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Australia Catches Another Boatload Of Asylum Seekers Off Its Coast


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We can blame Rudd for the current predicament.

His Govt abolished the TPV's (Temporary Protection Visa's) which John Howard

introduced, which reduced the number of unauthorised boat arrivals to just about nothing.

The Rudd govt abolished them when they came to power. As soon as the visa was abolished,

the flood-gates opened. Everything else we're told by the Gillard Govt and Greens is a smoke-screen.

And yet the the Govt crucify people on pensions to try and save a few dollars while these unauthorised

arrivals are costing us billions. I'm all for offering help but let's get out own back yard in order first.

We have poor old age pensionerson the bones of their <deleted> while these Unauthorised arrivals get cable TV,

Internet, field trips andthe biggest supply of free condoms of all time (don't ask).

Only last week, Chris Bowen overturned a decison which was correct, based on medical grounds due to pressure form the Greens.


Over 1600 more arrivals last month. The Govt still hasn't got a policy since the "Malaysian sloution" fell through.


Edited by Will27
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I'm on the road Colin and only have a BB from which to joust and perry.

People smuggling. Don't have a problem with people going hard against them.

Problem is their cargo. I have issues of people making carte blanch accusations against those people, especially since claiming asylum is a perfectly legal thing to do. But I shouldn't be surprised as understanding the need for due process seems to have gone out the window from certain sections of the Australian media and population (a good British import if there ever was one).

I always chuckle at the people who call them queue jumpers etc, implying their is a queue somewhere for them to join. This debate using the term 'queue jumpers' been going on for about 10 years. In all this time I've yet to see anyone outline in Chapter and verse how these asylum seekers could join a queue where they come from. You'd think the crocodile tears the shed for them they'd come up with a credible alternative for them, but being the cynic I am, I don't expect people to do that. I mean, why be constructive.

As for Video's, highly recommend you download an SBS series called 'Go back to where you have come from' which takes a bunch of Australian's over the routes that these people take, and why they take it.

Last time I looked worldwide there were ten million plus UNHCR accepted refugees. Average time to be accepted from a refugee camp by an UNHCR signatory country was ten years. no wonder there are so many "queue jumpers"

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Numerous off-topic, replies, baiting and inflammatory posts have been removed.

This topic is about Asylum Seekers. Not about some posters extraordinary contributions to the Thai economy etc., etc., etc..

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They will continue to flock in whilst the government is standing there with all the goodies, free housing, jobs, medical all the things that the Australians have to work for and most could only dream of. Everything thing is free for those that want to gatecrash and hey the aussie taxpayer will even pay for the phone call back home to all the mates to come over and live like parasites

Allan Jones tell you that did he?

Wh ois Allan Jones?

Wealthy Australian radio talk show host, who leans to the right of politics

He doesn't lean to the right, he is anchored to the right of politics

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I would recommend that all posters here watch the SBS series 'Go Back To Where You Came From'.

It does not provide answers to the situation but it does give another perspective to the situation.

You can call boat people illegal immigrants or Queue jumpers, or whatever term you want.

The fact is they are a minuscule proportion of the illegals who stay in Australia. Most illegals come on tourist or work visas and simply overstay.

Where as Australians has your sense of a fair go gone to, condemning people for simply wanting a better life for themselves?

Australia needs more people who want to come here. More than just skilled migrants and business migrants and those that can buy their way into Australia. We need a variety of people who want to work hard and want to make a better life for themselves. It is the way most of us or our forebears came here, through migration of some type.

So some people take a different route to get here than the official channels? More power to their courage and determination I say.

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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is completely inappropriate to riot and destroy infrastructure in the detention centres. On the other side of the coin some have been waiting years in detention for their application process to be completed so you can understand the frustration.

Maybe they should have thought of that before trying to illegally sneaking into the country?

There is absolutely nothing illegal about arriving to claim asylum. Nothing at all.

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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Immigrants complaining about immigrants, oh the irony.

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I would recommend that all posters here watch the SBS series 'Go Back To Where You Came From'.


But bookman, isn't SBS some left wing immigrant channel that forces multiculturalism down everyone's throat? Can't be recommending to these blokes that kind of stuff can we now? ;)

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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Immigrants complaining about immigrants, oh the irony.

Does that include us with Aboriginal blood as well? Check the background of those commenting before you comment on them.

