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Pcx 150 Stolen


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My friends new PCX 150 was stolen from his condo in Pattaya, was locked and alarmed, also security guard on duty ( probably asleep) any advice on additional security as the standard alarm does not look to be so effective.

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Sorry to hear that. You said it was locked, do you mean locked with a proper chain/bar or only the standard steering lock?

When I lived in a condo 5 years ago I got the passenger holding bar nicked from my Wave, 90% sure the guards was involved in it. 600 bath for a new.

Talked to a guy on a PCX125 on soi Yamato a couple of month ago and asked why he was locking down his bike so heavily and he told me that 2 of his friends had their PCX stolen.

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It was locked with the bike steering lock and standard alarm

The steering lock gives a false sense of security on any bike, can be kicked open easily.

If I lived in a condo I would definitely use an extra lock at night.

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You can't rely on the security guards. They are probably the ones who steal the bikes. I always use a separate lock onto a steel pipe but of course even thse can be easily opened. But at least they might target another bike.

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If they really want your bike, they will take it regardless of what you do.

Now that that's out of the way... I have just bought a Xena disc alarm for my bike. This this is LOUD! I also bought the cable and adaptor (although the lock no longer fits onto the disc with the cable adaptor fitted - a warning for the few Suzuki Hayate owners out there). As many posters will say though (most without offering any alternative), these can be silenced; and with the above fact in mind , I feel it is a much better deterrent than having nothing. Somchai will certainly have the bejeezus scared out of him when he first sets it off (I know I did!), and, hopefully, make him look for an easier target.

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Very doubtful 3 guys walked past the security guard carrying a pcx with the alarm going off and he slept through the whole process ,

more likely they slipped him a 500 thb note on the way in and he closed his eyes as they were leaving

i would raise hell with the building owner and insist the security be fired ,even if by some miracle he wasnt involved ,hes proven himself incapable

of doing further security work if motorcycles are getting stolen right under his nose

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i would raise hell with the building owner and insist the security be fired ,even if by some miracle he wasnt involved ,hes proven himself incapable

Security's Thai, they're Thai, the victim isn't.

They'll nod, act sorry (just so he'll go away), and ignore what he says.

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i would raise hell with the building owner and insist the security be fired ,even if by some miracle he wasnt involved ,hes proven himself incapable

Security's Thai, they're Thai, the victim isn't.

They'll nod, act sorry (just so he'll go away), and ignore what he says.

Your friend will have to file a police report for the insurance, I suppose. Tourist police might help in breaking through barriers? Or is that just wishful thinking? Maybe the insurance adjuster? Agent? But then, what's 20% of a PCX 150?

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A friend of mine had his bike stolen before, the owner of the condo had to pay him for it. As your friend has insurance probably not necessary. Xena disc alarm is the way to go. Even if they can silence the alarm there still the matter of a steel bolt through the disc. Though not 100% it's certainly a deterent.

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A friend of mine had his bike stolen before, the owner of the condo had to pay him for it. As your friend has insurance probably not necessary. Xena disc alarm is the way to go. Even if they can silence the alarm there still the matter of a steel bolt through the disc. Though not 100% it's certainly a deterent.


I've a mate who has a couple.

Two for his bike, and one for the security door/gate. Slips on over the metal grate so if someone tries to cut the bolt lock or whatever there's going to be a nice wake-up call before they get to open it.

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My advice is a chopper, they are so easy to spot so they are left alone.

For scooters, the old models dont generate money so they are left alone too.

Disagree on the disk lock, impossible to remember that all the time,

and i nearly messed up the disk when trying to take off,

in addition to nearly go down

Edited by poanoi
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My advice is a chopper, they are so easy to spot so they are left alone.

For scooters, the old models dont generate money so they are left alone too.

Disagree on the disk lock, impossible to remember that all the time,

and i nearly messed up the disk when trying to take off,

in addition to nearly go down

So we should all by choppers to avoid our bikes being stolen?

Still it's better than nothing if you remember most of the time, it doesn't take long before it becomes a habit. I don't think it's possible to 'take off' accidently while the alarm is screaming at you.

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I think I will buy a Xena, I agree if they really want your bike it will go, but maybe if it looks too much trouble they might look elsewhere, thieving c#nts. and I agree security guard should be fired.

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Get a big chain and find a pipe to lock it to. The disc lock no problem pick up bike and carry away to pickup. But ant kind of slow them down will probably send them to your friends bike next door.

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For a few thousand Baht you can get a gps/gprs tracker. Add a prepay simcard with the cheapest volume based package (e.g. 75Mb/ month for 99 baht/month on dtac) .

Then you can see exactly where your bike is.at anytime on google maps, and even how it got there!

Entertaining as well when you show up with the BIB at the thieves hide out...

Unfortunately insurance companies here do not give discounts when using such a system.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Then you can see exactly where your bike is.at anytime on google maps, and even how it got there!

Entertaining as well when you show up with the BIB at the thieves hide out...

Very Entertaining ,until you get shot or beaten to death with hammers

the bike theives probably know where they stole your bike from so it woulnt be too hard to get back at ya once they have bribed their way out

half an hour later

i heard over a hundred bikes a night are stolen in pattaya alone ,and the occasional 16 year old drug addict is arrested about once a month ,

looks like 99% of the theives are protected somehow

id just report it and collect a new one on the insurance ,and let the new "owners" keep it :)

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i would raise hell with the building owner and insist the security be fired ,even if by some miracle he wasnt involved ,hes proven himself incapable...

As appealing as that sounds, 1) it won't get your bike back, and 2) it may put you in line for a beating or other form of retribution. and 3) his replacement may be even worse.

I think your later advice was better: Chalk it up to experience, file an insurance claim, keep the insurance paid up and live your life.

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Lesson, some of this criminals who steal motorcycles and scooters in Thailand can walk to a motorcycle/scooter put on a helmet and appear to normally preparing for riding without anybody seeing something that will tip them off....

Okay if you're famous at an apartment building and you have a signal-green Honda Wave a security guard will remember that the guy sitting on the bike is not the guy who normally sits on it.

I have seen on security video's that a 'Asian' guy breaks/unlocks a Honda motorcycle with tool in the same time he uses to put on his helmet, with his left hand he unlocks the bike and with the right hand he puts on his helmet... After the helmet is secured he puts in his own lock with key and turn the bike on...

After that it's bye bye motorcycle/scooter... probably the Honda PCX150 is now converted to parts and sold in the shops in the area...

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i would raise hell with the building owner and insist the security be fired ,even if by some miracle he wasnt involved ,hes proven himself incapable...

As appealing as that sounds, 1) it won't get your bike back, and 2) it may put you in line for a beating or other form of retribution. and 3) his replacement may be even worse.

I think your later advice was better: Chalk it up to experience, file an insurance claim, keep the insurance paid up and live your life.

the only problem with keeping the same security guard is having the pleasure of walking past the smug bsatard every night knowing that he was 90%

likely involved in the theft of your bike and when you get a new bike you will see him smiling every night when u park it up ............

security guards are ten a penny ,managment usualy have no problem getting rid of them because your rent is probably a multiple of his salary ......

i think he shoudnt be allowed to keep his job ,temporary unemployment will loss him more than he probably made from your bike :)

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