the Midnight Songkran celebration in Hat Yai will go on as planned during 11-13 April since Hat Yai is an important financial area.

In order to regain confidence, the Songkhla governor plans to hold a midnight sale event on the road in front of the explosion site.


-- NNT 2012-04-02 footer_n.gif

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Its time the Thai govt admits to the secret they have been keeping this past 8 yrs. This is an insurgency sponsored in part by the govt of thailands southern neighbour. With insurgents receiving training on malaysia soil, syria and libya. If thailand wants control of the southern provinces better bring in properly trained counter insurgent enforcement staff to deal with the situation appropriately.

The situation is a little more complex than that. Indonesia also has a part in training and supporting the Muslim insurgents. Also a lot of the funding comes from the Gulf countries...Dubai, the UAE, and also Saudi sources. There is also a local "home-grown" contingent from southern Thailand. The foriegners tend to be the more radical, the "home-grown" faction usually is more moderate, but that's not always true.

Also, the Thai military itself, is doing itself no favors in the south with it's heavy-handed treatment of Thai Muslim civilans in that area. One example is searching female Thai Muslim schoolgirls using male security forces. In a Muslim area, that kind of thing only makes otherwise peaceful civilians more unhappy.

But it is a complex situation....and there is a lot of problems and distrust on both sides.

You will probably find Thaksin will sell it (the South) off to the highest bidder, leaving him with a trouble free mainly red Thailand at his disposal.

The mirror-under-the-car check didn't work so well then. sad.png

Sadly it won't if the bomb is in the boot or the passenger area.

Thailand negotiated a portion to Malaysia (Brits) in the past and that didn't help. Only temporarily. Thais just don't believe in fighting for their country's borders. They prefer to fight amongst themselves.

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With even more bombings expected, according to Deputy Prime Minister Yutthasak this morning in the other paper.

In order to regain confidence, the Songkhla governor plans to hold a midnight sale event on the road in front of the explosion site.

say wha'??? :blink::huh:


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In respect to the IRA parallel, the turning point was the change in position of the USA. Once the pro IRA lobby had its wings clipped and once the USA started taking more effective action against funding of the IRA, the pressure increased. I remember going into a pub in Boston when I was university and there was a collection for "widows and orphans",which any sane person knew was going to be misappropriated by the IRA. I told my friend off when he tossed a fiver. Bad, bad move in Boston, a place where the locals were still violently opposed to desegregation and the bussing of black kids into white schools right up until the early 90's.

Once the funding was cut off, and once nations previously seen as allowing support for the IRA developed a common front, that's when the peace negotiations developed some steam. US and Canadian negotiators played fundamental roles in mediating the peace negotiations. Who can Thailand turn to mediate the conflict?

The relationship to Thailand is that the foreign funding for some of the terrorist activity has not been cut off. Indonesia, Malaysia and some midlde eastern countries still are used as conduits. The same "widow and orphans" funding strategy is used, except this time its "education " with funding for religious schools. The terrorists also obtain their money from illegal activities just as the IRA did. In the south it comes from stolen gasoline sales, or from gasoline smuggling. And more than ever, it is coming from drug sales. Yaba is specifically targeted and sold to non muslims. (Sort of how the Taliban with Pakistani assistance makes an effort to sell opium to the west.) This is why the crackdown on drugs is considered part of the war on the southern insurgency.

Despite the nice words from Malaysia, Thailand is alone in this. I don't think Malaysia either assists or supports the insurgents, but it won't crackdown for fear of protests.

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I think the IRA simile breaks down under scrutiny. Incidentally I suspect the E.U was largely responsible for the peace treaty because large amounts of E.U development grants started a boom in Ireland, which became known as a Celtic tiger. The original religious antipathy between the Catholic and Protestant communities had also receded a lot as the UK became increasingly secular, so what started with a religious enmity was only maintained like a phantom limb as it suited the paramilitaries who got a lot of revenue from controlling drugs, gambling and vice. The economic boom years meant it was possible for the paramilitary leaders to make money from less risky avenues such as property development.

The situation in the Southern provinces may also ebb and flow for economic reasons, but there is far less cultural common ground between the protagonists than there was in Ireland, not to ,mention the thorny issue of religion being greater.

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Its time the Thai govt admits to the secret they have been keeping this past 8 yrs. This is an insurgency sponsored in part by the govt of thailands southern neighbour. With insurgents receiving training on malaysia soil, syria and libya. If thailand wants control of the southern provinces better bring in properly trained counter insurgent enforcement staff to deal with the situation appropriately.

While this sort of claim might appeal to islamophobes it has little grounding in reality.

A later post also claimed that Malaysia has never been impacted by islamist terrorism. Wrong again.

In 2000 the domestic al-Maunah group broke into an armoury, kidnapped and murdered 3 policemen and were subsequently captured by Malaysian SF.

