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Siberian Husky For Adoption

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I am doing Siberian husky breeding in chacheungsao city. i have 2 female adult for adoption.They are very healthy but alreay 5 years old and stopped for breeding.Who wanna adopt them please contact with me 0856345987my name is tekin.I think they will be more happy with retired life.

P.S:Siberian huskies are pack dogs and everytime has a pack leader.And young dogs WAnt to be leader than bite old one and fights has start in kennel.This is the reason that i give them for new loving family.

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There are many people around that sales puppies and did you ever think where those puppies come from?Ofcourse this is a business and i am taking care very well of my all dogs.NOw ask you 2 guys:what is the difference to sale puppie and giving adult dog for adoption ?Its shame on me you said,i have 20 dogs in my kennel and at list 5 of them not for breeding but i still care them and not leave them out.But why not dont give the dog to someone really want to have?

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ok meatboy ,i give my thai dogs for adopting.So who wanna have them,Answer is no one.Why?Because they are not beautiful.i have already 5 adopted dogs from street and caring them.But finally i have to survive and need space.If i ask to people for my old female huskies i think many people interest them and care well too.And farm dogs not like the dogs as you keep at home.To care them at home in their retired life i think is mean to love them in real.If i dont love them, push them to mating and never care their health and a day they die when they give a birth or get vaginal infection and die .this is the what the many kennels do in thailand.But i am giving them free,to who can give more care than me.is this problem?Please think wide and ask the reason before than blame someone.

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Why didn't you offer to give them away 2-3 years ago when they were young and fertile? Now that they don't serve your purpose $$, you make it look like you're a caring person trying to help someone out by taking this financial liability off your hands. Now if you offered to give the new adoptive family the money to feed these dogs for the rest of your life, we'd know you were sincere and you'd probably find some families that would adopt.

Since you're in the puppy business, you know that 99% of people want to get a dog as a pup, not as a 5 yo breeding machine. BTW, how many litters of pups did these bitches have?

Any photos of your farm and dogs?

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Yes steelpulse.I said already ,this is a business.i accept it.But i never accept that i am just thinking of money and give this dogs for adopting.I can post them in some dog sale forums and can sale easy.they are still very beautiful and healthy.But iwant someone to care them.Dont wanna sale them for breeding to other farms.and yes many people want to have puppies but to have a adult dog have many advantage (not for pitbull,rotweiler,fila etc...)Siberian huskies are very easy adapting dogs And better to train them when they are mature.young huskies harder to train because have too much energy.

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sorry tekin but you say you take care and love your dogs,how do you know that their adopted owners will look after them like you say you do.4yrs of loyal service you have room so think again.

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why do you want to give such lovely dogs away,the black and grey one looks like our alaskan malamute[avatar]if you do find homes for them make sure they understand how to look after them.many posts on double coated dogs.

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sorry tekin but you say you take care and love your dogs,how do you know that their adopted owners will look after them like you say you do.4yrs of loyal service you have room so think again.

You can believe me that i ask many question before than i sale puppie.If i dont believe that customer can care, i do not recoment husky for them.And for these 2 dogs will be more detailed to find new home.I am caring them here and their food cost is like nothing .This is not about money.This is about them.I want they stay in a real home in their retired life.Here is a farm and i care them but not same as you care in your home.ANd please welcome to our place with your dogs meatboy we loves guest.

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Totally weak. It's your responsibility. Now if you're going to offer pups for free, that's a different story, but to cast off these dogs because they won't/can't breed for you anymore is BAD, VERY BAD.

Cut the OP some slack. If he/she wanted to take the easy way out, he could have taken them out back and clubbed them. (Google Michael Vick if you want to know how that works for dogs that aren't useful any more) Or, they could be on tonight's menu somewhere. Instead, he's taking some effort to find them good homes.

I salute his efforts and wish him good luck.

Great looking dogs, by the way. I'd love to take them both, but I'm in an apartment downtown.

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I agree with impulse...

Most folks around these parts

Tend to just turn their dogs out in the streets when they get bored with taking care of them, thus u

Is why there are soi many soi dogs running around

I applaud the Op for trying to find these dogs a good home

My kids are still to young for a dog, otherwise I may have taken him up on his offer as huskies are beautiful and well tempered dogs

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Agree...give the dude a chance...he is up front about it being a business and so be it....nothing wrong with breeding dogs as long as it is done nicely....there are puppy farms and there are puppy farms.

They look like nice dogs...but not for me and we have 2 mutts anyway...

