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Are Women The Strength Of Thailand?


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A, I never said they take any vows, I said they make promises , these promises ocure during the dating proses, I dont think, any one tells his GF, marry me and I will cheat in you.

B , I said live here part of the time,

C. speek some Thai, wife speeks excellent English, between the two of as, we make due.

Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Yea,, you got me.rolleyes.gif

You must be some sort of a Physicist or something.

Edited by sirineou
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A, I never said they take any vows, I said they make promises , these promises ocure during the dating proses, I dont think, any one tells his GF, marry me and I will cheat in you.

B , I said live here part of the time,

C. speek some Thai, wife speeks excellent English, between the two of as, we make due.

Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Outside of the expected majority, you'd be surprised as to the greater percentage of long-timers and supposed "experts" of Thai culture and character that to this day still don't get it.

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A, I never said they take any vows, I said they make promises , these promises ocure during the dating proses, I dont think, any one tells his GF, marry me and I will cheat in you.

B , I said live here part of the time,

C. speek some Thai, wife speeks excellent English, between the two of as, we make due.

Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Outside of the expected majority, you'd be surprised as to the greater percentage of long-timers and supposed "experts" of Thai culture and character that to this day still don't get it.

The rice in Surin does taste better. The check is in the mail. ......... OBTW you are 100% correct.

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I personally think that the traditional "til death do us part" monogamous marriage is too much to ask, in fact biologically impossible for many men. If a traditional (non-wage-earning) wife has to choose between long-term commitment and looking the other way, most choose the former, especially if the outside relationships are not serious and not too expensive.

I guess different cultures have different levels of tolerance toward extramarital relationships. The culture I come from is not very tolerant in that respect, and I bring that baggage to the discussion, Realizing that I try not to be judgmental.

But looking at it from an academic point of view, for any relationship to be successful the economics of that relationship, and when I talk about economics I dot mean money, but the give and take,

The economics must balance.

In my uneducated in the subject opinion,,, in Thailand, I don’t think, in a very large part, they do.

My opinion is based on what I see in my limited circle of family and friends in Thailand and it might not be representative of the population in whole.

From all the family and friend members that I know, I don’t know any Thai woman that are having any extramarital affairs, but I know of plenty of man, I know of man that have taken all the savings out of the bank, to pay for the GF.

Most of the woman I know work very hard, cant say the same for all of the man

I don’t know of any woman that drink to excess, cant say the same about the man.

I am not saying all that to be critical toward Thai man, just to illustrate that the economics of the Thai relationships don’t balance in my opinion,

I know many many married women who fool around on their husbands. I also know many women who gamble and drink to excess.

Most likely fewer relative to the male frequency but it's a lot.

And personally I dont think that it is too much to ask men to be faithful, when they enter a marital relationship man make certain promises, and based on these promises the woman makes a decision to either marry that man or to not. To renege on these promises I don’t think is very admirable, to say the least.

I understand the inherent biological promiscuity of man, but man are not simply animals, I hope.

I personally would never promise something I know I couldn't deliver on, relationships change, who knows the future, silly promise to make. For the last eight years I've made it explicitly clear to every new partner that I'm happy to keep them long-term, but could never promise monogamy.

I do promise to keep them informed in at least general terms, or specifically if they prefer (most don't). Especially if I feel that our primary relationship is weakening and/or I am forming an emotional bond with another partner - but that latter only tends to happen after the former process has gone on for a while.

If it's just for fun and isn't expensive there shouldn't be any problem - you just have to be willing to let go of potential partners that are too close-minded to accept that fact.

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A, I never said they take any vows, I said they make promises , these promises ocure during the dating proses, I dont think, any one tells his GF, marry me and I will cheat in you.

B , I said live here part of the time,

C. speek some Thai, wife speeks excellent English, between the two of as, we make due.

Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Yea,, you got me.rolleyes.gif

You must be some sort of a Physicist or something.

You miss the point, if it's not in the vows then what is the problem? For them is a fair game since they never made a commitment about fidelity.

And I doubt very much that they care about it since you find go-go bars in places where no farang has been to before.

There is a feudal system in Thailand because there is a fuedal thinking... even about women...

Edited by maxme
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Yea,, you got me.rolleyes.gif

You must be some sort of a Physicist or something.

sirineou, good that you pulled the circuit breaker there.

