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Bars Closing?


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What I think TA meaned was being a guest in someone's house (property). If I rented or owned a place, I'm not a guest there and I can do whatever I want, it's nobody's business inside the 4 walls.

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As a guest, you follow the host's rules, as they allowed you into their home. As a visitor to a country, you follow the country's rules, as they allowed you into their country. Same difference.

Hmmm, is that so. I have two shops near me that cannot sell beer on these "holidays" but they sell to me.

They say "You farang, not Thai, it OK". jap.gif I say "Thank you " cowboy.gif

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As a guest, you follow the host's rules, as they allowed you into their home. As a visitor to a country, you follow the country's rules, as they allowed you into their country. Same difference.

Hmmm, is that so. I have two shops near me that cannot sell beer on these "holidays" but they sell to me.

They say "You farang, not Thai, it OK". jap.gif I say "Thank you " cowboy.gif

They are still violating the law, as the law does not make that difference. And you know that very well. wink.png

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What I think TA meaned was being a guest in someone's house (property). If I rented or owned a place, I'm not a guest there and I can do whatever I want, it's nobody's business inside the 4 walls.

You can make up your own house rules (such as "smoking only in the living room", or "take off your shoes"), and your guests should follow those rules. However, you will stay have to follow the laws of the country you are in.

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I have two shops near me that cannot sell beer on these "holidays" but they sell to me.

They say "You farang, not Thai, it OK". jap.gif I say "Thank you " cowboy.gif

You see sometimes it's good to be called a farang :jap:

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As a guest, you follow the host's rules, as they allowed you into their home. As a visitor to a country, you follow the country's rules, as they allowed you into their country. Same difference.

Hmmm, is that so. I have two shops near me that cannot sell beer on these "holidays" but they sell to me.

They say "You farang, not Thai, it OK". jap.gif I say "Thank you " cowboy.gif

They are still violating the law, as the law does not make that difference. And you know that very well. wink.png

But it shows what a ''Thai'' thinks, they sell to me and perhaps risk trouble with the BiB but don't realize that, it's what ''they'' think that is important from my view.

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Strange. Right now (April the 8th 18:15 local time) In the public park near my condo there are hundreds of Thais dancing happily to 1980's American disco music. Yep ... in mourning alright.

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Strange. Right now (April the 8th 18:15 local time) In the public park near my condo there are hundreds of Thais dancing happily to 1980's American disco music. Yep ... in mourning alright.

Bars are also open as usual as far as I can notice.Haven't passed any closed bar yet,and in the supermarkets alcohol is sold without restrictions.

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Strange. Right now (April the 8th 18:15 local time) In the public park near my condo there are hundreds of Thais dancing happily to 1980's American disco music. Yep ... in mourning alright.


Edited by Markland
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It is not any law that prohibits drinking but a request from authorities to keep things quiet, no excessive public displays of drunkeness, low key in lighting and low volume and the 9th may be more sombre due to the actual cremation. Beach Road was in full swing right today next to the Police Station and that underscores the request nature as opposed to prohibition.

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does seem a bit strange supposed to be 8//9/10 so posters said with letters, but yes the bars next to soi 9 police station were busy today and early evening. i would have thought for such an ocassion it would have been 100% voluntary total shut down.

i went into a bar for meal and the staff were clearly voicing their anger about the shut down and the police. Money number 1 i guess

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You can still drink at home etc.

It's called "respect" however I wouldn't worry too much as noone will give any trouble for farangs drinking on those days I'm sure however I would try to keep it low profile just out of respect..

I am not so sure about not getting into trouble... as you said, it is respect towards the Royal Familiy... and you know which laws you violate if you fail to show respect towards the Royal Family... so if I would be in Thailand during said days, I would keep my alcohol consumption strictly within my own four walls...

That is exactly what I mean. Also a reminder that they are asking that people wear black on these days.

Many of the tourists that will be here won't care about this what so ever and thats fine of course but for us who live here it's always nice to show some respect for the Monarchy and family.

What I really meant was that if the police etc. saw a few farangs gathered at there local bench outside of their local spot like you see at many mini marts etc on the dark side that they would not bother you much and they see most farangs as tourists and don't expect tourists to know or understand what is going on. However if they see people screeming and shouting walking down beach rd. with beers in their hands they might face some sort of a warning etc.

Many Thais don't care or don't know in Issarn also,business as usual in my village,plus early Songkran.
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If the bars are offially closed for the 3 days i can go with that, but i am sure the Thai guys siting in the village will be sat there for the 3days having beer as they do every day.

Last buddha day was a Biggie, a friend i had not seen for a few years called and said in XX bar, i went to se him. it was open for a special guest. Sure enough in rolled about 10 land cruisers and a mini bus. All security etc got out, special guest came in champagne flowed the 12 Russian stunners out the mini bus ordered dozens of cocktails. the last car in was a police car with lights flashing, i thought here we go thats it now. But no they checked the area out got back into the car and waited. when the entourage went so did the Highway patrol with light flashing to escort to next illegally open bar.

that escort order must have come from upon high at a cost.

respect is earned not given.

You don't understand, no one is asking you to actually feel respect in your heart, only to go through the motions just like the Thais. If you have enough money to buy impunity, then you only need to show respect to those above you. If you are relatively poor and powerless - and yes that applies to 99.999% of the foreigners here - then you need to knuckle under when those with the guns and gold flex their muscles.

Or choose to go against the flow and face the consequences.

When I first came here, I saw all the roads blocked off for a royal errand, and the cops weren't letting any pedestrians cross either. After waiting about 20 minutes with nothing happening, I tried to get across on one of the raised pedestrian bridges, and got blocked by a what I thought was just a civilian, so I tried to just push my way past him. At the same time, some soi dogs wandered into the road nearby, and the cops started beating them with their nightsticks sending them back to the footpath yelping. The plainclothes guy pointed and gestured, made it very clear I'd have the same treatment applied to my head if I proceeded.

After I backed down an old lady managed to convey to me that of course no mere mortals were allowed to be located vertically higher than the nobility. Another twenty minutes passed before the motorcaded did, and everyone in the area just stood around in the 100 degree heat waiting.

Don't forget if you cross the wrong mafia, you can just disappear and no one will know where you went - the question is will you even be mourned?

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