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Jedi, our Golden Retriever, became suddenly extremely ill a week ago. I noticed in the morning that he could hardly stand up and no strength. When I came back from work that afternoon he had gotten much worse. Severe breathing distress and non-responsive. We rushed him to the vets who gave him oxygen and an saline IV drip. After they did xrays and a full blood panel, the panel came back with extremely low white & red cell count. His liver tests couldn't be measured as they were off the scale. The vets said he had zero chance of surviving the night.

We brought him back and laid him down on a carpet and towels with the IV drip hanging up. We watched him all night and that morning I heard a cheer from my wife and he was awake and looking around. My wife slept on the couch every night watching over him for the next several days. He started improving, eating and drinking well and was able to stand up but very weakly. Took him to the vets every day and they were very surprised he survived as they've never had a dog survive with the blood count like his.

Last night, as he was lying in our living room, his breathing became labored again. He fell asleep several hours earlier but then difficulty breathing and non-responsive. At around 2:40 AM I went to bed while my wife watched over him. A couple of minutes later my wife called my downstairs. As I started down the stairs my wife was crying and I saw him move his leg, when I approached him he was gone. He was 10 years old.

He is and will be terribly missed. To our friend, our companion our light - RIP Jedi. Some photos of his time with us starting in 2004 to a week ago.

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So sad. Pets are like one of the family but as necronx99 said

" He had 10 good years with a loving family "


Sorry to hear that Tywais, very sad to lose your best friend but at least he is at peace now.

It's strange you know, the longer you've had a dog the harder it is when he departs but when you look at it logicy it should work in reverse, the longer a dog lives therefore the more happiness he has given to yourself and you to him so the grieving should be easier at the thought of all them years but obviously it never is.


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Thank you for your kind words. My wife was more pragmatic about it and said the same as above that he was old and had a good life.

We just got back from his cremation and the first thing my wife did was fill his water and food bowl and put it on the front porch where he normally eats. Not familiar with this custom. I'm still an emotional wreck over this and everything I see reminds me of him, even found myself going to the front porch to look for him. sad.png


I'm very sorry for your loss.

My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

RIP Jedi.


I love dogs but this is one reason not to have them. It is just too painful to see them die.


Tywais, I am so sorry for your loss. I looked at the pictures of your beautiful dog and it brought tears to my eyes.

Not much can be said to ease the pain, but it does get easier with time. Sometimes it takes a lot of time.


Tearing up as I type. A lovely family member; the photos say it all.

Lost two of my Rotts about this time last year within a month of each other; two sisters, 10, Yin and Yang.

I empathize.


So sorry to hear of your loss Tywais, losing a beloved pet is losing a member of the family. Grieve in your own way, don't worry about the Thai way, you have to do what is right for you.


Thank you for your kind words. My wife was more pragmatic about it and said the same as above that he was old and had a good life.

We just got back from his cremation and the first thing my wife did was fill his water and food bowl and put it on the front porch where he normally eats. Not familiar with this custom. I'm still an emotional wreck over this and everything I see reminds me of him, even found myself going to the front porch to look for him. sad.png

Sorry for your loss. What your wife did seems akin to me seeing Thais place food and drink on the box of a loved one pre cremation.


time for a new pup it wont help you forget but you will learn to love the pup the same its a sad time when they die i had a german sheapard for 15 yrs when she died i try mouth to mouth and i went upstairs n cryed


so sorry ... but it seems that he got great care, he died in familiar surroundings with his people by him, which is so so important with pets ....



My sympathy, Tywais

Dogs like yours aren't just pets, they're part of our family and are our closest friends as they spend more time with us than anyone else - that's how they've been and that's how we feel when they're gone.

One of my dogs died of ehrilichiosis a month ago, which this sounds like, another one is dying as I write, a third has made a full recovery and fortunately the remainder were unaffected. Over the years I have buried five by the river behind my house here and I still remember and miss each of them. Other dogs don't take their place, but they do fill the gap that's left behind.


We lost our GR about 2 months ago. He was also 10 years old and died of similar systems which the vet told me was liver cancer but it came quite suddenly and he did not suffer for to long. Still sadly missed and thinking about getting another one. Sorry Tywais for your loss


tywais my heart goes out to you and your wife on your loss of your loving friend i am sure he is going to be greatly missed.10years of loyalty and love is unreplacable.we also have a dog who we love dearly and we dont know how we would face loosing him.dont forget to place a bone near his ashes and a glass of water.meatboy


sorry to hear that, I'd be very sad to lose my rottie, he's almost 2 years now and hope to enjoy many more years to come with him.

RIP Jedi.


I lost my all time favourite dog when I was moving house and I left him with my future flatmate to mind for a couple of hours while I loaded up my gear. Moron threw a frisbee onto the road for him to fetch and he got hit by a car.

It's always tough losing a pet you love and has been a part of your daily life for years. Condolences mate.


overwhelmed and lost for soothing words. i'm big coward in this respect. don't even want to think of it when it concerns those two which are mine.

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sorry to hear of your loss...I stay away from attachments to animals as in Asia it is something that I can't control as the family don't have the same perspective...and I know of the pain and suffering when a pet is lost; it's like losing a small child as they always counted on you to keep them fit and happy...and ye just don't realise until yer faced with the loss of a loyal companion...


Sorry for you Loss. It is one of the thoughts that scares me knowing that one day my three will toddle off to the big dustbin in the sky (they are rather keen on the bins when they pass so I guess their doggie heaven will involved bins of some fashion).

He looks like a racking chap in great condition and surely he'll be sat outside the porch wondering why his dad is in a tizz.


been through the same thing, with same the symptoms & an almost identical dog (Golden Lab).

I know how it feels. Chin up dude, the pain will ease.


I thought there was going to be a tennis ball under that cupboard! Mine does that bark when her tennis ball goes out of reach! Or when it goes in the "personal space" of our old Thai mongrel.


Just had few German Shephers puppies. If you are interested you can have one in about two months, after they had inoculation.


That is a very kind offer, Alex.

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