Guide the topic gently, but firmly back to what you want to discuss, it's your thread after all.

If it all gets too hard (and it does sometimes here) just ask a Mod to close it.

Edited by David48
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From your opening post, I do understand what you are on about.

From my personal experience and I am speaking from interactions with Thai gf's family.

Dad does the real slog work ... and he is an amputee from the knee down on one leg.

Mum doesn't shirk her duties either, but she has to combine her work with the more domestic duties of cooking, shopping (food and fish food ... and nothing fancy), picking up the kids at the end of the Klong.

When my gf isn't at work, she's helping with the house duties and taking care her sisters kids.

Her sisters have proven to be a tad irresponsible in relation to their duties.

So if you would have met her father and one of his lazier daughters ... your story may have been different.

If you met my gf, the story may have stayed the same.

Different strokes for different folks ...

Note:- come over and meet the Thai Family at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/536875-fish-and-shrimp-farm

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to just only mention women the strength of thailand would be rather stretched imo. strength of a country are a combination of many factors, location, resources, politics, industries and etc, everything could be a strength of a country. as well as a burden.

from the way i see it, its not a strength but rather a weakness in a country

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to just only mention women the strength of thailand would be rather stretched imo. strength of a country are a combination of many factors, location, resources, politics, industries and etc, everything could be a strength of a country. as well as a burden.

from the way i see it, its not a strength but rather a weakness in a country

Of course you are right, Thailand is a wonderful country and has many strengths.

I was just impressed by it's women, and wanted to talk about that.

If I understood right, you think the women might be a weakness.

interesting take,

obviously I think differently, but you might be right,

could you care to expand why you think so?

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Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Outside of the expected majority, you'd be surprised as to the greater percentage of long-timers and supposed "experts" of Thai culture and character that to this day still don't get it.

So many expats (read TV) have such limited experience with "regular" Thais, yet still think themselves qualified to come to some grandiose conclusion about Thai society. The OP is a good example.

In the typical work place, whether it be private industry, universities, government agencies, or where normal Thai professional works, there's not much difference between the work ethic of Thai men and women. If I can point out anything, I'd say I prefer to work with Thai men because they can get things done quicker minus the BS. Thai women tend to get a bit political. But even that's not true in every instance.

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OK where the rubber hits the road. Who would you rather have a male or female immigration officer?

Honest, a female Thai government official has never tried to shake me down.

Thai Dentists? Who would you rather have a male or female?

Motorcycle taxi driver. Male or female?

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OK where the rubber hits the road. Who would you rather have a male or female immigration officer?

Honest, a female Thai government official has never tried to shake me down.

Thai Dentists? Who would you rather have a male or female?

Motorcycle taxi driver. Male or female?

I've dealt with good and bad Thai government officials, both men and women. My dentist is a Thai man who also teaches at the university--excellent. My eye doctor happens to be a Thai woman--also excellent. Taxi driver? Honestly, I don't care if it's a he or she. I can go on and on. What's your point?

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to just only mention women the strength of thailand would be rather stretched imo. strength of a country are a combination of many factors, location, resources, politics, industries and etc, everything could be a strength of a country. as well as a burden.

from the way i see it, its not a strength but rather a weakness in a country

Of course you are right, Thailand is a wonderful country and has many strengths.

I was just impressed by it's women, and wanted to talk about that.

If I understood right, you think the women might be a weakness.

interesting take,

obviously I think differently, but you might be right,

could you care to expand why you think so?

One example would be for every guy who is willing to risk breaking up his family (generally a negative for any social 'ecosystem' and country in general... reducing the number of 'normal' family units) there are easily more than a few women who are willing to be the 'other woman' and in many cases 'one of the other women' and risk breaking up said family so that they can reap the financial/social benefits from such a relationship. It's arguable who bears the greater burden of guilt in such a situation, but for me I split the blame equally.


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OK where the rubber hits the road. Who would you rather have a male or female immigration officer?

Honest, a female Thai government official has never tried to shake me down.

Thai Dentists? Who would you rather have a male or female?

Motorcycle taxi driver. Male or female?

Unusual that you mention that kerryk but I must admit that I look for the female immigration officer every time because usually (and like the opening post, a sweeping generalization, but still my experience) ... they seem to process faster.

Never had a female Taxi/motorcycle driver.

