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Australia Catches Another Boatload Of Asylum Seekers Off Its Coast


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Australia catches another boatload of asylum seekers off its coast < br /> 2012-05-15 20:56:56 GMT+7 (ICT) SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (BNO NEWS) -- The Australian Navy on late Monday evening intercepted another boat carrying more than 120 asylum seekers, bringing the number of asylum seekers caught this month alone to nearly 700, officials said on Tuesday.HMAS Glenelg, operating under the control of Australia's Border Protection Command, intercepted the suspected people smuggling vessel northwest of Christmas Island on Monday evening. It happened after the illegal vessel was detected by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.Korena Flanagan, a spokeswoman for Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare, said the vessel was carrying a total of 121 passengers and two crew members on board. "Border Protection Command will now make arrangements for the passengers to be transferred to Christmas Island, where they will undergo initial security, health and identity checks and their reasons for travel will be established," she said.So far this year, the Australian Navy has intercepted 2,723 irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs), most of them coming from Afghanistan and Iran who use Indonesia as a transit region. As of March 31, a total of 4,197 people are being held in immigration facilities while 1,712 people have been approved for a residence determination to live in the community.This month alone, authorities have caught nearly 700 asylum seekers who attempted to reach Australia by boat, indicating a sharp increase in the number of new arrivals. On Friday, the Australian Navy intercepted one vessel carrying 99 passengers and two crew members northeast of Christmas Island while another vessel west of Christmas Island was found to be carrying 84 passengers.Australia's Migration Act 1958 requires people who are not Australian citizens and who are unlawfully in Australia to be detained. This law has been heavily criticized by the United Nations and human rights organizations as many asylum seekers are in detention for months. In 2010, a total of 4,612 irregular maritime arrivals were intercepted by the Australian Navy.However, the boat journeys made by asylum seekers are not without risk. In December 2010, at least 30 people were killed when a boat carrying more than 90 asylum seekers sank off the coast of Christmas Island. Forty-two people were rescued, while an unknown number of people remain missing. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-05-15

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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

George ,I'm a Pom Myself but agree with your post ,as a matter of interest do you think there may be a change of policy when labour gets wiped out at the next GE ?. Edited by Colin Yai
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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

George ,I'm a Pom Myself but agree with your post ,as a matter of interest do you think there may be a change of policy when labour gets wiped out at the next GE ?.

One could only hope but the opposition isn't any better than the government.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Who said you can't get blood from stone? Australia is now the highest taxed country in the world or bloody close to the top. Just wait until prices start skyrocketing in the next finacial year because of this tax. God only knows why these boat people are choosing Australia.

Never let the facts get in the way of a feeble minded rant.

Australia is the 8th lowest taxed country in the OECD.


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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

Allan Jones tell you that did he?

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Yeah Samran, you said it yourself (post #9)"never let the facts get in the way of a feeble minded rant"cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

which particular bits? Or only the bits you don't agree with?

Most of the diatribe in your post #14smile.png

Fancy that, you disagreeing with a post full of assumptions and sterotypes.

Geez, can't have them now can we?

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The human rights people go nuts if the Aussies don't let the "refugees" into the country. What happens to the boat/ship? Captain and crew? Would anyone mind if Australia confiscated the vessel and jailed the crew? They could sell the ship to help pay for the care of the refugees, or just sink it.

Edited by koheesti
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The human rights people go nuts if the Aussies don't let the "refugees" into the country. What happens to the boat/ship? Captain and crew? Would anyone mind if Australia confiscated the vessel and jailed the crew? They could sell the ship to help pay for the care of the refugees, or just sink it.

http://www.dailytele...9-1226055495180 This link hits the nail on the head as to the magnitude of the problem ,and unless this present Aussie administration meets it head on it will surely get worse , this word "Asylum seeker" what a load of old cobblers! IMHO all they are is Economic migrants, many are paying up to 5,000 dollars and risking their lives plus by passing other Countrys like Indonesia to get to the Australian "gravy train", which ever way the Politically correct "do gooders" look at it this that is the simple truth of the matter.smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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Colin - you seem to be an open minded and objective chap. So I take it you a privvy to their case files and what they've been through? Or is the Daily Telegraph all you need to make up your mind.

