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Exiled Thaksin Inches Closer To Return To Thailand


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1,000 people I thought there was supposed to be in the ten's of thousands, I guess they didn't do to well with every thing he gave them,

Probably he had only small pocket money to pay for only 1000 " supporters "...or maybe were already to drunk from celebrating Songkran

and got lost on the way...555

No. Those were the number allowed iby the Laotian government to meet with Thaksin.

Care to quote a source for that gem g'kid.

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He also spends plenty on the Red Shirt movement and propaganda channels such as newspapers, magazines ("Voice of Taksin"), Red Shirt radio stations, and satellite TV channels ("Asia Update"). If you watch Asia Update there are often music videos showing how great and loving Thaksin is.

If you are in Thailand you will be aware of another "group" which has mastered that concept

Please share, I'm all ears.

Then listen and open your eyes. You will understand.

Rather have you explain so that I'm sure of the facts, please.

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Its actually quite incorrect to say phrases like 'you are foreign and therefor this is none of your business' regarding State-level fraud and embezzlement & jaw-dropping corruption.

In the years when Thaksin was committing macro-scale financial crime within the Thai govt. & building a family nest at the top - giving prominent government & business jobs to his family members rather than to people best qualified for the jobs, and stealing state assets etc.

The amount of tourist and expat money funnelled into Thailand means that you do actually have the right to *opinions* about where your money going, and the right to feel unhappy about the money you are paying in general living taxes / land-office taxes / road tolls / visa-charges etc.etc. is going to a private bank acc. in Dubai as opposed to the Thai road-building programme or water/food-safety programmes. If money is not spent on those things, or the top jobs for those critical govt. departments is given to somebody inept just because they are friendly with Mr.Thaksin, that actually puts your life in danger as a tourist in Thailand and that makes it very much your business.

You don't actually have a right to act on your views since you are not a citizen of this country & have no vote or "voice" but since it is your money being squandered & your health/safety being compromised you certainly have the right to have an opinion & voice it in the correct manner.

The simple fact is that, as visitors to this nation, we should behave appropriately and show respect & honour our hosts. But this is balanced by the fact that we are honoured guests & if we think the roof is leaking or indeed about to collapse we have a right to point it out.

Not to mention when the jet ski is already knackered.

Of course what you say is exactly why TV exists in the first place. I accept that even though I have been married with a family here for more than a decade and have invested a lot of time and money in Thailand I am not Thai and have no say in how the Thai people run their country. That's life, as they say in France.

Edited by bigbamboo
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I bet you admire Mao and his 'Cultural revolution' too, don't you?

The Cultural Revolution as much as I abhor it laid the foundation for China today. Unfortunately, one cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. My family lost everything after the revolution and the family patriarch was incarcerated for being a british "counter revolutionary". I am fully aware of the suffering and pain many endured. However, today, China is a super power because of that phase of the nation's development.

Only an estimated 500,000 people died between 1966 - 1969, many beaten to death, tortured. Or in other words 'just a few broken eggs'.


Further g'kid, many many Thais, regardless of various colors, and many many foreigners who post on Thaivisa (and yes we, and you, don't have a vote) would readily agree that the poor, and more, of this wonderful country are very downtrodden, they receive bacically no justice and they have little realistic hope for the future, except for well timed simple and mostly low value shiny handouts, which will never take them solidly into a better and sutainable future.

The t family company governments over 10+ years (and many other governments) have espoused no policy whatever to step by step get these people into a more equitable and fair picture, demand equal justice on their behalf, build the pillars of democracy and more, to generate capability and opportunity whereby a large % of all Thais have a decent quality of life through their own productivity. No policy whatever!

And please don't tell me g'kid that the red shirt leaders are discussing or presenting any policy about these subjects, they also have never once, over the 4 or 5 years of their existence, presented any form whatever of a structured policy or objectives or literature on these matters, but they have on numerous occasions conducted large rallies and kept the masses believing lies (proven doctored tapes just one example) and blind hatred. Nothing whatevber to do with building democracy and gaining equal justice for all.

Why, the reason is well known and I'll let you guess what it is.

A hint, think about the word ' smokescreen'.

Edited by scorecard
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"Taksin - the world has not see a hero like this in a long time. They should roll out the red carpet in Nong Khai. Of course he was not without faults but these faults are largely tolerated in Thailand. Again and again the majority North East and North majority of Thailand were granted election victories through democracy only for these votes to mean nothing due to coups supported by the Yellow Brigade dictatorship supporters. The only way to get these voting rights enforced was to protest. And in doing this they were attacked by the army. The army perpetrated the violence, not the reds, the army were the thugs for the elite yellow brigade."

etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum...

Heiwa, you can not be serious I'm hoping.