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There are many people around that sales puppies and did you ever think where those puppies come from?Ofcourse this is a business and i am taking care very well of my all dogs.NOw ask you 2 guys:what is the difference to sale puppie and giving adult dog for adoption ?Its shame on me you said,i have 20 dogs in my kennel and at list 5 of them not for breeding but i still care them and not leave them out.But why not dont give the dog to someone really want to have?

Because Huskies like to live in a very cold climate, they should not be in Thailand. Send them to Canada/Iceland or somewhere At your expense

Edited by msg362
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everyone behave: it is very good practice to farm out the older bitches or retired studs since a good breeder will NOT keep breeding his bitch when she is too old as most puppy farms do. this person sounds like a breeder with a plan, planned breeding and home placement. often done also for mares, goats and other animals that were breeders or stud adn retired.

not all breeders are puppy mills. and most puppy mills dont care about rehomeing their property. this is often a good way to get a pure bred dog, and possibly like many breeders with retired bitches, some spay, to make the bitch a good home dog and ensure that the new owner wont turn her into a breeding machine with a back yard stud.

as for the person 'barking' about the cold. huskys adapt like any other dog to conditions its born in to, for the most part. dogs with scrunched up faces suffer more than a full coat dog in the heat. and for reverse, ihad a boxer from finland, no fur, and he loved the cold and snow and suffered here in the heat, my bitch born in the desert, had no problems in the heat and hated the cold. just like people. our lhassa apsos are cut back to survive the heat here. huskies can be shaved down (some folks are against that some are for it).

huskies in teh heat just develop thinnner coats as people who show their dogs know.



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they are beautiful and look very well taken care of. huskies love to be outdoors and to run and play, be with their pack but of course also have time and love with their owner. why don't you give or build them a run outside and have them neutered, it would make them able to be with other dogs and they won't get pyometra. as you said food is not a problem, it seems the best solution as you surely know well how to take care of them :)

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i am sorry if i am criticing tekin but i cannot understand why he wants to get rid of 2 lovely dogs who have produced litters and been loyal the past time he has had them.he says he needs the space so why in [post7] he says he is looking after 5street dogs.i would also like to look after many dogs i see every day that are not looked after properly but i wouldnt get rid of my loyal friend to make room.i live on a moo ban where houses are 2.5-5mill.bht but some of the owners cant be bothered to give their dogs fresh water,i myself look after 2others who have to look after themselves.my wife would love to have the pair but its not possible.

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i am sorry if i am criticing tekin but i cannot understand why he wants to get rid of 2 lovely dogs who have produced litters and been loyal the past time he has had them.he says he needs the space so why in [post7] he says he is looking after 5street dogs.i would also like to look after many dogs i see every day that are not looked after properly but i wouldnt get rid of my loyal friend to make room.i live on a moo ban where houses are 2.5-5mill.bht but some of the owners cant be bothered to give their dogs fresh water,i myself look after 2others who have to look after themselves.my wife would love to have the pair but its not possible.

Why do i care 5 street dogs?This is the point meatboy .Because no one wants them.But if it is husky be sure some one wants to have and care better than a farm.I am doing dog farm and i can not give love for all of them same.This is naturel even parents love 1 of their kids more than others.i dont lie about love.Yes i love my all dogs but love do not makes me blind.I know what i have to do for them.They beautiful they lovely We spent 5 very nice years together with them but after this time young dogs fight with them for leadership.And they bite the others too.I have to keep control in my farm.and i choose this way not easy for me but have to do.If no one adopt this two i will take care them till they die.But i am sure some one wants to share home with them.

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I am against puppy farms, but at least he is trying to give them a decent retired life. Many breeders in Europe also let their breeding bitches go to family homes after a couple of litters. I think the fact that the op is responding calmly to the criticism he is receiving says something about him and his actions. He does not appear to want money for the dogs and so is not after every last baht that he could make from them. Though we may not like or agree with his "business", he does seem to care. In full on puppy mills, the females are bred literally to the death and it is very unlikely you will ever see any look in such good condition as those pictured above.

I hope the dogs are successful in finding that pet home where they can live out their days in comfort with happiness and Love!

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although i do not agree with the ts way of doing, but at the very least he is responsible in some way.

If you have a really really hard time on finding them a new owner (doubt so), you could pm me at last resort. However i stay in a 2 room apartment with living room and kitchen, with a hamster, a adopted street cat and a really tame great dane. they can't be hyper active due to space constraint and can't be aggressive. 5km outdoor jog daily, balanced meals and a place with people 24/7 is what i could do

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