Problem with Australia and Australians these days, we've become a country of spoilt uncharitable whingers.

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Colin - you seem to be an open minded and objective chap. So I take it you a privvy to their case files and what they've been through? Or is the Daily Telegraph all you need to make up your mind.

Problem with Australia and Australians these days, we've become a country of spoilt uncharitable whingers.

If you have your asylum hostels burnt to the ground by those thinking citizenship is their God given entitlement then I think a small moan is in order, not to mention the social costs and increased crime rates due to cultural enrichment - You can see this in many other culturally enriched Countries too, where they haven't yet got round to disguising the make up of their prison populations.

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As you know Australia is a signatory to the UN Conventions covering asylum seekers and refugees, as such it is obligated to assess and process people arriving by boat no matter the circumstances. As you know the vast majority of so called illegals actually arrive by air, not by sea. If Australian citizens do not like the current situation, he only option is to lobby their MP's and good luck with that. Every thing else is a waste of breath.

It is completely inappropriate to riot and destroy infrastructure in the detention centres. On the other side of the coin some have been waiting years in detention for their application process to be completed so you can understand the frustration. Perhaps there should be a change in the legislation that anyone arriving in Australia without identity papers be returned to their port of departure. Again there would real difficulties for say the Indonesians to accept these people back into their country. Really never ending merry go round

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Dan, no doubt if a smuggler has told you that if you'd pay them wad of cash you don't really have and then you find yourself locked up after you were told the opposite you'd get a bit frustrated too.

But for many Australians being as c*ntish as possible seems to be the only way to handle the problem. Screw mental health issues, even if they are only teenagers. Doesn't matter though does it, as they are only a bunch of reffos aren't they?

I know facts are a little troublesome to most on threads such as these, but it would be more preferable to get the security checks done and get them out into the communities working. There are many rural towns crying out for labour and it is rather ironic that the Nats under the previous government were lobbying so that people on TPV's could go and work there as local industry were crying out for workers.

As a child of migrants Dan, your comments about cultural enrichment are pretty offensive, and way off.

But I guess you live in Thailand and you've set the example on how to be the perfect migrant - by speaking fluent Thai and not hanging out with your other countrymen and speaking to them in a strange language. After all, it is Thailand - and we speak Thai here.

As for complaining about the legality of it all, I hope in Thailand you've never done a visa run, are here on the correct visa and have never had an overstay. I mean, as a Thai citizen, I'd be insistent on that the migrants to my country are of a certain standard, especially if they expect it of others.

Pot, kettle, black and all that.

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The human rights people go nuts if the Aussies don't let the "refugees" into the country. What happens to the boat/ship? Captain and crew? Would anyone mind if Australia confiscated the vessel and jailed the crew? They could sell the ship to help pay for the care of the refugees, or just sink it.

Australian government already carries out the actions you have suggested, including jailing crew members. Again Australia is a signatory to the relevant UN conventions; are you saying Australian government should tear up it's treaties with the associated diplomatic and economic fall out that would be far more damaging than processing "illegals" that under law they are not.

Edited by simple1
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Dan, no doubt if a smuggler has told you that if you'd pay them wad of cash you don't really have and then you find yourself locked up after you were told the opposite you'd get a bit frustrated too.

But for many Australians being as c*ntish as possible seems to be the only way to handle the problem. Screw mental health issues, even if they are only teenagers. Doesn't matter though does it, as they are only a bunch of reffos aren't they?

I know facts are a little troublesome to most on threads such as these, but it would be more preferable to get the security checks done and get them out into the communities working. There are many rural towns crying out for labour and it is rather ironic that the Nats under the previous government were lobbying so that people on TPV's could go and work there as local industry were crying out for workers.

As a child of migrants Dan, your comments about cultural enrichment are pretty offensive, and way off.

But I guess you live in Thailand and you've set the example on how to be the perfect migrant - by speaking fluent Thai and not hanging out with your other countrymen and speaking to them in a strange language. After all, it is Thailand - and we speak Thai here.

As for complaining about the legality of it all, I hope in Thailand you've never done a visa run, are here on the correct visa and have never had an overstay. I mean, as a Thai citizen, I'd be insistent on that the migrants to my country are of a certain standard, especially if they expect it of others.

Pot, kettle, black and all that.