What the Red Tshirt Mob did to Bangkok would NOT be tolerated any where else in the world. The military would have been called in to shut it down and disperse the mob LOOOOOOONG before the Government called them to action in Bangkok. The Ahbisit led Government were too slack in my opinion. The Red Tshirt Mob were not merely protesting, they put a literal stranglehold on the city, menacing at every opportunity and infringing the public's rights at every turn. All choreographed and bankrolled by the coward Thaksin, who was calling for "Revolution" via video link! Now THERE'S a "Hero" for you!

Geez, the posts you read by the people on this thing are just incredible and absolutely dumbfounding.


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1,000 people I thought there was supposed to be in the ten's of thousands, I guess they didn't do to well with every thing he gave them,

Probably he had only small pocket money to pay for only 1000 " supporters "...or maybe were already to drunk from celebrating Songkran

and got lost on the way...555

No. Those were the number allowed iby the Laotian government to meet with Thaksin.

Care to quote a source for that gem g'kid.

Still waiting for the source.

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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

It would be party time down south.

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His chief aide, Kwanchai Praipana, a radio deejay who commands Thaksin's vast network of northeastern red shirts and led bloody confrontations with the army in 2009 and 2010, insists Thaksin has officially retired.

"If Thaksin returns it won't be as prime minister," he told Reuters on Tuesday, dressed in red bath towel at his radio station in Udon Thani

blink.png is that all he wears at his radio station?


Yes, he is a stupid bum like the daft followers of this demagogue are.

Edited by gemini81
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Western thinking - black and white, good and bad. And so it goes..... The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup. He certainly did err; tax laws to his advantage, Tak Bai, drug war and Somchai etc. Makes religion rather defunct when people kill like that. Would prefer to take my chances with an atheist. However, it is rather monumental for a country like this to have democracy in this region of this world and that is due to Taksin and his red shirt followers. Perhaps the need for change needed a man like Taksin. Will have to monitor the performance of incumbent government to see if the change was for the better.

You are ranting about things and displaying you have little knowledge of them. Thaksin WAS NOT in Government at the time of the coup. He had dissolved parliament and was a caretaker. You are acknowledging that he made mistakes. The tax laws - criminal, Tak Bai, many people dead - criminal, the extra judicial killings of people allegedly involved in drugs, over 2500 murdered - criminal, now can you remind us again exactly why you are defending this man, who needed removing from power by hook or by crook (pun intended). While he was out of the country and had dissolved parliament (to suit his own needs I might add) the time was correct for those loyal to this country to step in. The coupists did no wrong, Thaksin however did much wrong.

The coup makers did no wrong? The will of the people be damned...and you're okay with that? You cite alleged mistakes. The proper course of action is to impeach, try in the courts, and convict, not militarily seize power.

Yes I am fine with that. What exactly was the will of the people? Don't say the elected Government, because as you know that had been dissolved and elections were going to occur some time later. You say the proper course of action is to impeach and try in the courts????? Mmm that is no problem unless you believe the individual concerned has bought them, and when it is subsequently done through the courts and he is held to account for ONE of his crimes Thaksin is tried and found guilty (obviously) of MASSIVE tax fraud he sticks two fingers up at the courts and tells them to poke off! So exactly how would you handle this individual? He was a threat to the constitution, the judiciary, the Royal Family and the country, to be honest I am at a loss as to why he just wasn't shot. Thaksin had proved himself criminally unfit to govern.....and you're ok with that?

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His chief aide, Kwanchai Praipana, a radio deejay who commands Thaksin's vast network of northeastern red shirts and led bloody confrontations with the army in 2009 and 2010, insists Thaksin has officially retired.

"If Thaksin returns it won't be as prime minister," he told Reuters on Tuesday, dressed in red bath towel at his radio station in Udon Thani

blink.png is that all he wears at his radio station?

Yes, that is why he is trying to make it a tv station.

I'll be home this year, Thaksin tells supporters

Thailand's fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra told his 'Red Shirt' supporters on Wednesday that he expects to set foot in his homeland again in 2012.

"With all your support, I'm likely to return home this year. You probably think I've said often I'll come home. If I can't, please come to get me," he said in video address from neighbouring Laos.




quote: If I can't, please come to get me,"unquote. Preferably in a coffin.

He doesn't deserve a coffin.

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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad. Edited by heiwa
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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

Please tell me you're having a laugh, Heiwa.

