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Driving A Mororbike With A Bottle Of Beer In Your Hand


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This morning just before noon I was waiting in the car to make a right turn at the main road in Khao Lak, when I saw a farang passing by on a motorbike with a bottle of beer in one hand, sipping from it when he drove by.

The guy didn't look down and out, but still it made me reflect how different his lifestyle must be from mine.

In your country, what would the police do if they saw someone doing this?

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In Australia, it's illegal to be in control of a vehicle while holding an open container of alcohol, so the police would pull you over and fine you if they saw, as well as giving you a breath test...

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Distractions while driving have become universally understood and somewhat accepted, as logical violations are not enforced most anywhere today.

I might ask what lifestyle has to do with anything?

The phenomena of driving distractions and contradictions crosses all classes.

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Obviously he thought it was a cool thing to do. Must be retarded or insane as not considering the danger to himself and everybody else if losing control of the bike.

The man is a complete fool and imbecile.

Tourist? rolleyes.gif

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Just to be "that guy" - is this any different to him having a coke bottle in his hand while driving?

Don't get me wrong, it is definitely not a good idea for this guy to be having a beer while at the handlebars, but not because beer is alcoholic, but because he's losing a hand.

And I know many people who can have a single beer (myself included) without becoming in the least bit out of control, especially while still drinking. More dangerous than someone drinking while driving is someone who drinks then drives.

Besides, you sure it was a beer and not one of those awful coconut juice bottles?

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Do not know why the big fuss,

Kids that can not reach the pedals ride around all over town and police does not stop them just to name a few "weird" things

Funniest i ever seen was a farang without a helmet and on the phone being pulled over by a cop(also riding) also no helmet and also on the phone.

TO make matter even funnier cop proceeded to issue the fine while still being on the phonethumbsup.gif

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Sounds interesting. I think in most Western countries, he could expect a ticket at the minimum with an arrest as a real possibility.

Yet, endangering oneself and others while driving in complete submission from one's mobile or attempting to do everything while driving....except driving and paying attention to what's around. That's ok, though....in most Western countries.

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ive been in taxi before and driver stopped in the 7/11 to get a can of cold beer and asked me if i want one

of course i graciously accepted so as not to offend the man .........when in rome .......

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Where I come from it is illegal to have a open container in the car even if it is in the back seat with a passenger. Not many motorbikes where I come from but cannot imagine a passenger on back of motorbike drinking a beer and not going directly to jail.

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Drink driving/riding is common in Thailand. I have seen many people leave a bar and ride off on a bike. There is more risk involved but as long as the beer is limited to a small amount I don't think the risks are as great as some people claim.

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"If you drink don't drive,

don't even put."

Dean Martin

"don't even put" put what where????...or do you think he meant "putt"

as in golf? I play my best golf with a few coldies under the belt.

as for "If you drink don't drive" that can continue on "you might spill some"hit-the-fan.gif

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Depends where this was at.

In the village, nothing would happen, many people would not care. I see it often in my village in the US.

In some states in the US, that would be totally legal.

In the city? If the police saw you, you would get an open container ticket.

In California they would probably send you to some kind of class to learn about the dangers of something stupid.

If you were drunk and driving, then obviously you would go to jail.

Edited by IsaanUSA
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