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Wild Aggressive Dogs


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I hate running out of my closed condo area, because there's always some wild dogs trying to "defend" their ground. On a bike or car, no problem, because you can run them over without doing anything, but on foot, it's a little different.

My trick is to stop and walk slowly towards them, stomp on the ground and shout swear words out loud while my right hand is folded and raised in the air. Then I usually win the fight.

I would like to hear what you do?

Would love not to be in need of bringing a stick or a golf club on my jogging trip...


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wife told: some wood does the trick.....try to beat them and they will keep distance.

alternative: my mother bought some nice dog food.....whenever she passes by a crowed of happy dogs welcomes her, even she does not gave them much.....corrupt dogs....

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Bending down as if to pick up something definitely backs them off, yeah.

Another trick is simply to point at them as you run by, even pointing behind you after you go by. Running backwards and staring stops them a lot too. If they're really aggressive (not just angry and barking and chasing, but won't back down even when you stop and move toward them aggressively - this is really rare) then just try to kick the hell out of them in the face or hit them with a stick. Basically, hurt them as much as is reasonable. I run with a stick when I'm in a dog-infested area, or unknown territory, for that reason. Amazingly I've never had to actually hit a dog or kick one, though I've tried a few times. It's always, in years and years (even against packs of 20 in rural wats), been enough to get aggressive with them. I did have some pepper spray once and got a few in the eyes, that was a lot of fun. Little bastards go crazy rubbing their eyeballs into the ground (and don't learn a thing, right back there chasing you next time).

99% of all Thai dogs that are aggressive are sneaky little backbiters. They might bark as you go by and chase you, but they'll rarely confront you and even when they do, their main tactic is to slink around and wait until you pass, then circle around and try for your ankles. Make sure you're truly clear of them before you divert your attention. If you simply face them and act confidently and aggressively back they're scared to death - even in large packs.

On the bike, on the other hand, I pop them right in the nose with my cleat pretty regularly. Wish we were back home where I could just shoot them, but that's not an option here. Mai bpen rai, it's a manageable problem!

I wouldn't put too much faith in the "give them a treat" stuff that you hear. That works occasionally, it's true, but most of the the time - especially when dealing with packs - it has no lasting effect. I've been doing this for years and I've tried all approaches. The major reason they're after you most of the time is that you're running or walk with a different gait. They notice that you're different (like how they can smell the homeless guy and notice he's staggering along extra slow). If you shuffle slowly by them like the neighborhood Thai folks do they often won't even notice you.

EDIT: The pointing thing sounds crazy, but I've showed it to several friends and they're all amazed. It works like a charm most of the time. Pointing with a stick gives you a little more comfort zone, though, so I prefer that. Still, just your extended arm and finger is usually enough. Try it!

Edited by emilyb
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Bending down as if to pick up something definitely backs them off, yeah.

Another trick is simply to point at them as you run by, even pointing behind you after you go by. Running backwards and staring stops them a lot too. If they're really aggressive (not just angry and barking and chasing, but won't back down even when you stop and move toward them aggressively - this is really rare) then just try to kick the hell out of them in the face or hit them with a stick. Basically, hurt them as much as is reasonable. I run with a stick when I'm in a dog-infested area, or unknown territory, for that reason. Amazingly I've never had to actually hit a dog or kick one, though I've tried a few times. It's always, in years and years (even against packs of 20 in rural wats), been enough to get aggressive with them. I did have some pepper spray once and got a few in the eyes, that was a lot of fun. Little bastards go crazy rubbing their eyeballs into the ground (and don't learn a thing, right back there chasing you next time).

On the bike, on the other hand, I pop them right in the nose with my cleat pretty regularly. Wish we were back home where I could just shoot them, but that's not an option here. Mai bpen rai, it's a manageable problem!

And don't believe the "give them a treat" stuff that people say. That works occasionally, it's true, but most of the the time - especially when dealing with packs - it has no lasting effect. I've been doing this for years and I've tried all approaches. The major reason they're after you most of the time is that you're running or walk with a different gait. They notice that you're different (like how they can smell the homeless guy and notice he's staggering along extra slow). If you shuffle slowly by them like the neighborhood Thai folks do they often won't even notice you.