I don't burn the Thai flag or presume to re-write it's laws and traditions to suit my own.

There is no Thai benefits system for me to sponge off.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder thinking I'm entitled to anybody else paying for me, nor do I resort to criminal activity if said provision is not to my liking.

My great grandparents were immigrants. They arrived with nothing, worked hard all their lives and build a future for themselves and their offspring. The truth is that some immigrant groups are infinitely more problematic than others so the trendy lefty excuses of social deprivation do not wash. I have no problem whatsoever with genuine refugees, but no truck with cynically motivated seditious criminals with an ideological beef to undermine the Country they are inflicted on. Sorry, if you find that offensive. :)

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Colin - you seem to be an open minded and objective chap. So I take it you a privvy to their case files and what they've been through? Or is the Daily Telegraph all you need to make up your mind.

Problem with Australia and Australians these days, we've become a country of spoilt uncharitable whingers.

http://www.telegraph...t-of-riots.html maybe you and your other Charitable Aussie's would like to pick the tab up for this damage displayed in the above link, the fact is that Multiculturalism has been a world wide spectacular failure, if they do not like the Aussie way of processing so called Asylum seekers the choice is quite simple ,get off at the nearest land fall once you have left your own Country its that easy , your Comments about Ex pats living in Thailand is not applicable here has we all have to jump through hoops with the Thai visa regulations , and if we find them too much then we should just leave or do not come here at all .and not attempt to burn the head Immigration office down in Bangkok , what it all boils down to is "integration" into the host Country's way of life as I have certainly done here , sadly this is not the case with the vast majority of Middle Eastern "asylum seekers" world wide , in closing yeah the link is from the "Torygraph " but I could have picked from about a dozen written on a similar vane ,but I did not want to disappoint you smile.png

You obviously have no problems with gross generalisations about those from the ME, but bristle when they are made about farangs on Thailand. Funny that.

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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

Allan Jones tell you that did he?

Wh ois Allan Jones?

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Colin - you seem to be an open minded and objective chap. So I take it you a privvy to their case files and what they've been through? Or is the Daily Telegraph all you need to make up your mind.

Problem with Australia and Australians these days, we've become a country of spoilt uncharitable whingers.

http://www.telegraph...t-of-riots.html maybe you and your other Charitable Aussie's would like to pick the tab up for this damage displayed in the above link, the fact is that Multiculturalism has been a world wide spectacular failure, if they do not like the Aussie way of processing so called Asylum seekers the choice is quite simple ,get off at the nearest land fall once you have left your own Country its that easy , your Comments about Ex pats living in Thailand is not applicable here has we all have to jump through hoops with the Thai visa regulations , and if we find them too much then we should just leave or do not come here at all .and not attempt to burn the head Immigration office down in Bangkok , what it all boils down to is "integration" into the host Country's way of life as I have certainly done here , sadly this is not the case with the vast majority of Middle Eastern "asylum seekers" world wide , in closing yeah the link is from the "Torygraph " but I could have picked from about a dozen written on a similar vane ,but I did not want to disappoint you smile.png

You obviously have no problems with gross generalisations about those from the ME, but bristle when they are made about farangs on Thailand. Funny that.

Bristle Samran?, Just stating plain facts ,I need only add that I have lived full time here in Issan since Nov 03 and could not be more happy ,for me the pluses far outweigh the minus's and am fully assimilated into Thai village life other wise I would not be here, unlike others I firmly believe "when in Rome do as the Romans do" smile.png
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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

Allan Jones tell you that did he?

Wh ois Allan Jones?

Wealthy Australian radio talk show host, who leans to the right of politics

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I get tired of all the dogooders and civil liberty groups who claim that these que jumpers are refugees, these people who destroy thier identity and create a new one. People who are actually criminals. Take Capt Amed for instance a guy who charters a boat organises around 30 passengers at 15K AUD per person (15 X 30 = 450K) not bad money for 10 days work. He instructs his passengers (not asylum seekers or refugees) how to lie and cheat thier way into Australia and then sets sail. When they are intercepted by the Australian Navy he removes his captain hat and poses as one of the passengers claiming that the captain died on voyage. The passengers will not dispute it because they are part of the scam. Once in Australia and get his protection visa he brings out his extended family on the same scam, Gets housing based on his lies and criminal activity, housing that could have gone to Aussies who are actually homeless. sets up his people smuggling operation and brings out 100's more on boats of lies and deceit. They say he is personally responsible for over 300 people coming into Australia (about 4.5Mil AUD in profits) for 18 months work. When his lies and criminal activities are exposed what does he do? he flees Australia for refuge in the mother land, the country he apparently left as a refugee/asylum seeker. He is not the only involved in this operation.