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It is completely inappropriate to riot and destroy infrastructure in the detention centres. On the other side of the coin some have been waiting years in detention for their application process to be completed so you can understand the frustration.

Maybe they should have thought of that before trying to illegally sneaking into the country?

There is absolutely nothing illegal about arriving to claim asylum. Nothing at all.

This excellent link appears to disagreehttp://www.hotheads....<!--NoParse1--> I would suggest all members read it, and of course any comments would be appreciated. Edited by Colin Yai
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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Immigrants complaining about immigrants, oh the irony.

Does that include us with Aboriginal blood as well? Check the background of those commenting before you comment on them.

You live in Thailand? You are an immigrant.

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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Immigrants complaining about immigrants, oh the irony.

Does that include us with Aboriginal blood as well? Check the background of those commenting before you comment on them.

You live in Thailand? You are an immigrant.

Samran ,According to the 90 day report form I HAVE to fill in and have to make a n 180 km round trip to deliver it I am a Classed as An "ALIEN" ,for the pleasure of this I have to have Baht 800,000 in a Thai Bank for 3 months before applying for my NON IMMIGRANT "O" VISA of which I have to drive another 180km round trip and pay 1,900 for a 1 year extension to my visa stating retirement ,should I be late in applying for whatever reason I am "fined" 500 baht a day "overstay" I receive no benefits of any kind and at a conservative estimate have put at least 7 million baht into the Thai economy since arriving here in Nov 03 , One might say all the Chinese who live here are Immigrant stock too , needless to say without them this Country would sink beneath the waves in a very short space of time.smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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Samran I agree with every word in the link in my post #46 , Obviously by your previous posts I conclude you are at odds with it, so with respect could you please out line the parts, or all of it you disagree with and why ,and hope fully produce an Independent link to substantiate your views ,Thank you in advance for your reply .

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I'm always amazed at how many members that usually post as hard core lefties when it comes to other countries, suddenly turn into Australian versions of George Wallace when it comes to immigrants to Australia. tongue.png

Immigrants complaining about immigrants, oh the irony.

Does that include us with Aboriginal blood as well? Check the background of those commenting before you comment on them.

You live in Thailand? You are an immigrant.

I, too, live in Thailand and my visa, legally obtained and continually updated, says I am NON-IMMIGRANT.

Australia has a small problem. The US has around 11 million illegal immigrants and no clue how to deal with them.

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George, you overlooked one minor detail ,your ORIGINAL non Immigrant "O" Visa HAS to be applied for OUTSIDE of Thailand ,I traveled almost 900 KMS to LAOS to apply for mine and had to stay overnight before I received it ,having provided proof of my residence ,health certificate and Money in a Thai bank , the "law" has changed a little now as you do not have to produce a health certificate ,this only applys when you apply for a driving licence .

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I would recommend that all posters here watch the SBS series 'Go Back To Where You Came From'.

It does not provide answers to the situation but it does give another perspective to the situation.

You can call boat people illegal immigrants or Queue jumpers, or whatever term you want.

The fact is they are a minuscule proportion of the illegals who stay in Australia. Most illegals come on tourist or work visas and simply overstay.

Where as Australians has your sense of a fair go gone to, condemning people for simply wanting a better life for themselves?

Australia needs more people who want to come here. More than just skilled migrants and business migrants and those that can buy their way into Australia. We need a variety of people who want to work hard and want to make a better life for themselves. It is the way most of us or our forebears came here, through migration of some type.

So some people take a different route to get here than the official channels? More power to their courage and determination I say.

I saw that program and what a load of rubbish, just another reality show like the great race, the block, farmer wants a wife or dancing with the stars. A carefully hand picked cast who follow a script. It was a reality T.V series. Have you ever seen Kath & Kim a T.V show that makes fun of the reality T.V shows. Kath & Kim was far more crieditable.

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Ah, the anti-immigrant immigrants running for cover of their 'non-immigrant' visa title to prove that they aren't immigrants. Quite amusing. All the more so, given that you'd desperately love to actually have an 'immigrant' visa, though for the purposes of this thread, that is an inconvenient truth.

Face it fella's you move countries, you are an immigrant. Stop splitting hairs.

As for critiquing websites? My lordy, where do you start with a website called 'hot heads' which is purely an opinion site which shows no data to back up its own argument. Shall I just hand out the tin-foil hats now? Or should I ask for you to justify the claim that this is all a muslim conspiracy for starters?

