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"Chocolate" People


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The OP seems to have a preoccupation with black folks.

I guess it does seem that way, but my preoccupation is more to do with trying to understand the perceived right and wrong on this topic.

I am reasonably new at this and my last topic was not specific to Thailand, and correctly, it was closed by the moderator before any real answer was given.

This time I am trying to follow the guidelines/rules of posting new topics.

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I've heard Thais joking about this when they see particulary dark African types. Chocolate being dark is as good a hint as anywhistling.gif

Not wanting to be racist myself, but I do believe there is/was a well known product which was marketed with the name of Mr Chocolate, or chocolate man, or something of this like here in Thailand.

It used the logo of a jovial little black fellow dancing around. I don't know if this has had anything to do with it smile.png

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Interesting part is, no matter how civilized we think we have become in the so called western world, and how political correct we must be, we still have some weird issues regarding colors.

On this continent, whatever you are, you are.

A spade is a spade here.

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Interesting part is, no matter how civilized we think we have become in the so called western world, and how political correct we must be, we still have some weird issues regarding colors.

On this continent, whatever you are, you are.

A spade is a spade here.

Absolute rubbish.

I think you completey flunked the " not losing face " course.

Just another sad thai apologist , fighting not to lose the house he never owned .

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Stupid bloody question and there is nothing racist in answering it either. Some Thais call Black people Chocolates due to the colour of their skin which can resemble chocolate in colour. So, assuming you already knew or might have guessed it, what is the point of your stupid question or are you really so stupid that this passed you by?

Exactly. This happened to a friend travelling with me once. He didn't like it at all and has never returned to Thailand.

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hmm, that is a tough one.

The OP seems to have a preoccupation with black folks.

the op seems thick as a post

Your obvious assumption leads me to question, why not call the Chinese - "Lemon"? Or Mediterranean Europeans "Honey"?

Maybe you are 100% correct about the reason for the name.

However if you had read the initial post correctly you would see that it also asked about the history of this word being used.

Does it date back to ??

Who started it? Maybe a celebrity on TV?

Perhaps you should read and comprehend the question prior to opening your mouth!

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Interesting part is, no matter how civilized we think we have become in the so called western world, and how political correct we must be, we still have some weird issues regarding colors.

On this continent, whatever you are, you are.

A spade is a spade here.

Absolute rubbish.

I think you completey flunked the " not losing face " course.

Just another sad thai apologist , fighting not to lose the house he never owned .


Not losing face?

Thai apologist?

Probably 1000 things I don't like about Thailand, but 1001 things I don't like about where i came from.

I'm pretty sure that is quite clear from many of my posts.

Sure you replied to the correct post pal?

Ok, let me try to rephrase:

In the west we call us Caucasian, African-American, Asian-American, etc, etc. This to be sure we do not use the wrong word.

On this continent, they call people, white, black, yellow, chocolate, etc. In other words, the color they see.

Clear enough?

Not losing face? I make a fool of myself several times per week.

Thai apologist?


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Stupid bloody question and there is nothing racist in answering it either. Some Thais call Black people Chocolates due to the colour of their skin which can resemble chocolate in colour. So, assuming you already knew or might have guessed it, what is the point of your stupid question or are you really so stupid that this passed you by?

An obvious rhetorical pose - even trollish - from the OP.

The traditional term Negro seems to be the definitive for Thais.

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I have heard some Thai people say it and I asked my boyfriend as to why they refer black people to chocolate and his reply was "The same reason we refer to you as farang. You are farang and black people have the same colour skin as chocolate." - Quite a simple and logical answer really.

And that's it..nothing more, nothing less.

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I have often heard Thais referring to black guys as "chocolate man. Bar girls often call out"hello chocolate man" if a black guy walks past. I don't think they intend it to be offensive, more like a term of endearment. Most black guys i have seen it happen to just grin to be honest. At least they don't use the N word like some ignorant farangs do!

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A rhetorical question not only implies but demands knowledge of the answer.

Maybe I am as "thick as a post". I apologise for for not knowing the history and origin of this term.

It is impossible for this term to have commenced simultaneously in every province of Thailand.

Perhaps it was first used in a newspaper article, on TV or in a public speech?

That is the non-rhetorical question.

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I've heard it several times. The reasons are pretty obvious, but now for the never discussed before question why are white folks called farangs ?

More to the point ive been building a house for 2 months and despite me telling the staff I have a name and telling them my name they keep saying farang .

I just gonna call em asians or summat

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I did not ask these 2 questions to start an argument or to be verbally abused.

I have been accused of trolling, posting a rhetorical question and have been told I am as "thick as a post" and "stupid"

There are 2 questions in my original post. The second part of the question has been covered and most likely correctly answered. No surprise there, as it has been pointed out to me.

But to date, not one person has been able to answer the first and most difficult question. Nor can I.

The history or origin of the use of the term."Chocolate" has not been answered or even mentioned.

Perhaps the exact origin is not known and never will be. If that is the conclusion, fine, so be it.

But not knowing the answer and then abusing the person who asked the question... I will allow you to come to your own conclusions.

Edited by ysamui
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Since Obama took office it has become fashionable for wealthy Thai Chinese women in Bangkok to have a "chocolate gik". If you hang around lower sukhumwit late at night you can see high model benz and bmws slowing down and very attractive, well educated women dressed to the nines in diamonds and pearls getting out and wandering around looking for their own little Snickers bar. They call it "Candy Shopping". There was an interesting article about this in the last issue of Thai Vogue.

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I've heard it several times. The reasons are pretty obvious, but now for the never discussed before question why are white folks called farangs ?

More to the point ive been building a house for 2 months and despite me telling the staff I have a name and telling them my name they keep saying farang .

I just gonna call em asians or summat

Why are you building a house that you never ever will own ?

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Since Obama took office it has become fashionable for wealthy Thai Chinese women in Bangkok to have a "chocolate gik". If you hang around lower sukhumwit late at night you can see high model benz and bmws slowing down and very attractive, well educated women dressed to the nines in diamonds and pearls getting out and wandering around looking for their own little Snickers bar. They call it "Candy Shopping". There was an interesting article about this in the last issue of Thai Vogue.

Might have to go stand on the sidewalk and paint my face a tad darker.

There was an article recently about the african soccer players being dumped here with no funds and they complaining they have to resort to pay for sex to make ends meet....some said they have to do it 3 or 4 times a day.

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