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Kill Or Cure My Dog


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A year ago I bought a Labrador puppy from a local pet shop here in CM [which I will mention later in this posting] and she was cursed with skin problems from the start. In this last year, I have seen almost every vet in the CM area and no permenant cures. The best they can do is pump her full of antibiotics, anti histamines and steroids. Temporary fix and tens of thousands of bhatt in meds and dr’s visits. She has also spends 90% of her life with a plastic ubc dish collar on her neck to keep her from scratching herself bloody. I am truly at wit’s end and see that her quality of life is not up to standards.

In the west, we would ‘put her out of her misery’ with a simple injection, but here in this Buddhist country, it’s not that simple. So far…impossible to find a vet that will do the trick.

So, I would like to request if any one out there has any suggestions for either a cure to the skin problems or a vet [or private canine hitman?] for the ‘final’ solution.

For anyone shopping for a dog in the CM area, I would never recommend the shop that I got my labrador from as they and their breeding practices are the cause of this dog’s misery. I got her from the shop on the ground floor of Airport Plaza [named 'RAK SAK’ meaning love animals]. They also have a couple of other outlets, one on the super hiway between carefour and makro. Not very humane, ETHICAL or professional to breed [and sell] dogs that have been inbred as I’m sure my dog has been.

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A year ago I bought a Labrador puppy from a local pet shop here in CM [which I will mention later in this posting] and she was cursed with skin problems from the start.  In this last year,  I have seen almost every vet in the CM area and no permenant cures.  The best they can do is pump her full of antibiotics, anti histamines and steroids.  Temporary fix and tens of thousands of bhatt in meds and dr’s visits.  She has also spends 90% of her life with a plastic ubc dish collar on her neck to keep her from scratching herself bloody.  I am truly at wit’s end and see that her quality of life is not up to standards.

In the west, we would ‘put her out of her misery’ with a simple injection, but here in this Buddhist country, it’s not that simple.  So far…impossible to find a vet that will do the trick. 

So, I would like to request if any one out there has any suggestions for either a cure to the skin problems or a vet [or private canine hitman?] for the ‘final’ solution.

For anyone shopping for a dog in the CM area, I would never recommend the shop that I got my labrador from  as they and their breeding practices are the cause of this dog’s misery.  I got her from the shop on the ground floor of Airport Plaza [named 'RAK SAK’ meaning love animals].  They also have a couple of other outlets, one on the super hiway between carefour and makro.  Not very humane, ETHICAL or professional to breed [and sell] dogs that have been inbred as I’m sure my dog has been.

Have you had the dog treated for Mange? Here are some names and emails of good vets in Thailand- Bangna Animal Hospital phone # 02-744-1663

Pymberly at Dogchance- email, [email protected]

I would really try and find someone to help you cure the puppy, for sure it is curable, we treat dogs worse off than that at the dog rescue. Now that I am sure you already know, it is best not to purchase pure breed dogs here, they are not meant for the climate and in most cases can not survive. With all the stray street dogs- they are just as good of pets as well. I know, truly sad about the animal/dog situation all over Asia.

Good luck!

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well just got the PM

hi JD

could u take a foto of the lb for me pls, i wanna see the lesion

does the dog smelly in few days of the take a shower?

-scale /scalp

- ear flap thick with waxy ear wax (look like peanut butter?)

-dog with yeast will have specific smell

BTW for yeast infected.. 80% of vet here forget to think about it

for yeast infestation ..easy to cure but need time(few months)

after u send me the foto , and i think it is malassezia , i will tell u how to deal with

regards ,


ps.. give the lab/me a chance b4 put to sleep

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Yes, she was tested for sarcoptic mange by at least 3 vets and no parasites were found. also, she was given the anti flea, tic vaccine....so we can rule out mange as a cause. i've seen at least 5 vets here and all they can come up with is an [maybe] alergy of some kind, but my theory is that she simply is the product of inbreeding and will have this skin problem until the end. she is not a happy dog, and the meds [anti biotics, steroids etc] will stop working at some point, then she will suffer more. i just want to end her suffering.......