Why so hostile? Don't you realise that they keep the ghosts away? Or so I have been told.
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I carry a long piece of that blue plastic water pipe. Never had to do more than bang it on the ground for them to run away. If they're particularly annoying, I pursue them to wherever they go to hide. That sometimes works permanently, though there are no packs around where I live.

I definitely wouldn't like to not have my stick, as I don't wear shoes, so nothing to kick them with.

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wife told: some wood does the trick.....try to beat them and they will keep distance.

alternative: my mother bought some nice dog food.....whenever she passes by a crowed of happy dogs welcomes her, even she does not gave them much.....corrupt dogs....

So what happens when she doesn't feed them?

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Why so hostile? Don't you realise that they keep the ghosts away? Or so I have been told.

I'd like to feed them to the ghosts if I could find the ghosts. Always running around slamming doors and windows from what I can glean from listening to Thai co-workers.

EDIT: I wonder if there are ghost dogs? There's something to ponder. A little doghouse jao tii with some tossed-out rice and bones might do the trick.

Edited by emilyb
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Which swear words do you find work best on these pesky mutts ?

I shout 'Bo!!ox' at my friends dog but find it has the opposite effect, it comes bounding up to me and buries his head in my crotch, I'm thinking of switching to the F word but given recent experience I worry the dog applies a literal translation, I fear serious risk of violation...

I'm also left wondering if the dogs bark English or not in which case I might need to swear in Thai at Thai Dogs....

The fake stone pick up often works. Back it up by picking up a real stone and be prepared to throw on the off chance the dogs are privy the fake pickup.

Water pistols might work...

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There's a pack of nasty dogs on one of our regular cycle routes that never fail to go on the attack as we ride past. Just before the New Year our club hosted an inter club event that was going to use the same road.

We drove round the circuit and marked the route the night before and when we came to the Nasty Dog's house one of the guys pulled tossed three paper bags out the window.

I asked what he was doing, expecting he was poisoning the dogs - He replied the bags contained chicken liver mixed with laxatives.

Sure enough no dogs around the next day when we rode past.

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

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There's a pack of nasty dogs on one of our regular cycle routes that never fail to go on the attack as we ride past. Just before the New Year our club hosted an inter club event that was going to use the same road.

We drove round the circuit and marked the route the night before and when we came to the Nasty Dog's house one of the guys pulled tossed three paper bags out the window.

I asked what he was doing, expecting he was poisoning the dogs - He replied the bags contained chicken liver mixed with laxatives.

Sure enough no dogs around the next day when we rode past.

he probably got laxatives confused with rat poison ;)

good result ,regardless !

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

I don't believe that most posters' responses involve cruelty.

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wife told: some wood does the trick.....try to beat them and they will keep distance.

alternative: my mother bought some nice dog food.....whenever she passes by a crowed of happy dogs welcomes her, even she does not gave them much.....corrupt dogs....

So what happens when she doesn't feed them?

No problem, they weren't that hungry I guess.....

They just put her under:

not dangerous, friend because give us food....and seem to be happy every time they saw her.

(which triggered on the other side "these dogs are so lovely, I buy them some food" reaction)

So I am not sure who manipulated who.....

By the way strange animals....There are 4-5 groups (+2-3 loner) that have specific areas. And some times they meet in the center and than cross-over to the big park where other dogs are.

One group wouldn't be strong to fight the park dogs, but the alliance is.

Almost human like....

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

Just for the record, I'm an animal lover, but when the animal is threatning me without reason, if I'm jogging or walking to the main road, then it needs to know who's in the top of the food chain.

And fantastic generalisation you made. I'm 20, hundred procent made of Danish DNA and I'm studying international business management at the university, in the Thai program. In the long run I'll do more for this lovely country that you're probably capable off. So yeah, check out my visa and my background. I think I'll be the one popping your balloon.