Yes there are genuine refugees around the world looking for a safe haven but a genuine refugee doesn't have a slice of bread to feed thier family never mind having a spare 15K AUD in thier back pocket to pay thier fare like these lying cheating que jumpers.


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Most of Australia's asylum seekers come from the Middle East . Having travelled through Asia to Indonesia, these souls then embark on a perilous sea journey to Australia in a leaky boat.

There are many countries around the Middle East, Northern Africa and Eastern Europe which are signatories to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

Having fled what they claim as persecution in their native land, why then do these refugees need to travel so far to Australia, when freedom and liberty at one of the other signatory countries is much closer?

Maybe I'm just being cynical in suggesting that Australia is being seen by boat people as a softer option, a land of milk and honey, with solid support network of bleeding hearts.

Edited by Radar501
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George , quite obviously the best post on the subject ,and IMHO equally obviously it will be completely Ignored and possibly the video will just be viewed (if they view it at all) as right wing racist anti Government propaganda ,this is why the trade will continue to flourish ,simply because any one who speaks against it is accused of being a right wing racist bigot, whilst they speak up in defence of this huge problem which will only get worse (IMHO) and with respect Samran could you please give members your opinion on the video? .

Edited by Colin Yai
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Most of Australia's asylum seekers come from the Middle East . Having travelled through Asia to Indonesia, these souls then embark on a perilous sea journey to Australia in a leaky boat.

There are many countries around the Middle East, Northern Africa and Eastern Europe which are signatories to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

Having fled what they claim as persecution in their native land, why then do these refugees need to travel so far to Australia, when freedom and liberty at one of the other signatory countries is much closer?

Maybe I'm just being cynical in suggesting that Australia is being seen by boat people as a softer option, a land of milk and honey.

Cynical Radar?, not really, just writing the obvioussmile.png
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about what an asylum seeker is and what a refugee is. A refugee is someone who is fleeing persecution, which has a higher degree standard than discrimination. The persecution must be for one of the reasons mentioned in the UN Conventions. The amount of money they have is not a part of the determination Countries that are signatories to the UN Conventions agree that those seeking asylum, will screen them. There are other protections afforded asylum seekers as well.

Once an asylum seeker is screened, if they are a refugee, then they are eligible for resettlement. If they are not a refugee, then they should be returned to their home country as soon as possible.

There is a good chance that many, if not most of these people, are economic migrants. Poverty is not grounds for refugee status. The longer they remain in detention, the greater the problems.

It is not too difficult to figure out the country of origin. There is extensive biographical information taken on asylum seekers. With whom did they arrive? Who do they list as their family members? Where do they say they come from?

Information about the situation in the country of origin is also available. If the claim of persecution is reasonable, it can be checked out with the many NGO's, UN, and other agencies in the country. For example, if someone is a Christian or Bahai from Iran or Afghanistan, they may well have a claim.

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I'm on the road Colin and only have a BB from which to joust and perry.

People smuggling. Don't have a problem with people going hard against them.

Problem is their cargo. I have issues of people making carte blanch accusations against those people, especially since claiming asylum is a perfectly legal thing to do. But I shouldn't be surprised as understanding the need for due process seems to have gone out the window from certain sections of the Australian media and population (a good British import if there ever was one).

I always chuckle at the people who call them queue jumpers etc, implying their is a queue somewhere for them to join. This debate using the term 'queue jumpers' been going on for about 10 years. In all this time I've yet to see anyone outline in Chapter and verse how these asylum seekers could join a queue where they come from. You'd think the crocodile tears the shed for them they'd come up with a credible alternative for them, but being the cynic I am, I don't expect people to do that. I mean, why be constructive.

As for Video's, highly recommend you download an SBS series called 'Go back to where you have come from' which takes a bunch of Australian's over the routes that these people take, and why they take it.

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