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State Of Play In Your Relationship........Age Band And Financial Relationship Results

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Thanks very much to all members who took the time to vote on the Status of Your Relationship poll. There are several issues that have been thrown up and I reckon we need to break them down into separate discussions or some interesting points will get drowned out.

As of 8th May 2012, 13.30 hours, this was the standing of the poll in regards to your thoughts on the current status of your relationship. The results are very interesting.

In this case ignore the percentages and look at the numerical votes. This section asked two distinctly different questions under a multiple choice format and that has skewed the percentages.

Age difference
  • Same age. (13 votes [4.21%])
  • - 3 years age gap (23 votes [7.44%])
  • -5 years (10 votes [3.24%])
  • -8 years (13 votes [4.21%])
  • -10 (25 votes [8.09%])
  • -15 (27 votes [8.74%])
  • - 20 (25 votes [8.09%])
  • - 25 (7 votes [2.27%])
  • - 30 (12 votes [3.88%])
  • - 40 (1 votes [0.32%])
  • 40 + (0 votes [0.00%])

Financial compatibility.

  • My partner is 100% dependent on me (37 votes [11.97%])
  • I am 100% dependent on my partner (3 votes [0.97%])
  • My partner is 80% + dependent on me (21 votes [6.80%])
  • My partner is 60% + dependent on me (21 votes [6.80%])
  • My partner is 40% + dependent on me (10 votes [3.24%])
  • My partner is 20% + dependent on me (6 votes [1.94%])
  • My partner is under 20% dependent on me (10 votes [3.24%])
  • We are equal financially (32 votes [10.36%])
  • We pay our own way, no financial interaction. (13 votes [4.21%])

The age banding is a lot closer than I expected, which may be a surprise to many others too. On top of that the financial aspect of the poll has thrown up some interesting issues too. I'm not amazed that the figure in regards to 100% financial dependency is not higher. many Thai partners continue to work and have their own income in my experience. What do you think?


Making quite a career regarding this series of polls, aren't ya?wink.png

I am zzaa09, I sit here watching my employees dripping with sweat unloading vans and selling things while I batter away on this keyboard pretending I'm doing something important biggrin.png

Anyway, do you have any comment about the results? You normally have a comment about everything whistling.gif


I think what`s interesting is this suggests we are supporting a lot of Thai people, not only including our families but also regarding what we spend in our local areas of residence, plus what our families spend here with the financial support we provide for them.

This especially applies to those who`s incomes are coming into Thailand from abroad. So we could regard this as being a payback to Thailand for letting us reside here as guests in their country, or in other words, everything is equal, we pay our way and owe nobody nothing and that`s the way I like it.

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Is anyones thai partner older?

I imagine a number of people in that chose the same age and 3 year brackets have an older partner. I've known quite a few people in their 20s and 30s with a slightly older partner. I doubt there are many with long term partners much older than that though. There are some cougars in their 30s out there that shack up with foreigners in their 20s though so maybe there are some 10 year differences out there


In my experience and expats that I have met, I have found that majority of men who are 45+ years old are usually the ones with girlfriends who are more financially dependent on them and also, I have noticed the relationships with the bigger age gaps = more financial dependency.

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