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My heart goes out to you and your dog, but don't give up and don't put her down. She may have demodectic mange which has gotten out of control or allergies. We also bought a puppy last year, a Chinese Shar Pei, from a "pet shop" near Airport Plaza. After we brought her home, we discovered she had pneumonia, mange, ear mites and a urinary tract infection. We first went to the CMU animal hospital but were not happy with the treatment there. Through recommendations, we started going to the Ban Mha Ka Maew animal hospital in Chiang Mai Land, at the end, on the highway. The vets there are good, but we also had to do ALOT of research on our own. Don't depend on everything they say. It took awhile before they realized it was mange. They ofcourse mean well, but it's not what we were used to in the West. I agree that they are very quick to dispense antibotics when there are alternatives.

The mange took a VERY long time to treat, almost 10 months. Her skin was terrible. We were so frustrated! We were going to the vet weekly for 8 of those 10 months, feeding her certain food (I'm not talking about commercial dog food, I mean fresh vegetables, fish, vitamin E, etc.) that helps skin problems, in addition to bathing her with special shampoo and using a spray on her each night. Certainly expensive and time comsuming...but more than worth it!!!! She is perfectly healthy now. Good Luck to you.

Edited by MYMA
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Thanks Bambi , for your quick reply. sorry, but i can't provide you with a decent foto of my lab at this time. her condition seems to be in remission having just gone thru the treatment [anti biotics, anti histamines and steroids]. her hair has grown back over the leision and she looks ok for now, but i know it will return within a couple of weeks if i don't keep the ubc dish around her neck. with the cone, she may be ok for a month, but she will eventually find some place on her neck to scratch until she bleeds then infection. the leisions mostly appear around her neck area, behind her ears. [she has also been checked for ear mites.]

i googled 'Malassezia' and learned a little about yeast infections. it's funny that none of the CM vets even suggested that, but it sounds like that could be her problem. i'll research that more and will try anything i can to cure her, but as you know, steroids can 'cure' anything for a while, but they weaken the dog and can make them crazy and unpredictable.

and yes....she does have flakey, scaley scalp and does stink one day after a wash

a couple of questions.....

so, are you a vet up here in CM?? or BKK??

and is that you in the foto......if so, wow!!

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about malassezia

how to deal with malassezia (actaully some breed prone to be as lab/goldern R/alsatian/poodle/dutchhound/cocker

keyword = ketoconazole /itraconazole

1 shampoo -Nizoral

2cream - keto . (as nizoral) -apply at lesion /ear flap

3pill -keto (last choice ..hepatotoxic) 10mg/kg 1-1.5 mths sid/bid (with food for escape dizzy/vomit)

1st mth - use shampoo 2 times a week

2nd -3rd mth -shampoo 1time a week

if recovery.. use shampoo from time to time for control yeast

basically malassezia is normal flora , we can find in normal animal ..but if some condition make it's overgrowth ..dog will have a prob

if it has 2nd bacterial infection, ATB is fine

u can also give antihistamine ..as atarax /CPM for relief the itchy

if u want to to give him/her ketoconazole pill..u need to check blood chemistry and hematology b4.. for check the liver function et al

please feel free to pm me, if u have a prob


Bambi :o

PS. . . yep im a vet in banker :D

thanks for compliment about my avatar ...now i have poodle hair hehhe just did it this afternoon

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oh forget to tell u :o , when u use shampoo ..first wet your dog, then apply medicated shampoo until it forms a foam, then leave for 10mins, do not allow the animal to lick the shampoo, then rinse clean, making sure all the shampoo has washed off, then dry your dog

(ketokonazole, can make hair dry also..but no worries u just use it for period)

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Again.....thanks Bambi, you have given me some new hope for what i thought was a hopeless situation. you are not only beautiful, but smart as well............rare combo...

will keep you informed if you like.


molto grazie :D

you have to jai yen yen ok? .. skin prob need time to cure

if you can do, take a foto of lesion every week for see the progressive.

about ear canal ..from nature, yeast does not like acid environment ..you can use the solution of white vinegar +water =1:1 or 1:2 for clean the ear canal (by cotton bud)

keep inform me then :o

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