Also in 2000 the Philippine Islamist group, Abu Sayyaf launched 2 raids in the Sipadan area of Malaysian Borneo, kidnapping 24 Malay and foreign nationals.

The Malay government and its SF (largely trained by Britain) have enjoyed continuing success against JI within Malaysia. Most recently the recapture of leading JI member Mas Selamat in 2009.

Malaysia is well on side when it comes to confronting terrorist groups and is far better trained and motivated than any Thai "counter-insurgency" organization.

The external backing for the Patani insurgents has historically come from largely-Indonesian groups such as JI, and from Aceh's GAM until its peace treaty in 2005.

Nothing in what I said implied or intended about religion at all. Simply pointing out the fact that a counter insurgency approach is needed here, as has been the case in many recent conflcts (Iraq, Afghanistan, Aceh, Phillipines and others). The Thai border police are the best positioned and trained to be leading such an effort as they work closely within communities, but they need more training, and support from experienced foreign agencies. For the record most significant JI operatives who are Malaysian nationals were caught outside Malaysia e.g. Hambali caught in Thailand. And you completely miss my point about the Malaysia govt vs the Malaysia military.

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As ever a political solution is the only solution.

the solution is at hand now that Yingluck has taken charge of the situation

PM to Oversee Strategies to Solve Southern Unrest

The premier has called national security-related agencies for a meeting after recent bomb attacks in Yala and Songkhla provinces.

Meanwhile, a Deputy PM says from now on, the prime minister will oversee measures to quell the unrest by herself.

This morning, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra called a meeting between national security-related agencies and was briefed on the probe progress in the recent bomb attacks in Yala and Songkhla's Hat Yai District.

Moreover, the meeting also discussed security measures to prevent further unrest in the three southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat as well as Songkhla.

Among those attending today's conference were Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha, National Police Chief Police General Priewphan Damapong, Secretary General of the National Security Council Police General Wichien Potpohsri, and Director of the National Intelligence Agency Suwaphan Tanyuwattana.

Deputy PM and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said after the meeting that the conference discussed the bombing incidents in the unrest-torn South.

He went on to say that the prime minister called on security officials there to ensure full safety to local residents and their properties.

At the same time, the PM also ordered improvement in suppression and development under the “Understand, Reach Out and Develop Operation”.

She also instructed intelligence units to be more precise in seeking information.


-- Tan Network 2012-04-05


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  • 9 months later...

Car bomb caused deadly Thai hotel blast

Bangkok, April 1, 2012 (AFP) - A deadly fire at a hotel in southern Thailand was caused by a car bomb planted by suspected insurgents, the national police chief said in remarks televised on Sunday.

The fire killed three people, including a Malaysian tourist, and injured hundreds of others, according to a revised toll given by the provincial governor.

It came on the same day as deadly bomb blasts killed 10 people elsewhere in the region.


Hotel bombing suspect arrested in Thailand's south

Authorities have arrested a suspect wanted in connection with the bombing of a high-rise hotel in southern Thailand last year that killed three people and wounded more than 200.

Colonel Komkrit Ratanachaya says nearly 100 officers raided a house in Songkhla province on Tuesday and arrested the 36-year-old suspect, Jema Wani.

He says authorities are still looking for eight other suspects in the attack. The March 31, 2012, explosion was part of the most deadly coordinated attacks in years in Thailand's restive south. Fourteen people were killed in at least three incidents that day.



Associated Press - February 5, 2013

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  • 2 weeks later...


Jema Wani (center), the arrested suspect in the deadly bombing of the Lee Gardens Hotel in Hat Yai.

INN News - February 5, 2013


Enactment of Hat Yai hotel bombing with suspect postponed for safety reasons

SONGKHLA, Feb 18 - The Thai authorities today postponed a police-led re-enactment, with a suspect in custody, of last year's deadly car bombing of the Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel in this southern border province's Hat Yai commercial centre. Police cited security concerns following recent insurgent attacks in the region.

Songkhla police commander Pol Maj-Gen Suwit Chernsiri said Jehma Wani was arrested for involvement in the Lee Gardens bombing last March which killed three people--including a Malaysian tourist--and wounded several hundred shoppers. He had been scheduled to re-enact his understanding of the incident at the hotel today.

Gen Suwit said the re-enactment must be postponed for safety reasons as there are still violent attacks during this period in the restive region.

The latest series of bomb explosions was reported near the city clock tower in Pattani on Sunday, killing three defence volunteers and wounding about 10 people.

Last Wednesday, 16 insurgents were killed as they attacked a marine outpost in Narathiwat's Bacho district.

Regarding security measures in Songkhla, Gen Suwit said security personnel tightened security across the province. In Hat Yai commercial district, volunteer defence personnel have been deployed to ensure safety in all areas, in both commercial and tourist zones.


-- TNA 2013-02-18

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