Anyways, to all the other friendly and jolly replies, thanks for a good laugh. Will go for the "stone pick up fake-off" and probably the stick/blue plastic pipe. Will try the pointing trick for sure, even though it sounds a little ambitious ;)


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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

Maybe you've got some body oder issues that dogs don't want to get close to.

Meanwhile my doctor tells me that dog bites are second only to motor bike accidents in the league table of "Accidents" presented at Thai hospitals.

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

Send over your survey data. I understand that the life of a bedridden shut-in is a bit different (maybe this is the majority of TVFers?), but you can understand for those of us who have spent the last decade running, biking and walking in urban and rural areas throughout the Kingdom how hilarious it is to see such a silly, myopic point of view represented as obvious truth. Meet me at any of my usual running locales in the late afternoon when I go any time and I'll be happy to show you what the other 99% live like.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

Oh, a crusader, not a shut-in. Got it! Thank you guys for ferrying out 600 mange-ridden, unruly soi dogs from Wat Suan Kaew during the flood and replacing them after the waters receded. They really bring a lot to the area and it was definitely a good use of manpower, what with there being no human problems.

Anyway, the offer stands. Lace up your shoes, tell me what afternoon you're available and I'll bring along someone to carry the camera and film you as you scurry away from packs of angry soi dogs smile.png I'm sure everyone will enjoy you doing the Black Knight routine from The Holy Grail after they go after you. "That's a soi dog pack." "No t'sin't!" "Your bloody leg's off." "Tis but a scratch!"

Edited by emilyb
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We had a dog problem where I used to live. It was nice neighborhood with nice houses but plagued with vicious and loud barking packs of dogs. My Thai neighbor used to soak sponges in beef broth and feed them to the strays. They would chew them and swallow them and then the sponges would expand and kill them.

I am a dog lover and could not stand too see them suffer, so a couple times a year I paid some guys that lived in some slums close to round up all the strays and relocate them to more of a rural setting.

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Isn't there a humane poison?

This was a sincere question BTW in case anyone knows.


I don't think you can claim to be much of an animal lover with that attitude, but I don't claim to be either.

However from the practicing Buddhist's POV, the dog has every bit as much right if not more to that bit of footpath or road, you should just go around him or even dismount and walk a bit if necessary, what makes you think you've the right to be violent just to save yourself a few minutes a day of your precious time?

And unlike humans, dogs don't need to work for their food or serve any "purpose" any more than the rats, pigeons or cats.

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Bending down as if to pick up something definitely backs them off, yeah.

Another trick is simply to point at them as you run by, even pointing behind you after you go by. Running backwards and staring stops them a lot too. If they're really aggressive (not just angry and barking and chasing, but won't back down even when you stop and move toward them aggressively - this is really rare) then just try to kick the hell out of them in the face or hit them with a stick. Basically, hurt them as much as is reasonable. I run with a stick when I'm in a dog-infested area, or unknown territory, for that reason. Amazingly I've never had to actually hit a dog or kick one, though I've tried a few times. It's always, in years and years (even against packs of 20 in rural wats), been enough to get aggressive with them. I did have some pepper spray once and got a few in the eyes, that was a lot of fun. Little bastards go crazy rubbing their eyeballs into the ground (and don't learn a thing, right back there chasing you next time).

On the bike, on the other hand, I pop them right in the nose with my cleat pretty regularly. Wish we were back home where I could just shoot them, but that's not an option here. Mai bpen rai, it's a manageable problem!

And don't believe the "give them a treat" stuff that people say. That works occasionally, it's true, but most of the the time - especially when dealing with packs - it has no lasting effect. I've been doing this for years and I've tried all approaches. The major reason they're after you most of the time is that you're running or walk with a different gait. They notice that you're different (like how they can smell the homeless guy and notice he's staggering along extra slow). If you shuffle slowly by them like the neighborhood Thai folks do they often won't even notice you.

Why so hostile? Don't you realise that they keep the ghosts away? Or so I have been told.

I think you'll find thats goats, not ghosts.............:)

My Thai's not that good, so you may be right.....................

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