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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

Rearrange these words if you can:

Land, Living, Cuckoo, Cloud, In

I believe in better wealth distribution to the masses. This was never going to happen without this protest - 300 baht minimum wage NEVER EVER without this merciless protest crushed and many lives lost. Just like in Europe and the USA the masses have been stopped protesting. The 1% will possess most of the wealth. Let's agree to differ. Obviously you prefer the 1% of Thailand having most of the wealth and I don't. Really enough said. It is obvious to everyone but you that the Red Shirt movement was about better social equality. As far as corruption - well that's de-riguer in any Thai government. It's the culture. The West does it but in a more disguised manner with legal loop-holes. Taksin and the Reds have brought Thailand light years ahead of Laos, Cambodia and Burma regards working conditions which yes - puts found on the table and for some families. For those who have never known poverty it would not be something they would care about. You are telling me the elite in the USA and Europe did not make their fortunes by corrupting governments with donations? Of course they did - and they were never impeached. It sickens me that Western people have the gall to come here and accuse an Asian country of what exactly happens in your countries. And what about high public salaries - isn't this just an official form of corruption funded by tax-payers. Pays to put your thinking cap on. Edited by heiwa
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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

Please tell me you're having a laugh, Heiwa.

No actually true story Thai husband was with her and said in front of me - I have two farang husbands, and begged me to find her a third one. She was most overly desperate. They had mud floors in their shacks - and a lot of the surrounding land was no longer farmable. There is poverty in thailand if farang would care to look - and while they are looking they can easily find themselves a wife - no need to go to go to red light districts like Nana to find a wife. Go upcountry and you will be besieged with offers of marriage. Also many a woman would grab me by the arm and say to me find me a farang husband - extremely old and ugly OK. It was hard to beat them off. Yes, I have been amongst Thai people - in the rural areas - not sitting in 5 star hotels. Edited by heiwa
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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

I honestly can't tell if this is a troll to make red shirts look ridiculous or not. If this is real you must be getting conned big time in Thailand, if you're so naive as to believe a woman who tells you they have 3 husbands, two of them foreigners, and is looking for ANOTHER foreign husband because she is on the verge of starving to death.

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I believe in better wealth distribution to the masses. This was never going to happen without this protest - 300 baht minimum wage NEVER EVER without this merciless protest crushed and many lives lost. Just like in Europe and the USA the masses have been stopped protesting. The 1% will possess most of the wealth. Let's agree to differ. Obviously you prefer the 1% of Thailand having most of the wealth and I don't. Really enough said. It is obvious to everyone but you that the Red Shirt movement was about better social equality. As far as corruption - well that's de-riguer in any Thai government. It's the culture. The West does it but in a more disguised manner with legal loop-holes. Taksin and the Reds have brought Thailand light years ahead of Laos, Cambodia and Burma regards working conditions which yes - puts found on the table and for some families. For those who have never known poverty it would not be something they would care about. You are telling me the elite in the USA and Europe did not make their fortunes by corrupting governments with donations? Of course they did - and they were never impeached. It sickens me that Western people have the gall to come here and accuse an Asian country of what exactly happens in your countries. And what about high public salaries - isn't this just an official form of corruption funded by tax-payers. Pays to put your thinking cap on.

This remind me of some movie scenes "one for you, one (or more) for me. Next. One for you, ..."

The 300b/d some may get in Bangkok and some more provinces is hardly enough for the workers and most money sent back seems to come from 'other type of activities'.

Education, questioning behaviour of the local elite with their Mercs, getting more people to pay taxes rather than being able to avoid them. A long way I'm afraid and not really any movement with the "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" party.

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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

I honestly can't tell if this is a troll to make red shirts look ridiculous or not. If this is real you must be getting conned big time in Thailand, if you're so naive as to believe a woman who tells you they have 3 husbands, two of them foreigners, and is looking for ANOTHER foreign husband because she is on the verge of starving to death.

You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight. I would die of boredom eating sticky rice and looking at a hot arid dust bowl. No wonder the farang husband is such a good catch. Answer to their prayers. Can not blame them for thinking Taksin their saviour and hero even if he does not live their harsh realilty. They accept him and his wealth. Surely gave them hope. Gave them a 300 baht wage. My god - that must have put a smile on their faces. You go out in the land man - many of these woman have several husbands - problem is whatever money they get - they spend so dam_n quick - big parties - and they like beer more than cheap whiskey. 20,000 baht can go in several days. It's like they are burning cash. One farang husband had sent an SMS that the Thai wife and Thai husband could not read. God knows why he sent it in English. Said - honey I just sent you 20,000 baht last week. Why do you need money so soon again. I had to explain in Laos language what her husband's sms said. She was a Thai Laos but she told me her Thai was not so good so we agreed to speak in Laos. Yes, Thai literacy would be a good start. Edited by heiwa
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You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight. I would die of boredom eating sticky rice and looking at a hot arid dust bowl. No wonder the farang husband is such a good catch. Answer to their prayers. Can not blame them for thinking Taksin their saviour and hero even if he does not live their harsh realilty. They accept him and his wealth. Surely gave them hope. Gave them a 300 baht wage. My god - that must have put a smile on their faces. You go out in the land man - many of these woman have several husbands - probably is whatever money they get - they spend so dam_n quick. 20,000 baht can go in several days. It's like they are burning cash. One farang husband has sent an SMS that they could not read. God knows why he sent it in English. Said - honey I just sent you 20,000 baht last week. Why do you need money so soon again. I had to explain in Laos language what her husband's sms said. She was a Thai Laos but she told me her Thai was not so good so we agreed to speak in Laos.