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I would recommend that all posters here watch the SBS series 'Go Back To Where You Came From'.

It does not provide answers to the situation but it does give another perspective to the situation.

You can call boat people illegal immigrants or Queue jumpers, or whatever term you want.

The fact is they are a minuscule proportion of the illegals who stay in Australia. Most illegals come on tourist or work visas and simply overstay.

Where as Australians has your sense of a fair go gone to, condemning people for simply wanting a better life for themselves?

Australia needs more people who want to come here. More than just skilled migrants and business migrants and those that can buy their way into Australia. We need a variety of people who want to work hard and want to make a better life for themselves. It is the way most of us or our forebears came here, through migration of some type.

So some people take a different route to get here than the official channels? More power to their courage and determination I say.


You seem to be talking about 2 different issues.

Over-stayers and unauthorised arrivals. Overstayers could only over stay by a day, a week or longer,

BUT, they don't get free housing, medical, social security etc.

So let's not compare apples with oranges mate.



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It is completely inappropriate to riot and destroy infrastructure in the detention centres. On the other side of the coin some have been waiting years in detention for their application process to be completed so you can understand the frustration.

Maybe they should have thought of that before trying to illegally sneaking into the country?

There is absolutely nothing illegal about arriving to claim asylum. Nothing at all.

This excellent link appears to disagreehttp://www.hotheads....<!--NoParse1--> I would suggest all members read it, and of course any comments would be appreciated.

Yes there are some factual statements in the URL you provided, but very much diluted by the anti- Muslim rant. As previously mentioned under the UNHCR convention the Australian government is obligated to process the "refugees" and asylum seekers; again as you know the vast majority are allowed into Australia upon completion of their case assessment. It is extremely naive to suggest deporting refugees e.g. back to Indonesia/Malaysia as this would require the co-operation of the respective governments. If the majority of the Australian people agree, maybe by referendum, the only way forward to permanently resolve this issue is for the Australian government to terminate the UNHCR treaty. However I very much doubt this will occur as successive Australian governments have been seeking to increase diplomatic and trade relations in the region – you know, the bigger picture. So whilst you wish to go on about this topic, it’s a waste of time.

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There seems to be a lot of confusion about what an asylum seeker is and what a refugee is. A refugee is someone who is fleeing persecution, which has a higher degree standard than discrimination. The persecution must be for one of the reasons mentioned in the UN Conventions. The amount of money they have is not a part of the determination Countries that are signatories to the UN Conventions agree that those seeking asylum, will screen them. There are other protections afforded asylum seekers as well.

Once an asylum seeker is screened, if they are a refugee, then they are eligible for resettlement. If they are not a refugee, then they should be returned to their home country as soon as possible.

There is a good chance that many, if not most of these people, are economic migrants. Poverty is not grounds for refugee status. The longer they remain in detention, the greater the problems.

It is not too difficult to figure out the country of origin. There is extensive biographical information taken on asylum seekers. With whom did they arrive? Who do they list as their family members? Where do they say they come from?

Information about the situation in the country of origin is also available. If the claim of persecution is reasonable, it can be checked out with the many NGO's, UN, and other agencies in the country. For example, if someone is a Christian or Bahai from Iran or Afghanistan, they may well have a claim.

Glad you mentioned Christian persecution , I wonder how many Afghan Christians are seeking "Asylum" in Australia after all they have a good case being that Afghanistan is #2 in the world (after North Korea) for the persecution of Christians ,personally at a rough guess I would say Zero ,for the simple reason the Boat trip with 50 or so Afghan Muslims would be quite risky not withstanding the leaking hulk they was travelling in .smile.png
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Ah, the anti-immigrant immigrants running for cover of their 'non-immigrant' visa title to prove that they aren't immigrants. Quite amusing. All the more so, given that you'd desperately love to actually have an 'immigrant' visa, though for the purposes of this thread, that is an inconvenient truth.

Face it fella's you move countries, you are an immigrant. Stop splitting hairs.

As for critiquing websites? My lordy, where do you start with a website called 'hot heads' which is purely an opinion site which shows no data to back up its own argument. Shall I just hand out the tin-foil hats now? Or should I ask for you to justify the claim that this is all a muslim conspiracy for starters?

Why not Produce some data to prove him wrong ?
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