As for the dentists ... I go where a married couple run the practice.

He does the serious stuff as his post doctorate training was in the States.

She does the cleaning and fillings etc ... but she tell the best jokes!

Just my experiences ...

Edited by David48
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Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Outside of the expected majority, you'd be surprised as to the greater percentage of long-timers and supposed "experts" of Thai culture and character that to this day still don't get it.

So many expats (read TV) have such limited experience with "regular" Thais, yet still think themselves qualified to come to some grandiose conclusion about Thai society. The OP is a good example.

In the typical work place, whether it be private industry, universities, government agencies, or where normal Thai professional works, there's not much difference between the work ethic of Thai men and women. If I can point out anything, I'd say I prefer to work with Thai men because they can get things done quicker minus the BS. Thai women tend to get a bit political. But even that's not true in every instance.

Yep. Many people on this website only associate with bargirls, internet brides etc and their families and base their opinion of 63 million Thais on their experiences with them and them alone, never getting to know any other Thais. Funnily enough girls who end up selling themselves don't usually have a decent male role model in their lifes.

If these people were in the workplace or mixed with middle class they would find it's a whole different story with men running the companies and better jobs or the millions of lower classes with a decent work ethic placed before whiskey and easy money.

Edited by arthurwait
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I can cozy up to a female motorcycle taxi driver and feel safer putting my arms around her while we drive. Sometimes they snuggle back against me to make sure I am seated well. This does not happen with male motorcycle taxi drivers as a rule. A female cop asked me for my phone number one time but not a fine. For almost 90% if the younger dentists I have seen have been female. I get the feeling they have taken over the profession in Thailand. I have seen a number of schools where the only male employed was the principal and myself.

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Just as I thought!

You swallowed a load of balony from the misses about Thai men being 'very bad men', while having no real experience of Thailand first hand. Every white guy is told that same story, some believe it.

Promises made during the dating process, give me a break.

Outside of the expected majority, you'd be surprised as to the greater percentage of long-timers and supposed "experts" of Thai culture and character that to this day still don't get it.

So many expats (read TV) have such limited experience with "regular" Thais, yet still think themselves qualified to come to some grandiose conclusion about Thai society. The OP is a good example.

In the typical work place, whether it be private industry, universities, government agencies, or where normal Thai professional works, there's not much difference between the work ethic of Thai men and women. If I can point out anything, I'd say I prefer to work with Thai men because they can get things done quicker minus the BS. Thai women tend to get a bit political. But even that's not true in every instance.

Yep. Many people on this website only associate with bargirls, internet brides etc and their families and base their opinion of 63 million Thais on their experiences with them and them alone, never getting to know any other Thais. Funnily enough girls who end up selling themselves don't usually have a decent male role model in their lifes.

If these people were in the workplace or mixed with middle class they would find it's a whole different story

with men running the companies and better jobs or the millions of lower classes with a decent work ethic placed before whiskey and easy money.

Ya like the PM. Or.

Yuwadee Chirativat, President of Central Department Stores Ltd. And maybe you want to look up Nishita Shah and Wandee Khunchornyakong. I don't think they are bar girls.

Edited by kerryk
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I read far more negative posts about Thai men on TA, including yours ``And this is not an Isolated incident, every where I go i watch women work very hard, while men sit around."

So, what`s the true meaning of your post? To praise Thai women or to bash Thai men? Why even have the above comment in your post.

The meaning of my post is to praise Thai women, I should not had made the comment about the men sitting around as I opened a separate issue that distracts from my main purpose.

Women are the strength of most countries. How many women waste their time posting trivia on TV? No, they're keeping the household going.

Check out the ladies forum, only a small percentage of the English speaking ex pats are female, so hardly likely to be to many posting on here.

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So many expats (read TV) have such limited experience with "regular" Thais, yet still think themselves qualified to come to some grandiose conclusion about Thai society. The OP is a good example.

In the typical work place, whether it be private industry, universities, government agencies, or where normal Thai professional works, there's not much difference between the work ethic of Thai men and women. If I can point out anything, I'd say I prefer to work with Thai men because they can get things done quicker minus the BS. Thai women tend to get a bit political. But even that's not true in every instance.

Yep. Many people on this website only associate with bargirls, internet brides etc and their families and base their opinion of 63 million Thais on their experiences with them and them alone, never getting to know any other Thais. Funnily enough girls who end up selling themselves don't usually have a decent male role model in their lifes.

