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Short Thai Girls And Body Mass Index : Error?

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After Israel banned models with a BMI of less than 18.5 I wondered how it applied to Thais.



Common weight/height for Thai girls are 1m55 and 40 Kg (and they don't appear underweight) which compute to a BMI of 16.6 !

1m55 and 45 Kg compute to 18.7 BMI

1m50 and 42 Kg => 18.7 BMI

(lower "healthy" range)

Normal weight is said to be in the range from 18.5 to 24.9

1m50 and 50 Kg compute to 22.2

1m50 and 56 Kg => 24.9

I have seen some girls of 1m50 and 56 Kg and they look grossly overweight!

That leads me to question the BMI scales: are they adequate for evaluating healthy weight/height ratios of persons that are short?

Methinks it works for body heights of more than 1m60.

No way 56Kg on a body of 1m50 can be healthy.

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bmi is just a rough estimation

it doesnt take into account body composition (which is more important)

i used to be 100kg at 6" tall (lifting weights+ boxing etc )

the bmi scale would have said i was extremely obese but i had no visible fat at all


The two Thai women in this home both weight in at 46 to 47 kgs and both are 1.5m tall. At that weight they have beautiful slim figures, look stunningly awesome yet they sit according to BMI in the high 18's as underweight. They tend to have only about 2 to 3 kgs range either side of that where they begin to look under weight at around 43kg or to get the heavy cow look at around 50kg. The standard BMI calcs as you point out do not cater for them as Asian women. I suspect the BMI calcs would work more correctly for western females of 1.5m height as that range would tend to pick up the normal (correction with the more than average modern fat westerners) what used to be normal pre and early teens who would be passing through that height range of 1.5 meters without yet the extra weight gained in the body development of a woman but with what tends to be the norm of heavier boned frames.



bmi cant really tell much about health. a bodybuilder or muscle man would have high bmi but that doesnt meant that they are unhealthy. same goes to skinny fat people who have normal bmi


The calculation should take bone size into account - here's one:


This may be appropriate for less developed nations:

severely underweight BMI < 16.0

moderate underweight 16.0–16.9

normal weight group 18.5–22.9

BTW note on the upper side, where obesity puts one at risk for cardio problems, Asian populations are considered to have a **lower** cutoff than in the west due to their relatively higher fat composition. Academic sources say more hard data is needed to set the cutoff accurately though.

The extremely thin and small-boned stature we often encounter here is the result of malnutrition (by relatively western standards) during childhood. My current favorite spinner is only 31 kg, and although she definitely seems healthy enough to me (does gymnastics like a BOSS!) she'd definitely be told by everyone back home to check into a bulemia clinic. I do my best to feed her well when she visits me. To put it in perspective, my 5-year-old boy weighs in at 27 kg already, but then he's in the 95th percentile for his age and height according to CDC - most Thais guess he's 8 or 9.


Commonly known as the Bl**dy Meaningless Indicator it has been dropped for use by much of the medical fraternity around the world because it cannot handle exceptions to the norm. In my "normal" state BMI regards me as underweight, in my "heavy" state it regards me as optimal whereas the reality is that I become quite ill.


There are other indicators to look out for when determining if a lady is underweight, one of the most important ( take this seriously, don't start flaming ) is regularity of periods. Ladies that are underweight suffer from irregular periods and in extreme cases the periods will stop all together.

If you are in a relationship with someone who suffers from this get them scanned immediately as they other more sinister effect of being underweight is the weakening of the heart muscle among other things.

As a rule of thumb insurance companies regard underweight as more serious than overweight. I'm not a doctor however I have come across both situations several times.


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

Tell her to take off her gold before she gets on the scales.

No need to do that. I can see her profile. The scale is not lying.


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

Offer a baht's worth of goal for every 3 kg kept off for six months. And start shopping for alternative accommodation. . .


