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Air Con Use


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12 years now

Only in the "classroom" on the ground floor, more so when all the computers are going, but set on a timer to need turning back on every hours since I'm forgetful.

All four floors upstairs are fan only, big wide windows open wide, nice cross breezes and fans well-placed throughout.

Have never used one at night.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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1. Yes

2. In the bedroom only....it's a bit ironic that I set it to the coldest it can go, and then snuggle up under the quilt, but I (and the Thai missus) like it that way.

3. Four years completely non-aircon last time. Five weeks this time (just moved back after six years away).

A/C is for those who haven't hardened the <deleted> up.

No, it's a creature comfort. Going non-aircon is for peasants that can't afford it (yes, I was a peasant before).

I suppose all you eat is rice and pla ra, if you don't, by your reasoning, you must be an utter wimp!

Edited by LucidLucifer
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Yes I use air con,

I turn the air conditioner on in whichever place I'm using and turn it off when I leave. I always use AC in the living room and in the bedroom all night. I use Filtrete filters, changing them every fortnight and value air conditioners as much for air purification as for cooling and dehumidifying. I always use AC in the car.

I've lived here for six years.

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No, I don't have aircon although I would consider it in April and May when it is really hot. I do find that a fan is good enough.

I'm in and out to the garden all the time and I think that the outside heat feels much worse after A/C. I know that I feel doubly uncomfortable when leaving an A/C restaurant or shopping mall, so will stick with the fans at home.

Been here full time about 8 years now

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1. Yes

2. In the bedroom only....it's a bit ironic that I set it to the coldest it can go, and then snuggle up under the quilt, but I (and the Thai missus) like it that way.

3. Four years completely non-aircon last time. Five weeks this time (just moved back after six years away).

A/C is for those who haven't hardened the <deleted> up.

No, it's a creature comfort. Going non-aircon is for peasants that can't afford it (yes, I was a peasant before).

I suppose all you eat is rice and pla ra, if you don't, by your reasoning, you must be an utter wimp!

Another reason that I don't seek Farang company.

Case in point. Typical.

Ignorant and disconnected.

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1. Yes

2. In the bedroom only....it's a bit ironic that I set it to the coldest it can go, and then snuggle up under the quilt, but I (and the Thai missus) like it that way.

3. Four years completely non-aircon last time. Five weeks this time (just moved back after six years away).

No, it's a creature comfort. Going non-aircon is for peasants that can't afford it (yes, I was a peasant before).

I suppose all you eat is rice and pla ra, if you don't, by your reasoning, you must be an utter wimp!

Another reason that I don't seek Farang company.

Case in point. Typical.

Ignorant and disconnected.

How am I ignorant and disconnected? Please explain.

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Air con in bedroom when (prior to) shagging as I hate dripping all over my women or they over me when they are on top. When on my own - fan only.

Air con never in the computer room.

Air con when very hot in the lounge and watching television.

Been here long enough :P

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For the first 10yrs, I remember using the aircon at home only for about 3hrs in the bedroom, switching on the fan just before sleeping. Now a/c is switched on all night, and that is 10hrs. Car and office a/c run all the time, so it is now practically 24/7. Last month the bedroom AC broke down and I tried being without it for almost 4 weeks, gave up and fixed a new unit this week. Body gets used to comforts.

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For the first 10yrs, I remember using the aircon at home only for about 3hrs in the bedroom, switching on the fan just before sleeping. Now a/c is switched on all night, and that is 10hrs. Car and office a/c run all the time, so it is now practically 24/7. Last month the bedroom AC broke down and I tried being without it for almost 4 weeks, gave up and fixed a new unit this week. Body gets used to comforts.

I always said to the missus that when we would eventually move back out here, we'd definitely live an air-con life style.

Sleep in an air-con bedroom, wake up and go down to the air-con kitchen and have breakfast. Get in the air-con car and go to work in the air-con classroom. At night, eat in a nice air-con restaurant.

She's Thai, yet is much more sensitive to the heat than I am.

Yet I am happy having arrived on these shores again with what I have. I have an air-con bedroom (I sleep well), and I have an air-con workplace (I work well).

I sit here now in my front room with the fan on, and I'm happy. Yes I'd like it to be a few of degrees cooler, but it's managable. I certainly managed well enough before.

Ask me again in a few months time when I have the cash together to air-con the whole house, and I may well say, 'how the flock did I live without it.'

We'll see.

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I run mine for 10 minutes at a time once or twice every hour or so when home. At night for 15 minutes when trying to go to sleep. The most important way for cheap comfort (for me) is a shower right before bed. I shower a lot anyway. I am going to invest in some nice sheets soon too, I think that is the way to go. I will buy some nice tower fans too, not sure how much they will help but why not. I think bkk should be more focused on good insulation myself -- it seems there is a huge amount of improvement and potential businesses there to me.

Edited by meand
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I turn the aircon on for about 10 - 15 minutes when I enter the room and then I turn it off once I have cooled down. Then I just use the fan for the rest of the time.

I can't sleep with the aircon on, I always wake up feeling sniffly and a sore throat. Also, I don't see the point in having it on 24/7 - you should just let your body cool down and then adjust to the room temperature.

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I think bkk should be more focused on good insulation myself -- it seems there is a huge amount of improvement and potential businesses there to me.

I was having the exact same conversation a week ago with a Canadian guy that lives near me.

Breeze block walls and flimsy windows doesn't help the situation. You'd almost need to change the whole building regulations. Loft insulation would help, but to what degree to make Thais willing to shell out the money for it?

Edited by LucidLucifer
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Hate aircon makes me feel all bunged up and makes it seem twice as hot when you step outside coupled with the fact we have no electricity in the day where we are so it's just fans at night I actually feel cold when temp drops to around 26/27 been here aroun 7 years

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I only use the aircon in the bedroom. In the living / computer room downstairs i seldom use it. But this april i had it running a few times.

7 years here or so

Edited by robblok
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1 do you use air con

Almost no

2 when and where

In bedroom to sleep ... very rarely on the hottest/most humid times

3 how long have you lived here

6 years

6 years and a (very impressive) post count of 31000+, was that all in non-aircon?

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