If these people were in the workplace or mixed with middle class they would find it's a whole different story with men running the companies and better jobs or the millions of lower classes with a decent work ethic placed before whiskey and easy money.

Agree. Well summarized.

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Ya like the PM.

What ?

Arthur, after you have been here for a while you will realize Thailand is a male dominated country that females run.

Pretty accurate really. thumbsup.gif

Homes and small businesses yes, but who are the women politicians running the country that aren't just fronts for banned male family members or the women running or managing large businesses ?

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Ya like the PM.

What ?

Arthur, after you have been here for a while you will realize Thailand is a male dominated country that females run.

Heck, you can say that about most any country (save Afghanistan). Of course, just saying it doesn't make it true.

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Never had a female Taxi/motorcycle driver.

My local moto stands have 2-3 females at any given time, and I've run into about a dozen taxi drivers in that many years. Three of whom asked for my number 8-)

For almost 90% if the younger dentists I have seen have been female. I get the feeling they have taken over the profession in Thailand. I have seen a number of schools where the only male employed was the principal and myself.

Yes, I go to Mahidol's training clinic and haven't seen a male trainee yet.

Ya like the PM. Or.

Yuwadee Chirativat, President of Central Department Stores Ltd. And maybe you want to look up Nishita Shah and Wandee Khunchornyakong. I don't think they are bar girls.

I don't think any of them got there without a daddy either, Thailand's not **that** advanced just yet.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Never had a female Taxi/motorcycle driver.

My local moto stands have 2-3 females at any given time, and I've run into about a dozen taxi drivers in that many years. Three of whom asked for my number 8-)

For almost 90% if the younger dentists I have seen have been female. I get the feeling they have taken over the profession in Thailand. I have seen a number of schools where the only male employed was the principal and myself.

Yes, I go to Mahidol's training clinic and haven't seen a male trainee yet.

Ya like the PM. Or.

Yuwadee Chirativat, President of Central Department Stores Ltd. And maybe you want to look up Nishita Shah and Wandee Khunchornyakong. I don't think they are bar girls.

I don't think any of them got there without a daddy either, Thailand's not **that** advanced just yet.

I am sure you can google all this stuff but Dr Wandee Khunchornyakong was the founder and CEO of her company for 30 years I believe. And I believe Yingluck got there because of her brother not her father.

I do have one famous daughter. I sent her to the right schools and wouldn't let her play when she wanted to or be a cheerleader. It was obvious at a young age that she was going places. So in that respect I guess I am responsible for her success. But she does not see it that way.

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whistling.gif Don't generalize.

Not ALL Thai men are lazy and ALL Thai women are hard-working.

But yes, in general Thai women work harder than men in Thai households.

But this not always the case.

Right here in my house there is an example of what I'm speaking about.

There is a husband and wife team that run a stand selling custom jewelry in a market area.

He,,,the husband...is the heavy job person. He sets up the display and generally lifts and carries.

She...the wife....does the selling. She also keeps the books.

He is the driver....when they make a trip to the factory for new merchandise....he drives and loads what they buy. He also cleans up the merchandise.

She makes the selection of what to buy, negotiates the price, and handles the cash they use to buy new merchandise.

She also mounts the jewelry on display cards that they sell.

They both usually leave the house here about 5 a.m. each morning (well, not Sundays and some Saturdays) to open their stall.

Depending on the day they normally have their stall open from 6 to 9 hours each day except Sunday.

When they return He unloads the car.

She has her household "women's work" (laundry and cleaning) she does.

He sweeps and mops the house. In fact he's doing that as I write this.

So, you see, each of them has certain duties they do regularly.

He does NOT drink, gamble, or play cards with his friends.

I've seen him drunk only once in 18 months....and that was November 2011 when his parents house had 1.5 meters of floodwater in it.

I suspect they are more a normal Thai working couple than many on this forum want to admit.

I'm just saying....don't generalise.

But back to the original point....yes, I think many Thai women do hold the house together and work harder then men.

As the feminist saying goes:

The average woman has to work twice as hard as a man to get the same recognition as he does, but fortunately for most women they can do that with only half the effort a man requires for the same result.

In case you don't understand that statement....do the math.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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