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China To Help Draw Up Plan For Chao Phraya Basin


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China to help draw up plan for Chao Phraya basin

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- China will help Thailand develop an efficient management plan for the Chao Phraya River basin.

The assistance will be provided under an agreement signed with China during Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's visit to the country earlier this month.

Chinese Water Resources Vice-Minister Jiao Yong disclosed the information yesterday as his team began a trip to Thailand. He and five other Chinese officials will stay in Thailand until Sunday as guests of Thailand's Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Preecha Rengsomboonsuk said China had modern water-resource management laws and an efficient water system.

"Its water policy is comprehensive. All relevant agencies are well integrated too," Preecha said.

Thai Water Resources Department director-general Jatuporn Buruspat said Thai officials would discuss how best to manage the Chao Phraya River with Jiao's team. He said the Chinese officials would cruise along the Mekong River from Chiang Rai's Chiang Saen district today to check the conditions of this international river.

Jiao insisted that China's dams did not have any adverse impact on the Mekong.

"When drought conditions got very serious in 2010, China released water for [use in] Thailand," he said.

According to Thailand's Water Crisis Prevention Centre, 48 provinces have been declared drought-hit this year.

In a related development, environmental group WWF yesterday issued a statement calling on all concerned governments to defer a decision on any dam projects on the Mekong mainstream for at least 10 years until proper risk assessment is conducted.

The statement also alerted the public to ongoing construction related to the controversial Xayaburi Dam in northern Laos.

At its meeting last December, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) agreed to delay a decision on building the Xayaburi Dam pending further studies on the impacts of the controversial project. However, WWF recently found that land clearance and road development had begun in and around the Xayaburi site.

"It is clear that construction workers are on-site," said Marc Goichot, sustainable hydropower manager of WWF's Greater Mekong programme. "The Mekong River Commission should appoint a group of representatives from its council to visit the proposed dam site to monitor and respond to the situation."

Dams along the Mekong River are widely condemned as having damaged the ecological balance in the region.


-- The Nation 2012-04-27

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Thai technology in hydrology

This is what happens when Thais don't get an education. They can't even solve basic hydrology and engineering problems.

Sure they can solve such problems....they just point a 1000 motor boats upstream and vary the motor throttles to manage water flow...so simpleminded.

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Be careful who you do business with, they will claim Thailand because we did business with you last week.

Thailand is already a colony of China, has been for years.

In a near future the whole World will be a colony to China, they are slowly taking over, scary.
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The plan is something the Thais already know.

1) Tell the country and world you have fixed it.

2) Plan to spend a lot of money on large infrastructure projects

3) Syphon as much of that money as you can into boxes labelled "wedding dowry" etc

4) Do a half finished half arsed job with what little money remains

5) If anything goes wrong. don't worry about it as it's not the elite dying, so heh, no problem.

6) Say publicly everything is OK, and if a whiff of a problem leaks out to the outside world, ask for more money

7) follow steps 2 - 7 for ever.

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China to help draw up plan for Chao Phraya basin

Which will be rejected because Thai's know better !

Careful ! The TV resident Thai apologist (who basks in the denial of the obvious) may come after you.

China would not be the first choice if one wants to have control of waters and irrigation. They will draw the plans in such a way that China would have some control (directly or indirectly) on how the water is used, diverted and/or managed.

When I suggested that it was unwise for Thailand not to accept Holland's offer and expertise, I almost got mauled.

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China to help draw up plan for Chao Phraya basin

Which will be rejected because Thai's know better !

Careful ! The TV resident Thai apologist (who basks in the denial of the obvious) may come after you.

China would not be the first choice if one wants to have control of waters and irrigation. They will draw the plans in such a way that China would have some control (directly or indirectly) on how the water is used, diverted and/or managed.

When I suggested that it was unwise for Thailand not to accept Holland's offer and expertise, I almost got mauled.

The Chinese have a terrible track record in managing their own water resources. And in thousands of cases have run rough shod over their local commuities in order to build dams and so on.

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China to help draw up plan for Chao Phraya basin

Which will be rejected because Thai's know better !

Careful ! The TV resident Thai apologist (who basks in the denial of the obvious) may come after you.

China would not be the first choice if one wants to have control of waters and irrigation. They will draw the plans in such a way that China would have some control (directly or indirectly) on how the water is used, diverted and/or managed.

When I suggested that it was unwise for Thailand not to accept Holland's offer and expertise, I almost got mauled.

The Chinese have a terrible track record in managing their own water resources. And in thousands of cases have run rough shod over their local commuities in order to build dams and so on.

And they going to help Thailand, they seems to need help themselves.sad.png


Edited by Skywalker69
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China to help draw up plan for Chao Phraya basin

Which will be rejected because Thai's know better !

Given China's wonderful track record of water management they would be the very last country I would be asking for help.

I love this very contradictory comment

Jiao insisted that China's dams did not have any adverse impact on the Mekong.

"When drought conditions got very serious in 2010, China released water for [use in] Thailand," he said.

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Don't worry, water WILL be the reason for the third world war. It is very basic, you can't live very long without water, sometimes not even a day if it is hot enough. Whom ever is at the source of the water controls everything. If you have all the water in a dam_n you have a lot of wealth and power. Ask the Mexicans, America built the Hoover dam_n and stopped the flow of the Colorado river to a trickle into Mexico. Then they started pumping that water into California and Nevada, not much the Mexicans could do about it but at some point desperation takes hold and you have little choice.

But who cares, global warming is just a myth anyway. Just ask a stupid republican in America.

You can live without oil but not water.

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Don't worry, water WILL be the reason for the third world war. It is very basic, you can't live very long without water, sometimes not even a day if it is hot enough. Whom ever is at the source of the water controls everything. If you have all the water in a dam_n you have a lot of wealth and power. Ask the Mexicans, America built the Hoover dam_n and stopped the flow of the Colorado river to a trickle into Mexico. Then they started pumping that water into California and Nevada, not much the Mexicans could do about it but at some point desperation takes hold and you have little choice.

But who cares, global warming is just a myth anyway. Just ask a stupid republican in America.

You can live without oil but not water.

You said a whole lot of unspoken truth there.clap2.gif

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