There are other indicators to look out for when determining if a lady is underweight, one of the most important ( take this seriously, don't start flaming ) is regularity of periods. Ladies that are underweight suffer from irregular periods and in extreme cases the periods will stop all together.

If you are in a relationship with someone who suffers from this get them scanned immediately as they other more sinister effect of being underweight is the weakening of the heart muscle among other things.

As a rule of thumb insurance companies regard underweight as more serious than overweight. I'm not a doctor however I have come across both situations several times.

Nothing funny here but it's applicable not only to underweight girls but to overveight also.

I never used BMI and can't even recall now how to calculate it, it's very outdated term.

I use my own system to calculate the under- over- weight girls.

Height (in cm) - 110 = the ideal weight. +/- 5 kg still looks good.

Anything more or less looks over/under weight.

As an example, 160cm girl should be 50kg. Simple.

And if you actually look at any nice looking girl and ask her stats, I bet she would right in this range.


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

Tell her to take off her gold before she gets on the scales.

No need to do that. I can see her profile. The scale is not lying.

Buy a pair of x-ray specs.

I use my own system to calculate the under- over- weight

Height (in cm) - 110 = the ideal weight. +/- 5 kg

Would you personally be in this category? Just asking. rolleyes.gif Are you guys really serious abot this? I mean using advanced mathematic formulas to check if the lady is suitable for a relationship, really. I'm surprised that sbk has not reacted yet.


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

prevent that she hit the 70 like mine


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

prevent that she hit the 70 like mine

Any ideas?


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

prevent that she hit the 70 like mine



Move to a planet with weaker gravity? rolleyes.gif

That's an idea, will she be any slimmer? rolleyes.gif

not visually ,but she will feel " lighter" when shes bouncing up and down on your ..... :)


Move to a planet with weaker gravity? rolleyes.gif

That's an idea, will she be any slimmer? rolleyes.gif

not visually ,but she will feel " lighter" when shes bouncing up and down on your ..... smile.png

Well, I'm more into the visual effect. sad.png


Move to a planet with weaker gravity? rolleyes.gif

That's an idea, will she be any slimmer? rolleyes.gif

not visually ,but she will feel " lighter" when shes bouncing up and down on your ..... smile.png

Well, I'm more into the visual effect. sad.png

i think you should invest in some concave mirrors

enough to cover the bedroom walls should be ample wink.png


Are you guys really serious abot this? I mean using advanced mathematic formulas to check if the lady is suitable for a relationship, really.

As long as I can keep her spinning I'm happy, no math needed.

Of course as I get older most parts get weaker (not the most important of course - yet 8-), so the spinners have been getting lighter.

Maybe I should start to investigate other forms of exercise.

Actually I can see swings and slings in my future. . .

I use my own system to calculate the under- over- weight

Height (in cm) - 110 = the ideal weight. +/- 5 kg

Would you personally be in this category? Just asking. rolleyes.gif Are you guys really serious abot this? I mean using advanced mathematic formulas to check if the lady is suitable for a relationship, really. I'm surprised that sbk has not reacted yet.

Me, not in the same category but I'm a gym rat so I'm an exception :D. My body is well developed and in a V-shape. I've met some girls who were hitting gym 2-3 times/week, they didn't look like feemale bodybuilders but had well developed muscularity. They looked sporty and attractive but this formula wouldn't work for them eigher, it's more applicable for the average Joe.

What's so advanced about this simple formula to figure out way? Hight - 110 = weight? I hope you went past the kindergarten in your education. ;)

If you met someone in person and like them, you aren't going to ask their stats to see if they suit you. More usefull if you try to meet someone online and all you have is their head shot, not a whole body. I know from experience that the girls that I like are right in that range, I don't need to ask them their stats.

In any way, I'm with my GF now so I'm past the dating scene.


No idea what BMI means. But my wife is about 156 and tip the scales at 61 Kg. What can I do? unsure.png

prevent that she hit the 70 like mine

Any ideas?

Go on a joint diet.

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