Promising them a 300 baht wage did put a smile on their faces...you are not listening, they have not got it yet and I bet you a pound to a pinch of rocking horse doo dah they won't have it in the next 18 months, but prices will go up. Yes they are poverty stricken, that is why Thaksin can buy their vote for 500 baht and get them to attend protests for 300 baht per day, Thaksin MUST keep them poor to assure himself of continued success, you really cannot smell the coffee. I am all for wealth distribution and that is what you want, well the reds have it already, only 1 year ago Thaksin promised them they 'would all be rich in 6 months'!! Really! how has that happened? The poor are all supporting some misguided cause (primarily through brainwashing propaganda, and Thaksin sponsored TV and radio) to ensure poor old Thaksin gets his 200 billion in confiscated money back while they have absolutely cock all! Don't you feel a sense of outrage here?

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You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight.

I was going to reply to your first post at the top of this page when I first read it, but then I carried on reading.

You haven't got a fuc_king clue have you (sorry about the expletive, but it needed emphasising about the amount of clue this particular poster has)

I live with these people 24/7/365 and have done for a quarter of my adult life, I don't need to research this topic, I am surrounded by it.

One of the first things that attracted me to this area was the resilience of the people who live here and their pulling together for family first and then the community as a whole, no one starves here, no one, absolutely no one.

And then you paint that picture because you have done some research and visited a couple of times, you know nothing.

Personally I would rather starve and die than live on sticky rice for a life-time. Did I say starve and did I visit your area where you live. is your area suffering from drought? You are talking about one area. Perhaps different areas to where I have been. Expletives fine. No worries matey.
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You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight. I would die of boredom eating sticky rice and looking at a hot arid dust bowl. No wonder the farang husband is such a good catch. Answer to their prayers. Can not blame them for thinking Taksin their saviour and hero even if he does not live their harsh realilty. They accept him and his wealth. Surely gave them hope. Gave them a 300 baht wage. My god - that must have put a smile on their faces. You go out in the land man - many of these woman have several husbands - probably is whatever money they get - they spend so dam_n quick. 20,000 baht can go in several days. It's like they are burning cash. One farang husband has sent an SMS that they could not read. God knows why he sent it in English. Said - honey I just sent you 20,000 baht last week. Why do you need money so soon again. I had to explain in Laos language what her husband's sms said. She was a Thai Laos but she told me her Thai was not so good so we agreed to speak in Laos.

Promising them a 300 baht wage did put a smile on their faces...you are not listening, they have not got it yet and I bet you a pound to a pinch of rocking horse doo dah they won't have it in the next 18 months, but prices will go up. Yes they are poverty stricken, that is why Thaksin can buy their vote for 500 baht and get them to attend protests for 300 baht per day, Thaksin MUST keep them poor to assure himself of continued success, you really cannot smell the coffee. I am all for wealth distribution and that is what you want, well the reds have it already, only 1 year ago Thaksin promised them they 'would all be rich in 6 months'!! Really! how has that happened? The poor are all supporting some misguided cause (primarily through brainwashing propaganda, and Thaksin sponsored TV and radio) to ensure poor old Thaksin gets his 200 billion in confiscated money back while they have absolutely cock all! Don't you feel a sense of outrage here?

A government is only as good as its people in government. This is the sad fact about a lot of revolutions. The whole infrastructure collapses because the new crew are inept. Their hearts are in the right place - or well should be - but they don't have the education or experience - in this case to make Thailand the dream investment destination. And corruption increases investment costs. You know a corrupt country when prices are rising rapidly my Indonesian friend told me once. In Taksin's time cost of living was pretty good. Of course there are other factors like increase in current commodity prices - oil and food etc.
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Perhaps different areas to where I have been.

So, please tell us where you have been and how much time did you spend there? ..... the truth now mind.

Is this I contest? Grow up brother! Pretty hard to beat 25 years 555. My God man just look at where Thailand is having drought and go there. You obviously are living in the fertile plains. From what I saw was very opposite. The people became very mean spirited and would not share. Also saw this in Laos. Just human nature. When the going gets tough - it does not pay to be too generous - least you go hungry once in a while. People think people are nice because they are good hosts - truth is some can not afford to be good hosts. The world is not ideal. Some people were just born in bad agricultural areas. Edited by heiwa
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